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2月書單太精彩,書介也準備很久,本團推薦美國分級教材Evan-Moor Skill Sharpeners,適合3-8歲以上孩子,共有7大主題,像是Critical Thinking(批判性思考)、Grammar & Punctuation(文法與標點符號)、Reading(閱讀)、Spell & Write(拼寫)、Math(數學)、Geography(地理)Science(自然科學),分齡部分則是從Pre K、K、Grade 1、2一直到Grade 6,共有8個級數,是喜歡到會想直接包套的好書,還有Kumon功文美勞遊戲和走迷宮書,及全球最熱銷Singalongs童謠影音繪本,
音效書則有Welcome to JAZZ爵士樂音效書,和有超過100種音效及真人發音的小手點讀書My Big Book of Sounds,硬頁書部份包括可愛的怪獸造型翻翻書Make Me a Monster、小孩的「分析思考」操作書:Think Shapes! ,、Baby Loves Science科學啟蒙、英文認知操作書A to Z Menagerie、Funny Friends: Barnyard Bottoms,怎麼能沒有Mo Willems?包括 Elephant & Piggie: The Complete Collection25本限定版套書(含可愛金屬書檔)、與The Pigeon Needs a Bath Book with Pigeon Bath Toy!鴿子洗澡玩具書盒,
撕不破也咬不爛的Indestructibles咬咬書,還有英文橋樑書I Think I Can,與Curious George Curious About Phonics 12 Book Set和迪士尼電影原聲CD書,另外也有Draw Here: An Activity Book小㘣點遊戲畫畫書,Big Dreamers: SmartFlash吊環閃卡、The Kindness Book,這次還有加入Mudpuppy的得獎隨身桌遊和之前大缺貨的Artsy Cats 500片親子藝術拼圖,
✅訂單金額滿1500元 贈My First Sticker Dot-to-Dot: Farm Animals貼紙書(限量500本)
✅訂單金額滿3500元 贈My First Animal Dictionary精裝本(限量100本)
✅訂單金額滿5500元 My Bumper Book of Mazes貼紙迷宮超級遊戲書(限量50本)
🔺新朋友請參考團購Q&A: https://goo.gl/tsOOUC
kumon math 在 Dr Sheikh Muszaphar FanClub Facebook 的最讚貼文
Video - Bella tasted her first failure in life and cried ....!
Bella has won many medals for her effort from TaeKwanDo, Math & English Kumon , being the best Chinese spelling in her Chinese School and had never tasted failure before ... so this was very traumatising for her .
I entered Bella her 1st swimming competition about a month ago and she was in last place ! She was competing with 9 and 10 year olds for girls under 10 as that’s the youngest event they had . The fact that she was 6 then and completed the event made me even proud as a parent. Soon after we noticed she was quiet and in tears after her swim which made my heart melt . I gave her a big hug and said it’s okay but you must work harder .
It’s important to instil the desire to win to your child . The competitiveness in them will make them work hard for success . There’s no shortcut to it . Children must learn to tackle losses .
Failure is good but they must work hard to overcome them and try again and again and again ... It will surely makes them a better and stronger person . Since then Bella has improved tremendously in her swimming with laps after laps . I have enrolled her in a swimming club 4 times a week to make her more competitive. And she enjoys every minute of it . I truly admired her guts and grit to succeed .
InsyaAllah someday she will win a medal for her effort . And it’s important for the child to win for themselves and not for their parents . And most importantly they must enjoy and having fun ....
Have A Great Monday Everyone ...😀
kumon math 在 騎呢.weak7.卜車呔 Facebook 的最佳貼文
今日有好多開心事發生呀 hehee 有D瞓唔著添!其中一樣係呔仔 Teacher Conference。老師對呔仔評語好好~
一開始Ms. D問我覺得呔仔學習方面點。有無咩特別concern?其實我就無既。我真係對佢成績無乜要求。總之又唔好太below。驚會留班好樣衰架嘛!另外就覺得佢Math唔掂囉。點知老師話:唔係呀佢Math好好喎!老師問我。點解覺得唔掂? 我講左例子。類似好簡單的加減佢計好慢。但老師話呢。原來佢地而家學緊既係方法加減。要佢地諗盡不同辦法去求答案。之後都會學我講既直式。但其實我地計數係忽略左思考同可能性。只會同最快方式去計數。令好玩既Math變成一條條 Formula了~ 我又好奇地問。其實使唔使去Kumon之類補下習?老師話完全無咁既需要。加上佢之前都有響補習社代過課。唔係教學果回事。不停狂做只會令小朋友失去興趣。容易反效果~
老師話呔仔學習完全無問題。Reading仲好標青添。勁鐘意睇書 (我真係O晒咀 @@~!!) 唯一一樣野想呔仔改善既係佢寫字好草率。老師想佢放慢D唔好寫咁快。同埋叫我比佢玩多D泥膠,串珠等。可以訓練手仔肌肉。自然會寫得好D靚D~
聽完老師講。我覺得好.... 丫。點形容呢。真係有D感激,又好欣賞呢個老師。因佢唔係叫呔仔不斷寫。寫到靚為止去練字。佢係叫我多D比佢玩喎!即係好似細個呔仔講野唔正。治療師係比佢吹波呀Lam果醬咁樣去訓練口腔肌肉。我覺得咁樣係開心地去訓練一樣野。而唔係你猛話 "好肉酸喎你再寫過啦!" 去打擊小朋友既自信心!
可能我係好感性既人。我睇野/諗野會感受到人地背後對我既好 (呢個世界無衰人 xD)