📣留言加分享本影片貼文就有機會抽《啟示的年代:在藝術、心智、大腦中探尋潛意識的奧秘 從維也納1900到現代》一本。
📅參加抽獎活動時間為期一週:2021.9.4 - 2021.9.11
👍 感謝 聯經出版 提供2本贈書
1534, Titian, Venus of Urbino
1600, Caravaggio, The Calling of Saint Matthew
1601, Caravaggio, The Supper at Emmaus
1605, Caravaggio, Saint Jerome Writing
1606, Caravaggio, Supper at Emmaus
1621, Gerard van Honthorst, Adoration of the Child
1631, Rembrandt, Head of an Old Man in a Cap
1665, Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring
1668, Johannes Vermeer, The Art of Painting
1670, Johannes Vermeer, Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid
1888, Vincent van Gogh, The Sower
1889, Vincent van Gogh, The Bedroom
Evacuated by Wally Skalij
1932《上海特快車》Shanghai Express (1932)
1958《迷魂記》Vertigo (1958)
1968《2001太空漫遊》2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1970 《同流者》The Conformist (1970)
1979 《現代啟示錄》Apocalypse Now (1979)
1987《末代皇帝》The Last Emperor (1987)
1997 《鐵達尼號》Titanic (1997)
1999《駭客任務》The Matrix (1999)
2001《艾蜜莉的異想世界》Amélie (2001)
2002 《關鍵報告》Minority Report (2002)
2003《X戰警2》X2: X-Men United (2003)
2003《追殺比爾》Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
2003《007:誰與爭鋒》Die Another Day (2002)
2006《007首部曲:皇家夜總會》Casino Royale (2006)
2007 《險路勿近》No Country for Old Men (2007)
2008 《絕命毒師》Breaking Bad (TV Series 2008–2013)
2011 《哈利波特:死神的聖物Ⅱ》Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
2011《永生樹》 The Tree of Life (2011)
2011《全境擴散》Contagion (2011)
2011《切膚慾謀》The Skin I Live In (2011)
2012《007:空降危機》Skyfall (2012)
2012《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》Life of Pi (2012)
2012《月昇冒險王國》Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
2012 《復仇者聯盟》The Avengers (2012)
2013《私法爭鋒》Prisoners (2013)
2013《飢餓遊戲:星火燎原》The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
2013《雲端情人》Her (2013)
2014《歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店》The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
2015 《007:惡魔四伏》Spectre (2015)
2015 《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
2016《沈默》Silence (2016)
2106《咖啡·愛情》Café Society (2016)
2016《樂來越愛你》La La Land (2016)
2016《月光下的藍色男孩》Moonlight (2016)
2016 《蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光》Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
2017《銀翼殺手2049》Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
2017《敦克爾克大行動》Dunkirk (2017)
2017《以你的名字呼喚我》Call Me by Your Name (2017)
2019《小丑》Joker (2019)
2019《星際救援》Ad Astra (2019)
2019 《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019《我們》Us (2019)
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過29萬的網紅超級歪 SuperY,也在其Youtube影片中提到,📣留言加分享本影片貼文 https://www.facebook.com/Mr.SuperY/posts/2048865328600458 就有機會抽《啟示的年代:在藝術、心智、大腦中探尋潛意識的奧秘 從維也納1900到現代》一本。 📅參加抽獎活動時間為期一週:2021.9.4 - 2021.9....
「now tv harry potter」的推薦目錄:
- 關於now tv harry potter 在 超級歪 SuperY Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於now tv harry potter 在 葉郎:異聞筆記 / Dr. Strangenote Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於now tv harry potter 在 Kat Cameo Cosplayer Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於now tv harry potter 在 超級歪 SuperY Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於now tv harry potter 在 賢賢的奇異世界 Youtube 的最佳解答
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now tv harry potter 在 葉郎:異聞筆記 / Dr. Strangenote Facebook 的最佳解答
這一週有許多具有指標性的數據出爐。Bloomberg Opinion一篇專欄文章在檢視這些數據的同時,認為在事情好轉之前還有很長一段路要走,但我們至少還有一線生機是:這波疫情正在提供大家未來娛樂消費趨勢的清晰圖像,並幫我們驗證了那些串流平台的鉅額投資到底值不值得。
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Esquire的專欄作者William Ralston這週寫了一篇標題非常聳動的文章叫做”Coronavirus Might Kill The Music Industry. Maybe It Needed To Die”。搭配本週發生的相關新聞服用,會是一劑醒腦的藥方。
眼前唱片產業靠著串流收入的庇護,成為受到疫情傷害最小的部門,但實體唱片銷售幾乎停擺,授權收入預估也會因為影視劇組合演唱會全面停擺而快速下滑。更別提演唱會產業導致無數音樂工作者頓失收入的慘況,對他們來說2020年正是“The Day The Music Died”。
這幾天英國的UK Music和眾多英國音樂人再次呼籲政府出手救援,擔心英國演唱會上下游產業鍊將在幾週內崩塌瓦解。在大城市中的表演場所因為財務負擔最大,所以狀況也最危急。「整個產業鍊支持了10萬音樂人的生計,所以如果有82%場地關門,就等於音樂人可以演出的地方瞬間少了82%。」Music Venue Trust執行長Mark Davyd說。
Esquire 的那篇文章認為COVID-19的疫情使音樂產業的結構性問題變得更顯著:我們產出了過量的音樂讓它們便宜到幾乎等於一文不值,那些靠著音樂賺錢的公司根本只分零頭給音樂人。疫情之下我們終於看清音樂人到底被整個產業、整個社會佔了多少便宜。
其他的創新解法還包括美國DJ Marc Rebillet開始借用電影產業的最後一盞燈火——汽車電影院來照亮音樂現場演出的路。電玩遊戲《Fortnite 要塞英雄》則是繼吸引1230萬玩家參與的Travis Scott演唱會後,立刻又安排了Steve Aoki和 deadmau5的演出。
Esquire 的文章認為當我們要從灰燼中重建音樂產業時,不太可能再從現有的經濟結構模式下手。而電競產業的經驗可以作為參考:粉絲願意透過Twitch 或是 Patreon等社群付費支持他們鍾愛的選手。這次疫情讓全世界體會到原來音樂這麼脆弱,也因此大家開始用行動來支持他們鍾愛的音樂人。當大家透過那些更透明的平台比如bandcamp,購買一張專輯或是黑膠時,音樂人因此得到的收入可能超過數千次串流播放。該平台原本抽成15%,疫情發生以來已經兩次舉辦活動將100%銷售所得全數歸給音樂人。
Spotify宣佈在自家平台推出Harry Potter At Home計畫,將由Daniel Radcliffe打頭陣為大家閱讀第一本Harry Potter小說的第一章,後續還有Stephen Fry、David Beckham、Dakota Fanning 、Eddie Redmayne和韓國男星金秀賢等名人輪番上陣。這個策略應該屬於Spotify的Podcast大戰略的一環。過去一年Spotify已經花了大把鈔票在收購Podcast的製作公司。他們急需自己100%擁有版權的新內容,借以逃脫現在完全受到唱片公司拆帳合約宰制而永遠無法損益兩平的狀態。一旦越來越多消費者為了Podcast和有聲書內容而來,Spotify就可以開始向唱片公司主張必須重新談拆帳比以便把月租費收入拆給Podcast的權利人。
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難得Variety上出現跟台灣有關的產業報導,當然得多看兩眼。新聞中指出Kbro凱擘成為第四家與HBO Go合作的有線電視業者,這四家有線電視系統台用戶將可以每月99元台幣的費用使用HBO Go的服務,並允許五個裝置登入兩個裝置同時收看。報導還特別指出,這些有線電視系統的關係企業包含凱擘影藝和台灣大哥大都參與了HBO Asia的台灣電視劇《做工的人》的投資。
對一頭霧水的消費者來說,最令人混肴的是到底HBO Go跟HBO Now和HBO Max有什麼差別?
HBO Go是HBO在這場串流的典範轉移中的第一個即時反應。實際上HBO早在10年前(連Netflix都還沒拍《House of Cards 紙牌屋》的時候)就推出了HBO Go,希望吸引有線電視的用戶轉移到網路上看節目。但顯然HBO在全世界的經銷商/有線電視系統都沒有太高意願配合,所以HBO Go在國際市場上拓展得很慢。十年後Netflix都統治地球了,HBO Go才姍姍來遲地登陸台灣。
HBO Now則是HBO進軍串流的第二步棋,有別於HBO Go必須搭配有線電視訂購,HBO Now則是單獨推出的串流產品。因為對傳統有線電視的威脅更大,迄今HBO Now只在美國推出,並為進軍其他市場。
HBO Max則是在HBO的母公司Warner被AT&T買下來後,趕走不配合品牌整合的HBO執行長,重新定位為整個大WarnerMedia集團所有影音娛樂內容的串流平台。
所以HBO Go在台灣的「隆重」推出,其實是一則哀傷至極的新聞。到底有多少台灣人會願意接受這種搭售:在享用HBO Go的《西方極樂園》、《權力遊戲:冰與火之歌》、《核爆家園》等優質節目的同時,被強迫購買那些服務品質經常是上個世紀水準的有線電視系統和有線寬頻服務?Anyone?
產業分析師John Hodulik認為對消費者預期疫情過後會有經濟衰退,致使他們果斷放棄昂貴的有線電視,加入剪線族的行列。如果疫情趨緩之後運動比賽轉播沒有及時恢復的話,預計將由運動頻道再帶起一波退訂的超完美風暴。
目前服務範圍只有美國YouTube TV則是另外一種新嘗試:除了隨選節目之外,它還提供超過70個頻道的節目,並利用超級方便的雲端錄影機功能讓使用者可以預約錄下自己喜歡的頻道節目。這個直攻傳統有線電視系統咽喉的創新服務,近日再下一城:旗下擁有CBS、MTV、Nickelodeon、Paramount Network等頻道的ViacomCBS與YouTube更新合約,再增加14個頻道。YouTube TV的最大競爭力它是不像有線電視一樣需要綁約,也不需要任何機上盒之類裝置。處在串流和有線電視的緩衝地帶,YouTube TV可能是剪線族的另外一種選擇。
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此外,這份財報也是新任執行長Bob Chapek的第一份成績單。前任執行長Bob Iger先前傳出已經回到第一線繼續指揮應變,董事會和華爾街到底對Bob Chapek有多少信心是個問題。
股價早就跳水的Disney可能為了減緩財報數據對股價的衝擊,非常用心地在發佈前、發佈後都安排了新聞彩蛋。財報發佈前的彩蛋是5月4日星戰日無預警宣布Taika Waititi即將執導星戰電影來增加好消息版免。財報發佈後,則是公開演練上海迪士尼樂園重新開張的服務流程,並同時傳出重新開張第一天門票秒殺的消息。
結果一如預期Disney集團營收銳減37%,跌至24億美元。Disney旗下每一個部門都受到衝擊,但最嚴重的還是主題樂園業務,在14億美元的獲利減少中有整整10億來自於主題樂園產業。而且上季還只有部分期間受到疫情影響,估計下一季的財報將會更加難看。唯一的好消息Disney+推出以來表現搶進,已經有5450萬用戶。主持電話會議的Disney執行長Bob Chapek宣佈上半年將不會配發股息,以便為公司保留16億美元現金應變。
發佈完自家的噩耗之後,Disney隨即發佈電影院業的噩耗——Disney準備繼續忽略空窗期的慣例。「我們深信電影院體驗的價值」Disney執行長Bob Chapek 按慣例先宣示信仰純度。他說這波疫情改變了消費者的行為,使Disney必須考慮調整他們的發行策略。因此Disney將會開始逐案判斷,來決定是否要讓電影跳過電影院直接上網路平台,比如像下個月要直接上Disney+的《Artemis Fowl阿特米斯奇幻歷險》。
對於要在7月24日在電影院上映的《Mulan 花木蘭》,他們仍有比較大的信心,畢竟前一週還有另外一部大片會陪木蘭壯膽。那部電影叫做《Tenet 天能》。
上海迪士尼樂園明天重新開門的門票已經秒殺。園區開放初期採取預約制,限制每天8.8萬人入場。而且除了角色扮演者之外,遊客和員工都必須戴上口罩, 沒戴口罩的角色扮演者則必須與遊客保持距離。這個計畫不僅考驗主題樂園業的應變是否足以應付重新開門,也會驗證這樣的應變是否能讓消費者安心回來。全世界的主題樂園產業都在密切觀察,尤其Disney自己準備在日後將同一套方法運用在從東京到巴黎的各個園區。
Disney的這場線上財報發佈會由上任不到三個月的執行長Bob Chapek主持,已經改任執行主席(同時擔任董事長)的前任執行長Bob Iger也有參與會議,但主要仍由Chapek回答提問。
Diseny家族繼承人Abigail Disney先前砲轟Disney公司疫情應變的聲音仍迴繞不去,這兩位Disney高管的薪資再次成為本週新聞。Bob Chapek自願把250萬美元年薪打對折,但實際上他一年可以拿到的各種獎金合計4450萬。Fox集團董事長兼執行長Lachlan Murdoch以及CAA、Camcast、NBCUniversal等公司的高級主管通通也比照自願放棄薪水。然而這些娛樂大亨都過著奢華生活,不可能這麼乾脆就放棄他們日常所需的現金流,所以幾乎所有的「自願減薪」都是表演性質居多的障眼法。
針對同樣自願放棄薪水的Disney董事長Bob Iger,一名正在放無薪假的Disney員工酸溜溜地評論道:
IFPI Global Music Report 2020: Music Revenues Rise For Fifth Straight Year to $20 Billion(https://bit.ly/35z1j06)
HBO Go Added By Four Platforms in Taiwan (https://bit.ly/2yliSF6)
Disney Takes a Pandemic Hit, and There’s Worse to Come(https://nyti.ms/2LhT3IV)
Disney Says More Movie Releases Could Skip Theaters, Sees “Some Changes” To Release Strategy During And After COVID-19(https://bit.ly/3frD34E)
With Shanghai Plan, Disney Offers Blueprint for Domestic Park Reopening(https://bit.ly/2Wb8TeC)
Daniel Radcliffe and other stars are recording a free reading of the first Harry Potter book(https://bit.ly/2zd9N0Y)
Hollywood CEOs "Sacrifice" Base Pay, Yet Keep Big Bonuses(https://bit.ly/35CP96u)
Live music circuit 'risks collapse within weeks(https://bbc.in/2LcXEvO)
Coronavirus Might Kill The Music Industry. Maybe It Needed To Die(https://bit.ly/2LakUKP)
Cord-Cutting Explodes in Q1 as Pay-TV Sector Delivers Worst-Ever Losses(https://bit.ly/2WKdnro)
How Covid-19 Is Changing Entertainment, in Five Charts(https://bloom.bg/2WjKqUi)
now tv harry potter 在 Kat Cameo Cosplayer Facebook 的最讚貼文
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CONNECTED COSPLAY STARS FOR 2017. Cosplayers to keep your eyes on this year. From VIETNAM.......
Q & A
Name: Kat Cameo
Location: Vietnam
Occupation: Student
Website/Social Media:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/katcameo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KatCameoCos/
Kat Cameo Cosplayer
Devianart: katcameo.deviantart.com/
Worldcosplay: worldcosplay.net/member/KatCam…
Credits: (Photographers ect.).
When and how did you get started in Cosplay?
In 2013, when I randomly took part in a manga festival at HCM city. I have seen many beautiful cosplayers and know about cosplay from them. I feel they are really great, because I always wish to become my favorite characters in the manga that I have read since childhood. When I learned cosplay, I knew that I can make my dream come true.
What was your first Cosplay?
Sailor Moon in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon >w<
What was the most difficult character?
Ciel Phantomhive ver Houthstood, the version is drew on the cover of the Artbook Vol.2. That costume is very difficult to make and I also got a lot of troubles when try to express the emotion of the character.
What characters are you planning and type of character are you drawn to?
Haha my next character will be Yurio, I have a huge interested in YOI and Ciel Phantomhive in different version also, I can’t stop cosplaying him =)))) Ciel is also the character that I’m mostly drawn, although I don’t draw very well.
What is your process when starting from the beginning with a new cosplay?
First is the choice of character. I will choose the character that I like best and fit the situation at that time. Specifically based on my economic conditions and the festivals that I intend to go. If it is one of big and important festivals of the year I will choose the majestic project and plan it for at least 8 months. Then I started picking materials and making costume, usually I would make from easy details first and then make the difficult (with simple clothes or small projects I would choose to custom make or buy them directly from taobao.) Next, order wig, buy contact lens, shoes and learn how to do the right makeup. Then, test everything at home. Next is to watch the fes time, find out the state of the weather that day to decide how long you will wear the costume. Bring some necessities in case your costume unfortunately wiped out at the festival. Make sure you have adequate rest and good body care before the festival. Finally, after the festival is over, take a break and schedule a photoshoot with the photographer you trust to have great photos of costumes you have done so well.
Are there any helpful hints in sewing, costume design or any other aspects of your cosplay that you discovered in doing your creations?
Google, Youtube, Facebook and mom. That’s where I learned everything.
Be patient, do not rush. You can’t sew or make beautiful prop in just one or two times. Believe me, it took me a whole week to finish the pants in the past and it was horrible. =)))) Now I can sew the dolls.!
Do you have a preferred brand of makeup in your cosplay? And if so why?
I use foundation, cushion and base of some cosmetic drugstore of US and Korea (Wet n wild, A’pieu…). I also use domestic cosmetics of Vietnam (Thorakao) and some DAISO and Mumuso products (its eyebrows, eyeshadow and contuor are extremely good and have many colors to choose) because they are very cheap and good quality.
What are you listening to?
Vpop, Jpop and Anime OST
Favorite Movies?
Harry Potter, Avengers, Avatar, Journey to the West…
Favorite Animes?
Kuroshitsuji, Ghibli movie, Yuri on Ice, Card Captor Sakura, One Punch Man…
Favorite TV Shows?
Asia’s Got talent, Asia’s next top model, Masterchef…
Is there a scene from a anime, cartoon, movie or tv show that left a big impression on you and what was it?
Alois Trancy’s death scene in Kuroshitsuji. I was shock and terribly sad. o(TT A TT)o
In these world, Twilight, Harry Potter, Digital Fortress…
Mystic Messenger, Miracle Nikki, Pokemon Go, Touken Ranbu…
Milk Tea, Milk Coffee
Fast Food/ Junk Food of choice?
Snack, Pho, Banh Mi, Hu Tieu….
Candy bar?
Kit Kat, Alpenliebe
Favorite Breakfast cereal?
We don’t eat cereal for breakfast in Vietnam but I use to eat Banh Mi for my breakfast^^
Is there something not going on in the cosplay world that you would want to see or is there something you would want to change?
I want people in my country have a more positive view on cosplay.
What was your favorite toy growing up?
Ball Joint Doll =))))
Who is your biggest character crush and why?
Ciel Phantomhive is my husbando >♡< He is my cute, sexy queen.
You enter a warehouse. There is little light, but you are able to find your way around. The sound of music draws you to a corner of the warehouse. There are FIVE GHOUL CLOWNS, playing a dancing video game. They have razor sharp teeth and scary weapons. Magic can not affect them; they sense your presence and turn facing you. They run to you to attack. Time to fight! What character would you want to be to defeat them and how would you handle the situation?
“Sebastian Michaelis, this is my order. Defeatting those things and bring me back home.”
I hate horror things so I would find the way to get out of there as soon as possible. So if I become Ciel, Sebastian will protect me safely no matter what happen. Beside, I can see Sebastian fighting and it’s super cool!!!
If you had to be chained with a character for one year, what would be the character and what would you do?
Yuri Katsuki. I willI feed him a lot of katsudon. When he becomes chubby, he will be my pillow. (─‿‿─)
You can have dinner with your favorite character. And at this dinner you may ask one question. Who would be the character and what would be your one question?
Definitely is Victor Nikiforov, I’ll ask him if you can invite me to you and Yuri’s wedding?
What's number 1 on your bucket list? (Something you want to do before you leave the planet).
Cosplay all version of Ciel. (✿◠‿◠)
What advice would you give to people getting started in Cosplay?
No matter what happen, do your best in everything. Living up your own dream, create your own story and feel proud with your passion. Most important thing is have fun in it! ≧◠ ◡ ◠≦
Connected Television Show #Cosplay #CosplayBest #CosplayVietNam #ConnectedTVShow Jerry Davis Jerry A. Davis Cosplay Cosplay-VietNam FC
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📣留言加分享本影片貼文 https://www.facebook.com/Mr.SuperY/posts/2048865328600458 就有機會抽《啟示的年代:在藝術、心智、大腦中探尋潛意識的奧秘 從維也納1900到現代》一本。
📅參加抽獎活動時間為期一週:2021.9.4 - 2021.9.11
👍 感謝 聯經出版 提供2本贈書
1534, Titian, Venus of Urbino
1600, Caravaggio, The Calling of Saint Matthew
1601, Caravaggio, The Supper at Emmaus
1605, Caravaggio, Saint Jerome Writing
1606, Caravaggio, Supper at Emmaus
1621, Gerard van Honthorst, Adoration of the Child
1631, Rembrandt, Head of an Old Man in a Cap
1665, Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring
1668, Johannes Vermeer, The Art of Painting
1670, Johannes Vermeer, Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid
1888, Vincent van Gogh, The Sower
1889, Vincent van Gogh, The Bedroom
Evacuated by Wally Skalij
1932《上海特快車》Shanghai Express (1932)
1958《迷魂記》Vertigo (1958)
1968《2001太空漫遊》2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1970 《同流者》The Conformist (1970)
1979 《現代啟示錄》Apocalypse Now (1979)
1987《末代皇帝》The Last Emperor (1987)
1997 《鐵達尼號》Titanic (1997)
1999《駭客任務》The Matrix (1999)
2001《艾蜜莉的異想世界》Amélie (2001)
2002 《關鍵報告》Minority Report (2002)
2003《X戰警2》X2: X-Men United (2003)
2003《追殺比爾》Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
2003《007:誰與爭鋒》Die Another Day (2002)
2006《007首部曲:皇家夜總會》Casino Royale (2006)
2007 《險路勿近》No Country for Old Men (2007)
2008 《絕命毒師》Breaking Bad (TV Series 2008–2013)
2011 《哈利波特:死神的聖物Ⅱ》Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
2011《永生樹》 The Tree of Life (2011)
2011《全境擴散》Contagion (2011)
2011《切膚慾謀》The Skin I Live In (2011)
2012《007:空降危機》Skyfall (2012)
2012《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》Life of Pi (2012)
2012《月昇冒險王國》Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
2012 《復仇者聯盟》The Avengers (2012)
2013《私法爭鋒》Prisoners (2013)
2013《飢餓遊戲:星火燎原》The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
2013《雲端情人》Her (2013)
2014《歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店》The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
2015 《007:惡魔四伏》Spectre (2015)
2015 《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
2016《沈默》Silence (2016)
2106《咖啡·愛情》Café Society (2016)
2016《樂來越愛你》La La Land (2016)
2016《月光下的藍色男孩》Moonlight (2016)
2016 《蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光》Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
2017《銀翼殺手2049》Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
2017《敦克爾克大行動》Dunkirk (2017)
2017《以你的名字呼喚我》Call Me by Your Name (2017)
2019《小丑》Joker (2019)
2019《星際救援》Ad Astra (2019)
2019 《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019《我們》Us (2019)

now tv harry potter 在 賢賢的奇異世界 Youtube 的最佳解答
【日本訪問】 Part 2:聊女僕餐廳和日本環球影城哈利波特裡面的廁所竟然有鬼?Ft AyuTV和GiGi日本東京生活情報
這是我在日本訪問在日的馬來西亞youtuber,AyuTV的Ayu和GiGi東京生活情報的GiGI,在這個日本訪問Part 2,在日女生對於女僕餐廳竟然是這樣想?想看我日本訪問的內容嗎?請看影片:
日本訪問Part 2的內容:
1. 在日工作的留學生對於女僕餐廳竟然是這樣想?
2. 日本環球影城的商品,爆米花竟然要3700yen?
3. 日本環球影城竟然有鬼?
下一個日本訪問:日本訪問Part 3:貓頭鷹咖啡廳和如何玩帕青哥機?Ft AyuTV和GiGi東京生活情報
大家好~~我是HenHen TV的Tommy,这个频道想向全世界传递喜悦,正能量与快乐,希望因为我的努力让世界有点不一样~這個頻道裡好像是一個小型電視台一樣,有講電影,煮菜,免費社交舞教學,旅遊特輯,還有很多即將要公開的主題。
Hi Everyone~i'm Tommy from HenHen TV, i hope can using this channel to spread my Happiness to all the people over the world, and hope this can make the world better.
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Music Credit:
Five Card Shuffle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100227
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Happy Boy Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100647
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

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