佛漢威廉斯 Ralph Vaughan Williams,英國作曲家,1872-1958,他創造了光輝燦爛的英國式作曲風格,深植於本土的民俗歌曲之中,但是在和聲,對位法及樂器演奏法中卻明顯的參雜現代手法。他父親是牧師,在他年幼時就逝世了,舉家搬至祖父處,在那里開始學習鋼琴和小提琴,並進入學校樂團演奏小提琴和中提琴,18歲入倫敦皇家音樂學院師事多位大師,25歲至柏林學習,1901年獲得劍橋音樂學博士,但他仍不滿足,再到巴黎尋求音樂技巧。同時他從事收集英國的民謠歌曲,並加入民俗歌曲協會,並開始指揮,也開始創作,他的音樂具有變化與個人風格,並融入國家主義的音樂,和弦鳴響帶美學的音樂。
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The Lark Ascending by Yuna Kim
You might not have paid very close attention to the news about the upcoming Winter Olympics, but you’d probably have heard of the name Yuna Kim, Ambassador of the 2018 Games which will take place in PyeongChang.
Having won multiple championships and silver medals early in her career, the young and beautiful Kim has been deemed the Queen of Figure Skating. The Lark Ascending is an autobiography of Kim with the title taken from the song she competed with during the 2006-07 season. In this book, Kim gives an account of the 13 years of her life she spent figure skating, offering readers a glimpse of the hard work and effort she put in that make her such a success. Kim is already a retired athlete despite the fact that she’s only 27, because figure skaters generally have a very short professional sporting career. One can imagine how unforgettable an experience it must have been for Kim as she had to leave her country and family to train and compete at a very young age.
Kim wrote the book when she was 20, so despite her fame and success, readers can see that she’s no different from an ordinary young girl. This is evident when Kim talks about her hobbies towards the end of the book. Read The Lark Ascending to deepen your understanding of figure skating, now with the Winter Olympics about to open.
About the writer: Uncle Shrimp loves reading, writing and athletics, and hopes he can continue exploring the world through sports.
lark ascending 在 Yu-Chien Benny Tseng - 曾宇謙 Facebook 的最讚貼文
英國作曲家 Ralph Vaughan Williams 的作品, The Lark Ascending
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lark ascending 在 小提琴在空中展翅翱翔---Vaughan Williams: the Lark Ascending 的相關結果
摘要:the Lark Ascending是英國作曲家R. Vaughan Williams的作品,是小提琴與管弦樂團的浪漫曲,可以被視為協奏曲演奏,其實這一首樂曲根據George Meredith的詩譜成, ... ... <看更多>
lark ascending 在 The Lark Ascending - 博客來 的相關結果
書名:The Lark Ascending,語言:英文,ISBN:9781897141816,頁數:114,作者:White, David,出版日期:2017/02/15,類別:文學. ... <看更多>
lark ascending 在 The Lark Ascending (Vaughan Williams) - Wikipedia 的相關結果
The Lark Ascending is a short, single-movement work by the English composer Ralph Vaughan Williams, inspired by the 1881 poem of the same name by the ... ... <看更多>