This is how I make the video of Nepal sketchbook.
I did some research on the available flip book apps in the market, but I can't find one can do all the transition effects I want in that video. Therefore, I decide to use a more complicated, but professional software to do this work - After Effects CS6 in my MacBook Pro.
After I import all the scanned sketches in the After Effects project, I use the build-in Effect "CC Page Turn" (see photo) to do the flipping page animation - by controlling the parameter settings, especially the "Fold Position" and "Back Page".
The animation of text (indicate the location and altitude), I used "Masks" to control it - by setting the "Time-Vary Stop watch" of the parameter "Mask Path" at appropriate time-frame.
Although I am quite familiar with the software, it took me several hours to do this video. But I think it worths the time.