gezaixi 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

Over the last twenty years, troupes in the Taiwanese genre of gezaixi, funded by Protestant churches, have sought to find new audiences ... ... <看更多>
Taiwanese opera ( Gezaixi, 歌仔戲) performance yesterday in Taipei's Zhongshan District. ... <看更多>
#1. Taiwanese opera superstar Yang Li-hua visits gezaixi exhibit
Yilan is the birthplace of gezaixi and home to Taiwanese opera's biggest star, Yang Li-hua. At a local theater museum the Yilan Cultural ...
#2. Christianity on the Taiwanese Gezaixi Stage: Why “Halleluja”?
Over the last twenty years, troupes in the Taiwanese genre of gezaixi, funded by Protestant churches, have sought to find new audiences ...
歌仔戲 ; 精緻歌仔戲 ; 胡撇仔 ; 身分認同 ; 國族認同 ; gezaixi ; Taiwanese opera ; Refined gezaixi ; opela ; Taiwanese nationalism ; Taiwanese ...
#4. #gezaixi hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos
30 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 'gezaixi' hashtag. ... #Gezaixi #Opera in humble street from #Xiamen city. It is a popular.
#5. Taiwanese opera - Wikipedia
Taiwanese opera commonly known as Ke-Tse opera or Hokkien opera, is a form of traditional ... "A Theatre of Taiwaneseness: Politics, Ideologies, and Gezaixi".
#6. Taiwanese Opera Performance in Taipei | By Taiwan News
Taiwanese opera ( Gezaixi, 歌仔戲) performance yesterday in Taipei's Zhongshan District.
#7. Taiwanese elementary artist performs traditional gezaixi opera ...
Gezaixi or Ke-Tse opera (歌仔戲), which literally means song-drama, is a local form of folk opera performed in the Taiwanese language to be ...
#8. Live airing of 'gezaixi' can draw interest - Taipei Times
Taiwanese opera troupes, known as gezaixi (歌仔戲), originated in Yilan County in the early part of the 20th century.
#9. the Taiwanese Gezaixi / Loon Seong Yun. - 國立臺灣大學
Improvisation as evolution : the Taiwanese Gezaixi / Loon Seong Yun. 可在總圖書館 總圖5F微捲(點選下方「閉架書庫調閱服務」連結) ((NH) ML1751.
#10. The Gezaixi Time Machine - Programs
Gezaixi manifests the life of Taiwanese people through ages. This exhibition has chosen “The Gezaixi Time Machine—Staging Improvised Opera” as its theme. It ...
#11. 多采多姿的歌仔戲
Gezaixi -Taiwanese Folk Drama. 傳統戲劇都是結合音樂與舞蹈(身段); Traditional drama is a combination of music and dance (postures).
#12. A Theatre of Taiwaneseness: Politics, Ideologies, and Gezaixi
Politics, Ideologies, and Gezaixi. Huei-Yuan Belinda Chang. Ed. note: Since this article was written, the political landscape in Taiwan has changed.
#13. Gezaixi - Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
Gezaixi is a form of sung-drama or opera (Xiqu) performed in the dialect of the Minnan (southern Fujian), the language of the major Han Chinese ethnic group ...
#14. Programs & Events Artists 臺中國家歌劇院National Taichung ...
She has received Ten Most Outstanding Young Performer Award at the Cross Strait GeZaiXi Festival in 2004, and Chinese Writer's & Artist's Association Award ...
#15. 當代臺灣歌仔戲劇場的影像發展與美學實踐:以王奕盛與唐美雲 ...
謝筱玫,影像,歌仔戲,王奕盛,唐美雲歌仔戲團,連鎖劇,Image projection,Gezaixi,Ethan Wang (Wang Yi-sheng),Tang Mei Yun Taiwan,元照出版,月旦知識庫,整合十大資料庫 ...
#16. 陳桂英CHEN Gui-Ying 1948 歌仔戲藝人 - 臺灣音樂群像資料庫
She is a talented gezaixi performer. Besides being an outstanding performer of “medicine sellers' songs” and radio broadcasts of gezaixi, she was also a ...
#17. Mandarin Chinese Pinyin English Dictionary - gezaixi
gezaixi definition at Chinese.Yabla.com, a free online dictionary with English, Mandarin Chinese, Pinyin, Strokes & Audio. Look it up now!
#18. A Theatre of Taiwaneseness: Politics, Ideologies, and Gezaixi
ISSN: 1054-2043 , 1531-4715 ,. , TDR. , Vol.41(2), p.111-129 ,. A Theatre of Taiwaneseness: Politics, Ideologies, and Gezaixi Available Online ...
#19. A Midsummer Night's Dream - Taiwan Shakespeare Database
Group: National Taiwan Junior College of Performing Arts [Guoli Taiwan xiqu zhuankexuexiao], Department of Taiwanese Folk Opera [gezaixi xuexi].
#20. 國立成功大學機構典藏:Item 987654321/216746 - NCKU
Liao Chiung-chih;Taiwanese Gezaixi Opera;";The Legend of Jianghu Qixia";";Burning Red Lotus Temple";";The Mystery of Heroes";scene gimmick.
#21. 大廣弦運用於歌仔戲音樂之研究-以民權歌劇團《孟姜女》為例
論文名稱(外文):, Research on Music Applied to Gezaixi(Taiwanese Opera)of Da-Guang-xian-Based on the Versions of Min-Kuan Taiwanese Opera Troupe of Mon ...
#22. Introduction to Taiwanese Opera (歌仔戲介紹) - Xinterra
English Text 英文版. The Gezaixi (Taiwanese Opera) originated around the early 20th century in Taiwan's Yilan county. It is a local form of ...
#23. Christianity on the Taiwanese Traditional Stage
Protestant gospel gezaixi has been performed in Taiwan for the last two decades, and today several church-sponsored troupes produce theatre ...
#24. 【人物】 陳桂英 - 臺灣音樂館- | 開放博物館
She is a talented gezaixi performer. Besides being an outstanding performer of “medicine sellers' songs” and radio broadcasts of gezaixi, she was also a ...
#25. Return from Exile: On Ming Hwa Yuan Gezaixi Company's ...
She received her MA from the National Taiwan University. Gezaixi (Taiwanese opera) is generally considered to be a mem ber of the Chinese regional xiqu ( ...
#26. 馬來西亞在地職業戲班[麒麟]閩劇團歌仔戲劇目及演出 ... - Ebsco
Fujian opera (gezaixi) Kî-lîn (麒麟) Professional Hoklo (Min) Opera Troupe Taiwanese folk opera (gezaixi) tradition 做活戲 傳統 歌仔戲 福建戲 麒麟閩劇團
#27. Taiwanese Opera in China and Taiwan during World War II
Similarly, gezaixi in Taiwan at the same time was strictly regulated by the Japanese government and was forced to "reform" to rid itself of its ...
#28. 歌仔戲研習中心Gezaixi Yanxi Center - Trip.com
https://hk.trip.com/travel-guide/attraction/xiamen/gezaixi-yanxi-center-80054141/ ... 歌仔戲研習中心Gezaixi Yanxi Center. 暫無評價. 幸福路先鋒營1號.
#29. Gezaixi opera general editorial photo. Image of history
Photo about Gezaixi opera is one of the traditional operas in fujian and taiwan. origin so far about a hundred years of history.
#30. From Xin Kî-lîn to Sió Kî-lîn - ProQuest
Only gezaixi opera managed to pull through. ... they also imbue new significance into this highly "inclusive" and "incidental" theater genre of gezaixi.
#31. 電視歌仔戲的形成與式微 - 政大機構典藏
Keywords: 歌仔戲;廣播歌仔戲;電視歌仔戲;廣告代理商;電視化. Gezaixi;Radio Gezaixi;TV Gezaixi;Advertising Agency;television formating.
#32. Gezaixi, a traditional Chinese opera - Xiamen - China Daily
Gezaixi, or Gezai Opera, is the only traditional Chinese opera that became established in Minnan, in southern Fujian province, ...
#33. Across the Strait: History, Performance and Gezaixi in ...
This dissertation is a comparative study of gezaixi (Taiwanese opera) in China and Taiwan. It foregrounds the different, ...
#34. 明華園戲劇總團《韓湘子》 - 國家兩廳院
Established in 1929, Ming Hwa Yuan Arts & Cultural Group went through thick and thin of GeZaiXi over the years, elevating the art form through the ages into a ...
#35. Q&A with Taiwanese Opera Director and Taiwan Academy ...
Gezaixi is one of the most representative arts of Taiwan. How do you think the performance will resonate with Taiwanese abroad? Taiwanese in the ...
#36. 李雅貞 - 南華大學民族音樂學系
2019-07-17, Construction of Christianity in Local Artistic Practice: Gospel Gezaixi in Contemporary Taiwan, 李雅貞. 106, 2018-05-09
#37. Sun Tsui-Feng, Store Manager for the Day; The New Gezaixi ...
Sun Tsui-Feng, Store Manager for the Day; The New Gezaixi Social Dance Experience. Longshan Temple metro station, the well-known tourist hub ...
#38. The crisis of xiqu in taiwan and its local cultural response
Gezaixi dealt with the new media much better than jingju did. During the 1980s, The new practice of jingju sourced from the sense of crisis of ...
#39. People watch an outdoor stage performance by a traditional ...
Download this stock image: People watch an outdoor stage performance by a traditional Taiwanese gezaixi opera troupe in Donggang, Pintgung County, Taiwan.
#40. 現代台湾における歌仔戲のあり方--宜蘭での活動を中心に
Gezaixi (歌仔戲) is an opera concluded in Yiran (宜蘭) city in Taiwan. It is a form of Chinese opera that is performed in Taiwan and other places such as ...
#41. Ep. G: Gēzǎixì Taiwanese Opera 歌仔戲
想聽2021年3月26日的廣播節目可以點開上面音符圖案的檔案If you'd like to listen to the original 3/26/2021 radio episode, please click on the ...
#42. 《TAIPEI TIMES》 'Lord Jiaqing' opera star Chen Ya-lan ...
ESSENCE OF CULTURE: Efforts must be made to preserve Taiwanese 'gezaixi' drama, said the acclaimed actress, who reportedly sold three homes ...
#43. 2019 Annual Award Certification Ceremony and Special ...
This exhibition surrounds on important traditional performance art of Taiwanese opera (gezaixi) off-stage music preserver Zhu-An Lin, important traditional ...
#44. Don't sit in the front row of gezaixi shows. Taboos in Chinese ...
Sep 9, 2015 - Don't sit in the front row of gezaixi shows. Taboos in Chinese Ghost Month. Esther Jan, 2015 #likeitformosa #ghost #month.
#45. 館藏資源查詢| 國立臺灣師範大學圖書館
... of traditional music : a study and audio-visual documentation of Gezaixi (Taiwanese opera) master musician Lin Zhu-An's individual style / 高承駿撰.
#46. EACS-2016. Book of Abstracts - page 76
On the Business Struggles of Taiwan gezaixi —. Riguang gejutuan's Post-War Stage Performances. Key words: Taiwan xiqu; gezaixi; xiqu economics; xiqu history ...
#47. Indigenous Culture, Education and Globalization: Critical ...
The new media helped gezaixi soar to new heights, but with passage of Cable Radio and Television Act, the sudden growth of channels changed the television ...
#48. Ming Hwa Yuan Arts & Cultural Group - Ching Chan
With engaging stories that tackle modern issues, Ming Hwa Yuan was able to elevate GeZaiXi, Taiwanese Opera, a folk art performed on outdoor stage into the ...
#49. ninedragonspot on Twitter: "And some nights temple-fair ...
... 福壽宮to see the ever-youthful Little Flying Rosy Clouds Taiwanese Opera Troupe 小飛霞歌劇團) #Taiwan #TaiwaneseOpera #Gezaixi #歌仔戲.
#50. Child Training and Employment in Taiwanese Opera 1940s ...
One such example is Taiwanese opera (gezaixi: song drama). Similar to Beijing opera (or Peking opera), but distinct and unique in its modes of performance, ...
#51. Hanyu Pinyin = Ge1Zai3Xi4(Ge1 Zai3 Xi4) 歌仔戏
... Bopomofo(Zhuyin Keyboard Input/IME): "ek y93vu4" (eky93vu4); (ASCII) Hanyu Pinyin: "gezaixi" "Ge1Zai3Xi4" "Ge1 Zai3 Xi4"; (Latin) Hànyǔ Pīnyīn: GēZǎiXì ...
#52. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
With the retirement or death of old performers, Nanguan and Beiguan are in decline, while Jingju and Gezaixi remain popular. Before the 1990s, there were ...
#53. The diversification of music style in the “Refined Taiwanese ...
In performing Jingzhi Gezaixi, both private and public theatrical companies use the traditional tunes of Gezaixi such as Qi-zi Diao (_??__??__??_) and Du-ma ...
#54. Living Taiwanese Opera: Improvisation, Performance of ...
“Taiwanese opera” is a common translation that Taiwanese scholars use for gezaixi or koa-á-hì. In the parenthesis, “M” stands for Mandarin transliteration ...
#55. Q&A With Taiwanese Opera Director and ... - US-China Today
Gezaixi is one of the most representative arts of Taiwan. How do you think the performance will resonate with Taiwanese abroad? Taiwanese in the ...
#56. 最新消息 - 中興大學台灣文學與跨國文化研究所
Topic: The Homoerotic Historiography of Taiwanese Opera (gezaixi/ koa-á-hì) Philip Wei-li Hsu (Postdoctoral Researcher of the Institute of History and ...
#57. Taiwanese Opera (歌仔戲) - Josh Ellis Photography
That isn't necessarily a bad thing - Taiwan is without a doubt a world-famous food-crazed country, but what else could we present to people ...
#58. 厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库 - CORE
Gezaixi : A Case Study of Variation in Vocal-Stylized Drama Types. 陈孟亮. 指导教师姓名: 陈世雄教授. 专业名称. 专业名称: 戏剧戏曲. 戏剧戏曲. 戏剧戏曲学.
#59. The Margins of Becoming: Identity and Culture in Taiwan
Gezaixi and Beijing Opera When the Japanese took over Taiwan in 189513 , they quickly realized the importance of xiqu . To keep their newly colonized ...
#60. Liang Shanbo und Zhu Yingtai. Chinas berühmtestes ...
Chinas berühmtestes Liebesdrama auf der Bühne der taiwanesischen Lokaloper Gezaixi. - Übersetzt und kommentiert von Gerd Boesken.: 8° - 95 S. orig.
#61. 風神寶寶兒童劇團 - 新北市文化局
Performers consist of elites from gezaixi, Chinese opera, dance, ... Different from the conventional performances of gezaixi, Feng Shen Bao Bao Troupe ...
#62. The Material and Affective Economy of Taiwanese Opera ...
Lisha, Xu. 1996 . “Taiwan gezaixi 'ku diao' changqiang de jianxi” (“Investigation of the Singing of the Crying Songs in Taiwan Koa- ...
#63. Gezaixi – tajwańska opera - Formosan – Kultura Tajwanu
Gezaixi (歌仔戲) to nazwa odnosząca się do opery tajwańskiej, powstałej na początku XX wieku. Jej narodziny wiążą się ze społecznością ...
#64. GezaiXi @ 韭菜芭城隍庙,Singapore 两地三岸汇演
Jennifer say: Photobucket 20.07.12 农历6月02日(Fri): Today gezaixi started at 730 pm. I am very excited coz i knew today Shi Hui Jun ...
#65. Taiwanese opera superstar Yang Li-hua visits gezaixi exhibit
Taiwanese opera superstar Yang Li-hua visits gezaixi exhibit. Clarita Fajardo. Follow. 8 years ago. Taiwanese opera superstar Yang Li-hua visits gezaixi ...
#66. 藍掉江湖(feat. 秦國翔) - 鍾玉鳳& 陳思銘- 垂釣島嶼專輯
Today, we are here to perform Gezaixi (Taiwanese opera) Today we are honored to have with us Maestro Kuo-hsiang, a master of Gezaixi music He plays the ...
#67. Ming Hwa Yuan opera troupe takes London by storm
In an effort to introduce traditional Taiwanese opera, also known as “gezaixi” to Western audiences, the island's leading art troupe held ...
#68. 74、2018衛武營開幕季《相思唱歌仔》In Love with Gezaixi
74、2018衛武營開幕季《相思唱歌仔》In Love with Gezaixi20181020-1021 2018衛武營開幕季《相思唱歌仔》In Love with Gezaixi 兩廳院售票ht.
#69. Opela in Taiwan: Commercial Theatre ... - Double Dialogues
In this essay, I discuss the subgenre of classical Taiwanese opera (a.k.a. gezaixi), opela, a traditional performance genre with a mixture ...
#70. 高雄市立小港國民中學107 學年度第一學期第一次段考三年級 ...
Gezaixi, Taiwanese opera, is the only dramatic form coming from Taiwan and ... Love with Gezaixi” at Weiwuying brings together leading actors and actresses.
#71. 電視歌仔戲的形成與式微—以製播技術與商業模式為主的探討*
Gezaixi injected new commercial and promulgating power into this new form. Through this transformation under the visual representation languages, ...
#72. Finding Friends Beyond the Seas? - 台灣光華雜誌
... of the play Oresteia, the gezaixi Taiwanese opera Two-Spear Lu Wen-lung, ... Hua-yuan's gezaixi, Kao Hui-lan's kunqu and Li Pao-chun's Peking Opera, ...
#73. In Tune with Taiwan - Serenade Magazine
And even as I performed in a Chinese orchestra at school, I knew little about Chinese or Taiwanese music besides being familiar with gezaixi ...
#74. 台灣文化概說 - 長榮大學
By analyzing various examples deriving from popular culture (Gezaixi as well as Cosplay), “high culture” such as literature and Peking Opera, students will ...
#75. Toward a Version of China: The Taiwan Experience - Érudit
the door on New Year's day, or lead to the demise of gezaixi, the Taiwanese opera that dramatizes Chinese historical figures.
#76. La quête de l'identité taïwanaise au théâtre par le détour de l ...
3 Hsieh Hsiao-mei, « From 'Refined Gezaixi' to 'O-pei-la'. Discourses of Gezai xi under the Changing. Taiwanese National Identity » (cong ...
#77. Les gens regardent une scène extérieure l'exécution ... - Alamy
... image : Les gens regardent une scène extérieure l'exécution par une troupe d'opéra taiwanais traditionnels gezaixi à Shanghai, Pintgung County, Taiwan.
#78. Introduction to Jeremy Taylor (杰里米·泰勒) | 学术写作例句词典
1, 2016, 59; In his discussion on Amoy-dialect films in the Cold War Era, Jeremy Taylor uses Hokkien opera to refer to Gezaixi and Liyuanxi.
#79. Taiwan Info
... consacre au gezaixi (ou opéra taiwanais) ainsi qu'aux tentatives d'artistes comme Wu Hsing-kuo [吳興國] de faire évoluer l'opéra de ...
#80. Taiwan opera embodies nation's culture
... to create a new style known as “gezaixi,” (“song-drama”), or Taiwanese opera, which gradually became a popular form of entertainment.
#81. Taiwanese opera superstar Yang Li | taiwan opera - 住宿推薦
taiwan opera,大家都在找解答。Taiwanese opera superstar Yang Li-hua visits gezaixi exhibit.
#82. 混雜與交融的「傳統」想像:馬來西亞在地職業戲班「麒麟」閩 ...
Malaysia has not been given its due attention. As they do in Singapore, professional gezaixi troupes in Malaysia inherited the way of performing ...
#83. Asian Theatre Journal, vol. 27, no. 2 (2010) – UH Press
Unlike other traditional performances that were brought to the island by its Chinese immigrants, gezaixi, also known as Taiwanese opera, ...
#84. Japanese Influence on Taiwanese Music During the ... - Prezi
歌仔戲(Gezaixi). Type of theatrical performance that was very prominent between the 19th and 20th centuries. It varied from the Chinese style of theatrical ...
#85. 'What's in a Name? The Nationalisation of Traditional Opera in ...
Two xiqu forms in particular – gezaixi (Taiwanese opera) and hakkaxi, each representing one of the two major ethnic groups in Taiwan16 , have been included ...
#86. Local Performances In Colonial Taiwan, 1895-1945
This dissertation examines "the multitude" and "the local" in Jingju and Gezaixi in Colonial Taiwan, looking into the way in which how local ...
#87. 國立臺灣藝術大學111學年度進修學士班中國音樂學系科目學分表
Folk Songs Appreciation and. Performance. 民間歌謠賞析與表演. 2. 2 2. CMU111. 專選修. Instrumental Music for. Taiwanese Opera Gezaixi. 歌仔戲後場音樂.
Taiwanese opera (gezaixi), the most vibrant type of traditional theatre in Taiwan today, is sustained as a living art primarily through temple performances ...
#89. 非遗百问· 64.截至目前,福建省有多少项传统戏剧类项目列入 ...
... Shouning Beiluxi, Gaojiaxi(Quanzhou), Gaojiaxi(Xiamen), Gaojiaxi(Ke Sect), Yueju (Yin Sect),Gezaixi (Zhangzhou), Gezaixi (Xiamen), ...
#90. DIPLOMARBEIT. Das taiwanesische gezaixi-theater und ...
DIPLOMARBEIT Das taiwanesische gezaixi-theater und seine repräsentative Truppe Ming Hwa Yuan Verfasserin Ju-Yao Chang angestrebter akademischer Grad ...
#91. 歌仔戏名家名段大全 - 艺术
#92. Intercultural Acting and Performer Training - Google 圖書結果
between Jingju and the more “native” gezaixi at the same time that they queried whether the former could legitimately claim to be the “National Drama” (Guy ...
#93. 漂| 神戲| nnff2017
“Gezaixi” opera has been a lifelong interest of Lai Li-chun, a filmmaker and Chiayi County native who graduated from Chinese Culture University's mass ...
#94. 吴慧倩张德彬主演琼剧凤冠梦选段新加坡琼联声剧社
GeZaiXi 凤冠梦2. تشغيل · تحميل. 琼剧红叶题诗之园会Bedok Arts Kaleidoscope. تشغيل · تحميل. GeZaiXi 凤冠梦3. تشغيل · تحميل. 琼剧凤冠霞帔.
gezaixi 在 Taiwanese opera superstar Yang Li-hua visits gezaixi exhibit 的推薦與評價
Yilan is the birthplace of gezaixi and home to Taiwanese opera's biggest star, Yang Li-hua. At a local theater museum the Yilan Cultural ... ... <看更多>