Pulau Aur, Mersing.
1. Pulau Aur adalah pulau yang terletak paling jauh dari tanah besar Semenanjung, jaraknya 70km dari jeti Mersing.
2. Perjalanan bot mengambil masa hampir tiga (3) jam. Bergantung kepada jenis bot.
3. Penginapan di Blue Water Resort. Pakej all in. Layanan A plus. Dapat makan ikan kerapu fresh. Kudos to our guide, Wan.
4. Terdapat dua (2) spot untuk sesi fotografi. Puncak Batu Berhala ( Pulau Aur) dan Puncak Pulau Dayang (Pulau Dayang)
5. Perlu hiking lebih kurang 20 minit untuk ke setiap puncak bagi mendapatkan view yang ah-meh-zing! Hiking level newbie + intermediate.
6. Pulau Dayang adalah pulau yang paling cantik. Pasir putih tepi pantai, ombak laut berkejaran..
7. Bawa baju colourful for ootd pleaseeeeee. 🤪
8. Spot coral cantik adalah di Pulau Lang. Bawa action camera boleh selfie dengan ikan nemo.
9. Di Pulau Dayang terdapat tulang ikan paus yang tidak dialihkan ketika ikan paus terdampar beberapa tahun yang lalu.
10. Gambar cantik ihsan dari incik suami dan travelmate.. Mohon bawa pasangan anda, sebab pasangan je sanggup nak layan karenah kita 😂😂😂.
Tip tambahan:
You know yourself well. Sila persiapkan diri sebelum naik bot. Kebarangkalian untuk bertembung ombak besar adalah tinggi. Kalau badan lemau memang tak best nak buat aktiviti. Checklist:-
- [ ] Ubat Tahan Muntah. Ambil 30 minit sebelum makan atau sebelum perjalanan bermula. Saya beli jenama Hurix. Memang power!
- [ ] Minyak cap kapak
- [ ] Asam-asam (Bagi mengurangkan rasa loya)
- [ ] Panadol
- [ ] Plastik ( incase nak termuntah)
- [ ] Bawa bertenang dan bersabar.
Let’s support local.
Kredit: Aina Mardiah
Nak viralkan bisnes anda? Sekarang dibuka iklan pakej terendah hanya RM30. Iklan boleh pilih tarikh dan masa sendiri. Whatsapps admin : http://bit.ly/2FFyZuG
Aur Island, Mersing.
1. Aur Island is the island located the farthest from the land of Peninsular Malaysia, 70 km away from the Mersing jetty.
2. Boat trip takes almost three (3) hours. Depends on the type of boat.
3. accommodation at Blue Water Resort. All in package. A plus service. Got to eat fresh grouper fish. Kudos to our guide, Wan.
4. There are two (2) spots for photography session. Top of Batu Berhala (Aur Island) and the Peak of Dayang Island (Dayang Island)
5. Need hiking about 20 minutes to get to each top to get the view of ah-meh-zing! Hiking level newbie + intermediate.
6. Dayang Island is the most beautiful island. White sand by the beach, sea waves are chasing..
7. Bawa baju colourful for ootd pleaseeeeee. 🤪
8. Spot beautiful coral is on Lang Island. Take action camera can selfie with nemo fish.
9. In Dayang Island there is a whale bone that wasn't moved when the whale was stranded a few years ago.
10. Beautiful pictures from husband and travelmate's incik.. Please bring your partner, because only couples are willing to treat us 😂😂😂.
Additional tips:
You know yourself well. Please prepare yourself before boarding the boat. The odds to bump into big waves are high. If the body is lemau, it's not good to do activities. Checklist :-
- [] Throwing Medicine. Take 30 minutes before meal or before the journey begins. I bought the Hurix brand. It's powerful!
- [] Axe cap oil
- [] Asam-acid (To reduce nausea)
- Panadol
- [] Plastic (in case I want to get it)
- [] Calm down and be patient.
Let’s support local.
Credit: Aina Mardiah
Want to make your business viral? Now open the lowest package advertisement only RM30. Advertisement can choose your own date and time. Whatsapps admin: http://bit.ly/2FFyZuGTranslated