【教務處防疫訊息 大班課程5/12起請採用遠距教學】
Courses enrolled by 100 students or more (experiments, practicums, and hands-on courses not included), and will move these courses to distance learning on #May12
為因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫情的發展,本校修課學生人數 #達100人以上大型課程 (不含實驗/實習/實作課程),#自5月12日起請改採遠距教學,小班課程應保持室內1.5公尺的社交距離,全程配戴口罩,請所有老師包涵並配合辦理。
除了錄製課程內容上傳NTU COOL外,教務處會提供各授課教師U Webinar和 U Meeting之平臺帳號,俾益所有老師可以進行同步遠距討論。若老師在教學數位化上有任何問題,請參考數位學習中心專頁(https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/)。
錄製課程相關諮詢............. ..02-3366-3367 #566、563、586
NTU COOL數位教學平台...02-3366-3367 #598、580
數位TA申請..............................02-3366-3367 #584
U Meeting/ U Webinar........02-3366-3367 #532
教務處 敬上
Dear colleagues,
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, NTU has also launched a digitalization plan for courses enrolled by 100 students or more (experiments, practicums, and hands-on courses not included), and will move these courses to distance learning on May 12. Small classes should leave at least 1.5 meters’ social distance indoors. Please wear a mask all the time when you are in the classroom or laboratory. Thank you for your cooperation.
The school also welcomes other courses which are willing to move to distance learning. By reducing class time which teachers and students are in class, we can prevent cluster infections.
Students please make sure the exact date when distance learning starts from the notice of units of Curriculum and the lecturer. If there’s any important adjustments, units of Curriculum should respond in time.
The Office of Academic Affairs is about to implement the cleaning and disinfection of the following five buildings: Gongtong , Putong , Xinsheng , Boya, and Zonghe Lecture Building, and will intensify daily cleaning and disinfection to provide cleaner and safer teaching and learning environment.
Despite digitalizing courses to NTU COOL, the office of Academic Affairs will provide account numbers of U Webinar and U meeting for those lectures. We hope this can help all lecturers to make a better distance learning discussion concurrently. If there is any problem, you can refer to ntu-dlc’s website(https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/)for help.
You are welcome to contact our staff should you have any inquiries. We wish you all the best in the new semester.
Technical consultation and Contact
Digitalizing your courses..............02-3366-3367 #566、563、586
NTU COOL..........................................02-3366-3367 #598、580
Application for teaching assistants for digital courses..
................................................................02-3366-3367 #584
U Meeting/ U Webinar...................02-3366-3367 #532
Office of Academic Affairs
ntu cool 平臺 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文
【因應全球疫情發展 本校百人以上課程4/6起遠距教學】
Distance Learning Begins on April 6 for Courses of 100 Students or More
因應日益嚴峻的全球疫情,臺大校園防疫再晉級。本校擬定修課學生人數達100人以上大型課程數位化方案 (不含實驗/實習/實作課程),自4/6起採遠距教學,請修課學生依開課單位或授課教師之通知,確認開始遠距教學之確切日期。
除了錄製課程內容上傳NTU COOL外,教務處將提供各授課教師U Webinar和 U Meeting之平臺帳號,俾益所有老師進行同步遠距討論。未來將視疫情發展,若有需要,不排除要求所有講授課程均進行遠距教學,敬請所有老師配合辦理。
Due to escalating coronavirus concerns worldwide, NTU will upgrade its epidemic preventive measures again. Starting from April 6, all courses enrolled by 100 students or more (experiments, practicums, and hands-on courses not included) will move to distance learning. Departments or instructors offering these courses will inform the students of the exact starting dates of online instruction.
Besides recording and uploading lectures to NTU COOL, instructors will also gain access to U Webinar and U Meeting for synchronous online discussion. As the coronavirus outbreak continues to evolve, it is possible that all courses, regardless of size, may have to move to distance learning when circumstances require it. Instructors and students alike may need to anticipate this move and plan ahead.
The Digital Learning Center of the Office of Academic Affairs has also moved its TA training & certification online, offering a “Digital TA Training Package” for all TAs of this semester. TAs of courses with 100 or more enrollments should complete the online training and certification before March 20. To ensure students’ right to education, we will need to make the most of online resources to guarantee that learning continues regardless of the coronavirus spread.
Online TA Training Package: https://cool.ntu.edu.tw/courses/1838
Distance Learning Instructions & Info: https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/
#遠距教學 #全球疫情 #數位TA訓練課程 #學習不中斷
ntu cool 平臺 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的最讚貼文
#教學創新 #教師增能系列活動 #DesignThinking
隨著世代日新月異,學生學習模式漸趨多元,為協助本校教師教學切合學生學習動機與需求,以及有效整合數位教學資源、創新課程與教學設計,教務處教學發展中心暨數位學習中心 107-2 學期推出教師增能系列活動。2019年 3月15日「設計思維:一場探索教學創新的歷程」工作坊為系列活動揭開序幕,引領參與者重新發現「教師」職業之角色定位與意義。
設計思維(Design Thinking)是一套發現問題並解決問題的方法,其強調以「使用者需求」為核心,透過 Empathize、Define、Ideate、Prototype、Test 五個環節找出問題的根本與最終的解決辦法,結合人的需求與工具的可行性,設計出最合適的產品。從教學的角度而言,亦即設計出最合適的教學工具或教學規劃。
工作坊活動當天有18 位來自不同學院的教師們一同腦力激盪,分組針對「課堂上師生/生生互動困難」、「學生學習動機不足」、「線上教學活動師生/生生互動困難」、「不知如何掌握學生學習成效」、「大班課程的教學行政管理」等五項教學現場最常遇到的困難探究原因、設計解決方法。工作坊過程中交流、討論十分熱絡,教師們樂於分享自己在教學上遇到的困擾,也試著發想創新的教學活動或教學工具設計。
透過這場設計思維工作坊,與會教師練習運用設計思維的方法,並透過與其他學院教師的經驗交流,針對共同的教學問題設計最佳的解決方法。教學發展中心暨數位學習中心也藉由這場工作坊,深度地瞭解教師們在教學現場實際面臨的困難,著手規劃切中本校教師需求之服務,另數位學習中心正在開發中的 NTU COOL 線上教學平臺亦將參考本次工作坊之教師回饋,規劃、開發符合新世代教學方式之相關功能。教學發展中心暨數位學習中心秉持提升教學品質宗旨,持續竭盡心力服務本校師生,作為大家教與學路上的好夥伴,107-2 學期教師增能系列活動 歡迎您的參與!教務處教學發展中心暨數位學習中心【教師增能系列活動】資訊: http://ctld.ntu.edu.tw/newsDetails.php?nId=1278