中國國民黨外交及國防委員會立委 #陳以信 表示,這次美國參議員訪台安排「難凸顯美國對台灣重視」。
嚴格來說,特別的是,他們搭乘「載明美軍標示的軍機」,也就是marked plane。
marked plane跟unmarked plane,最大的差異,就是美軍清楚抵達台灣,不加掩飾。
還記得去年年底,新聞說美軍印太司令部情報部門指揮官史都德曼(Michael Studeman)低調來台,當時台灣總統府表示:「基於台美互信,不證實也無評論」。總統府這樣說的意思,其實十之八九就是證實來台,只是不能明說。
但當時史都德曼來台,搭乘的是unmarked plane。(路透社新聞有報導,請見留言。)
這次是美軍飛機,而且是marked plane,降落台灣的松山機場。
這也是為何這次路透社特在這樣寫:It is extremely rare for marked U.S. Air Force jets to land in Taiwan given the lack of diplomatic relations.
所以當陳以信說:「難凸顯美國對台灣重視」,這是不是犯了 #見樹不見林 的毛病?
jets 毛病 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
CheckCheckCin:冬天見到你還不時穿露膊的衣服,真是非常亮眼,但可能這就是你感覺不適的原因,我們感到冷會添衣、著襪、戴手套,但頸部摸下去總是暖暖的,我們就忽略了替它保暖,其實替頸部保暖非常重要,因為頸椎是人體要塞 ,裡面有脊髓、血管、神經及重要穴位,一旦頸部受寒,氣血經絡運行不暢順,除了患上感冒,亦容易出現頭痛、耳鳴、胸悶等症狀,加上你在辦公室經常使用電腦,頸部肌肉容易僵硬,經絡不暢通容易使腦部缺氧,你說的不適感就會更嚴重。 建議你在冬天少穿露膊衣服,多戴頸巾,你會發現除了保暖,小毛病也可能不再出現。洗澡時用暖水向著位於頸背的風池穴沖洗約3分鐘,有助促進血液循環,令頸椎肌肉放鬆,紓緩疲憊感。
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Wear a scarf to prevent illness
“Since the beginning of winter, I’ve been experiencing headache, chest tightness and hearing a buzzing noise in my ear, but I’m not exactly sure if I’m sick.”
CheckCheckCin: People who still wear sleeveless shirt during winter would normally stand out from the crowd, but this is why sometimes they experience all sorts of discomfort. When we feel cold, we tend to put on more clothes, wear socks and gloves, but one part we always overlook is our neck.
Keeping the neck warm is very important because it connects to our spine, which contains the spinal cord, blood vessels, nervous system and important acupoints. Once the cold hurts our neck, the circulation of the qi and blood would be affected. We might catch a cold or experience headache, tinnitus and chest tightness.
Such problems would become worse when we spend long hours sitting in the office using the computer. We might develop a stiff neck, and that would stagnate the circulation of the Meridians and the brain.
Avoid wearing sleeveless shirt during the winter, and do not forget to wrap a scarf around your neck. Turn on the water heater and aim the shower jets at the Wind Pool point (at the back of neck below the back of head bone at the depressed point of the two large tendons at the same level of the ear lobe) for 3 minutes, as it can help improve blood circulation, relieve the muscles on the neck and combat fatigue.
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