I have been touring around the United State for the past two weeks. I was very glad that I had the chance to share my music and experiences with professors and students from four different universities. And I have to admit that I am very proud of myself for achieving the first solo tour of my life.
In this tour recital, I prepared a program of pieces that I truly admired, including the required piece from 2016 Australia Marimba Competition “Fugitive Desires” by Mr. Sergei Golovko, my soul piece “Blues for Gilbert”, and three marimba and voice pieces from my talented friend – “Afterward...”, “Come Get Together”, and “Balade.” Also, special thanks to my old friend Ling-ling Chen for playing with me in the recital in Ohio University.
This trip truly made me realize how beautiful being a musician can be. I have talked to a few students who have been having trouble in their music studies during the trip, and they told me that my clinic gave them courage to keep going. It reminds me of my own music learning experience, there were so many people who encourage me, support me, and help me get thought all my troubles. And now, I cannot believe that I have become a person who can give fellow students encouragement and tell them not to give up. Also, after the recital at University of North Alabama, a Taiwanese mom came to me and explained that she can relate some of her life experience to my performance. It was a touching moment when I heard this, because to me, this means that music is no longer just sounds and art; it becomes a tool for people to communicate and exchange life/emotion/and more.
It has been a wonderful two weeks. Thanks to my lovely professor Prof. Gwendolyn Dease and Dr. Jon Weber for making this happen, and thanks to Daniel Silvernail for the accompaniments. ☺ Thank all the support from Vicfirth Drum Sticks and Buffalo Marimba!
連我自己也有點佩服我自己的兩個禮拜過去了。 很榮幸這次能夠從美國最北部的密西根州一路演出到南部的阿拉巴馬州,14天,37小時的車程,四所大學,三場獨奏會,三場大師班與講座,還有不想數了的個別課教學,說不辛苦絕對是騙人,但說不喜歡不開心,也絕對沒這回事。
這次的巡迴包括獨奏會以及大師班漢講座。獨奏會的部分除了演出我非常喜歡的幾首曲子外,也演出了今年夏天澳大利亞木琴大賽二輪的指定曲Fugitive Desire,我的靈魂伴侶Blues for Gilbert,還有我親愛的好友Josh Oxford三年前所為我譜寫的三首木琴與歌的曲子。另外,在Ohio University我也很榮幸可以邀請到我的好朋友,同時也是P PLAY的老戰友陳凌翎跟我一起演出木琴二重奏。在不同城市打拼的兩個女生,終於又有機會可以一起同台,排練時盡是笑聲~
謝謝我的老師Professor Gwen Dease和Dr. Jon Weber, 讓這次的巡迴可以真正的成行,也謝謝各校的老師給我這個小弱咖機會到校演出即分享我的學習經驗,還有謝謝我的經紀人(兼司機)Daniel Silvernail,一路上大力的相挺。最後謝謝我的贊助商Vic Firth,以及親愛的好朋友Buffalo Marimba一直以來的支持與鼓勵。
「ohio state university music」的推薦目錄:
ohio state university music 在 Yun Ju Pan - ALicE PaN Facebook 的最佳貼文
I had the pleasure to visit Ball State University and do a clinic for their percussion studio yesterday! I had so much fun talk about music (and game of thrown) with percussion lovers~~
Thanks again to Dr. Dambar! You have an awesome studio !!
昨天很榮幸受邀到印第安納州的Ball State大學的老師到他們的打擊組做演講!從一開始,看得出有些學生覺得"這亞洲女生到底憑什麼來這裡講課", 到後來看到好多人屁股坐在椅子邊緣、眼睛發亮的聽著我接下來要講什麼,講完演講還有學生跑來問問題,衷心覺得好有成就感、好感動!
今晚,在Ohio University,會有我的獨奏會!另外邀請到P PLAY戰友Ling Ling Chen幫我大力協演!
#vicfirth #buffalomarimba #spartanwill