獎項分別為冠軍、亞軍及季軍外,另外包括: 最佳樂器表演, 最佳歌手, 最佳表演者, 以及最受歡迎獎.
1.🔥即日起至4/30,上傳你/妳的表演影片到Youtube,標題並打上“8th Thailand International Ukulele Contest 2020 ____(你的英文名字/曲名)”
3.🔥最後,我們會把所有參賽者的影片一律發佈到Thailand Ukulele Tournament的粉絲專頁上,按讚數最高的影片則會是最受歡迎獎!
*參賽結果將於2020年5/10 公佈
-冠軍:aNueNue彩虹人 23吋全單月亮雲杉/印度玫瑰木烏克麗麗 (市價33,800)
-亞軍:aNueNue彩虹人 23吋全單非洲桃花心木烏克麗麗(市價13,800)
-季軍:aNueNue彩虹人 23吋台灣相思木烏克麗麗(市價3,300)
-最佳樂器表演, 最佳歌手, 最佳表演者, 以及最受歡迎獎將獲得認可證書!
Singto Numchok สิงโต นำโชค(泰國)
- Kalei Gamiao (夏威夷)
- Kyas Ryo (日本)
- 霜語 Vanessa (台灣)
- Sirinanthakul (泰國)
- Ekkachat Jaipech Ballyhoo (泰國)
8th Thailand International Ukulele Contest Online!
All ukulele players in the world are invited. Join us in our 8th Thailand International Ukulele Contest and get a chance to become the Ukulele Champion of the World!
No matter what your style is like, all contestants will enter the same competition. There will be 3 prizes: Winners, and 1st and 2nd runner up. Also there are 3 special recognition prizes which are: Best Instrumental Player, Best Sing and Play Player and Most Popular Player.
The contest will be done entirely online, so we hope international players can participate. Just easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Upload a video clip of your performance to YouTube with the title 8th Thailand International Ukulele Contest 2020 (your name). “NO EDITING”
2. Send your video clip’s link to asaloha@ribbee.com by April 30th, 2020. Don’t forget to tell us something about yourself.
3. All video clips will be posted on our Facebook Page. The most Popular Prize will be based on the number of Likes.
Results will be announced on May 10th, 2020.
Honorable Judge
Singto Numchok สิงโต นำโชค (Thailand)
- Kalei Gamio (Hawaii)
- Kyas Ryo (Japan)
- 霜語 Vanessa Vanessa Ding (Taiwan)
- Apirak Sirinanthakul (Thailand)
- Ekkachat Jaipech Ballyhoo (Thailand)
- Winner : aNueNue Moon Bird Concert
- 1st Runner Up : aNueNue AMM2 Mahogany Concert
- 2nd Runner Up : aNueNue Koa2 Concert
- The Best Sing & Play Player, The Best Instrumental Player and The most Popular Player will receive a certificate of recognition.
We all gotta stay home, so let’s grab that uke and join the contest!
Thailand Ukulele Tournament ANueNue X 音樂生活
Asada Atornphatai
#ukulele #contest #烏克麗麗國際比賽 #烏克麗麗