Habit #2
First meal of the day is to have protein and/or fat. The best breakfasts for both physical and mental performance is having meat and/or nuts. Meat without carbs, facilitates more dopamine production (which amps up the nervous system) and nuts facilitates acetyl-choline production (which supports cognitive function and learning). Not only does this help me to have a super productive day without relying on a single sip of coffee, but people who follows this habit will tend to make better food decision choices throughout their day too
Now I’m going to share some exceptions to this as although it’s a powerful meal to kickstart the day BUT it’s NOT for everybody. Few conditions influence our appetite especially in the morning or even able to tolerate having meat 1st thing. One of the many reasons can be stress. Our HCL levels in our stomach could be suppressed due to stress which makes it difficult for us to breakdown that meat
Another exception is, if your kidney is not optimal, you may not be someone who can tolerate high meat consumption until you address and fix your kidney first. I review my client lab results and will determine the state of their kidneys to know if they have any kidney dysfunction. Btw, I’ve notice people who drink whey protein regularly too tend to have high uric acid levels and they should be cautious about this because high uric acid levels can form kidney stones or even cause other issues! On any signs of kidney dysfunction, I’ll treat them using the right protocols immediately so that they can return to their optimal state again and start to adopt the habits of peak performers to achieve the results they want
Remember, always look at the root cause when addressing or fixing a problem. That’s what Nutrition Medicine does. We treat the root cause and not the symptoms
Finally, avoid any processed or refined carbs like cereals, biscuits, oats, milo, bread, pastries, rice, noodles etc to start your day with. There’s absolutely no value in those food others than they spike up your insulin levels. Watch my IGTV videos on insulin to understand when you may want it to spike it up and under what conditions
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