For the most part my wardrobe consists of jeans. They’re versatile, can be dressed up or down, but best of all, they’re hardy and allow you to do all kinds of activities in them. In other words, they are a kind of freedom. It’s surprising to think that it only became apart of women’s everyday dress for the last 50 years or so. What’s even more surprising—in 1992 an Italian court ruled during a sexual assault case that because the victim was wearing tight jeans, she couldn’t have possibly been raped. The verdict rested on the fact that the tight jeans couldn’t have been removed by the attacker alone and would have had to be aided by the victim herself. Think about the perverse irony of this—an item of clothing that represented freedom used to condemn the victim to injustice. That’s why on April 28 of each year many wear denim to raise awareness and protest unfair attitudes towards sexual assault. I wear denim a lot anyway, but it’s still a good reminder! Especially when you’re accidentally twinning with your best friend!
我本來就長穿牛仔褲,又方便又萬能,很多場合都適合,而且擁有自由去做各種活動。重點是自由——只有近50年女性穿褲子才被常態化,這真的是個寶貴的自由!但是在1992年的義大利,有一名被性侵犯的女子由於當時穿著牛仔褲,法官判加害人無罪。為什麼?因為法官覺得褲子那麼緊,不可能完全是加害者脫掉的!穿牛仔褲的自由反而被拿來羞辱被害人,而得到自由的是加害者。這是什麼道理?!所以4月28日是國際丹寧日,來推翻對於性暴力不健康的思維,支持被害者。我幾乎每天都穿丹寧,但是今天會特別有感觸!#denimday #onlyyesmeansyes #國際丹寧日 #穿單寧反性侵 #現代婦女基金會 現代婦女基金會
kinds of irony 在 廢臉書 Facebook 的最佳貼文
插畫家Eszter Chen的畫作總是以女性人物和靜物為主題,在她的畫作當中,人像和靜物之間的分野並不明顯,她們身處的空間乍看好像是刻意搭建出的場景,她們擺出的姿態彷彿自己也只是靜物,色彩斑斕的平面色塊遲滯了情緒,她以平面的方式創造出凝視的身體感,留下大片可延續的語境線索。
〈閒暇者的忙碌凝視 The Idler's Hasty Gaze〉是Eszter Chen在日常插畫委託工作之餘,持續耕耘的繪畫創作,此一系列畫作受到野獸派畫家馬諦斯(Henri Matisse)的創作所影響和啟發,她著迷於馬諦斯畫中看似靜態但所堆積出的濃厚情緒,激發她以自己的方式去使用顏色和表達情感。
點、線、面、體構成了世間萬物,其中的人事與奧秘穿梭其上,Eszter Chen以退一步的方式解構閒暇與忙碌,在豐美的畫面底下,細膩地暗喻生活當中各種荒謬的可能之處。
░ 關於藝術家
Eszter Chen
本名陳純虹,台北出生,洛杉磯長大,畢業於加州帕薩迪納藝術中心設計學院(Art Center College of Design),取得插畫系榮譽學士學位,也曾在時裝界擔任印花設計師。
”What on earth are you busy with?”
“So, do you think I am just hanging around?”
Acting as an idler, or to admit myself as an idler, I take gazing as my posture or doing something by doing nothing. I keep the condition of inactiveness flowing and being busy in an immobile manner.
Women and still lives have always been subjects of illustrator Eszter Chen’s work.
In her paintings, the line between people and inanimate objects is so fine that you could hardly tell. The space around seems like a set built deliberately whereas the gestures of women put themselves into the spirit of still lives. Plus, the bold, flat and colorful blocks postpone the emotional impact. On 2D, she creates a status, as if the audience could literally be the one to gaze, and leaves a large patch of lasting clues.
The exhibition The Idler's Hasty Gaze puts focus on Chen’s free creation in the spare time aside from daily illustration work. The series is inspired by the famous Fauvist painter, Henri Matisse. Chen’s truly fascinated by the rich sentiment piled up by objects that are seemingly motionless in Matisse’s work and motivated to use the colors and express feelings freely.
The world is formed by the point, line, surface and object shuttled with human affairs and mysteries. Chen takes a step back to deconstruct the idea of idleness and haste, meanwhile, to demonstrate implicitly all kinds of absurd possibilities in an elaborate and detailed way in her ravish composition.
░ About the artist
Eszter Chen was born in Taipei and raised in Los Angeles.
She received her BFA in illustration design with honor from Art Center College of Design Pasadena and worked in fashion industry as a textile designer for brands after school.
Now Eszter is a visual artist based in Taipei, working in drawing, painting, mix medium, surface design, and sculptures. Eszter's art and illustration are inspired by everyday elements, memory, dreams, and stories; then she approaches them into a modern, unique and colourful way. Many of Eszter's art work explores the relationships between colour and shapes, and adding patterns in her story telling which involves femininity, surrealism, awkwardness and irony. Her work is also described as bright, colourful and playful. She co-founded her art studio in Taipei working with her two Italian greyhounds Bumbie and Timmy, continue observing this beautiful world through painting.
Images credited to 朋 丁 pon ding