前文「修潤英文」說「主詞和動詞之間不可加逗號」,有位常用英文交談的網友說,這逗號加了應該也是innocuous mistake(無害的小錯),這使我決定再查證標準現代英語書寫規則。說「現代英語」很重要,因爲在幾百年前,包括美國憲法寫成的年代,作者在文章中隨意加逗號,包括主詞和動詞之間,是如喝水般容易,彷彿逗號不用錢。好啦,今天也一樣不用錢。
有本名著《語言本能》被洪蘭蹂躪的Steven Pinker幾年前的新作The Sense of Style(寫作風格的意識),至少有三段文字描述Pinker對這條鐵律的看法,顯然對違犯此規則者毫不寬待。這本書我大力推薦,譯者是江先聲,但奉勸儘量讀英文版。江譯有不錯的亮點,也有不少令人皺眉的地方。以下他的翻譯一字未改。
// But in general the divisions between the major parts of a clause, such as subject and predicate, are comma-free zones, no matter how complex the syntax.
But as we shall see in chapter 6, using a comma to separate a subject from its predicate or a verb from one of its complements is among the most grievous sins of mispunctuation.
Though the comma which demarcates a supplementary phrase may be omitted when the pronunciation zips right through it, the converse is no longer true: a comma may not separate the elements of an integrated phrase (such as a subject and its predicate), no matter how badly its narrator may want to take a breath at that juncture.
mistake verb 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳解答
前文「修潤英文」說「主詞和動詞之間不可加逗號」,有位常用英文交談的網友說,這逗號加了應該也是innocuous mistake(無害的小錯),這使我決定再查證標準現代英語書寫規則。說「現代英語」很重要,因爲在幾百年前,包括美國憲法寫成的年代,作者在文章中隨意加逗號,包括主詞和動詞之間,是如喝水般容易,彷彿逗號不用錢。好啦,今天也一樣不用錢。
有本名著《語言本能》被洪蘭蹂躪的Steven Pinker幾年前的新作The Sense of Style(寫作風格的意識),至少有三段文字描述Pinker對這條鐵律的看法,顯然對違犯此規則者毫不寬待。這本書我大力推薦,譯者是江先聲,但奉勸儘量讀英文版。江譯有不錯的亮點,也有不少令人皺眉的地方。以下他的翻譯一字未改。
// But in general the divisions between the major parts of a clause, such as subject and predicate, are comma-free zones, no matter how complex the syntax.
But as we shall see in chapter 6, using a comma to separate a subject from its predicate or a verb from one of its complements is among the most grievous sins of mispunctuation.
Though the comma which demarcates a supplementary phrase may be omitted when the pronunciation zips right through it, the converse is no longer true: a comma may not separate the elements of an integrated phrase (such as a subject and its predicate), no matter how badly its narrator may want to take a breath at that juncture.
mistake verb 在 Vocabno Facebook 的最佳貼文
At least 21 killed as Isis-linked militants (n.激進份子) rampage(v.破壞) through Philippines city
👆🏼上面係琴日news sharing嘅標題,"militants"我地解noun, "rampage"解verb。朋友就問"militants"點解唔係adjective, "rampage"做noun。首先要講嘅係"militant"(冇s時)可以係adjective, 都可以係noun,而"rampage"就可以係verb, 都可以係noun,但擺係呢個標題就有一定嘅詞性啦。
➡️第一,假設militant同militants同時係adj., 咁佢地嘅分別就在於militants多咗個"-s", 由於word category(即Part of speech)不變,呢個"s"應該係增加grammatical meaning嘅inflectional morpheme (IM),而英文入面只有八個IMs, 其中兩個係"-s", 一個係3rd person singular "-s" (verb e.g. run-->runs), 另一個係plural marker "-s" (noun e.g. boy-->boys), 兩類都唔係adjective,亦即係"militants"係adj.嘅可能性係零。
➡️第二,如果"militants"係 plual noun, 而"rampage"都係noun, 呢度就會形成compound noun, 但有幾何compound noun會係由plural noun+noun呢,舉個例,"bus stops", "egg rolls", "chocolate cakes", 全部都係前面嘅唔加"-s", 後面個noun先加, 咁所以呢度係compound noun嘅可能都唔大,而"rampage"做verb 嘅機會就大好多。
➡️第三,以全句做分析,"as"解"because", "because"後面跟sentence,而唔會係noun phrase, 如果要跟noun phrase,就要用"because of", 所以呢句就算係adj. + n. 或者compound noun都會形成grammatical mistake。
好啦,大大就做咗三方面嘅analysis, 有冇人可以揾到更加多原因呢?係樓下留言,大大考慮下送份禮物俾你啦(放心,唔會係垃圾。)仲有,想學更多語言學嘅嘢就話我地聽啦。😍
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