✅ have an eye for fashion (verb phrase): có gu thời trang
ENG: to be aware of the fashionable items
✅ look good on somebody (verb phrase): ai đó trông hợp với cái gì
ENG: a person’s hair cut, makeup, or clothes match that person well, and make that person look good
✅ run out of something (phrasal verb): hết gì
ENG: to use up or finish a supply of something
✅ do a bit of shopping (verb phrase): đi mua sắm
ENG: to shop
✅ have great taste in clothes (verb phrase): có gu thời trang tốt
ENG: to be aware of the fashionable items
✅ attire (uncountable noun): quần áo
ENG: clothes, especially fine or formal ones
✅ take advantage of somebody/ something (phrasal verb): lợi dụng ai, tận dụng cái gì
ENG: to make use of something well; to make use of an opportunity
✅ get inexpensive deals (noun phrase): mua được đồ giá rẻ
ENG: buy cheap items
✅ brick-and-mortar stores (noun phrase): cửa hàng ngoài đời
ENG: stores existing as a physical building
✅ hit the stores (verb phrase): đến cửa hàng
ENG: go to stores
✅ make a bargain (verb phrase): trả giá
ENG: to try to make someone agree to give you something that is better for you, such as a better price or better working conditions
✅ high on inventory (adj phrase): có nhiều hàng trong kho
ENG: many goods in a store
✅ try on something (phrasal verb): thử quần áo
ENG: to put on clothes to see how they look or if they fit
✅ look good on somebody (verb phrase): ai đó trông hợp với cái gì
ENG: a person’s hair cut, makeup, or clothes match that person well, and make that person look good
Các bạn đọc chi tiết ở đây nhé: https://ielts-thanhloan.com/goc-tu-van/tu-vung-va-y-tuong-ielts-speaking-theo-chu-de-shopping.html