《我的左派老師》(Half Nelson, 2006)的由 Ryan Gosling 主演,也是Gosling首次獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角的提名,當時他才26歲,是至今第八年輕的奧斯卡最佳男主角被提名者。(Gosling第二次被奧斯卡提名最佳男主角,是在 2016年的 La La Land。)
《我的左派老師》的導演,則是一對導演編劇夫妻檔 Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck,我們應該都看過他們的電影,就是在2019年的《驚奇隊長》(Captain Marvel)。倘若你喜歡 Gosling 也喜歡《驚奇隊長》,相信你不會想錯過《我的左派老師》,而且,這很有可能是目前為止 Gosling 演得最好的一部電影。想想《藍色情人節》(Blue Valintine, 2010)與《落日車神》(Drive, 2011), 就能想像在《我的左派老師》裡的 Gosling 多麼讓人期待呀。
看到「左派老師」這種電影標題,可能頓時會讓我們想到羅賓威廉斯(Robin Williams, 1951-2014)所主演的《春風化雨》(Dead Poets Society, 1989),不過,《我的左派老師》與激勵人心的《春風化雨》類型完全不同。這不是一個偉大老師的故事,而是跟許多你我一樣在社會角落掙扎的平凡人,有寂寞、悲傷、低潮、沈淪、與黑洞的無助人生。
Gosling 就是就是這位充滿理想卻又人生受困的中學老師 Dan。他在貧困的黑人區擔任中學歷史老師,面對社會邊緣的貧窮黑人授課。不過,充滿理想的左派老師,不使用教科書上課,而是在課堂上以許多問題啟發學生,讓同學思考階級、身分、種族等問題。
在 Dan 的學生中,有位女孩 Drey 生活在一個單親家庭,母親為了養活孩子,必須不間斷地工作,完全無心於孩子,於是 Drey 也難得與母親有互動對話。而 Drey 的哥哥,曾經參與毒品買賣,已經被送入監獄,藥頭基於 Drey 哥哥沒有供出名單,於是好意照顧 Drey,於是 Drey 在半推半就之下,雖然厭惡哥哥因為毒品買賣而被抓入獄,卻也不得已地參與毒品買賣。
就在這一天,她在一個夜店去接洽的對象,竟然就是在課堂上啟蒙她們思考生命、政治、歷史的 Dan。
原本應當是被崇敬的白人老師,私底下卻是個邋遢的毒蟲,這讓 Drey 很驚愕,只是,他們兩人默默交易完,沒有多說話。此時,Drey 有種選擇,馬上就能將 Dan 推入人生谷底——向學校檢舉老師吸毒——,但是 Drey 沒有這麼做。
之後,Dan 與 Drey 反而有種平起平坐的朋友關係(先別亂想,並不是師生戀),兩人有更多互訴人生的無奈與動彈不得,也有更多的相互支持與鼓勵。Drey 尤其給老師建議,清醒吧,別吸毒。
電影的名稱,是Half Nelson,不是故事中的老師名字,而是取自摔角的動作名稱,是種置他人於絕境的招式,壓制他人輸倒在地上,翻身不起。
Dan 與 Drey 的人生,彷彿都處在 half nelson 的境地,被社會環境壓制,而輸倒在地上,無法自拔、難以翻轉。不過,故事最後彷彿出現一線曙光,因為同是天涯淪落人,或許經過兩人的相互鼓勵與扶持,還是有機會重現生機。
《我的左派老師》的音樂,大量採用加拿大獨立樂團 Broken Social Scene 的歌曲。倘若你喜歡 The XX 類型的獨立音樂,有搖滾、電音、實驗,肯定也會喜歡 Broken Social Scene。《我的左派老師》的配樂,絕對也是電影成功的因素之一。
在《我的左派老師》的藥頭,是由 Anthony Mackie 飾演,大家對這位演員肯定很熟悉,這就是後來在漫威系列的獵鷹。
無論是飾演歷史老師的 Gosling,或是飾演 Drey 的Shareeka Epps,都是絕佳表演者,Gosling受提名為奧斯卡最佳男主角之外,兩人也同時都獲得獨立精神獎的最佳男女主角等。只是,未來的星途人人命運各不相同。在同樣一部電影裡,演技都受到讚賞,後來的 Gosling 星途順遂,但是 Epps 就少有代表作品,幾乎就沉沒於茫茫星海。
1. One thing doesn't make a man.
2. The only constant is change.
3. Change moves in spirals, not circles. For example, the sun goes up and then it goes down. But every-time that happens, what do you get? You get a new day. You get a new one. When you breathe, you inhale and you exhale, but every single time that you do that you're a little bit different than the one before. We're always changing. And it's important to know that there are some changes you can't control and that there are others you can.
同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過83萬的網紅serpentza,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Why is the Tiananmen square massacre like Apartheid? Stay Awesome China (my new documentary): https://vimeo.com/ondemand/stayawesomechina Discount c...
half nelson 在 媽媽監督核電廠聯盟 Facebook 的精選貼文
輻射傷害的防護基本理念: ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable),受曝劑量越低越好的合理抑低原則。
在輻射傷害防護的範疇內,總的來說,LNT(Linear-Non-Threshold)模式對於高劑量、高強度的輻射暴露的情況相對來說,更加的適用。在一般日常生活的狀態來說,避免輻射傷害,普遍採取 ALARA( As Low As Reasonably Achievable),也就是越低越好的合理抑低原則,這是人類關於游離輻射防護的基本理念。
ALARA( As Low As Reasonably Achievable; 越低越好的合理抑低 )原則也是美國能源部國家核子保安總署(DOE/NNSA)輻射 緊急事件支援及訓練中心(REAC/TS)出版之「The Medical Aspects of Radiation Incidents (台灣翻譯為:輻射傷害醫療處置)」手冊內容中所提及的輻射防護基本理念。
“ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) is the underlying philosophy associated with protecting people from ionizing radiation.
It basically means that one should not unnecessarily expose themselves to radiation without the benefit outweighing the risk.
Time, distance, andshielding are widely considered to be the primary
concerns. At REAC/TS, we like to add a fourth item to the list - quantity. All four of these concepts are used concurrently with the others. "
其基本意涵是 : 一個人應該避免不必要且無利益的輻射 曝露風險(這裡指的是非醫療性質的輻射暴露。任何輻射暴露都會造成傷害,但在治療重大疾病的時候,兩害相權取其輕,接受有限度且嚴格控管的輻射照射將體內惡性病變組織破壞,阻止其增生、擴散惡化的潛在利益大於輻射照射所引起的傷害的醫療應用案例,不屬於這裡所指的“不必要且無利益的輻射曝露風險”的範疇)。
此外,有報導指出:“...... 在日本的實際研究案例中,「餵飲氘水佔1/3的水,經過1個禮拜,老鼠腦部組織裡的氫被替換掉,老鼠變得眼睛上吊,有攻擊性,一直囓咬鐵籠的鐵網,反覆地昏睡或暴躁。」東京工業大學理工特任教授入口紀男(Norio Iriguchi),透過老鼠實驗,提醒福島氚污染水的危害。
「氚因為有這樣和物質相結合的性質,在體內造成長期被曝。用醫學實驗,可以證明氚會被當成氫攝入到細胞核內。構成DNA的基因的4個鹽基,是靠氫來結合,換成氚進去的話(失去結合力),鹽基化學式產生變化,遺傳情報也會改變。導致健康上的實際損害。」而當被攝入的氚衰變成氦時,也會損傷細胞( http://www.inaco.co.jp/hiroshima_2_demo/pdf/20140103_tori_A4.pdf )。
又,氚水的化學式是HTO,因為氚很容易和生物體內的碳結合,成為有機結合型氚(Organically Bound Tritium、簡稱為OBT),跟氚水相比,後者滯留體內時間為20~50倍,被染色體等人體重要部份攝取。「氚水被放流後,經生物攝取變成有機結合型氚,人類去吃這些生物,便會蓄積在體內。」在核食檢測上,有機結合型氚的檢測程序,又比普通的氚來得複雜。
A 1961 experiment showed that mice dosed with 21.5 μCi/g of Cs-137 had a 50% fatality within 30 days (implying an LD50 of 245 μg/kg).
A similar experiment in 1972 showed that when dogs are subjected to a whole body burden of 3800 μCi/kg (140 MBq/kg, or approximately 44 μg/kg) of caesium-137 (and 950 to 1400 rads), they die within 33 days, while animals with half of that burden all survived for a year.
Important researches have shown a remarkable concentration of 137Cs in the exocrine cells of the pancreas, which are those most affected by cancer.
In 2003, in autopsies performed on 6 children dead in the polluted area near Chernobyl where they also reported a higher incidence of pancreatic tumors, Bandazhevsky found a concentration of 137Cs 40-45 times higher than in their liver, thus demonstrating that pancreatic tissue is a strong accumulator and secretor in the intestine of radioactive cesium.
此外,1961年的一項實驗發現對老鼠注射21.5 μCi/g 濃度的Cs-137,在30天之內有一半的受試老鼠死亡,這項實驗的結果等同於半至死劑量為0.000245公克(也就是百萬分之245公克),所謂半至死劑量指的是指在固定濃度下,暴露一定時間(通常1~4 小時)後,觀察14 天, 能使試驗動物組群半數(50 %)死亡的濃度。
在1972 年有另外一項類似的實驗, 對受試驗的狗群注射3800 μCi/kg (140 MBq/kg, or approximately 44 μg/kg,大約百萬分之44公克濃度)Cs-137,這群受試的狗在33天內全數死亡,而另一群接受一半劑量的受試狗群,則可以存活到為期一年。
從上述的那些實際醫學研究例證,包括了比較適用於LNT模式的狀態,以及一般日常生活環境下遭遇到低劑量但是長期輻射暴露累積下來的狀態。ALARA( As Low As Reasonably Achievable; 合理抑低 )原則在兩種狀態下通通一體適用。
^Moskalev, Yu. I. (1961). "Biological Effects of Cesium-137". In Lebedinskiĭ, A. V.; Moskalev, Yu. I. (eds.). Distribution, Biological Effects, and Migration of Radioactive Isotopes. Translation Series. United States Atomic Energy Commission (published April 1974). p. 220. AEC-tr-7512.
^ H.C. Redman; et al. (1972). "Toxicity of 137-CsCl in the Beagle. Early Biological Effects". Radiation Research. 50 (3): 629–648. Bibcode:1972RadR...50..629R. doi:10.2307/3573559. JSTOR 3573559. PMID 5030090.
^ Nelson A , Ullberg S, Kristoffersson H, Ronnback C (1961). "Distribution of Radiocesium in Mice". Acta Radiologica. 55, 5 (5): 374–384.
doi:10.3109/00016926109175132. PMID 13728254.
^ Bandazhevsky Y.I. (2003). "Chronic Cs-137 incorporation in children's organs". Swiss Med. Wkly. 133 (35–36): 488–90. PMID 14652805.
half nelson 在 Moviematic 電影對白圖 Facebook 的最讚貼文
🌟明星專題-Ryan Gosling 雷恩·葛斯林🌟
Ryan Gosling 1997年接拍第一部電影《Frankenstein And Me》
mm精選了數套覺得Ryan Gosling最深刻印象的角色與電影 🎥
1. 《忘了、忘不了 The Notebook》- Noah Calhoun (2004)
2. 《我的左派老師 Half Nelson》- Dan Dunne (2006)
3. 《充氣娃娃之戀 Lars and the Real Girl》- Lars Lindstrom (2007)
4. 《藍色情人節 Blue Valentine》- Dean Pereira (2010)
5. 《選戰風雲 The Ides of March》- Stephen Meyers (2011)
6. 《末路車神 The Place Beyond the Pines》- Luke Glanton (2012)
7. 《星聲夢裡人 La La Land》- Sebastian (2017)
你們最喜愛Ryan Gosling哪套電影呢?🙋
#RyanGosling #雷恩葛斯林 #moviematic #電影對白圖 #電影語錄 #電影推薦 #電影金句 #電影台詞 #電影心得 #電影介紹 #電影對白 #對白 #語錄 #台詞 #電影 #movie #film #drama #明星專題 #mm明星專題 #mmryangosling
half nelson 在 serpentza Youtube 的最佳解答
Why is the Tiananmen square massacre like Apartheid?
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Living with censored internet SUCKS!
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C-milk got Spat on live on Chinese TV
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Why China NEEDS and ENEMY to Survive
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half nelson 在 jaceyjayceereads Youtube 的最讚貼文
Here's a really late birthday book haul, including the books that I got at the recent Popular Viva Fiesta Book Sale! :D
The books :
HEIR OF FIRE by Sarah J. Mass
LETTERS TO YOU by Almaz Azmi
THE WALLED CITY by Ryan Graudin
THE WIZARD OF OZ by Frank Baum
WE WERE LIARS by E. Lockhart
ELEANOR & PARK by Rainbow Rowell
EON by Alison Goodman
HALF BAD by Sally Green
SILVER SHADOWS by Richelle Mead
LUX BEGINNINGS by Jennifer L. Armentrout
I'LL GIVE YOU THE SUN by Jandy Nelson
MY TRUE LOVE GAVE TO ME edited by Stephanie Perkins
Watch my previous video here!
Contact me!
E-mail : jaceyjaycee@gmail.com
Goodreads : https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4613876-jacey

half nelson 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文
Now that they are finally healthy, the Golden State Warriors think they can make a run at a playoff spot.
Baron Davis scored 22 points, and the Warriors took advantage of Carmelo Anthony's absence to beat the Denver Nuggets 110-96 on Wednesday night.
All five starters scored in double figures for the Warriors (28-35), who overcame a 12-point second-quarter deficit and took control of the game with a 14-4 outburst to start the third quarter. The Warriors were 16-of-34 from 3-point range, including four each by Jason Richardson and Stephen Jackson.
"They've all had their shots at us when haven't been together," Warriors coach Don Nelson said. "It's been a long time getting here, but I like the way the team's playing. Everyone's fired up to have a full squad."
Davis, who has missed 18 games, had nine assists and five rebounds. Jason Richardson, who missed 31 games, had 16 points, six rebounds and four assists.
But Nelson singled out recent addition Jackson, who has only been with the team for 19 games after coming over in a trade with Indiana, as the key to this win. Jackson had 18 points and eight assists, despite being hampered by tendinitis in his left knee and a troublesome left big toe.
"Jackson did a really good job in the second half on Allen Iverson," Nelson said. "I didn't even know if I'd have him in the second half. Once I put him in, I wasn't going to take him out because I knew he'd stiffen up."
Al Harrington, who scored 20 points to go along with nine rebounds, added three 3-pointers.
"They can really shoot the ball," Nuggets coach George Karl said. "We gave them their strength way too often with the corner 3, which they like to shoot."
Iverson led Denver (29-30) with 35 points, but only surprise starter DerMarr Johnson joined him in double figures with 15. Anthony, the NBA's leading scorer, remained in Denver after the birth of his first child.
"I thought we had a great game going until about the four-minute mark of the second quarter," Karl said. "They got back into the game, and in the second half, we never got into an offensive rhythm. We never got A.I. into the game like we did in the first half."
Iverson had only 11 points after halftime.
"I didn't finish like I did in the first half," Iverson said. "I just struggled for whatever reason, at the wrong time of the game."
Iverson helped the Nuggets open a 48-36 lead with 3:54 remaining in the second quarter. The Warriors used the 3-pointer to get back in the game, making four in a 16-3 run that gave them a 54-53 lead.
Davis made three free throws after being fouled on a desperation 3-pointer with 0.6 seconds left in the half, giving Golden State a 59-58 lead.
Iverson cooled in the third quarter, missing his first five shots, and the Denver offense disappeared along with his. The Nuggets were just 4-of-23 in the period while the Warriors seized control.
Golden State stretched its lead to 93-73 midway through the fourth quarter. The Nuggets cut it to 98-89 with 3:08 left, but got no closer.
The Warriors, plagued by injuries all season, are suddenly feeling confident.
"The last three games, we've been playing together, playing as a team," Richardson said. "We're playing at a high level right now."
Game notes
Anthony missed the game to be with his fiancee, MTV's LaLa Vazquez, who had the couple's first child earlier Wednesday. Kiyan (pronounced Kai-ann) Anthony arrived weighing 5 lbs., 9 oz. and is 18 1/2 inches long. Warriors coach Don Nelson said the Warriors are "still in the hunt," despite his statement last week that the team wasn't going to get to postseason. Nelson said that quote was taken out of context. Johnson didn't get off the bench against New Orleans on Tuesday night. He finished with 12 points in 30 minutes Wednesday.