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...Continue ReadingPTT. With Petronas, who's bigger? / By Investing Man
Thailand's national energy company is PTT.
Malaysia's national energy company is petronas.
Both run businesses in a similar manner and are located in a neighboring territory.
But the question that everyone would suspect.
In fact, these 2 companies. Who's bigger?
Invest man will tell you about it.
Petronas was founded earlier in July. 1974 or 45 years ago
The only owner of a state enterprise is Malaysian government
PTT. Established in chase time on July 1978 or 41 years ago
Initially a state enterprise as well, but later listed on the stock stock exchange. 51 % is the Ministry of Finance.
The purpose of setting up 2 companies is for the energy stability of the country.
As in the past, the world oil incident was deprived of the political crisis in the Middle East region. In that time, petroleum exploration must be leaned on foreign nationals.
And then both of them are growing up to become a leading energy company.
From upstream to downstream, explore and produce, oil refinery, petrochemicals, petrochemicals, oil, petrochemicals, oil and gas retail service stations.
So who has more resources?
Info about oil and natural gas sources at the end of 2018
Proven oil reserves 300 million barrels (last 2 years)
There is oil production 0.49 million barrels per day.
I want to use 1.48 million barrels per day oil.
And have a proven amount of natural gas reserves. 2 hundred billion cubic meters (5 years used)
There is a gas production of 3.8 billion cubic meters per day.
I want to use 4.9 billion cubic meters of gas a day.
Made by netthai is an energy importer.
Malaysia country
Proven oil reserves at 3,000 million barrels (last for 12 years)
There is oil production 0.68 million barrels per day.
I want to use 0.81 million barrels per day oil.
And have a proven amount of natural gas reserves of 2.4 trillion cubic meters (33 years available).
There is a gas production of 7.3 billion cubic meters per day.
I want to use 4.1 billion cubic meters of gas a day.
Made by net, Malaysia is an energy exporter, especially natural gas.
When this happens, what is the result of all 2 National Energy Companies?
Year 2017 Income 2.0 Trillion Baht. Profit 1.3 Baht.
Year 2018 Income 2.3 Trillion Baht. Profit 1.2 Baht.
Year 2017 Income 1.7 Trillion Baht. Profit 3.4 Baht.
Year 2018 Income 1.9 Trillion Baht. Profit 4.1 Baht.
I will see that PTT. Earn higher income
But Petronas has a higher profit of several times.
The main cause of these 2 companies have different income structures and ability to make profit.
Thailand consumes more energy so it has a higher sales base.
It's not enough to produce. It has to be imported from foreign countries with small profit.
The income proportion of PTT Year 2018
34 % comes from International Trade Business
31 % comes from petrochemical and refined business.
16 % comes from oil and retail business.
13 % comes from the natural gas business
5 % is from PTT. Explore and produce petroleum
In addition, the owner of the petroleum source in Thailand is the right of the government which allows private sector to compete with concessions and must share benefits to the state as agreed.
By PTT. The director. The company of PTT. Just one of the concession recipients. It's producing about 34 % of the total.
While Malaysia has more resources than can be produced for export, and right to all petroleum sources belong to petroleum, the state enterprise makes a significant profit.
Proportion of income of petronas 2018
45 % comes from upstream business (i.e. survey and produce)
49 % comes from downstream business (i.e. petrochemical, service station)
Petroleum exports are 39 % of income more than domestic sales are 29 %
For all the reasons, even PTT. There will be more income, but compared to the value of the company. Petronas is much bigger.
Companies property value at the end of 2018
PTT. At 2.4 trillion baht
Petronas is at 4.7 Trillion Baht.
Company Market Value (Market Cap)
PTT. At 1.3 trillion baht
As for Petronas, the mother company is not on the stock market, but it has brought 3 children to raise money.
Petronas Chemicals Group worth 4.4 billion baht.
Petronas Gas worth 2.4 billion baht.
Petronas Dagangan worth 1.7 billion baht.
In total, the company of petronas in the stock market will be worth 8.5 billion Baht.
But with all the profits of the Petroleum group, if it's on the stock market and trading with P / E at least 10 times more than 4 million baht, which is bigger than PTTT. At least 3 times
This one sums it up
If you compare to the income of PTT. Will be bigger than petronas
Compared to the value of petronas company will be bigger than PTT.
But the more important thing is, from the beginning to the present, both have evolved into top energy companies as well.
The most benefited people in the country.
Throwback to 40 years ago
If these 2 countries don't set up energy companies
Today, I have to rely on foreigners and there are more energy barriers than now..
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- Annual Report 2018 PTTT
- Annual Report 2018 Petronas
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LIVE โครงการก้าวคนละก้าว เพื่อ 11 โรงพยาบาลทั่วประเทศ
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1. บัญชีรับบริจาค : ธนาคารไทยพาณิชย์ จำกัด (มหาชน)
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7. เคาเตอร์เซอร์วิสของ 7-11 ทุกสาขา
8. www.ruckdee.com :
หมายเหตุ – สามารถบริจาคได้จนถึงวันที่ 31 พฤษภาคม 2561
9. ห้างบิ๊กซีทุกสาขา
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一查原來是 .NET CORE 3.X之後的新版本
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有時候客戶環境往往都要再更新或是東裝西裝 會抱怨
要人家再多裝個RUNTIME或是更新一下 好像要命一樣
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Sharp/M.1604994906.A.368.html
※ 編輯: erspicu ( 臺灣), 11/10/2020 15:56:03
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