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Inborn Code指纹分析
1823年开始的分析技术, 经过许多科学实验发现,指纹和脑纹有直接的共鸣关系
此技术被许多职业领域广泛使用,包括FBI 犯罪调查等等。
Inborn Code 顾问背景
- 美国技术,指纹分析技术原创国家
- 所有的顾问都是专业培训,甚至越岭到美国学习
- 顾问拥有儿童心理学,辅导学资历
Inborn Code 分析内容
- 总和多达12种客制化分析报告
- 包括左脑/右脑 活跃架构(Brain Map Identification)
- 个性测试报告 ,提供家长适合孩子的沟通方式
- 学习方式分析 - 根据孩子的大脑结构强项提供适合孩子的学习方式,建议适合孩子的学校种类
- 智商/情商/逆商/创意 分析
- 兴趣与天资分析
- 未来事业配对分析
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過83萬的網紅serpentza,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Everyone loves China's innovative bike sharing schemes... Well they used to! People still love to ride them, but new companies are flooding the market...
identification code 在 新‧二七部隊 軍事雜談 Facebook 的最佳解答
從1966年到1973年的美國空軍人員,越戰期間執行的秘密任務「404 計劃」(Project 404),為「白星行動」,受中情局的指揮深入寮國,但寮國立場保持不涉入越戰,他們並未穿著軍服而是便服,可以推測身份是軍事顧問團
Project 404 was the code name for covert operations by the United States Air Force during American efforts in Laos. From 1966 to 1973. The US Air Force provided advisors. Because Laos declared it's neutrality to the war between the US and North Vietnam. US Airmen did not wear uniforms but instead civilian attire.
Project 404 was the successor to Operation White Star. The goal of 404 was to provide the Royal Lao Air Force the necessary support in battling the Pathet Lao Communists. Originally the USAF did have some prior experience in Laos with programs such as the "Butterflies" which allocated a total of four Air Force NCOs. All of them sergeants who were from Combat Control Teams. These first airmen wore civilian uniforms and flew shotgun in Air America aircraft. Often riding with Lao or Thai interpreters. These Airmen helped to coordinate airstrikes. The three known of these airmen were Major John J. Garrity Jr, Master Sergeant Charles Larimore Jones, and Tech Sergeant James J. Stanford.
The program was going pretty well until General William Momyer discovered that enlisted men were in charge of the strikes and not officers. This ended the program as Momyer wanted rated fighter pilots. Despite end of the Butterfly program. Palace Dog was formed in response with the CIA coming up with a plan. This involved using Laotian interpreters to ride in aircraft flown by Americans. Thus leading to the Ravens. Ravens which acted as Forward Air Controllers.
Ravens had to have at least 60 days of service in Vietnam along with a certain number of flight times as a pilot or FAC. These men were screened by the 56th SOW at Nakhon Phanom RTAFB then assigned to the US Embassy in Vientiane. There they were given false identification and civilian clothing for the duration of their tour. These Airmen instead of reporting to an officer. Reported into the American Ambassador. This caused a lot of friction between US Military Commanders like Momyer or Westmoreland. Often Ravens suffered repercussions as the Air Force viewed this as an offensive.
23 Ravens died in Laos along with an army attache by the name of Joseph Bush.
For more information I strongly recommend The Ravens Website. Or books such as "The Ravens: The Men Who Flew in America's Secret War in Laos."
identification code 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的精選貼文
[Facebook 挑戰10000億市值]但最大敵人可能係蘋果
原文:Facebook could be the next $1 trillion company. Here’s how (https://bityl.co/3Ghy)
1. CNBC話(其實係引述評論講)Facebook市值會去到10000億美金,the next trillion market cap company.
2. 市值10000億,1,000,000,000,000,就係four comma club。而家有四間公司在會入面,其實正係大家聽過嘅Big Tech,FAAMG,Amazon,Apple,Microsoft,Google.就係F For Facebook 未到呢個市值。睇表,呢個表很有用(https://bityl.co/3Ggv)。
3. 其實一路Facebook都係最細嘅一間,不過今年走勢都幾勁,而家市值840b。股價今年低位升超過一個開。呢,當時又係話咩經濟衰退客戶冇錢落廣告呀,後來仲搞咗單客戶杯葛(都幾杰)。股價咪急跌。但唔係有壞消息,邊有機會畀你買?好多人仲係不切實際咁,以為有啲好嘢只係佢自己知全世界唔知。又或者啲股票會冇壞消息而忽然做七折畀你買,仲要買完即刻識。你覺得合唔合常識?
4. 話說回頭,AAMG以外,最大市值咪正係Facebook,所以估佢都好正路。但後面阿里巴巴都唔爭太遠,或者有機會後發先至?巴郡VISA應該冇咁快。留意黑馬仲有台積電(威水),同埋Tesla
5. Facebook股價早排見過300蚊,不過收市守唔住。升到350蚊就可以入會,即係兩成都唔夠,「其實唔難」。至於泡沫唔泡沫就貴客自理了。
6. 不過篇文引啲人嘅講法,實則都冇乜新意。比較好嘅一個,係講SME中小企。其實同有啲人想像唔到,中小企同Facebook先係最親密。大牌子嘅,可以afford唔落Facebook 廣告,反正就咁用Facebook Page又唔洗錢。但中小企,好多都係靠落廣告突圍,例如Brian Cha (7000萬當然係中小企)。
7. 掉轉亦係,Facebook 之所以咁惡,話知你咩可口可樂 迪士尼杯葛,憑乜?你想像下,換著傳統媒體,應該嚇到賴屎。Facebook真係話唔驚。點解?因為太多客戶,分得好散,好多都係中小企,話知你頭十個大戶一齊拉隊,實有大把勇士補上。Facebook嘅業務本質,令到佢customer concentration 極低。相反你有啲咩手機設備股,或者專幫某幾家大企業做零部件呀之類嘅,好危險的。唔鍊你價,鍊邊個?你唔做佢生意做得邊個?
8. 至於其他方面,我覺得Facebook係做得幾差嘅,就真係好傳統咁玩 Senator we run ads(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGTWUOxkfGQ).可能真係賺錢太簡單,你地日日鬧都要日日上,所以都冇乜意慾做好其他嘢。講真,Facebook有咩好大改革?真係冇乜。除咗係出事補鑊,令大家繼續玩落去果類東西。例如佢地話幫Content Creator去monetize,搞咁多得個拮,益晒 Patreon之類 – 當然小朱嘅如意算盤,可能係好似instagram咁,邊使自己搞。等人碰下壁先,有人試到搞得掂,咪買起佢。
9. 我覺得Facebook最大穩憂,其實係同股不同權。小朱已經1000億身家,世上第三富有,佢仲有幾大意慾去搵多啲錢?當然企業家未必只係睇錢,但請循其本,Facebook點誕生?純係有個哈佛死毒撚溝唔到女,開個網站大家對女同學評頭品足。佢當初根本冇咩改變世界嘅理想吧?
10. 另外,當然係公司嘅霸權。之前被咩國會照肺,我覺得做個樣啫,咩事都冇。咩反競爭得啖笑。真正嘅問題,其實嚟自呢堆Big Tech業務遲早會有碰撞,會踩入同樣領域。有段幾長嘅時間,其實大家都在自己強項玩。蘋果唔會出social media(Google出過,但死得很慘),Facebook唔會賣電話。但近年隨住大家都多領域發展,就容易爭地盤了
11. Facebook近排最新嘅仇口,係蘋果(https://bityl.co/3GhD).話說 Facebook早排好高調咁講,話蘋果iOS14更新,會嚴重損害廣告客戶嘅利益(亦即係Facebook自己利益).
12. 技術細節不多講,涉及IDFA( Identification for Advertisers),每部電話都有,而一直啲App Developer 都會用嚟做針對性廣告。iOS14就要 App加返句警告,同埋用家要 opt in。過癮嘅係嗰日Facebook 股價仲要升8%
13. 就我理解,其實最影響係啲其他App,反而 Facebook本身核心廣告業務影響唔係太大 – 因為Facebook 太強大,加埋instagram 同 whatsapp,根本佢就知你好多好多資料,廣告客戶可以好針對性咁落,實情唔用 IDFA都唔係咩好大件事。
14. 況且,其實公司之前都有提過呢件事。唔知做乜忽然又舊事重提,有人就理解係為咗攻擊蘋果,話佢阻頭阻勢,仲話蘋果在呢啲艱難時刻令中小企雪上加厢喎。嘻嘻嘻
15. 我覺得呢個猜測都有啲道理,因為同時間又再有另一單火頭(https://bityl.co/3GhJ)。Facebook最近有個 app update ,畀蘋果reject咗。
16. 原因?因為Facebook 會提示用家:拿,你畀錢,蘋果會抽你三成水呀。
17. 呢個東西係因為Facebook嘅新功能,容許啲中小企搞online event,客戶在入面畀錢。但蘋果照樣抽三成,因為三成買路錢係核心價值,不容討論。
18. 結果Facebook就又變社會良心,話蘋果打劫中小企,人地畀一舊水以為全部去晒間公司,點知得七成。當然要講埋如果Android phone 就冇呢個問題。
19. 實情呢個三成蘋果稅,畀人批評多年,近期特別勁。歐盟又話睇係咪反競爭,Epic Game 又開拖。但蘋果當然企硬,難聽啲講句,你夠膽咪杯葛。但你啲嘢咪全部去唔到iPhone用家手上
20. 有趣係,蘋果嘅market share唔大,但影響力就大。聽聞因為iPhone用家有錢,而又肯畀錢。
21. 誰勝誰負?唔知,或者有方法傾到win win,但其實投資者嘅嘢,買晒兩隻咪得,再唔係你買Nasdaq ETf都得的
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identification code 在 serpentza Youtube 的最讚貼文
Everyone loves China's innovative bike sharing schemes... Well they used to! People still love to ride them, but new companies are flooding the market and the amount of these bikes around the city are insane! They're becoming a problem and are being neglected, left in strange places, vandalised and you won't believe the footage I have of them in this video! Come and see how bike sharing has gone overboard in China!
Mobike (Chinese Simplified: 摩拜单车, Mo-bai bicycle), founded and owned by Beijing Mobike Technology Co., Ltd. (Chinese Simplified: 北京摩拜科技有限公司), is a fully station-less bicycle-sharing system headquartered in Beijing, China. It is the world's largest bicycle operator, and in December 2016, made Shanghai the world's largest bike-share city.
In January 2017, Mobike raised $215 million in Series D funding led by Tencent and Warburg Pincus.
Access to Mobike bicycles is achieved using the purpose-built Mobike application, which requires a pre-paid 299 yuan fee to prevent deliberate damage of Mobike property. Each user is required to register using their mobile number alongside his/her national identification number (Passport identification and verification is also available for non-Chinese citizens). The software automatically disallows users under the age of 14 to use the app, through the identification number.
To use a bicycle, a user presses the black button near the bottom labeled "扫码开锁" (Scan code to unlock), which brings up a QR-code scanning interface, which requires the user to place the QR-code of a bicycle into the scanning area, after which the software will produce a low-toned beep to indicate a success in scanning the code. After a successful scan a progress bar will appear on the screen, indicating the "Progression of unlocking". With a successful unlock, the electronic lock on the bike will produce three short beeps followed by the characteristic "Tuck" sound generated by the lock opening. In the app, the progress bar fills to 100%, and the notice "开锁成功" (Unlock successful) appears for a short period before getting replaced by the rental timing interface. This interface also records the distance traveled, time spent, energy the user spent using the vehicles (in kCals), and an orange banner indicating the number of the bike and the estimated cost of using the bike. The first three stats shown on the interface will be added to the total value on the user page, while the cost will be deducted from the user's account. If several seconds elapse after the bar fills to 98% without starting the trip in the APP, an error will be reported to the user asking them to try again or change to another bicycle.
Availability in deployed cities is high, but reduces as the distance from the city center increases. Many Mobike bicycles can be found at entrances to metro stations. It is currently deployed in dozens of Chinese cities, which includes but are not limited to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Ningbo, Xiamen, Foshan, Zhuhai, Changsha, Hefei, Shantou, Haikou, Deyang, Nanning, Xi'an and Wuhan.
⚫ Watch Conquering Southern China (my documentary) and see China like no one outside of China has ever seen it before: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/conqueringsouthernchina
⚫ Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/serpentza
Join me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/winstoninchina
Twitter: @serpentza
Instagram: serpent_za
My other channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/advchina
Music used: Tourach - Fly By Night

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識別碼. identification code. 以identification code 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 數學名詞, identification code, 識別碼. ... <看更多>