When you oversleep and have to workout during the hottest part of the day! Heat acclimation training 😅. Got in some great wall climbing practice and speed work on the track and bleachers. High Intensity stuff in the heat is very draining so be sure to stay Hydrated everyone to avoid heat sickness! 💧💧💧 we were really out of practice on the walls and happy to feel stronger on them again. Getting back to 10 feet and over ! 💪 4 weeks to Palmerton and the first trifecta of the year #spartanrace #spartanrace2018 #parkour #wallclimbing #wallrun #fitcouplegoals #spartancouple #spartanba18 #spartanbrandambassador #ambsdr #spartanup #noexcuses #trainhardraceeasy #stingorbeestung #hshive #spartanfit #wearespartan #spartantrifecta #spartansgx #spartantraining #obstaclecourseracing #ocrtraining #hot