昨日參加了 Jubiland . Nagomi Pastel Art的實體畫聚🎨在家和諧畫粉彩Zoom左一年,開心終於見到大家😍😍多謝Judy安排呢次一週年重聚日🎉
畫畫主題是過去、現在、未來⏳ 對我來說,過去是一板一眼,但很多框框的;現在透過藝術創作,一步一步探索更多可能;未來是未知的混沌,但希望是充滿色彩和盼望的,從一個個分離的個體,慢慢拉近彼此的距離💛 昨天下午手癢寫了字,結果寫太大擋住圖案了😂晚上回家再畫一次~
你的 過去、現在、未來 是怎樣的呢?
Nice to meet you all😉Special thanks to Judy again!
#粉彩 #和諧粉彩 #在家和諧畫粉彩 #藝術 #重聚 #香港 #手繪 #畫畫 #工作坊 #創作 #分享 #pastel #softpastel #pastelnagomiart #art #design #sharing #share #workshop #diy #draw #drawing #past #present #future #rainbow #colors #colorful #hk #hkgirl
pastel nagomi art workshop 在 梵高爸爸 心靈藝術 Facebook 的精選貼文
#屯門區 #歡迎全職媽媽報名 #發展第二事業
甚麼是 #和諧粉彩❓
Pastel Nagomi Art源於日本🇯🇵 是療癒心靈的藝術
「Nagomi」是日文的漢字「和」,代表著和諧的意思,創辦人細谷典克(Norikatsu Hosoya)先生希望藉此「豐富人心,創造和諧健康的社會環境」,以粉彩畫傳遞希望。
和諧粉彩畫只需簡單的工具及繪畫方法,讓不同年齡、🈚️繪畫基礎的人士,也可輕易創作出美麗的畫作,達致舒壓及療癒的效果 🧘🏻
⭐️ 修畢課程後,表現優秀之學員,可接受 #在職培訓,🈶機會引薦成 #體驗班 或 #工作坊 助教,為第二事業準備 💪🏻💪🏻
⭐️ 🈚️需任何繪畫經驗
‼️日本JPHAA和諧粉彩準指導師課程 ‼️
💜 Class C ‼️已成班‼️
💜 Class D 🆕
💜 Class E 🆕
梵高爸爸 心靈藝術
Franco Papa Workshop
⭐️ 甲級商廈 ⭐️ 無敵海景 ⭐️空間寛敞舒適
🚪 屯門海榮路22號屯門中央廣場19樓22室
🕐 星期一至五11am~7pm;星期六10am~6pm
報名查詢:📞 +852 6538 9127
📩 http://m.me/franconewpapa
======== 藝術創作資歷 ========
* 香港電台CIBS節目《藝趣奇兵》負責人及主持
* 藝術治療應用認可執行師、日本Art Plus One酒精墨藝術認證導師、日本繪本故事導師、日本和諧粉彩正指導師
* 比賽評委:全港首屆網上英文及普通話演講大賽(繪畫評委)、屯門閱讀節明信片設計比賽
* 傳媒訪問:東周刊、荷花雜誌、Parents Daily、Family ESDlife
* 合作機構:PMQ、HKTVmall 直播、香港心理衞生會、聖雅各福群會、救世軍 (不能盡錄)
* GASCA傑出藝術導師大獎
* KOOL教育界男網紅獎
* 畢業於理工大學設計學院
* 10年視藝導師經驗,先後開設創意繪本工作坊、和諧粉彩心靈療癒工作坊、幼兒及小學綜合畫班、輕黏土班、表達藝術工作坊
👇🏻 𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐄 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚃𝚞𝚋𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚕 👇🏻
#梵高爸爸 #視藝導師 #畫班 #和諧粉彩 #PastelNagomiArt #nagomiart #情緒健康 #身心靈 #JPHAA #準指及正指導師認証課程
pastel nagomi art workshop 在 Shel crafts&music 手作音樂 Facebook 的最佳解答
*註:香港新防疫規定 - 食店每日下午六時至早上五時不准堂食... (邏輯是...病毒晚上才出來?😖大家時刻注意保持社交距離,防疫不分晝夜啊😷)
(English below)🙏謝謝朋友善意提醒,說會否考慮免費IG直播只畫一些簡單點的作品,因為有導師會辦收費課程 💡其實這個問題我思考過,Shel又來碎碎唸唸分享些想法~
1. Shel是老師嗎?會開班嗎?
每次直播開首也說了,我不是專業的導師,很多地方也需要繼續學習💪IG直播這個平台讓不同地方喜歡粉彩畫的朋友們一起交流,觀眾們高手雲集,也教曉我很多,甚是感恩🥰 避免誤會,重申一次我 *不是* 和諧粉彩正指導師,只是上年夏天偶然有機會接觸粉彩,輕鬆減壓一試便愛上❤️
這個週五畫的這幅畫看似複雜,但我試畫的時候都是用很基本的技巧(😝歡迎來參加直播看看我有沒有說謊👀)。加上IG直播時無法個別指導,連大家手上的畫也看不到,與收費課程差別很大。大集合裡可能看到有些作品特別出色(Shel自問畫不到的水平😍佩服佩服),我絕對不敢居功,因為是參加者本身技巧高/有天賦/自己不斷練習,不是看看免費直播就能做到的🙏 我也常鼓勵各位新接觸粉彩的朋友,如果在Shel這裡體驗過畫畫的樂趣,想正式學和諧粉彩,不妨找專業導師認真學習,特別是日本和諧粉彩的教案我不能教授。
3. 我也很想自由創作,應該怎樣開展?
靈感隨處都有,多觀察身邊的事物,留意顏色配搭,或者攝影師拍照構圖的比例等等📷慢慢嘗試,不滿意就再觀察,然後再繪畫🎨 像這幅粉彩畫的是我與閨蜜去過的日系cafe 梔子 Zi🌸☕️ 陶瓷杯子很美對不對?作品就是這樣慢慢形成,就算是同一主題,每人畫的角度、色彩都不一樣🌟
謝謝新加坡的朋友提醒🇸🇬知道當地Teacher Gladys有latte 粉彩畫課程☕️ 她的作品很細膩,泡沫好仔細像是拍照一樣呢😍 特別推介大家去看看 PawPrint Art 👍👍
Stay home, stay healthy, stay safe
See you on Friday 9pm
Received kind reminders from friend, asking whether I will share only simple pastel artwork during free IG live broadcast as there are teachers who organise paid workshops / courses 💡 I did think about this before, hope to share my thoughts with you all~
1. Is Shel a pastel nagomi art tutor? Do you run paid workshops?
It is mentioned at the beginning of each of my IG live that I am not a professional art teacher. There's still a lot to learn 💪 IG live simply created a platform for pastel-lovers from all over the world to gather and enjoy art. So much talent from the audience!!! I am grateful to learn from you all🥰 Just to avoid any misunderstanding: I am NOT a certified pastel nagomi art teacher. I came across pastel art last summer and fell in love with it❤️
As for paid workshops, I recently did some (⚠️but Jul workshops are on hold due to covid-19 situation in local community). If you like my artwork and don't mind that I don't have a certificate, then really look forward to seeing you in our workshop 🇭🇰☺️ (face-to-face workshops in HK only, sorry friends from overseas...)
2. For free IG live, do easy art pieces only?
The one we will draw on Friday may seems difficult, but I only experimented with basic techniques (😝 welcome to see for yourself during our IG live👀). Moreover, it is impossible to tutor individually, I can't even see your artwork, so it's very different from paid courses. You may see some amazing drawings by "students" in Shel Friday Art Live artwork collection (so wonderful that I actually can't draw with such perfection😍 adore!!), but I have nothing to do with that. They are skilful / talented / practise a lot, and therefore are amazing even before viewing my IG live for sure🙏 I also encourage first-timers, if you guys get a taste of how relaxing and enjoyable pastel art is, please don't hesitate to learn from professional teachers, especially for JPHAA pastel nagomi art pieces, I can't teach those without a license.
3. I wanna design my own art pieces too, where to start?
Inspiration is all around us! Observe beautiful things in your surrounding, pay attention to colours that match with each other, look for nice proportion in photography etc 📷 no pressure at all, just try to draw, if it doesn't work, observe and draw again 🎨 like here I prepared a drawing of a cup of hot chocolate (the colour does look like coffee I admit) from a Japanese-style cafe in HK🌸☕️ lovely ceramic cup isn't it? That's how art pieces are created. Even when drawing the same topic, everyone has a different perspective, different colour combinations🌟
Special thanks to friend from Singapore🇸🇬 Teacher Gladys from SG has pastel courses with latte theme☕️ Her coffee drawings are soooo delicate, the bubbles in milk foam are very realistic😍 please check out PawPrint Art 👍👍
#pastel #pastelart #pastelnagomiart #handmade #hkhandmade #diy #art #illustration #cafe #hkfoodie #foodie #sakura #cherryblossom #hkgirl #drawing #painting #粉彩 #和諧粉彩 #畫畫 #手繪 #教學 #工作坊 #直播 #手作 #咖啡 #櫻花 #日系 #插畫 #插圖