[時事英文] 「本土的」和「確診病例」英文怎麼說?
近 1000 位同學在學的英文思考術 https://bit.ly/3eTHIvH
The threat of emerging infectious diseases to global health and the economy, trade, and tourism has never abated. Pandemics can spread rapidly around the world because of the ease of international transportation. Among the most salient examples are the Spanish flu of 1918, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak of 2003, and the H1N1 influenza of 2009. Intermittently, serious regional epidemics, such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in 2012, Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and the Zika virus in Central and South America in 2016, have also reared their heads.
1. the threat of ⋯⋯的威脅
2. emerging infectious disease 新興傳染病
3. abate (v.) 減少;消除
4. salient examples 顯著的例子
5. regional epidemics 地區流行疫情;地區性流行病
6. rear their heads(令人不悅之事)發生;出現
Today, a novel form of pneumonia that first emerged in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019 and has since been classified as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused a global pandemic. As of April 20, 2020, World Health Organization data showed that 2.24 million people had been confirmed as having the disease, with 152,551 deaths in 211 countries/areas/territories. Taiwan has not been spared.
7. a novel form of ⋯⋯的新種類
8. be classified as 被分類為⋯⋯
9. a global pandemic 全球大流行
10. be confirmed as 被確認為⋯⋯
11. be spared 不被傷害;被赦免
As of April 20, Taiwan had tested a total of 55,476 persons showing 422 confirmed cases of COVID-19, of which 55 were indigenous, 343 imported, and 24 are Navy members currently serving in the fleet. Taiwan has reported just six deaths; 203 people have been released from the hospital after testing negative. Despite its proximity to China, Taiwan ranked 123rd among 183 countries in terms of confirmed cases per million people. This has shown that Taiwan’s aggressive efforts to control the epidemic are working.
12. as of 截至⋯⋯
13. confirmed cases 確診病例
14. indigenous 本土的
15. proximity to 鄰近
16. in terms of 就⋯⋯而言
17. aggressive efforts 積極的努力
A crisis anywhere readily becomes a problem everywhere. Global health security requires the efforts of every person to ensure an optimal response to public health threats and challenges. Taiwan, though not a member of WHO, cannot stand alone and must be included in the fight against such threats and challenges. Taiwan has fulfilled its responsibilities as a global citizen and abided by the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR 2005) in notifying the WHO of confirmed COVID-19 cases.
18. global health security 全球衛生安全
19. ensure an optimal response 確保最佳應變措施
20. public health threats and challenges 公共衛生威脅與挑戰
21. fulfill its responsibilities 履行職責
22. abide by 遵守;信守(協議、決定或規章)
23. notify sb. of sth. 將某事通報某人
疾病無國界,星星之火足以燎原,地方疫情控制不好即可能造成全球大流行。因此,維護全球衛生安全亟需全體人類共同努力,確保最佳量能因應公共衛生威脅與挑戰。我國雖非WHO會員,但無法獨善其身、置身於全球衛生安全之外,故秉持世界公民之責,恪守國際衛生條例2005(IHR 2005)規範,主動向WHO通報確診病例,
Moreover, Taiwan has communicated with other countries such as Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, the United States, Canada, Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, and the Netherlands, as well as the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, to share information on confirmed cases, travel and contact histories of patients, and border control measures. Taiwan has uploaded the genetic sequence of COVID-19 to the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID). Taiwan has worked with global partners to respond to the threat of COVID-19 to ensure that global health is not imperiled by a lack of communication and transparency.
24. communicate with 與⋯⋯交流(資訊、思想或感情等)
25. share information on 分享⋯⋯的資訊
26. travel and contact histories 旅行與接觸史
27. border control measures 邊境管制措施
28. genetic sequence 基因序列
29. be imperiled by 因⋯⋯而被危及
30. a lack of communication and transparency 缺乏溝通與透明度
We urge the WHO and related parties to acknowledge Taiwan’s longstanding contributions to the international community in the areas of public health, disease prevention, and the human right to health, and to include Taiwan in WHO and its meetings, mechanisms, and activities. Taiwan will continue to work with the rest of the world to ensure that all enjoy the fundamental human right to health as stipulated in the WHO Constitution. Echoing the mantra of the United Nations’2030 Sustainable Development Goals, no one should be left behind.
31. urge sb. to do sth. 呼籲某人去做某事
32. longstanding contributions 長期的貢獻
33. disease prevention 疾病預防
34. the human right to health 有關於健康的人權
35. will continue to... 將持續⋯⋯
36. fundamental human right 基本人權
37. the mantra of ⋯⋯的口號
38. no one should be left behind 不遺漏任何人
Dr. Chen Shih-chung is Minister of Health and Welfare in the Republic of China (Taiwan).
外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan)各國版本:https://bit.ly/2YYRRBU
Do you think Taiwan will participate in this year's World Health Assembly (WHA)?
「negative form 中文」的推薦目錄:
negative form 中文 在 Mylife Facebook 的最讚貼文
医生 : 当您来看医生时,请说实话。不要向我们隐瞒
以下的信息是来自 Dr.Kevin Goh :
我是一名在Pantai Hospital Laguna Merbok 工作的麻醉师。
等待结果比等待SPM / STPM放榜更为紧张
信息来自 Dr.Kevin Goh
I m an anaesthesiologist working in Pantai Hospital Laguna Merbok PHLM. On the 18/3 (Wednesday), I was woken up from my sleep for an emergency Caesarean section. As quickly as I could, I got myself ready and drove as fast as
I could to the hospital to attend to the patient. Everything was done for the safety of my patient and baby in my mind. The caesarean was done as per normal and both mother and baby were in good condition.
After all the work done in the hospital, I went home to my family as usual. I even went to my parents house for a dinner. (For ur info, my dad is a 75 yo man who had undergone bypass surgery).
At night at about 11pm, the hospital COO messaged me to inform me that the patient’s parents were both tested COVID19 positive. Her father actually went to the tabligh gathering in KL. She lied when she filled up the declaration form during admission. She said she had no contact with anyone who was positive. She decided to disclose the information after she herself developed fever after the op. How selfish was she?
My heart sank after hearing the news. Not because I would be potentially infected but my family would be in danger because of my work.
Nothing could be done at 11pm. The whole night was an agony for my wife and me.
The next morning (19/3) the hospital quickly took the patient’s throat swab and sent it to KL for immediate processing. Waiting for the result was another suffering. Lo and behold, the result came back as POSITIVE. This was another nightmare for my colleagues and me.
The hospital arranged all my OT staffs, Labour room staffs and almost all consultants to be tested. Thank God, all our results were NEGATIVE. This waiting for the result was worse than waiting for SPM/ STPM results
Even though the results were negative, some of us still need to be quarantined for 14 days.
The hospital is closed for 3 days for proper disinfectant and cleaning.
Because of one single
Selfish person,
The surgeon, anaesthesiologist, OT staffs, labour room staffs had to suffer.
The hospital has to be closed.
Please tell the truth when u consult us.. Do not hide any information from us. At least if u tell us the truth, we will be more prepared as in wearing proper PPE while doing operation. Not telling us is like ambushing us, asking us to go to war without gun and bullet proof vest.
#tellthetruth #dontbeselfish #dontbeliar #proudtobeanaesthetist #pantaihospitallagunamerbok
negative form 中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
例如,我常常問他們,你們覺得要給學生 feedback 嗎?他們常常點頭說要。但再問下去時,通常就回答不出來了。
• feedback 要怎樣給比較有效呢?
• 你確定你給 feedback 時,學生都有接受到你給的 feedback 嗎?
• 為什麼有些 feedback 比較有效,有些沒效呢?哪些 feedback 比較有效?
• 在口說中,給 feedback 好像會打斷學生,那這樣還要給嗎?
這些問題,如果沒有遇到第二語言習得相關專業的教授的細心引導,大多的台灣外文系 / 英語系出來想要教英文的準老師們,都難以回答(甚至是修完教程)。
用科學、實證研究來回答問題,而非用偏見甚多的「個人經驗」、「個人想法」來回答問題和執行教學,是每個頂尖教師應該對自己的要求 - 至少我在哥倫比亞大學求學時遇到的教授是這樣要求的。
所以不管是英語語用力、英語恆毅力計畫、英語搭配詞、學術寫作、還是全方位口說課,全部都有一個 "theoretical framework",依照著科學已知的內容,再去做教學,學生才不會變成「白老鼠」。
「中文腦有可能剷除嗎?feedback 應該怎麼給好?input 和 output 誰比較重要?口說的自動化如何養成?」
這些問題的答案都在期刊論文裡面呀呀!(在 How languages are learned / Teaching by principles 這種教程生用了20年以上的教科書裡找不到喔)。
✔︎ 以 corrective feedback 要怎麼給為例,頂尖的學者在期刊論文中做了十足的討論。
(以下23篇重要的論文,來自 Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Language Learning, TESOL Quarterly, The Modern Language Journal, Language Teaching Research, Applied Linguistics 等重要期刊以及專書。本文純為臉書發文,恕無使用 APA style 呈現。若想知道作者,直接 google 應可查到)
1. How do learners perceive interactional feedback?
2. The effectiveness of corrective feedback in SLA: A meta-analysis
3. Corrective feedback and learner uptake: Negotiation of form in communicative classroom
4. Learner uptake in communicative eel classroom
5. Patterns of corrective feedback and uptake in an adult ESL classroom
6. Reexamining the role of recasts in second language acquisition
7. Rethinking the role of corrective feedback in communicative language teaching
8. Uptake in incidental focus on form in meaning-focused ESL lessons
9. Recasts, language anxiety, modified output, and L2 learning
10. Implicit and explicit corrective feedback and the acquisition of L2 grammar
11. A study of the impact of recasts on tense consistency in L2 output
12. Recasts and second language development
13. Corrective feedback and learner uptake in communicate classroom across instructional settings
14. Exploring the relationship between characteristics of recasts and learner uptake
15. Recasts in the adult English L2 classroom: Characteristics, explicitness, and effectiveness
16. Impact of classroom dynamics on the effectiveness of recasts in second language acquisition
17. Feedback on corrective feedback — A cast study
18. Corrective feedback in second language acquisition
19. Interactional context and feedback in child ESL classroom
20. Feedback, noticing, and instructed second language learning
21. Negative feedback in child NS-NNS conversation
22. Fine-turning corrective feedback
23. The effects of corrective feedback, language aptitude, and learner attitudes on the acquisition of English articles