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網傳媒體報導「外交部譴責俄羅斯有關海地總統死亡的指控」(MOFA condemns Russia’s allegations regarding Haiti president death)英語新聞,國內媒體也報導相關資訊,經本站查詢新聞來源為「英文中國郵報」(The China Post),其他有關外國媒體、俄國官方或民間等媒體「沒有這則新聞」,連俄國外交部發言人扎哈羅娃(Maria Zakharova)本人臉書未提到「台美聯手行動」的相關字句
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過878的網紅時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,8 月 14 日,海地西南部發生 7.2 級毀滅性地震,造成超過兩千人死亡,上萬人受傷。幾天後,熱帶風暴席捲這片已傷痕累累的土地,阻礙了搜救工作。距離地震發生已一週,數百人仍然下落不明。 📝 訂閱講義 & 朗讀稿 (只要 $88 /月):https://bit.ly/ssyingwen_no...
「haiti death」的推薦目錄:
haiti death 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最佳貼文
Jovenel Moïse遇刺一周後,調查仍在進行中,海地的權力鬥爭也仍然在繼續。與此同時,該國政府正在為他準備一場“與國家元首的身份相稱的”葬禮。儘管對Jovenel Moïse的領導能力和施政方針存在分歧意見,但許多海地人認為,必須尊重總統的尊嚴。
* *【物價上漲,美聯準會和白宮尋求緩解通脹擔憂】
#英國首相強森將宣布英格蘭下週將如期解封,首席大臣Nicola Sturgeon隨即概述了放鬆防疫後更謹慎的計劃,並表示在“一段時間內仍將需要戴口罩”。
#儘管 CDC發布了新的學校指南,呼籲在秋季全面返回教室,並建議對已接種疫苗的學生和教職員工可選戴口罩。但紐約市和加州仍堅持戴口罩的規定。
#在法國總統馬克洪宣布新的疫苗接種要求,包括對醫護人員強制接種疫苗,並且要求需提供免疫證明或最近的陰性測試,才能進入餐館和文化場所,有超過 130萬人預約了冠狀病毒接種,該國正積極對抗Delta變異毒株引發的新一波疫情。
REvil被認為是導致美國最大的牛肉生產商之一JBS癱瘓的罪魁禍首,還在美國國慶日對全球數千家企業發起攻擊。週二淩晨,這個俄羅斯最激進的勒索軟體組織在暗網上的網站突然消失了。此前數天,美國總統拜登曾要求俄羅斯總統普丁採取行動,關閉攻擊美國目標的勒索軟體組織。 目前,關於REvil為何突然消失的具體原因尚不清楚,但專家表示,該組織可能會以不同的名字再次出現。
大多遇難者為新冠患者,由於火勢過於猛烈,至少有22具屍體的身份無法立即被確認。當局稱,一台呼吸機的電氣短路導致氧氣罐爆炸,許多依靠機器呼吸的病人無法自主移動逃生。這是不到三個月,伊拉克發生的第二起醫院火災事故。 4月下旬,巴格達一家治療新冠的醫院發生類似火災,導致80餘人死亡,該國衛生部長引咎辭職。
*【川普集團CFO Weisselberg遭起訴後被免職】
知情人士透露,在紐約州檢察官起訴川普家族企業及其首席財務官Allen Weisselberg一周後,該公司開始免去Weisselberg在數十家子公司擔任的所有領導職務。此舉可能是川普集團進行更廣泛改組的前兆。尚無跡象表明川普想與Weisselberg斷絕關係,但該公司可能希望將其調至一個低調的職位。
haiti death 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的精選貼文
海地追擊暗殺總統者,政治陷入僵局。在Jovenel Moïse遇刺近24小時後,該國安全部隊與一群他們所稱的疑似襲擊者展開槍戰,殺死七人,並拘留了包括兩名美國公民在內的15人。海地警察局長稱安全部隊已掌控局勢,但仍有其他涉案者在逃。該國臨時總理宣佈暫時掌權,但新任總理將在本周宣誓就職。Moïse的支持者和反對者都認為,他被暗殺是動盪即將到來的信號。
#輝瑞和 BioNTech 將測試一種針對 Delta 變體的疫苗,兩家公司預計將於 8 月啟動該疫苗的臨床試驗。
#Delta 變體如何躲避免疫系統?科學家找到線索。根據週四發表在《自然》雜誌上的一項新研究,冠狀病毒的 Delta 變體可以逃避針對病毒某些部分的抗體。與其他變體相比,這些發現解釋了針對 Delta 的疫苗有效性降低的原因。
#CDC 估計,正如預期的那樣,Delta 現在是美國的主要病毒變種。根據疾病控制和預防中心的最新估計,具有高度傳染性的冠狀病毒Delta 變體現在是美國的主要變體,佔感染的 51.7% 。
#世界衛生組織表示,非洲度過了“有史以來最嚴重的大流行週”。非洲大陸缺乏疫苗,病毒正在使年輕人生病,並壓垮本已脆弱的醫療保健系統。世衛組織非洲區域主任Matshidiso Moeti 博士表示,截至 7 月 4 日的一周,非洲報告了超過 251,000 例新病例,比前一周增加了 20% 。
#週四發表在《自然》雜誌上的一篇新文章中,由赫爾辛基分子醫學研究所的Andrea Ganna領導的一個國際研究小組報告說,當他們對 19 個國家的近 50,000 名感染 Covid-19 的人的基因組進行搜索時,他們發現發現了 13 個感興趣的基因領域,這些領域可能集中於尋找有用的藥物。
#近幾週,越來越多的報導開始引起外界對Lambda 的警告,Lambda 是去年年底在秘魯首次發現的一種變體。該變種最初被稱為 C. 37,已在南美洲的部分地區迅速傳播。6 月 14 日,世界衛生組織將其指定為“感興趣的變種”,這意味著專家懷疑它可能比原始菌株更危險。
#韓國將從週一開始提高首都首爾和一些鄰近地區的防疫限制至最高等級。韓國週四報告了新病例的最大單日增幅,一名高級衛生官員警告說,到 7 月底,這一數字可能幾乎翻番。
#盧森堡總理Xavier Bettel確診冠狀病毒住院。官員表示,他在接受治療後,情況已經改善,並且出院,將重回工作。
#根據聯邦衛生部的一份備忘錄,德國計劃將至少 3000 萬劑阿斯特捷利康和嬌生疫苗捐贈給發展中國家。
根據《紐約時報》查閱的私人會議記錄,邁阿密-戴德消防救援隊助理首席Ray Jadallah週四下午告訴失踪人員家屬,死亡人數已上升至 64 人,已經確定了 40 名受害者,仍有 76 人被歸類為可能失踪。邁阿密戴德縣市長Daniella Levine Cava在新聞發布會上說:“我們正在夜以繼日地工作,以盡快找到受害者並為他們的家人解脫。”她補充說,救援隊也一直在努力找回個人物品。
haiti death 在 時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen Youtube 的最佳解答
8 月 14 日,海地西南部發生 7.2 級毀滅性地震,造成超過兩千人死亡,上萬人受傷。幾天後,熱帶風暴席捲這片已傷痕累累的土地,阻礙了搜救工作。距離地震發生已一週,數百人仍然下落不明。
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😴 8/29 週日預計休息一集,9/1 週三恢復~
本集 timestamps
0:00 Intro
1:28 第一遍英文朗讀
3:49 新聞 & 相關單字解說
15:07 額外單字片語
20:45 第二遍英文朗讀
臉書社團 (朗讀文字):https://www.facebook.com/groups/ssyingwen/posts/288129716406608/
Time: https://time.com/6091767/haiti-earthquake-hurricane-disease/
VOA: https://www.voanews.com/americas/more-1-million-haitians-affected-quake-un-estimates
BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-58284713
DW: https://www.dw.com/en/haiti-earthquake-frustration-grows-over-lack-of-aid-as-death-toll-crosses-2000/a-58901882
NPR: https://www.npr.org/2021/08/19/1028971185/haiti-earthquake-haitian-americans-relief-efforts
Accent 口音
Haiti 海地
Death toll 死亡人數
Epicenter 震央
Les Cayes 海地第三大城市
Port-au-Prince 海地首都
Deadliest 最致命的
Prime minister 總理
Ariel Henry 海地現任總理
On its knees
Assassinated 被暗殺
Chronic political instability 長期以來的政治不穩定
Massive political protests 大規模抗議
Judge 法官
Floods 洪水
Mudslides 土石流
Tents 帳篷
Tarps 防水帆布
Tropical storm
Witnessed 目睹了
Public health disaster 公共衛生災難
Cholera 霍亂
Field hospital 野外醫院
Refrain 重複的話
Catch / get a break
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haiti death 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文
David Lee played with a heavy heart. He was still right there when the New York Knicks needed him at the end.
Lee scored 24 points and hit the game-winning layup with 13.3 seconds remaining, one day after the death of his grandfather, and the New York Knicks salvaged the finale of a three-game trip with a 93-92 victory over the Philadelphia 76ers on Wednesday night.
Lee started for New York despite the death of his grandfather, E. Desmond Lee, who was 92 when he passed away on Tuesday night. Lee considered skipping this game but changed his mind.
"I made the decision to stay here rather than going to St. Louis because I wanted to fill that role as team captain and leader of this team," said Lee, who added nine rebounds. "It was a quality win for us. I didn't have the best energy, but it was enough."
Wilson Chandler added 18 points, Al Harrington scored 17, Jared Jeffries had 15 and Danilo Gallinari 12 for the Knicks (16-22), who snapped a two-game losing streak. The Knicks also ended a nine-game skid in Philadelphia, dating to Dec. 17, 2004.
"We finally got one here," Jeffries said. "We made some big plays when we needed them down the stretch."
Allen Iverson scored 16 points, Rodney Carney added 13 and Samuel Dalembert had 12 and a season-high 21 rebounds for the Sixers (12-26), who had won two straight and their previous six meetings with New York.
Dalembert played with an even heavier heart in the aftermath of Tuesday's earthquake which devastated his home country of Haiti and left thousands dead. Dalembert, who was born in Port-au-Prince in 1980 and lived there until he was 14 before moving to Montreal, was still trying to gather information on family members still living in Haiti before Wednesday's game.
While his father and one sister had contacted him, a number of other relatives and friends were still unaccounted for as he prepared to play.
"It was a relief and I can say that," Dalembert said. "When the game started, I was able to keep my mind on the game. It kind of helped me out for two hours."
Before Fridays game against Sacramento, Dalembert will continue to monitor the situation and assist in fundraising efforts.
"We should be announcing something in the next couple of days," Dalembert said.
Thaddeus Young also chipped in with 11 points for the Sixers, and Marreese Speights had 10 in the final 8:40, his only playing time all night.
A driving layup by Speights gave the Sixers a 90-86 lead with 1:30 remaining. But Chandler responded with a three-point play, and Lee hit a baseline jumper from 12 feet to push the Knicks ahead 91-90 with 43.4 seconds left.
After Speights knocked in a difficult layup off the glass, Lee provided the game-winner with a layup on an assist from Chris Duhon.
"We got a really shot on that possession," said Duhon, who had seven assists. "It was a great road win for us. We had lost a couple in a row and it feels really good to get this one, especially the way we got it."
Carney missed a 3-pointer as time expired.
"He got a good look," Sixers coach Eddie Jordan said of the last shot.
The Knicks hit nine of their first 10 shots but eventually cooled off, trailing 48-47 at halftime.
Dalembert had 10 points and 11 rebounds in the first half alone for the 76ers.
Game notes
The Sixers held a moment of silence before the game out of respect for Dalembert. ... The Knicks committed only three turnovers in the first half. ... The Sixers outrebounded New York 54-37.

haiti death 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文
Samuel Dalembert learned Friday that an uncle, a carpenter feared dead in his home country Haiti, was alive. His godfather finally contacted Dalembert's relatives.
Dalembert felt some personal peace that family members in his home country were alive. But hearing the first-hand accounts of the extreme death and destruction in earthquake-ravaged Port-au-Prince has left the NBA's only Haitian wanting to help his countrymen so much more.
"I feel much better, but still my heart is for those who lost their loved ones," he said.
The Philadelphia 76ers center finds 48 minutes of distraction each night on the court. Dalembert made a $100,00 donation to help relief efforts, then had 17 points and 12 rebounds to lift the Sixers to a 98-86 win over the Sacramento Kings on Friday night.
"I'm trying to do my best and contribute," a reserved Dalembert said of the relief effort. "The Philadelphia people responded. Everybody everywhere responded. That's a really good feeling. We're a nation of good hearts."
Dalembert taped a public service announcement for UNICEF encouraging fans to support the relief efforts in his home country. His donation went to UNICEF.
"I know, at a time like this, times are tough in our own home. But you find a good heart to help us out," he told the crowd before the game. "Everything is accepted. Don't feel like anything is too small to help out."
The Philly fans responded. The Sixers said in the third quarter they raised more than $30,000 at the UNICEF table on the concourse during Friday's game. Dalembert pledged to match the amount of money donated by Sixers fans.
"As soon as the game starts, my mind is basically on the game," he said. "I try to not think about anything. The game is a good distraction."
Dalembert made all seven of his shots and had three blocks.
Thaddeus Young scored 20 points for the Sixers and Allen Iverson had 17. The Sixers hit a pair of 3-pointers during a 10-0 run in the fourth quarter that turned a tight game into a comfortable victory in front of one of their largest crowds of the season.
The Sixers are a modest 3-2 since team president Ed Stefanski refused to guarantee coach Eddie Jordan would last the season. They could be headed toward their usual pattern of getting off to a miserable start before regrouping in January and February and sneaking into the playoffs.
Jason Thompson had 19 points and 16 rebounds for the Kings. Kevin Martin scored 19 points in his first game after missing the past 32 with a wrist injury. Martin was injured Nov. 2 when he collided with Iverson, then with Memphis.
The game marked a homecoming for Kings guard Tyreke Evans, of nearby Chester, Pa. He was a McDonald's All-American out of American Christian and a two-time state player of the year.
One of the league's top rookies, Evans failed to impress his hometown crowd, scoring 14 points. He missed 10 of 13 shots from the floor and made all eight free throws. He had hundreds of fans waiting for him near the Kings bench after the game.
"I was glad for people to see me play for the first time," he said. "I was probably thinking about it a little too much out there."
Elton Brand -- who was benched for entire fourth quarters a month ago -- scored 14 points for the Sixers and continued to find success in his role as an $80 million reserve. Dalembert and Brand combined to make their first 10 shots from the floor, the kind of production the Sixers envisioned they'd see more out of the frontcourt.
"I'm glad to be out there and contribute to winning," Brand said. "That's what hurt the most, losing and not being out there. Being out there trying to help, you feel good about yourself."
Andre Iguodala, who sprained his right ankle in the first quarter and briefly left the game, started the fourth-quarter run with a 3-pointer, then sank two free throws the next time down. Lou Williams capped the small but decisive spurt with another 3 that turned a one-point lead into an 11-point edge.
Iguodala, who said his ankle was bothering him "quite a lot," scored 12 points and had 10 rebounds.
Dalembert has long been the most-maligned Sixer because of his erratic production for such a bloated contract. He's enjoying one of his finest seasons and had his eighth double-double of the season.
"Sam's been anchoring us the whole year," Iguodala said."
Game notes
The 76ers held a moment of silence for late R&B singer Teddy Pendergrass, who died Wednesday. ... The Comcast-Spectacor Foundation made a $10,000 donation to UNICEF, and Comcast-Spectacor -- which owns the 76ers and Philadelphia Flyers -- planned to air public service announcements. ... The Sixers held the Kings to a season-low 37 percent shooting. ... Iguodala had his fifth double-double.