7 April 2021. Turning 38.
It's a special one for me this year because it's my first as a mum of 4! Woohoo! Yup, I feel deeply thankful and I count my blessings every day.
So I spent my entire day with these kids today - we ate, we sang, we laughed and I ended it off by taking them out to cycle and had a bowl of yummy laksa to reward myself. Hee. The kids said baby Ansel knew it was my birthday so he quietly sat in the pram and fell asleep so I could have a nice dinner. Awww.
The three elder ones also planned a surprise for me as they presented their handmade cards and in return, they were treated to frozen yoghurt, berry tart and coconut jelly. Yippee!
Big thanks to the friends who sent these yummy delights over and also those who gave beautiful blooms to cheer up my day. Also, thanks to my jie meis who brought over a cake when visiting Ansel and everyone else who sent kind wishes over one way or another. And to my parents for the zi char treat over the weekend, the hubby for the cake and my in-laws for the bird's nest. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all of you for remembering. ❤
Life is good and it will get even better from here. At least, that is what I hope for. May everyone stay happy, healthy and be loved always.
#ahappymum #mamaof4 #happybirthday #itsmyday #justthefiveofus #mumandkids #thankful #countingmyblessings
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Rainy 🌧 nights are for staying home to..... dance💃!
It's been a while since we shared a new #ahappymumdances clip so here's one we did tonight! Yup, ain't gonna let anything, not PSLE year nor the big belly, kill our love for dancing.
That said, the girls had to pick this BlackPink song with a choreography that is super fast paced and hard to follow and half of us (meaning me and Didi) had no idea what we were doing most of the time. Haha. Still, proud of this boy for trying his best and not giving up halfway too. Woohoo!
I did read that dancing is safe and even recommended for preggies in order to stay active so don't worry, yeah? I do take a break from time to time and will happily watch them instead but it's really about doing it as a family and having lots of fun as we boogie, laugh and bond. It's like how these kids will join me when I do pregnancy exercises too - it's really cute, I use my gym ball and they run off to find any rubber ball in our house - and for us, it's always about being together.
In any case, the baby is moving and kicking a lot these days so it seems like he is all set to join in our dance loving family very soon. Haha. Yup, it's gonna get crowded but so merry on the 'dance floor' soon, makes me feel excited just thinking about it.
Good night, everyone! Don't forget to let your hair down and have fun every now and then!
#ahappymum #dancelikenooneiswatching #dancelovers #mumandkids #killthislove #justdance #justhavefun #mamaof4 #pregnancy #sgmums #neverstopdancing #iwannabeafunmum
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Still trying to imagine how it will be like to be surrounded by four kids. But I guess I will know the answer soon.
应该是无比的吵闹,却又无比的幸福. ❤
For now, I am going to enjoy the festive month and count down to Christmas with these three darlings of mine. Yup, it's hard to believe we are at the end of 2020 already but that also means we can hope for a new year and hopefully a better one.
Loving this mum-and-kids snowy ❄ window side portrait taken by @bloomphotographysg. It's the last 24 hours to join in our mini photoshoot giveaway where you can take home these precious memories too, so hop over to my previous photoshoot post if you are keen. Good luck, people, and let's all try to enjoy the last month of the year. 🌲
#ahappymum #bloomphotography
#familyphotography #photoshoot #mumandkids #preciousmemory #merrychristmas