Perhaps there are many of you who are interested in biology or anthropology had heard of the "Universe 25" experiment.
The experiment was about a "rat utopia", providing an artificial heaven for rodents to survive - free from predators, sufficient food, accommodation and all sorts of recreations. Such creatures with social structures will result in a "behavioral sink" when the group grows into a certain threshold.
In the experiment, rats and mice experiencing behavioral sink are invasive, refusing social activities, going hypersexual and progressing further, asexual and completely isolated from the community. Some males ended up just ate, slept, and groomed, wrapped in narcissistic introspection, and ultimately death. These were called by scientists as "The Beautiful Ones".
As there are more of "The Beautiful Ones", a huge community would eventually collapse and become extinct.
I am certainly not an expert on this, but this experiment gave me immense insight. At least from what I could observe, there are many who could not adapt to the exponential growth of the community and information, resulting into a situation very similar to "behavioral sink". Being alive is increasingly lonely, but such cultural revolution is also so poignant that motivated me to construct such a contradictory emotion and world setting with sounds.
Being the first song released under the new alias "KIVΛMKII", creating pieces in such form is also the main focus of the project. I have always been into theology, philosophy and science and so, which interprets life and universe in different eras and different ways. Transcribing such beauty into pieces of work is the greatest motivation throughout my life as an artist. I have always hoped that through such creation, I could come across more resonating souls in this lonely world, as a proof of my existence.
To stop writing forever, I shall talk about how I transcribe concepts into sounds and music in other instances, or in a walkthrough video of the entire project if you are interested.
I have to thank my friend Wayson Hsu for mastering the track with me. This piece is not as "digital" as my previous works, and I attempted to use analog gears to render the master track, giving the dirty and saturated, granulated world in the finalize phase. With his help, the outcome was satisfying.
I created the entire video for this. I planned to make a music video with my new character image, rendering with better visual effects, but my eyes got swollen due to infection, and the whole plan was ruined right before the date I scheduled to release the video, so it resulted in this motion visual. There might be some flaws in the video and I would say it is below perfection, but I would consider it a pass given the production schedule I had.
I would also like to thank another friend Yu-Lin Tsao for providing me insights of using program codes in the music video. Unfortunately the code seems blurred in the rendered video (I am so thankful that viewers are decoding them, and I have already released the code).
I wish my new work could bring some further insight to you, and there will be new works in the same concept upcoming. I will be working together with you for the better 2021.
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅INSECT[昆蟲島]ISLAND,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Biology for Butterfly Enthusiasts 🦋 給蝴蝶愛好者的生物學 🦋 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCARGGyUc1aU6SL6A6lAsufQ Insecta: Science that Stings 🦗 昆蟲綱:會叮...
life science biology 在 台灣光鹽生物科技學苑 Facebook 的最佳解答
【International Live Webinar Series】Strategies for Applying Clinical Trials in Europe歐洲臨床試驗申請策略與佈局
Part 1: 2020/12/01 (Tues) 16:30 ~ 18:00 (GMT+8)
Part 2: 2020/12/03 (Thurs) 16:30 ~ 18:00 (GMT+8)
Location:Online Webinar Training
Instructor:Anika Staack, Founder of ARC-TRAICOA / EU-QPPV
【Course Outline】
Part 1 2020/12/01 (Tues) 16:30 ~ 18:00 (GMT+8)
A. Europe – One Union with differences
B. European Clinical Trial Directive
1.Role of national competent authorities
2.Role of ethics committees (central / local)
3.Role of investigator
4.Role of sponsor
5.Role of EMA
C. Planning clinical trials in Europe
1.Analysis of product
b.Patient group
2.Analysis of end points
3 .Analysis of protocol
4.Preparing feasibility
5.Choosing Key Opinion Leaders
6.Sponsor or IIT?
7.Similar studies already running?
Part 2 2020/12/03 (Thurs) 16:30 ~ 18:00 (GMT+8)
A. Applying clinical trial
1.Collecting information you need
2.Establishing study team
B. Required entry into EudraCT
C. Required approval from national HAs and ethics
D. Required fulfilment of national data protection laws
E. Considerations
1.Doing it by yourselves
2.Contracting CRO
F. Upcoming issues: Site and patient recruitment, site resources, patients withdrawal, protocol amendments
G. Final presentation of study reports
Online Course Fees include 2 Webinars, 90 minutes each:
Special Price $160 USD per Person; Original Price $180 USD
(*1) Certificate of Attendance will be issued only if participants attend both part 1 & 2 webinar
(*2) Certificate of Completed Assessment will be issued only if participant pass the assessment
Register here 👉 https://forms.gle/Kj9yMVynsq7yzSzs8
Co-Organizer:Salt and Light Institute
【Target Audience】
(1.) Anyone who is interested in clinical trials in Europe
(2.) Anyone who has experience in working in clinical trials related field such as PI,PM,RA,RD,MA,DM,ST,CRA, CRC,QC,QA, etc)
【Instructor CV】
Anika Staack
Current Position:
Founder of ARC-TRAICOA
EU-Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (EU-QPPV)
Local German QPPV Consultant and Speaker
Previous Experience:
EU-QPPV / Stufenplanbeauftragte & Group Leader PV at Medice
Senior Drug Safety Manager at ICON
Lead Site Management Associate at PRA
Clinical Research Associate at SKM Oncology
Expertise Databases: European Medicine Agency EudraVigilance and xEVMPD
Quality Assurance: Audits & Inspections, SOP Writing and QA documentation, recalls and product quality
Clinical Trial Management: Feasibility, monitoring, eCRF set-up, database reconciliation, site selection, contract management, patient recruitment, study reports
Authorization process: PSMF, RMP & PSUR Writing, answering authority requests, Risk Management, overseeing product life-cycle
Education Background:
Master of Science (Biology)
Email: bioschool@biotech-edu.com Tel: (+886) 02-2545-9721 ext.18
life science biology 在 中央研究院 Academia Sinica Facebook 的最佳解答
生長花粉管一定需要的 #關鍵脂質 就是── #磷脂酸 PA(Phosphatidic acid)。
💁♂️中研院植微所中村友輝(Nakamura, Yuki)副研究員的團隊,近期發現影響磷脂酸的生成機制。
中村友輝解釋,PA在花粉管中是一種脂質訊息,主要存在於花粉管的尖端與底部之間,誘導花粉管生長。本研究發現,在花粉細胞內,有2種DGK酵素──DGK2與DGK4,會將沒有傳遞訊息功能的二酸甘油酯(Diacylglycerol, DAG)轉換成有傳遞訊息功能的PA,藉此達到花粉管生長的目的!
DGK2、DGK4廣泛存在於重要的農業作物中,在 #稻米、#小麥、#玉米、#番茄、蘋果中等都可見到。因此可以推測,此次發現的PA 合成機制也在各種植物中存在,#可能是增進作物受孕與產量研究的新契機!
此研究經費由中央研究院前瞻計畫所提供。共同第一作者為阮錦雲(Van. C Nguyen)及翁玉鑽博士(Artik Elisa Angkawijaya)。研究論文標題為 “A pair of diacylglycerol kinases essential for gametogenesis and ER phospholipid metabolism in leaves and flowers of Arabidopsis”。
Associate Research Fellow Dr. Yuki Nakamura and his team at AS' Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology recently discovered the key to pollen tube elongation: a mechanism that produces the lipid signal phosphatidic acid (PA). This discovery advances our understanding of lipid signaling that makes pollen fertile, and may also contribute to strategies on improving agricultural plant fertility. The team’s research paper on this discovery was published in the leading plant science journal The Plant Cell on May 29, 2020.
👉More Information: https://www.sinica.edu.tw/en/news/6572
[中央社] 中研院發現植物受孕關鍵 盼解決農產減量問題
[自由] 中研院團隊首度揭開花粉受孕關鍵 將有助提高農作物產量
[中時] 中研院找到花粉受孕脂質來源 可提高農產量
[蘋果] 找出植物受孕最後一哩路關鍵 中研院盼助提高農產量
中央研究院植物暨微生物學研究所 IPMB, Academia Sinica
life science biology 在 INSECT[昆蟲島]ISLAND Youtube 的最讚貼文
Biology for Butterfly Enthusiasts
🦋 給蝴蝶愛好者的生物學 🦋
Insecta: Science that Stings
🦗 昆蟲綱:會叮的科學 🦗

life science biology 在 同志道合 Youtube 的最佳貼文
照理來說,Gay 早就該絕種才對
實際上,自然界對這同志這件事做了一個非常巧妙的設定,內容在影片中,這就是Howard這次的生物學的期末報告 (撒花轉圈圈)
蜘蛛跟魷魚絲一樣, 都是蛋白質組成的(咳), 它的強度不但高過鋼鐵, 而且質量極小, 繞地球一圈的蜘蛛絲重量, 低於一杯中杯珍奶 (500cc)
適者生存, 又稱天擇說, 應該算是史上最重要的一條生物定律, 它解釋生命的樣貌是流動的, 而不是永遠不變, 包括我們人類, 也是由單細胞生物演化成魚, 爬到陸地上, 變成猩猩, 最後才變成今天這個樣子
這讓亞當跟夏蛙聽到可能會覺得很不爽 (我知道我知道) !
其實應該要更早, 因為在那時候的社會價值還是以上帝造人為主流, 可能達爾文當時也怕自己被暴民亂棒修理吧, 所以一直把這個想法藏到他50歲才公諸於世.
不過, 這個假設隨著陸續出土的證據跟研究, 如今變得越來越堅不可破.
"正向基因突變" 講的就是可以增加你 "生存率" 或者 "交配率" 的基因, 可是, "正向"這兩個字並不是絕對的, 聽起來有點模糊哦 w(゚д゚)w
讓我們用 " 白化症 (白子) " 的例子來說明吧 !
白化症是一種會讓你全身色素變不見的基因突變, 假如你有這種基因, 那你整個人就會看起來白白der(就像通天神探狄仁傑裡面的斐東來).
如果這種壯'況發生在非洲狐身上, 那我們會把它視為是一組具有毀滅性的基因; 因為牠在土黃色為主的非洲平原上走跳, 還把自己弄得白拋拋, 這等同掛了一面 吃我吃我 的牌子再身上.
可是, 如果它發生在北極狐身上呢? 我們就會當它是所謂的正向基因, 因為在北極, 白化症會變成一種保護色, 方便牠們掠食或逃跑, 接下來牠以後生的孩子會有潛在的白化症基因.
順道一提, 我們現在看到的極地動物, 很多都是白化症的產物
E.O威爾森是哈佛大學的生物學榮譽教授, 也是島嶼生態學 (Insular biogeography) 的創始人之一. 他曾多次獲得美國國家級的獎章. 論人性 (On Human Nature) 是他於1978年時的一部著作, 獲普立茲獎
影片中我提到很 " 理論" 跟 "假說"這類的詞, 可能會讓人覺得 "只是理論 " ,
因為沒有人可以活在生命的開端 (約35億年前), 然後全程記錄宇宙的始末. 理論的出生, 是人類為了說明某個現象所發展出來的解釋, 它必須受到現實非常嚴格的檢視. 借用一個科學家的話來作結, 他說:
這個世界的規律, 是眾神正在下的一盤棋, 而人類在一旁邊看邊猜它的規則, 如果你看到皇后把主教吃了, 你會說皇后比主教大, 可是接著你又看到主教把皇后吃了, 那你的說法 (假說) 就必須修改, 直到遊戲結束, 所有的規則 (理論) 都能完全符合你的觀察為止, 大致上, 我們所說的科學理論就是這麼一回事, 只是真實的狀況比下棋複雜太多了(Richard Feynman)"
以下是影片參考內容跟資料來源 :
(Billions of Insects Are Having Gay Sex "Accidentally" Say Scientists)
(Bugs Not Gay, Just Confused)
(Why Insects Have Gay Sex)
(Research Finds That Homosexuality in Insects and Spiders is a Case of Mistaken Identify)
Wilson, Edward O. On Human Nature. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2004. Print. (論人性, 關於同志的解釋在第六章 "性")
很多想法跟解說方法都是下面幾本書給我的靈感, 比照誠信SOP規定, 信譽必須歸還給原作者 :
Brookes, Martin. Fly: An Experimental Life. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2001. Print.
Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker. New York: Norton, 2013. Print.
Dawkins, Richard. The Selfish Gene: 30th Anniversary Edition. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006. Print.
Moorehead, Alan. Darwin and the Beagle. New York: Harper & Row, 1969. Print.