Recruiting prospects is arguably the most important part of every sports team. The significance enlarges for school-based teams. Why are Kentucky, Duke, Michigan and UCLA the best schools of NCAAB? They have the facilities and the good results to attract future stars like DeMarcus Cousins, Kyrie Irving, The Fab Five and Kevin Love. The school that I am working for, Shantou University is currently undergoing expansion for its basketball program. We fought against all odds to get this player, Hao from Dongguan to play for the team. He’s an exciting prospect with athleticism good enough to play in CBA. He has a Tier 1 Certificate but his school principal is holding it back, and it will only be issued when a deal is reached with the high school and the university. Basically you have to pay the high school for them to release their player, which is illegal in HK and in the NCAA. You never know what can happen in China. The principal of Hao’s high school said that they had a deal with one of the Guangdong Universities. It is sad to be an athlete in China as they don’t even get to choose their own future path. We know that Hao is from a poor family with his father being a farmer. Our university is hoping that we can buy him a harvesting machine to offer him support. I’d rather see money spent on helping out players’ and their families’ livelihoods than being a dealing chip for a player to forcefully commit.
搜羅新秀也許是一隊球隊, 尤其是校隊最重要的一環. 為甚麼肯塔基, 杜克, 密竭根和加州大學能成為美國大學籃球的班霸? 因為他們有完善的設備和好的戰績來吸引卡辛斯, 艾榮, 密竭根五虎和奇雲洛夫等明日之星. 我現在在汕頭大學工作, 籃球部剛迎來了一次大的擴張. 我們千方百計從籃球之鄉東莞找到张建豪. 阿豪是一位非常優秀的新秀, 他的運動能力已經足以在CBA立足了. 希望他能夠接受優質教學和職業團隊訓練把潛力發揮出來, 但他的畢業證書卻被中學校長扣住了. 想得到他就要和中學達成金錢上的協議或找中央向他們施壓. 這在香港和NCAA都是違例的. 在中國, 甚麼事情都有可能發生. 那位校長說他們已和廣州一所大學達成協議了. 在中國當運動員是非常可悲的, 因為連自己的未來路向也不能自己做選擇. 我們知道他的家境貧窮, 老爸是當農夫的. 我們希望能為他買一部收割機來維持生計. 我寧願看到金錢用來幫助學生和他的家庭的生計, 也不想看到金錢淪為要學生沒選擇地投靠一所大學的交易籌碼.