OmniPork 新豬肉 方便易煮有營養,雖然係素,
#OmniStrip #新肉絲 #免切免醃 #絲絲入味
Doris Lee 多多
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅Peace And Yummy 和平與美味,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🎉「Peace and Yummy 素食商城」也買得到新豬肉囉!☺️ 網路下單,宅配到府,還送食譜! 👉 https://p-y.cc/6316206 【💎彩蛋在最後面唷!】讓你/妳帶兩張圖就可以去買菜和下廚囉!☺ ❤️插畫作者:P&Y合作插畫師—驚嘆號星球人& 橘橘 FB 粉專 👉https:/...
omnipork 肉餅 在 Doris Lee 多多 Facebook 的最讚貼文
就係新一代嘅植物肉 新豬肉 OmniPork 新豬肉
方便又易煮 仲可以配合唔同嘅食譜
低脂 高蛋白質*
*每100克 OmniPork新豬肉 含0.8克總脂肪,12.5克蛋白質。
#新豬肉 #OmniPork
omnipork 肉餅 在 Macaueat 澳門美食 Facebook 的精選貼文
早前很高興得到Green Monday 的邀請,能品嘗到Macau Fisherman’s Wharf 澳門漁人碼頭 勵宮legend Palace 勵皇軒The Grand Palace Chef Johnny新推出的「廚師發板」素食餐單。
I had the pleasure of trying Chef Johnny's new vegan omakase menu at The Grand Palace, invited by Green Monday.
茹素前就已經被餐廳的無敵大海景吸引著!今次的素食餐單有別於大眾對「食齋」的刻板印象,用了富含蛋白質和鐵質等營養成份,長期食用也不會對身體帶來負擔的新一代植物肉 ,例如 Beyond Meat等去創作菜式。賣相擺盤也相當吸引,真的是「一啲都唔齋」!
Before the meal, I was first struck by the breathtaking view of the ocean. The chef uses products such as Beyond Meat, which are rich in proteins and minerals. Special attention is also paid to presentation of the food, which includes elements of cuisines from all over China. As such, the menu is able to circumvent the nutritional concerns and image of monotony often associated with Buddhist vegan cooking.
第一道|麻婆豆腐(Beyond Meat)
The textural contrast between the tofu and Beyond Meat is complementary. The sauce is not overly spicy.
The patty made with Omnipork captures the exact texture of real pork patty. It goes perfectly with the seared lotus root and the flavourful mushroom sauce.
第三道|川味水煮牛 (Gardein beefless strip)
This vegan version of Sichuan poached beef is another delicious creation. The oil blanched vegan beef again mimics the texture of real beef perfectly. Served with mung bean noodles in a piquant mala cuisson, this dish is truly Sichuan. If anything, the chili oil could be dialed down in the spirit of healthy eating, one main reason for a vegan diet.
第四道|普寧豆豉雞(Heura chicken)
普寧豆豉醬十分惹味,爆炒起來鑊氣十足,但小編認為Heura chicken 的口感不及前幾道的素肉選項出彩。
The puning bean paste is the star of the dish, which shines with great wokhei. But unlike products used in previous dishes, the texture of Huera chicken doesn't quite approximate real chicken.
第五道|海南雞風味中東米, 香煎豬肉餅, 伴蕃茄豆乳汁 (Omnipork)
The pilaf has a hint of turmeric. Served with a sauce made with tomato and fermented tofu, the dish beckons Southeast Asia. The seared patty is tender and tastes like pork tenderloin.
第六道|竹炭漢堡 (Beyond Meat)
竹炭饅頭香淋軟熟,帶淡甜和麵粉香,以Beyond Meat 炮製的漢堡扒有著不少真漢堡扒的神韻,再配上日式燒汁,令人食指大動
The soft charcoal bun has a subtle sweetness and aroma of wheat. The Beyond Meat patty captures the essence of a beef patty. And with the addition of teriyaki sauce, this burger is finger-licking good.
The omakase menu is $600up. Reservation is needed and chef Johnny can tailor made the menu with your preference.
🗺: 勵宮酒店2樓
☎️: (853) 8801 8008
⏰: 早上11時-下午3時
omnipork 肉餅 在 Peace And Yummy 和平與美味 Youtube 的最佳貼文
🎉「Peace and Yummy 素食商城」也買得到新豬肉囉!☺️
👉 https://p-y.cc/6316206
❤️插畫作者:P&Y合作插畫師—驚嘆號星球人& 橘橘
FB 粉專 👉https://www.facebook.com/orangeajei/
IG 帳號 👉@exclamationalien
IG 帳號 👉@rubyveggielife
在來米粉 30g (4 tbsp)
地瓜粉 30g (3+1/2 tbsp)
水 360g (1+1/2 cup)
地瓜粉 210g (1+1/2 cup)
新豬肉Omnipork 230g (一包)
香菇 30g (3個)
筍子 50g
香油 15g (1 tbsp)
醬油 20g (2 tbsp)
胡椒粉 4g (2tsp)
五香粉 1g (1/2 tsp)
醬油膏 20g (3 tsp)
醬油 20g (2 tbsp)
糖 3g (1 tsp)
五香粉 0.5g (1/8 tsp)
胡椒粉 2g (1 tsp)
甜辣醬 35g (3 tbsp)
番茄醬 20g (1 tbsp)
醬油 30g (3 tbsp)
水 300g (1+1/2 cup)
味增 50g (2 tbsp)
糖 35g (3 tbsp)
在來米粉35g (4+1/2 tbsp)
水 100g (1/2 cup)
1.製作外皮:將在來米粉30g、地瓜粉 30g、水 360g攪拌均勻,開小火持續攪拌成糊狀後,關火,再將地瓜粉210g倒入鍋中 ,均勻攪拌後蓋上鍋蓋30分鐘,讓地瓜粉把水分吃掉。
2.醃製素肉:使用新豬肉 230g,加入香油 15g、醬油 20g、胡椒粉 4g、五香粉 1g,均勻攪拌,均分成六等份,捏成小肉餅備用。
3.香菇3個約30g切丁,筍子去皮取 50g切丁。
5.用同一煎鍋直接繼續炒香菇丁,香菇炒香後,加入筍丁繼續拌炒,加入調味料、醬油膏 20g、醬油 20g、糖 3g、五香粉 0.5g、胡椒粉 2g。將炒好的內餡裝入碗中備用。
8.製作醬料:取一個鍋子開小火,倒入甜辣醬35g、番茄醬20g、醬油 30g,稍微炒香後倒入水 300g、味增50g、糖35g。
9.製作芡汁:在來米粉35g加入水 100g,攪拌均勻後倒入醬汁中,煮滾後備用。
10.取出蒸好的純素肉圓,稍微放涼後,用湯匙將肉圓脫模,用剪刀剪十字後,淋上醬汁,就完成嘍! :)
素食商城傳送門 👉 https://www.peace-and-yummy.com/
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omnipork 肉餅 在 早安晨之美TV Youtube 的精選貼文
【#kitb萌料理 ☆ 迷你新豬肉山多士】
傳說中大坑有個名物叫蒸肉餅山,但我從來沒吃過,不過有 OmniPork 新豬肉 我就可以自製迷你版了。這個植物豬肉隨意調味就很好吃,烹煮的時間也不用太久,烤幾座山十分鐘左右就有得吃,除了當早餐也很適合當派對小食呢。
早安!晨之美! 逢星期一耍可愛

omnipork 肉餅 在 Vegan Expression Youtube 的最讚貼文
First, New Year greetings to all of you, I wish you dreams come true, good luck and good health! New year starts, we need to try a "new pork" in the new year - Omnipork. Although I am abroad this year, Omnipork is already sold in Canada (T&T Supermarket), so I can still have it! YEAH! "Omnipork" is succulent, tender and juicy in terms of texture and taste. It's just like pork, BUT, it has lower calories and saturated fat, so it is a good substitute!
I used "Omnipork" to make three basic home-cooked dishes, which is very lazy and easy. It's too easy that I feel so embarrassed to share it ? But if you want to start cooking, this will be a great start. Let's learn together ?
Besides, in the new year, "Omnipork" has also launched a new series, Ready Meals Series - Omnieat, I am looking forward to try the new series when I back to Hong Kong ?
**Text version recipe is as follows
旅孩要來和大家拜年囉,祝大家心想事成、萬事如意、身體健康!新年當然要吃「新豬肉」,雖然今年我在國外,但新豬肉已經在加拿大有賣了 (大統華亞州超市),所以我還是可以吃到!YEAH!「新豬肉」不論在外相、觸感,還是味道,都可以媲美手打豬肉的嫩滑多汁,但「新豬肉」的熱量和飽和脂肪更低,是很好的代替品呢!
我用「新豬肉」做了三道基本的家常菜 - 豬肉三味,是很懶很簡單的菜式,簡單到我都不好意思分享了 ? 不過,如果你想開始學料理,這會是很好的開始喔!我們一起來學學吧 ?
另外,新一年,「新豬肉」也出了新系列 - 「速鮮即食系列」,很期待回香港試新產品 ?
** 以下是文字版食譜
omnipork half/one pack
bean curd puffs some
diced green onions (optional) some
sugar, soy sauce, corn starch some
1.Omnipork Meatloaf
Seasoning the Omnipork: add sugar, soy sauce, corn starch, diced spring onions (optional), stir well, put it in a pan and fry, until the color of it slightly changed
2.Omnipork Balls
Squeeze the seasoned Omnipork into ball shape, and steam for 15 minutes
3.Stuffed Bean Curd Puffs
Stuff the Omnipork Balls into bean curd puffs and steam for 15 minutes
新豬肉 半包/一包
豆腐卜 (豆泡) 適量
蔥花 (非必要) 隨意
糖,醬油,粟粉 適量
調味:加入糖、醬油、粟粉、蔥花 (非必要),攪拌後,放進鍋裡煎,煎到新豬肉顏色稍變即可
3.新豬肉釀豆腐卜 (豆泡)
把新豬肉丸塞進豆腐卜 (豆泡)裡,隔水蒸15分鐘
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