1. Sebenarnya apabila kita mempunyai anak, ramai yang sudah mengaku menjadi AYAH, sebenarnya belum lagi, ibarat orang yang baru memiliki bola, dah mengaku jadi footballer.. Kena belajar bagaimana nak imbang bola itu..
2. AYAH itu sebenarnya gelaran untuk lelaki yang mahu mengasuh anak, bukan sekadar 'membuat' anak.. astaghfirullah. Maaf ye macam kasar je.. kerana ramai lelaki begitu, tapi bukan semua.
3. Seorang AYAH yang mahu terlibat mengasuh anak-anak bersama isterinya, sebenarnya separuh permasalahan keluarganya ini telah di atasi.. Tak caya tanyalah isteri-isteri..( tak kiralah berapa isterinya ).
4. Sekiranya seorang AYAH yang tugasnya cuma menyedia dan memberi wang sahaja, ia telah menyamakan dirinya dengan mesin ATM. Di datangi anak ketika diperlukan sahaja. Hu hu Muhasabah diriku..
5. Hari ini memang telah hilangnya fungsi tarbiyah dari AYAH, banyak AYAH tidak sedar bila anak lelakinya memasuki alam baligh.. dan anak perempuannya dah mula malu-malu.. Ruginya ayah..
6. Jika ada anak yang durhaka, sebenarnya ia juga dari AYAH yang durhaka. Ini istilah Sayyidina Umar Al Khattab..
7. Sekiranya seorang AYAH yang ingin didoakan oleh anaknya, berdoalah selalu dari sekarang untuk anaknya dan didiklah dengan agama..
8. Sekiranya AYAH ingin dimuliakan oleh anaknya, usahalah memuliakan anaknya dengan ilmu agama..
9. Mengikut kajian, ramai ayah-ayah yang hampir kehilangan ciri-ciri AYAH yang sebenar. Kerana semua pengajar anak di masa kanak-kanak diisi dan di kuasai oleh kaum ibu sahaja.
10. Padahal keberanian, survival dan ketegasan, harus diajarkan di usia kecil oleh ayah-ayah. Dimanakah AYAH sang pengajar utama?
11. Dunia AYAH ketika ini bagi anak-anak hanyalah angan-angan mereka sahaja. Anak-anak mencari ayah mereka di surat khabar, tv dan komputer...
12. Banyak anak-anak sudah merasa yatim sebelum waktunya, sebab AYAH dirasakan tak hadir lagi dalam kehidupan mereka. Kerana amat sibuk dengan dunia ayah.
13. Ayuh wahai ayah-ayah semua, ambillah Semangat Al Quran mengenai pendidikan mengedepankan AYAH sebagai tokoh. Kita kenal Lukmanulhakim, Ibrahim, Ya'qub, Imron. Dalam Al Quran mereka adalah contoh AYAH yang prihatin.
14. Ibnul Qoyyim dalam kitab Tuhfatul Maudud berkata: Jika terjadi kerosakan pada anak, penyebab utamanya adalah AYAH..
15. Ingatlah! Seorang anak bernasab kepada AYAHnya bukan ibu. Nasab yang merujuk kepada anak menunjukkan kepada siapa Allah meminta dipertanggung jawapan kelak.
16. Rasulullah yang mulia, sejak kecil ditinggal yatim oleh AYAHnya. Tapi nilai-nilai keAYAHan tak pernah hilang dan diperolehi dari datok dan ayah saudaranya sendiri..
17. Generasi sahabat menjadi generasi gemilang kerana AYAH terlibat dalam mengasuh anak bersama ibu-ibu mereka. Mereka digelari umat terbaik.
18. Di dalam AlQuran ternyata terdapat 17 dialog pendidikan anak-anak. 14 diantaranya iaitu antara AYAH dan anak. Ternyata AYAH lebih banyak disebut di dalam alquran!
Tahukah anda di dalam al-Quran ada lebih banyak kisah mengenai ayah dan anak berbanding ibu dan anak?
Kisah Luqmanulhakim dan anaknya, Kisah Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Ismail (serta anak-anak yang lain), Kisah Nabi Yaakub dan Nabi Yusuf (serta anak-anak yang lain), Kisah Nabi Nuh dan anak2nya, Kisah Nabi Luth dan anak2 perempuannya, Kisah Sheikh Madyan dan 2 orang anak perempuannya dan beberapa lagi yang lain.
Ini menunjukkan ayah memainkan peranan yang SANGAT PENTING dalam Islam. Sudahkah kita memainkan peranan kita wahai bapa-bapa sekalian?
Tepuklah dada dan tanyalah Iman sebelum Allah bertanya kepada kita akan amanah yang dipertanggungjawabkan sebagai ketua dalam keluarga...
19. Marilah semua wahai AYAH-ayah untuk melibatkan diri dalam pendidikan baik di rumah, sekolah dan dimasjid..
20. Ibu memang madrasah pertama seorang anak. Tetapi AYAH yang menjadi mudirnya. (Pengetuanya).
21. Ibarat burung yang punyai dua sayap. anak memerlukan kedua-duanya untuk terbang tinggi ke angkasa. Kedua sayap itu adalah AYAH dan ibunya.
22. Ibu mengasah kepekaan rasa, AYAH memberi makna terhadap logik. Kedua-duanya diperlukan oleh anak
23. AYAH mengajarkan anak menjadi pemimpin yang tegas. Ibu membimbingnya menjadi pemimpin yg peduli. Tegas dan perihatin itu sikap utama.
24. Jom wahai ayah-ayah pujuklah diri dan perkongsian ini agar makin banyak AYAH-ayah yang prihatin dengan urusan pengasuhan yang dikuasai oleh ibu-ibu dan membentuk generasi pejuang dunia akhirat.
Allahuakbar.. !!!
Kredit:cinta suami isteri
1. Actually when we have children, many have admitted to being FATHER, but not yet, like people who just had a ball, already admitted to being a footballer.. Have to learn how to draw the ball..
2. FATHER is actually a title for a man who wants to babysit, not just 'make' children.. astaghfirullah. Sorry for being rude.. because there are many men like that, but not all.
3. A FATHER who wants to be involved in babysitting with his wife, actually half of his family's problem has been overcome.. If you don't believe it, ask the wives.. (no matter how many his wives are).
4. If a FATHER whose job is just to prepare and give money, it has equated himself to the ATM machine. Visited by the child when needed only. Hu hu muhasabah me..
5. Today the tarbiyah function of DADDY is lost, many FATHER did not realize when his son entered the puberty.. and his daughter has started to be shy.. Dad is a loss..
6. If there is a rebellious child, he is actually also from a rebellious FATHER. This is the term Sayyidina Umar Al Khattab..
7. If a FATHER who wants to pray for his son, pray always from now for his son and educate him with religion..
8. If FATHER wants to be glorified by his son, try to glorify his child with religious knowledge..
9. According to study, many fathers almost lost their true DAD features. Because all child teachers in childhood are filled and dominated by mothers alone.
10. Whereas bravery, survival and firmness, must be taught in childhood by fathers. Where is the main teacher's FATHER?
11. DADDY's world at the moment for children is just their dreams. Kids looking for their dad on newspapers, tv and computers...
12. Many children have felt orphaned before their time, because the FATHER is felt not present in their lives anymore. Because I'm very busy with dad's world.
13. Come on all fathers, take the Al Quran Spirit about education ahead of FATHER as a figure. We know Lukmanulhakim, Ibrahim, Ya ' qub, Imron. In the Quran they are the example of caring FATHER.
14. Ibnul Qoyyim in the book of Tuhfatul Maudud said: If there is a child, the main cause is FATHER..
15. Remember! A child says to his FATHER not mother. The relationship that refers to the child shows whom Allah asks to be held accountable later.
16. The noble Messenger of Allah, since he was a child left by his FATHER. But the values of SUNNY never disappear and obtained from his own grandfather and father..
17. Generations of friends became a glorious generation because FATHER was involved in babysitting with their mothers. They are called the best people.
18. In the Quran there are 17 educational dialogues of children. 14 of them are between father and son. Apparently the FATHER is more called in the Quran!
Did you know there are more stories about father and son in the Quran than mother and child?
The story of Luqmanulhakim and his son, the story of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail (and other children), the story of Prophet Yaakub and Prophet Yusuf (as well as other children), the story of Prophet Noah and his children, the story of Prophet Luth and his daughters, the story of Sheikh Madyan and his 2 daughters and a few others.
This shows dad playing a VERY IMPORTANT role in Islam. Have we played our role yet dear fathers?
Clap your chest and ask Faith before Allah asks us about the trust held accountable as the leader of the family...
19. Come all fathers to get involved in good education at home, school and mosque..
20. Mother is indeed the first madrasah of a child. But the FATHER is his mudir. (The principal).
21. Like a bird with two wings. kids need both to fly high in space. Both wings are DAD and her mother.
22. Mother sharpening the sensitivity, FATHER means logic. Both needed by the child
23. The FATHER teaches the child to be a firm leader. Mother guides her to be a caring leader. Being firm and concerned is the main attitude.
24. Let's all fathers persuade yourself and share this so that there are more fathers who care about the parenting affairs that are mastered by mothers and form the generation of fighters in the afterlife.
Oh my God..!!!
\ Cannot translate \
Kredit:cinta husband and wifeTranslated
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Verse 1
Có lúc cuộc đời đầy niềm vui
Mà cũng có khi đôi chân ta mỏi mệt
Tìm bầu trời tự do cho ta chắp cánh
Là nơi ấy con tim bình yên
Nhẹ nhàng tựa làn mây, ta bay cùng gió khắp trần gian
Cùng bay lên nhé
Trút bỏ hết tính toán lo toan thường ngày
Thấy sức sống vẫn cháy bừng từ con tim
Dang đôi tay tựa cánh chim, bay phiêu du đó đây một đời
Cùng bay lên nhé
Đi thôi, nào ta cùng đi thôi
Tự tin là chính ta trong đời này
… we’re new generation
Bay lên, nào ta cùng bay lên
Và ta cùng hát lên tràn đầy sức sống
… we’re young generation
Let’s get loud, let’s get loud
Let’s get loud, let’s get loud
We’re new generation
Let’s get loud, let’s get loud
Let’s get loud, let’s get loud
We’re new generation
(Backings: woah…)
Verse 2
Ta đi đến những vùng trời thật xa
Và đến những nơi ta chưa từng qua…
Mà dù ở đâu ta vẫn mãi thế
Tự tin bước trên con đường riêng
Sẵn sàng thể hiện khi ta mang một cá tính thật riêng
Clap your hands with me, and sing along with me
Sing out loud the voice of new generation
Clap your hands with me, and sing along with me
Sing out loud with me
YOUNG generation
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