<<玩樂之選 -- 咖啡享受 英國📲Amazon 網購Nespresso 機特價 >>
☕愛享受咖啡的人必看, 英國📲Amazon 網購Nespresso 機特價再送100粒膠囊,足不出戶在家享受香濃咖啡😋! 絕對適合而家的在家工作~~
連鎖咖啡店動輒$30-40 一杯咖啡, 近年很多人都會自己購入各款即磨/膠囊咖啡機👩🍳👨🍳在家自己調配新鮮香濃咖啡.
🤩最近英國Amazon 推出了下面Nespresso 膠囊咖啡機優惠(優惠期至英國時間2020年8月18日止) :
Free 100 coffee capsules + 1 month free coffee subscription with selected machines dispatched and sold by Amazon.
Purchase any Nespresso Essenza Mini or Essenza Mini Bundle between 10.06.2020 and 18.08.2020 and receive 100 complimentary pre-selected Original line capsules and one month’s Nespresso Coffee Subscription free (worth £25/€30) when you go on to register and activate a Coffee Subscription by 23:59 on 31.12.2020.
Amazon (非第三方賣家) ✈️🚛直接售賣及送出的指定型號Nespresso 膠囊咖啡機,收貨後在指定網站登記,🎁送a) 100粒咖啡膠囊 及 b) 1個月免費 咖啡膠囊訂閱
詳細條款 https://nespressoukoffers.com/Trade/Address?country=Uk#
👀👀一輪搜尋, 發覺呢個型號正特價 GBP 49.99, 也是Dispatched from and sold by Amazon, 符合本次推廣:
第一張圖片是 Dispatched from and sold by Amazon, 符合推廣條款~
第二張圖片大家可以了解下下單📲, 在確認訂單 Order Confirmation 頁面, 著明了是"Amazon Prime eligible" (Amazon 直送), Sold by "Amazon EU" (非第三方賣家), 可選擇直送香港🛬.
第三張圖片話你知此同樣型號的Nespresso 咖啡機,😳😳在香港購買 (行貨) 最平約$880 港幣!!!
此次優惠為Amazon UK 售賣,可選擇直送香港,加20 GBP, 和用第三方集運運費相約。 至於之後的贈品,應該只送英國地址,✨✨可用集運到港。
咖啡機送到後,💻記得登記推廣優惠(upload 機身序號,網購收據及收貨資料),以收取贈品🛍️: 100粒咖啡膠囊 及咖啡膠囊訂閱 !
✈️⛴️介紹Shipbao 集運,🎉用推薦連結登記,可以獲得100積分,兌換作$10運費使用
Shipbao 集運, 英國運費每磅$22 HKD, 📦全港都有自取點,也可揀送貨上門等 。申請帳戶後將Shipbao 提供的會員專屬地址填入網購訂單即可。記得在網店出貨後,到Shipbao 網頁填入貨件訊息登記!
膠囊咖啡機 ☕ 特價 GBP 61.77 (41.66 機身, 20.11運費) 連運費到香港 , 折合港幣約$630 HKD.
100粒膠囊及1個月訂閱膠囊分量約30粒 運費集運重量大約預估4磅 (,實際重量視乎Amazon貨運包裝尺寸等) 運費 4 x $22 = $88 HKD
總成本 $718 HKD
(送)100粒咖啡膠囊 約值$450 HKD
(註: Nespresso 膠囊在香港各大店鋪售價大約$4-5HKD 一粒)
(送) 一個月咖啡膠囊訂閱(GBP 25, 折合港幣約$250 HKD)
總回贈 $600 HKD
🥰後記 (第四及五張圖片)
🤤🤤也可選擇加購Starbucks 雜錦口味膠囊 (8種口味共120粒), 37.33 GBP, 除開$3.2 HKD 一粒! 運費只貴了2.34 GBP
特價 GBP 101.46 (41.66 機身, 37.33 膠囊, 22.45運費)
折合大約 $1050 hkd 包括機身, 120粒 膠囊, 送到家門口~!
~由於是直購自英國Amazon, 屬於俗稱的 "水貨", 所以沒有香港保養。不過按照經驗,膠囊咖啡機結構簡單,只要使用得宜,壽命可最少3-5年
~Amazon 訂單時,建議用英鎊GBP 結算,💳由香港信用卡公司結算外幣,會比由Amazon 直接換算港幣匯率更佳。
~網購可配合各大信用卡相關推廣回贈, 💳例如HSBC Red Card 網購 4%回贈,扣除Master Card 1.95% 外幣簽帳手續費, 預計仍有約2% 淨回贈)
~咖啡機送到後,記得登記推廣優惠(upload 機身序號,網購收據及收貨資料),以收取贈品: 100粒咖啡膠囊 及咖啡膠囊訂閱 !
~Nespresso 膠囊咖啡機除官方咖啡膠囊外,亦可配合各品牌推出的兼容(副廠)咖啡膠囊,例如Mövenpick 品牌咖啡膠囊, Baileys奶酒等,將會稍後介紹
(需要英國VPN 連線登記)
有不同Plan 可選擇, 📑綜合網上資料, 會收到"Coffee Subscription box", 內有數量相等每日1或2粒的咖啡膠囊 (共30 or 60粒)
最後一張圖片係Coffee Subscription Box 網絡圖片供參考
( https://www.reddit.com/r/nespresso/comments/e5nioe/xmas_come_early_my_mother_in_law_said_she_wanted/
hsbc address 在 新Monday Facebook 的最佳解答
【頭號粉絲】陳奕迅(Eason)舉行「Live is so much better with Music Eason Chan Charity Concert」(日出日落)慈善音樂會
「 Live is so much better with Music Eason Chan Charity Concert網上慈善音樂會」為本協會成立後的首個活動,演出是為「香港現場演出及制作行業協會」的「香港演制抗疫基金」進行籌款, 幫助疫情期間受影響的業內人士。
「香港現場演出及制作行業協會」主辦[Live is so much better with Music Eason Chan Charity Concert]慈善音樂會得到仁濟醫院全力支持,仁濟醫院並以義務性質支援由協會成立之「香港演制抗疫基金」,並代協會收取及發放基金內之善款,幫助受疫情影響而沒有工作和收入的該協會會員,請透過以下途徑捐贈善款。
➢ 捐款辦法
可利用轉數快(FPS) / 自動櫃員機或親臨滙豐銀行各分行將善款直接存入仁濟醫院帳戶:
帳戶名稱:Yan Chai Hospital Controlling Account
如需索取捐款收據(只限郵寄香港地區),請將PayPal交易編號 / 銀行轉帳憑證 / 銀行入數紙 / 自動櫃員機捐款存根連同<收據姓名>及<回郵地址>寄回仁濟醫院以便跟進: 荃灣仁濟街7至11號仁濟醫院C座10樓董事局會計部。
演制抗疫基金捐款查詢電話:2452 9569
傳真:2412 0245
其他查詢:3584 7880
「 Live is so much better with Music Eason Chan Charity Concert」is the ever first event of 「Hong Kong Live Performance and Production Industry Association Limited」. The aim of this event is raising fund and helping for those related industries whom have been suffering from COVID-19.
This charity concert will be shown in two separate part, Sunrise and Sunset . Both parts are performing in different places. Do not miss out and stay tuned!
Donations made for the “Live is so much better with Music Eason Chan Charity Concert" will be contributed to the 「HKLP Anti-Epidemic Fund」administered by Yan Chai Hospital and used to help members of the Concert organizer, Hong Kong Live Performance and Production Industry Association Limited, who have been affected by the pandemic. To make a donation, please submit your payment in any of the following methods:
Donation Date
From 9 Jul 2020 to 10 Aug 2020
➢ Donation Methods
Online Donation by PayPal
Through PayPal at www.paypal.me/yanchaihospital
Donation by Bank
By using Fast Payment System (FPS) / HSBC account through ATM machine or any HSBC bank branches.
Bank Name:The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC)
Bank Code:004
Bank A/C No.:0017220088
Account Name:Yan Chai Hospital Controlling Account
Donation by Cheque
Please mark your crossed cheque payable to “Yan Chai Hospital" and state the remark 「HKLP Anti-epidemic Fund」on the reverse side of your cheque. If sending by mail or in person, please send to “Accounts Department, Yan Chai Hospital Board Office, 10/F., Block C, Yan Chai Hospital, 7-11 Yan Chai Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong”.
For donation receipt (applicable to Hong Kong local mail only), please send the PayPal Payment reference number / Transaction slip / Bank-in slip /ATM transfer advice slip and mail together with name and correspondence address of donor to Account Department, Yan Chai Hospital Board Office, 10/F., Block C, Yan Chai Hospital, 7-11 Yan Chai Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong.
Donation Hotline:2452 9569
Fax:2412 0245
Address:Account Department, Yan Chai Hospital Board Office, 10/F., Block C, Yan Chai Hospital, 7-11 Yan Chai Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong.
Enquiry: 3584 7880
hsbc address 在 Tina Liu 劉天蘭 Facebook 的最讚貼文
1. 銀行轉帳或經「轉數快 / FPS」轉帳至由「真普選聯盟有限公司」設立之基金專用戶口,匯豐銀行:652-255761-001,FPS ID 3261476。
2. 以支票抬頭「真普選聯盟有限公司」或「Alliance for True Democracy Limited」
寄往「九龍旺角山東街51號中僑商業大廈7樓 612人道支援基金收」,信件及支票背面請註明「612人道支援基金」。
3. Paypal 戶口:612fund@atd.hk
4. 海外捐款 / International Wire Transfer
Bank Name : The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Address : 1 Queen's Road Central Hong Kong
Account Name : Alliance for True Democracy Limited
Account Number : 652-255761-001
1. 基金不接受任何有條件捐款,如基金收到港幣100,000元以上具名或不具名的單筆捐款,將會對外公佈。
2. 如捐款者要求收據,請保留入數紀錄並透過Facebook專頁或電郵與我們聯絡,惟收據並不能作扣稅之用。
3. 基金戶口分行編號 (Branch code) 為:652,即帳號頭3個數字。
English Version:
Donation methods
1. For bank transfer, please pay to HSBC bank account: 652-255761-001, account holder: “Alliance for True Democracy Limited”
2. For cheque payment, please make payable to “Alliance for True Democracy Limited”
Please deposit the cheque via a bank counter or ATM, or
you may send it by post to
“7/F, Chung Kiu Commercial Building, 51 Shantung Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Attn: 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund”.
Please state “612 Humanitarian Relief Fund” on the letter and the back of the cheque.
Please note ,
1. The Fund does not accept any conditional donation. If any single donation of over HK$100,000 is received, whether made anonymously or not, the Fund will make a public announcement.
2. If donation receipt is required or overseas donation is concerned, please contact us via our Facebook page or by email. However, the receipt cannot be used for tax deduction purpose.