One Song a Day - The Best is Yet to Come. Song link at the bottom.
How life unfolds always amazes me. I wrote
The Best is Yet to Come
(Chet Lam)
There’s always one more kiss to taste
One more candle to lit
If love is too bitter, add some sugar
If guitar strings are broken, no big deal
To hug someone, to kiss someone
The best is yet to come
Some things are meant to go, you cannot hold on to them
Even if you do, it will not be long
If there is an end to happiness, so is pain
If you cannot stand a little bit of loneliness
Your life will not be easy
There’s a time to laugh, and a time to cry
If you say you’ll never listen to love songs again
You cannot deal with the ups and downs anymore
But if you are holding your fists so tight
How can you hold hands
Killing all your feelings just to find a moment of peace
It is too unbearable
There’re always stubborn wounds
Some regrets we cannot let go
If you try too hard to forget
The hole will just get deeper
Why don’t you just hug someone
Just kiss someone
The best is yet to come
The best is yet to come
這句英文來自一句日常生活的用語,英文Jazz Standard也有好幾百個版本;多年前在瑞士到德國的過境火車上寫下,只為一個自私的理由:忘記舊愛,期待新歡(哈!)。02年出版,03年香港遇上SARS,輾轉成為一首鼓勵人心的歌,然後滲透到很多生命的大綱細節,讓大家熬過不同的難關,感受到... 最後還是愛。人有人緣,歌有歌命,大恩不言謝,我對這首歌永遠心存感激,我更希望,這首歌能夠一直為你帶來力量。
The Best is Yet to Come
(Chet Lam)
永遠有一個吻未嚐 有些燭光未燃亮
若愛太苦要落糖 結他斷線亦無恙
To hug someone, to kiss someone
The best is yet to come
若要錯失永不能守 得到也不代表長久
假使快樂有盡頭 痛苦也未會不朽
笑與淚 亦有時候
若你說不再聽情歌 不想再經歷這漩渦
假使抱住你拳頭 到底也沒法牽手
永遠有不妥協傷口 有些憾事不放手
若你太刻意淡忘 越會補不到缺口
Why don’t you just hug someone
just kiss someone
The best is yet to come