於即日起至5月10日,用Promo code「ANSON-EARLYBIRD」預購Moral Nova Sling Extreme會有65折優惠架!詳情就睇下呢條Link啦:https://bit.ly/2PBdNB4
話說,我都好一段日子冇review過真無線耳機啦(想當年review Bragi Dash嘅時候已經係4年前嘅事,唉,老啦)今次令我重出江湖嘅耳機就係呢一隻Jabra Elite 85t,佢係我目前用過最好嘅真無線耳機,沒有之一。點解?睇片咪知囉,問?
Special Thanks: KillerSteal (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7jRMz1jKWHLGJ1upKyYo-g)
合作邀請 Brand Collaboration Enquiry: [email protected]
Instagram: ansoncheungth
Twitter: @aaa4321l
Music From Epidemic Sound
免費三十日試用: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra...
Disclaimer and ethics policy:
1. I, Anson Cheung, am an independent Youtube creator reviewing tech gadgets. This review is made with unit provided by Jabra's PR representative in Hong Kong, however no money changed hands, all thoughts and opinions expressed in this review were not influenced by Jabra's, and/or its affiliates. Jabra and its PR representatives did not have preview of this video and was not given the opportunity to approve or amend the content of this video prior to the upload date.
2. I welcome any kinds of collaboration and I DO occasionally produce branded videos to keep this channel running. But I DO NOT accept compensation for my review in order to maintain my neutrality.
3. A portion of this video is sponsored by Moral. But they do not have any creative control or influence in the making of this video other than the sponsored segment.
#Jabra #TrueWirelessEarbuds #ANCEarbuds