今天是教師節,也是Meisner 表演課的第二年、第二階段。
很感謝求知若渴的小岳,把Meisner Technique 這套系統在台灣扎實的發揚光大;大家都可以一起透過學習而更有深度、更有力量。工作室也安排了多元的肢體課、Linklater 聲音課程、編劇課,讓同學選修,我和很多同學一樣,把這些課上好上滿💕
從2020年8/31開始,為期一年總共70堂課。這是一個嚴謹、需要高度自律的表演課。我們在老Teacher Martijn 指導下,一起搭乘情緒雲霄飛車,把自己全然丟進想像情境中體驗自由落體的失控感受。希望這年度的課程,我能夠融會貫通,把所學的工具刻畫在全身的每一個細胞,能夠從同學身上得到啟發。
分享去年的照片,大家幫Martijn 慶生,同時我也幫自己做了小小的紀錄~ Acting is the reality of doing. 因此課堂上我們有很多的獨立活動要練習、要自己準備道具。每個人的活動都有個人特色,同學說我是活動女王,並不是因為我做的特別好,而是因為我很怕在課堂上呈現的時候沒事做而無法跟情緒連結,寧可設計很多道具、大包小包的把家裡東西搬到現場⋯😆
meisner technique 在 Simon Twu 涂世旻 Facebook 的精選貼文
What really makes you happy?!
What makes me happy are things that give me a peace of mind. The feeling of security, serenity, contentment and freedom 🕊 Learned this while training in the Meisner Technique and reading The Artist's Way.
Sometimes, we look for happiness at the wrong places, only to find out that true happiness has always been there, waving its hand at us all along ☺️
#photoshooting #happykid #smilingface #artist #artistlife #sunshine #bestclick #smile #happy #smileyface #fashion #asiancelebrity #photooftheday #style #summer #inspiration #MeisnerTechnique #MethodActing #theartistway
meisner technique 在 Wen-chieh Chi 紀彣潔 Facebook 的精選貼文
Heard of Meisner Technique multiple times, especially the “Repetition Game”, I was immediately captivated and applied for this class.
In normal day life, some people tend to hide, sometimes ignore, their true feelings. This cause them unable to identify what their emotions are. There are some people who know what they’re feeling but choose to look away. This not only happen to ourselves, but also choosing to turn a blind eye toward other’s feelings as well. All of these scenarios are my issues that needed to change.
“Repetition” made me became more aware of others and my own true feeling. I was also forced to admit that I became a coward in front of these raw emotions of others and myself.
Many thanks to this journey and strive to become braver and honest from this day on.
#actrees #actresses
#actorslife #workshop #actorshomework
#演員 #演員進修課 #表演課 #梅斯納表演技巧