Here's a short demo of a crazy 360° night sky project I'm working on. When we observe and photograph the night sky, the stars appear to rotate around the north celestial pole (close to Polaris or the North Star), but in reality it is us that is moving as the earth rotates. I've taken several 360° timelapse videos of the Milky Way, but I wondered what would happen if the sky was fixed and the earth rotated instead? I've seen this done before in timelapses and thought it was very cool, but not in a 360° format. It's even more disorienting as a 360!
This wasn't shot on a guided tracker, but with a little math and a lot of time in PTGui on each individual frame for yaw, pitch, and roll, it was easy to de-rotate the sky and spin the earth instead. It stutters a bit because I slowed it down 300% to avoid motion sickness and I didn't use a consistent interval when shooting the twilight panoramas, so the earth doesn't rotate smoothly between frames from day to night, but the sky is still properly fixed in position. I repeated the short clip 3 times. Pan around and enjoy!!!
#timelapse #MilkyWay #360video #astrophotography #nightsky #panorama