That’s a natural spotlight, in case you’re wondering. 😄
Gomantong Caves is the largest cave in Sabah. The resident creatures of the caves are swiftlets, bats and many others. While other birds such as serpent eagles, bat hawks and kingfishers can be seen outside of the cave and occasionally, you might spot the elusive orangutan as well. A visit to the unique-shaped limestone cave will make your whole Sabah trip a memorable one.
📸 IG: @razisn
📍 Gomantong Caves, Sandakan
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同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過667萬的網紅Travel Thirsty,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Making a gigantic Cotton Candy Flower. Seen in the old quarter of Cairo, Egypt....
largest bat 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
[舊媒體一樣大把泡沫股]CBS 股價10蚊升到100蚊,唔批新股對唔住自己,之後跌一半都賺到笑。不過有人槓杆買咪畀人打靶咯。Discovery仲Q好笑,條數根本點計都唔啱
告個急先:Ivan已被炒,已成失業人士。未訂嘅記得訂Patreon,積小成多呀。訂咗嘅可以考慮加碼(。 一星期至少出返六篇文.月頭訂最抵!月費80
1. 應該有唔少人都知道 韓仔基金畀高盛斬倉嘅故事(唔知嘅,呢度:。但即係,斬倉呢啲嘢,成日都有架啦,本人返工都幫手斬唔少人倉。幸好啲倉普遍都唔太大,但都試過係人踩人插七八九成嘅斬出街(當然唔使我襟掣,甚至都唔係我話事,但呢個「斬倉委員會」都要我畫隻龜嘅)
2. 想講嘅係,斬倉呢啲,成日都有,補唔到孖展,同公司關係又唔係特別好(其實都好少有關係講,除非老細一早特別講明此人斬不得),當然就斬你老母冇朋友。亦因為咁,我都寫過,買樓致富(唔好話發達啦,當第一桶金,一千或幾百萬咁)易,買股難,因為樓你人人做槓杆。股票本身已經難借得多,息又貴一截,最慘係一跌就要你補,兩日(甚至一日)錢唔到就斬。樓冇乜呢啲嘢,你生生性性準時個個月還錢,你負資產銀行都好少call loan
3. 所以我有興趣嘅唔係斬倉,其實知呢個韓仔基金前我已經想寫。咁大家知,主要斬兩類嘢,一類係啲中概股。另外係呢兩隻美股ViacomCBS同埋Discovery.
4. 留意嘅係,之前呢兩堆嘢已經跌落嚟,咁中概股好多人都知,因為咩唔符合審計要求就可以除牌嘅決定。其實絶對係舊嘢,但之前有人估拜登上台可能暫緩,結果都係照去,咁堆中概股都瀉咗幾日啦。
5. 正係因為咁,先再觸發呀韓仔要畀人斬,雪球效應,跌咗一截,高盛不問價射晒佢啲貨出街,咪再跌一截,而反正係韓仔食晒所有損失。講得白啲,佢明顯係走去做槓杆,一跌落嚟咪死呢啲人先咯!唔止,多數殺咗呢啲友,就即時反彈。你睇盤後隻隻都彈返。
6. 但我都係想講CBS同Discovery.原理一樣,之前已經落嚟,斬倉咪再跌多啲。咁,就真係唔係因為中概股事了。
7. CBS同Discovery有乜共通點?「都係媒體股」「都係玩串流」「都係升咗好多」「都係估值好貴」。
8. 話說美股舊年3月23日見底(我永世記得呢度啲友點樣鬧我話我仆街死財演害人叫人買股票),剛剛過咗一年。知唔知呢一年,標普500指數入面升得最多,係邊間公司? Tesla?「只係升670%」,排第二。升得最勁嘅,正係呢間CBS,差不多800%,11蚊升上差不多100蚊。仲有,Discovery都排十三,18蚊升上80。
9. 我Patreon都有寫過,呢兩隻嘢,莫講話跑贏大市,直頭跑贏理Netflix.今年「舊經濟」跑出,福士都大幅跑贏Tesla,呢兩隻更加係痴線。
10. 故事同福士都差不多,亦同迪士尼一度細過Netflix但之後又追返過Netflix差不多。你識整電動車,人地唔識?你識做串法,人地唔識?
11. 不過,廸士尼都仲還好,CBS同Discovery,真係過晒火位,邊個話舊經濟股唔會有泡沫?舊文,2019年尾,未爆肺炎已經寫過呢啲媒體股,呢啲基本上做內容嘅,除咗迪士尼,全部都似會收檔(
12. 寫「知乎」篇文咪寫過咯,你係上客上得快,但含金量有幾高?到真係要畀正價嗰時,啲友係cut 你定cut Netflix?大家心照。
13. Discovery 就最Q好笑。有乜生意?就係Discovery Channel.我知好睇,但只係你先識去影企鵝?有個價嘅。而內容並冇你想像中咁值錢,NetFlix偷襲成功都唔係靠內容(雖然之後都做好多內容)。公司推Discovery+,投資者就發晒妏咁。但要達到返原本嘅收入,Discovery+ 在美國要上7000萬客,你覺得有冇可能?你睇下Netflix玩咗咁多年都未有呢個數。不過唔緊要,睇估值架咩?你啲死廢老。
14. CBS仲正。其實知唔知有乜業務?Paramount派拉蒙影業,CBS電視,以及出版巨頭Simon & Schuster,全部都唔見得有咩咁巴閉,同迪士尼畀都爭兩班。
15. 但CBS嘅管理層真係醒,咪話股價升咗800%嘅。應該做乜呀?梗係批新股cap水啦!仲要85蚊,真係當啲友傻仔,梗係反應麻麻啦,股價唔插就插。係呀可,唔使睇估值呀可?
16. 你可以睇下圖,今個星期一至四,CBS四日就已經跌咗三成幾,Discovery亦差不多。冇架,貴得滯咪雪崩咯,有乜點解。咁然後先壓低埋韓仔基金,再打靶插多一浸。
17. 話說回頭,照計殺咗呢啲友後,股價必彈。但呢兩隻本身都估值極離地。咁睇返堆中概股?但又真係驚會除牌,有排煩。雖然揀一隻我會揀騰訊音樂,似乎搞都未咁快搞佢,啲數亦冇咁流,仲要有外國股東Spotify.最安全嘅,當然係已經在香港第二上市嗰隻啦—即係,百度。但眾所周知(你唔知話你知),百度嘅業務,係遠遠不及騰訊阿里巴巴嘅,所以早年都講BAT,而家人人只講ATMXJ。
18. 係喎,邊有完美呢?一唔係買ASML咯,2019年尾推到而啦,又新高啦。新經濟股股災?你嗰啲新經濟股股災之嘛。
19. 都又賣下廣告。點解我知以上種種?唔知我知,我啲讀者都知。因為我在Patreon寫。而同時間亦都日日睇好多嘢,你咩CBS Discovery呢啲,平日你邊會睇到?我就睇到啦
20. 所以記得支持下Patreon,近來讀者增長極慢,唔知係我寫得差咗(咪又係咁),定大家輸錢冇心機。「但我話你知,正係輸錢你先要訂」,贏錢使乜睇馬經?不過現實就當然係贏錢你唔介意打賞下荷官,輸錢你就叉燒飯都要R啦,冇計。
21. 但,真係的,ASML都又新高啦。不過,都真係好大了,而家買都冇話唔得,但唔會升十倍掛
2021比別人知得多。subscribe now。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1400人訂!(。 年費仲有85折
largest bat 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳貼文
【Lesson #4 - Hire slow, fire fast】
Just as excess fat can lead to clogged arteries and increase the probability of heart attacks, non-performing co-founders or team members can slowly (or in some cases quickly) kill your company if left unchecked. In my recent conversation with Hai Nguyen, founder & CEO of Canavi (AW#20), a tech-enabled recruitment platform based out of Vietnam, he talks about how giving a pair of bad apple co-founders free reign almost led to the demise of his first business, while stressing the importance for first-time founders to foster the discipline required to maintain a lean and entrepreneurial team.
My first business was a video production agency. After managing to build it up to a decent size, I realized just how inexperienced I was as a founder and eventually brought on two other co-founders with more industry experience to help the company scale. One came from 6 years of experience at a digital marketing agency and the other was previously a marketing director at a large corporate. Now, the typical startup playbook will have you create an MVP first to test out market demand, firing bullets before cannonballs, if you will. But, right off the bat, my co-founders came in guns blazing, purchasing top of the line equipment, hiring new staff, and generally throwing money at problems whenever they arose.
Eventually 6 months went by, with no new clients and no additional growth in revenue. Existing clients felt underserved, staff were not happy, and I eventually found myself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Since I was new to the whole startup game, I doubted myself and thought just maybe they were right, and that perhaps we just needed a little more time for their plans to pay off. But when you find yourself on the brink of bankruptcy, your perspectives tend to change—you go into survival mode. It was my first time firing anyone, and boy did it impact me. I spent 2 days sulking at home, just sitting with those feelings. But after getting past the trough, I went back to work and set our priorities straight, allowing the company to become profitable again after 2 months and eventually acquired several years later by one of Vietnam’s largest media groups.
“Hire slow, fire fast”—everyone has heard of this concept and understands it thoroughly. But when it comes to implementation, many founders tend to falter. Perhaps due to a naive sense of optimism or a natural aversion to pain, or both, first-time founders often put off these hard conversations a lot longer than they should. Firing a non-performing co-founder or team member won’t kill your company, but indecision will, as startups are forever in a race against time. Maintaining a lean and entrepreneurial organization is paramount in maximizing chances of survival at the early stages, and that entails developing the discipline and foresight to endure short-term pain in service of long-term gain.
Applications for AW#22 are now open to founders targeting SEA, AI/IoT, or Blockchain/Defi ->
largest bat 在 Travel Thirsty Youtube 的最佳解答
Making a gigantic Cotton Candy Flower. Seen in the old quarter of Cairo, Egypt.