香港婦女中心協會 Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres - HKFWC 就 2020 年 8 月 31 日晚差佬喺旺角明知而施行武力、意圖謀殺孕婦一事,只是「敦促」警方在執行職務時要保持刻制,沒有義正辭嚴指出差佬惡行,更莫講話「強烈譴責」。
就 9 月 6 日差佬再次在旺角使用不合理武力,而施暴對象為 12 歲女童一事,雖然聲明行文稍長,引述了《兒童權利公約》、《世界人權宣言》等條文,但亦再次沒有強烈譴責差佬,只是「再次呼籲」差佬克制,草草了事。
HKFWC 可以直接發起行動的,當然不只是發個聲明、表個態,而是可以即時停止對香港警察及其親屬提供任何服務,即是「#制裁警隊」。
當然,看見 3000 幾個 shares ,我知道大部份香港人都收貨了。
hong kong federation of women's centres 在 黃梓謙 Gary Wong Facebook 的精選貼文
【麗閣 — 創造社區價值】
女青 - 職涯發展及持續教育部
香港婦女中心協會 Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres - HKFWC
hong kong federation of women's centres 在 Bella Poon 潘玲玲 Facebook 的最佳解答
【執法為名 凌辱為實】
追究警察性暴力 捍衛香港人尊嚴
日期:28/8/2019 (星期三)
Dress code:💄以唇膏寫#ProtestToo在手臂上
主辦:平等機會婦女聯席 (不反對通知書有待警方確認)
Telegram Channel: t.me/ProtestTooHK
Instagram: instagram.com/acsvaw
網站: 平等機會婦女聯席
✅1. 收集及發佈相關資訊,包括新聞及文宣。
✅2. 讓社會能聽見性暴力受害人的聲音。
✅3. 提供集會最新狀況。
📝 「反送中運動」的性暴力經驗調查📝
關注婦女性暴力協會 Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women 開展了「反送中運動」的性暴力經驗調查( bit.ly/stopsv),愈多相關受害人填問卷,提供資訊,就可以做得更多跟進。請大家幫忙廣傳。
🙅🏻♀🙅🏽♂ AntiELAB #metoo Rally 🙅🏻♂🙅🏾♀
Stop Hong Kong Police's use of sexual violence
Date: 28/8/2019 (Wednesday)
Time: 2000-2130
Venue: Chater Garden
Dress code: Use red lipsticks to write #ProtestToo on your arm💄
Organiser: Hong Kong Women's Coalition on Equal Opportunities
(Letter of No Objection Pending)
Telegram Channel:
✅1. Collect and publish related information and news
✅2. Let the society hear the voices of the victims experienced sexual violence
✅3. Provide the most updated information of the rally
Telegram Channel: t.me/ProtestTooHK
Instagram: instagram.com/acsvaw
Website: 平等機會婦女聯席
📡 About "Hong Kong Women's Coalition on Equal Opportunities" 📡
Hong Kong Women's Coalition on Equal Opportunities (WCOEO), founded in 1996, formed by various women's organisations in Hong Kong. WCOEO promotes the gender sensitive and gender mainstreaming in the policy making process and promotes the movement for gender equality.
Member Organisations: Action for Reach Out, Association of Women with Disabilities Hong Kong, Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres, Hong Kong Women Christian Council, Hong Kong Women Workers' Association, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions - Women's Commission, The Association for the Advancement of Feminism, Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
📝 * Survey on Experiences of Sexual Violence in the "Anti-Extradition Bill" Movement* (in Chinese)📝
Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women has published a survey on the experience of sexual violence in the "Anti-Extradition Bill" movement (bit.ly/stopsv).
The more victims do the survey and provide related information, the more the organisation could help with the situation. Please do the survey and share it with your friends.
(Updated: 24AUG2019 1600)