💬 PArents Talk 💬
Hello all! I'm doing a live interactive Q&A session on staying positive during lockdown (esp with family, kids, in-laws, or all of the above!) Deets/link to join in in my IG Story and in my Profile:
👟 Positive Building Blocks: Your Words Matter! 👟
We have collaborated with Playuem for our upcoming interactive virtual Q&A session, featuring guest speakers - Sha En, Founder of Happiness Scientist, and George Young, FLY Entertainment Artist!
Dive into their knowledge and experience, and learn how you can spark positive vibes at home! 🏠✨ Register here 👉 https://go.gov.sg/shs-qna-02
Time is SG Time. PArents Talk will be hosted on Micepad; more details will be sent upon registration - see you there!
micepad 在 AppWorks Facebook 的精選貼文
【 AppWorks Demo Day #15 精彩回顧 - botimize 】
Chatbot 的發展改變了品牌與人們互動的形式,許多企業都開始採用聊天機器人,但若是我們想進一步了解背後數據的意義又該怎麼做呢?台灣的團隊 Botimize 堪稱 Chatbot 的 AI 引擎,團隊利用機器學習與自然語言處理的技術,幫助開發團隊針對 Chatbot 的流程、對話內容等細節,進行分析與優化,讓客戶企業也能擁有自己的 AI 智慧服務,使數據更好懂、趨勢更早被發現。他們的客戶遠播到美、星、韓及以色列。
Team profile: Micepad is an event management and audience engagement platform, designed to deliver a great experience for every digital interaction. From pre-event to post-event, by increasing interactivity and making events more measurable, our users increase the productivity of their event stakeholders and demonstrate event ROI with data to improve all subsequent events hosted.
如果你想要更了解 AppWorks Accelerator >> https://goo.gl/LGGs1D
micepad 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳貼文
【 AppWorks Demo Day #15 精彩回顧 - Micepad: Elegant Audience Engagement Solutions 】
開會時的腦力激盪已經筋疲力竭了,會前會後的資料整理更是一大工程。為了解決商務人士的困擾,新加坡團隊 Micepad 精心研發出的無紙化會議軟體一站式客製化服務,可在開會前將所有資訊數位化,寄送給每一位與會者,會議中還能即時修改、上傳投影片,或即時顯示投票結果。會議結束後,可立刻刪除會議資料,防止機密外洩。目前,Micepad 已經成功在紐約、北京、首爾、雅加達等全球 15 個城市,協助兩百多場會議提升效率。
Team profile: Micepad is an event management and audience engagement platform, designed to deliver a great experience for every digital interaction. From pre-event to post-event, by increasing interactivity and making events more measurable, our users increase the productivity of their event stakeholders and demonstrate event ROI with data to improve all subsequent events hosted.
如果你想要更了解 AppWorks Accelerator >> https://goo.gl/5kMuEU