So I'm a huge fan of pulls. There was once, I said that "Pulls are more important than squats as additional exercise". People didn't like that very much.
Now, as we've gotten the Russians (Seriously, thank you Klokov), the Chinese (my ex coach & Coach Ma), Norik etc pushing out their seminars, I feel it's safe to come out of the hole and say it again.
I always explain the importance of pulls, with the story of "The Fisherman's Rod".
1. Fish - Barbell
2. Rod - Back
3. Fisherman - Legs
The fish is a bazillion kilos, and fills the torrid seas with half of Nicki Minaj's silicon.
The fisherman's name's was Li Hongli or whatever your favourite weightlifter's name is (Trust me, he looks like a fisherman)
Both these guys are battling it out. Hongli looks like he's winning, but he made one small mistake. He came with a bamboo rod.
The fish swims away, belly full of tasty goodness.
Hongli comes back, this time with a strong rod. Snags the fish again. This time, fish comes on board and Hongli now has enough silicone implants to last Silicone Valley till Moore's law no longer exists.
Entertaining story no?
Basically the point here is, when you train your squats, your legs get stronger. But for your legs, to transfer the force to the barbell, you need to be in a certain "power position".
That requires your back, and glutes, and hamstrings. If you don't place enough importance in your pulls, your bar cannot be in the position where the legs can kick it up effectively.
Otherwise, your hips are going to slide forward, lose tension in your posterior, and with your hips already SLIDING forward, it's going to hit the bar out.
Am I saying skip squats for pulls? Absolutely not. I'm saying, skip nothing, add pulls. Be patient with positions. Go heavy, go light, go fast, go slow. Do what it takes to hold your body in the best position so when you get into your power position, it explodes, absolutely nothing you have to think about.
1. Do pulls to get into good power positions
2. If there's ever a silicone shortage in the world, find Nicki. She's probably hoarding them.