Over the last few weeks I have spent countless hours participating in, filming, editing and sharing many of Taiwan’s largest Religious events such as Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage and Nanyao Palace Pilgrimage. In just the past month my videos and posts promoting these events and religions have gained over than 1.4 million views, and I think it would be a shame if I didn’t take time to share one thing about my own religion. The picture shown is of the Salt Lake City Temple, one of my LDS (Mormon) Temples spread across the world! My church my not have large activities or events to draw in millions at a time but it has a strong message about families, happiness and eternal life. I’m glad to have spent 2 years of my life dedicated to spreading this message to the wonderful Chinese/Taiwanese people in DC and hopefully through my light and smile I can let others know of the true happiness that this Gospel brings.
我最近的好幾個禮拜花了不計其數的時間參與,拍攝,剪接和分享台灣最大的宗教活動,好像大甲媽遶境活動祖和彰化南瑤宮笨港進香活動. 在這個月中我所有有關這些活動的影片和照片的觀看數超過了140萬!我覺得因為我把這些宗教活動和廟分享了這麼多次我也應該要分享我自己的宗教!這張照片是我自己拍的,就是美國猶他州鹽湖城的聖殿,這是其中我教會全世界各地的聖殿之一. 雖然我的教會沒有一個吸引好百幾萬人參加的活動,我的教會有一個美好的信息,一個有關家庭,快樂和永遠幸福的信息!我很高興能夠三年之前身為傳教士為我教會服務去華盛頓特區而跟那邊所有的中國和台灣人分享這個美好的訊息!我希望大家都能透過我的快樂和每一天的笑容看得出來這個福音信息的美好效果!