Payload meaning in Hindi | Payload ka matlab kya hota hai | English vocabulary words हर रोज़ इस्तेमाल होने वाले 11000+ ... ... <看更多>
Payload meaning in Hindi | Payload ka matlab kya hota hai | English vocabulary words हर रोज़ इस्तेमाल होने वाले 11000+ ... ... <看更多>
#1. PAYLOAD | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
the total number of passengers and weight of goods that an aircraft or a ship carries or can carry, for which payment is received: The 767s carry a maximum ...
#2. payload in Traditional Chinese - Cambridge Dictionary
payload translate: (運輸工具的)淨載重量,有用載重量;(飛彈的)有效載荷,有效負荷, 火箭攜帶的爆炸物, 飛船攜帶的設備. Learn more in the Cambridge ...
#3. Payload Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PAYLOAD is the load carried by a vehicle exclusive of what is necessary for its operation; especially : the load carried by ...
#4. Payload Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
payload · the bomb load, warhead, cargo, or passengers of an aircraft, a rocket, missile, etc., for delivery at a target or destination. · the total complement of ...
#5. Payload definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
The payload of an aircraft or spacecraft is the amount or weight of things or people that it is carrying. [technical]. With these very large passenger payloads, ...
Payload is the object or the entity which is being carried by an aircraft or launch vehicle. Sometimes payload also refers to the carrying capacity of an ...
#8. Payload - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
/ˈpeɪloʊd/ · noun. goods carried by a large vehicle. synonyms: cargo, consignment, freight, lading, load, loading, shipment. see moresee less. type of: · noun.
#9. What is a Payload? - TechTarget
In computing, a payload is the carrying capacity of a packet or other transmission data unit. The term has its roots in the military and is often associated ...
#10. Payload Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
PAYLOAD meaning: 1 : the amount of goods or material that is carried by a vehicle (such as a truck); 2 : the things (such as passengers or bombs) that are ...
#11. payload - LDOCE - Longman Dictionary
From Longman Business Dictionarypayloadpay‧load /ˈpeɪləʊd-loʊd/ noun [countable]TRANSPORTCOMMERCE the amount of goods or passengers that are carried by a ...
#12. payload noun - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
payload · the passengers or goods on a vehicle, especially an aircraft, for which payment is receivedTopics Transport by airc2. Want to learn more? · the ...
#13. payload Definitions and Synonyms - Macmillan Dictionary
Definition of PAYLOAD (noun): amount of explosive substance in missile; equipment or people in space vehicle; amount vehicle can carry.
#14. payload - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
人事費;火箭所載彈頭(或人造衛星等);彈頭內的炸藥. Dr.eye 譯典通 · payload · 查看更多. IPA[ˈpeɪləʊd]. 美式. 英式. n. 裝載量;彈頭. 牛津中文字典. payload.
#15. definition of payload by The Free Dictionary
payload · 1. The sum of the weight of passengers and cargo that an aircraft can carry. · 2. The warhead, its container, and activating devices in a military ...
#16. Payload - Definition - Trend Micro HK
A payload is the action that a threat performs, apart from its main behavior. Payloads can range from stealing personal information to deleting the contents ...
#17. What is Payload? A Quick Guide [+ Examples] - HubSpot Blog
Payload is the essential information in the data block that you send or receive from the server. Below we included an example of a JSON payload ...
#18. ESA - About Payload Systems - European Space Agency
On the spacecraft side this incorporates the definition and design of scientific and remote sensing instruments operating on the radio spectrum up to microwave ...
#19. What is a Payload (Computer Virus)? - Techopedia
What Does Payload Mean? ... A payload refers to the component of a computer virus that executes a malicious activity. Apart from the speed in ...
#20. payload (【名詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"payload" 例句. SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket can carry payloads of about 23,000 kilograms to low Earth orbit.
#21. What Is Payload: A Complete Guide - Kelley Blue Book
What does payload mean? ... Payload capacity for a vehicle is the maximum amount of weight it can safely carry, including all the weight in the ...
#22. Payload | Malwarebytes Glossary
In cybersecurity, a payload is malware that the threat actor intends to deliver to the victim. For example, if a cybercriminal sent out an email with a ...
#23. payload - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
payload · the part of a cargo that produces income, usually expressed in weight. · Aerospace. Rocketrythe bomb load, warhead, cargo, or passengers of an aircraft, ...
#24. Definition of payload - PCMag
(1) The "actual data" in a packet or file minus all headers attached for transport and minus all descriptive metadata. In a network packet, headers are appended ...
#25. payload - Wiktionary
The total weight of passengers, crew, equipment, and cargo carried by an aircraft or spacecraft. That part of a rocket, missile, propelled stinger, or torpedo ...
#26. Payload definition - Glossary - NordVPN
Payload definition. The part of malicious software that performs the hostile action, such as deleting or encrypting data, logging your keystrokes, or sending ...
#27. Payload - Logistics Glossary
Payload is the maximum load weight of a container. This weight is stated on the right container door. The load weight must not exceed this value. However, the ...
#28. Payload Definition - Cybersecurity Terms - CyberWire
The definition of payload refers to generally, the cargo information within a data transmission. In the cyber-security context, normally the part of a ...
#29. Payload meaning in Hindi - पेलोड मतलब हिंदी में - Translation
Definition of Payload · the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents ...
#30. payload - Chinese translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "payload" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.
#31. Payload Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Payload Definition · A cargo, or the part of a cargo, producing income. · The total weight of passengers and cargo that an aircraft carries or can carry. · The ...
#32. Etymology, origin and meaning of payload by etymonline
payload (n.) also pay-load, by 1914, from pay + load (n.). Originally the part of a truck's (later an aircraft's) load from which revenue is ...
#33. What is payload ? - Byju's
What is payload ? Open in App. Solution. Pay load is defined as the difference between the mass of the displaced air and mass of the ballon Also im ...
#34. What does the term "Payload" mean in programming
The term 'payload' is used to distinguish between the 'interesting' information in a chunk of data or similar, and the overhead to support ...
#35. Payload body - MDN Web Docs Glossary
The HTTP message payload body is the information ("payload") part of the data that is sent in the HTTP Message Body (if any), ...
#36. Definition: Maximum payload capacity from 14 CFR § 294.2
Maximum payload capacity means the maximum certificated takeoff weight of an aircraft less the empty weight as defined in section 03 of part 241 of this ...
#37. Proficiency: What is Payload? - AOPA
Useful load applies only to general aviation aircraft, according to the FAA's Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. The FAA definition is ...
#38. What is a Payload in API? - API Glossary - Rapid API
Simply put, the term payload is utilized by programmers to differentiate between the essential information in a chunk of data and the information that is used ...
#39. payload_百度百科
payload 属于名词意思有:有效载荷(卫星或航天器携带的仪器设备等);收费载重(船舶、飞机等的收费运载量,如乘客、货物而不包括燃料);(炸弹或弹头的)的炸药量。
#40. What is a Payload? Technical topics explained simply
In APIs, the payload is the data contained within a request. The description is borrowed from the transportation industry, where a truck carries ...
#41. What is the exact meaning of PAYLOAD? - SAP Answers
SOAP Body = <b>Payload</b> = your data in XML format. (*) in fact, it's a little more complex, but for a 1st approach, it can be resumed by ...
#42. payload 的中文翻譯 - 英漢字典
payload 工資負擔,淨載重量,有效負荷來源(6): The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide] payload \pay"load`\ (p[=a]"l[=o]d`) n.
#43. Payloads - ISRO
Satellite Communication payloads consists of transponders. ... to study lunar-solar wind interaction by means of the Energetic Neutral Atoms ...
#44. payload是什麼意思 - 海词
payload 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 英英釋義. Noun: the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear ...
#45. Cargo payload Definition | Law Insider
Cargo payload means the net cargo weight transported. The weight of the driver, passengers, and fuel shall not be considered in determining cargo payload.
#46. What is a Malicious Payload? — Definition by Techslang
A malicious payload is an attack component responsible for executing an activity to harm the target. Some common examples of malicious payloads are worms, ...
#47. payload meaning in Hindi - Shabdkosh
payload noun · goods carried by a large vehicle. Synonyms. cargo, consignment, freight, lading, load, loading, shipment. उद्भार, खेप · the front part of ...
#48. Payload - Urban Dictionary
The contents of a container or something being transported. Can refer to the cargo of a truck or other transport vehicle as well as the semen located in the ...
#49. What is a payload?
A payload is the essential data carried within a transmission unit that is delivered to the end user at the destination. The payload does not include the ...
#50. What does payload mean? - CarExpert
That'll mean the towball download puts you past the payload capacity by 22kg. And we haven't even mentioned that this theoretical Navara has ...
#51. Could you tell me the meaning of "no-payload"?
Solved: Hello everyone. First of all, please see the below captured photo. On the photo, you can see "NO PAYLOAD" words. I want to know what is the meaning ...
#52. payload - Translation and Meaning in All English Arabic ...
Meaning of payload, Definition of Word payload in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is All category, in the dictionary of English Arabic.
#53. What is a Payload? - Computer Hope
On a computer, a payload describes the contents of a package. For example, with a virus or worm a payload may be the instructions to delete ...
#54. Financial Dictionary - Payload - ffreedom App
Payload. Definition of Payload. Revenue producing load. You Recently Read ...
#55. What Is A Payload: A Quick Guide - apilayer Blog
The term payload, by programmers, means establishing a difference between the essential information in a chunk of data and the information used ...
#56. What is Payload in Computer Network - Tutorialspoint
This actual data is called the payload. The header contains the protocol information as well as the source and destination addresses, ...
#57. payload - Translation into Chinese - examples English
Translations in context of "payload" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: maximum payload, payload bay, payload data, payload capacity.
#58. Payload meaning in Hindi | English vocabulary words - YouTube
Payload meaning in Hindi | Payload ka matlab kya hota hai | English vocabulary words हर रोज़ इस्तेमाल होने वाले 11000+ ...
#59. Payload is defined as the difference between the mass ... - Toppr
Click here to get an answer to your question ✍️ Payload is defined as the ... Calculate the payload, when a balloon of radius 10 m of mass 100 kg is ...
#60. Payload | Oil and Gas Drilling Glossary | IADCLexicon.org
Definition (s). Payload <CCU>. The maximum permissible mass or weight of cargo that is authorized for transport by the CCU. Source: API Standard 2CCU, ...
#61. What is a payload? | Samsara
Even if the cargo fits into a truck bed, it doesn't mean it will fit a truck's payload capacity. Calculating payload capacity only tells a ...
#62. Telemetry, property, and command payloads - Microsoft Learn
This article describes the JSON payloads that devices send and receive for telemetry, properties, and commands defined in a DTDL device ...
#63. What is the payload of your vehicle? All you need to know
While towing capacity refers to the maximum weight that your vehicle can tow. All vehicles will have a certain weight when unloaded – without ...
#64. Review MDM payloads for Apple devices - Apple Support
Payload and identifiers Supported operating systems and channels Du... Accessibility. com.apple.universalaccess macOS device. macOS user Fal... AirPlay Security. com.apple.airplay.security tvOS Fal... App Lock. com.apple.app.lock iOS. iPadOS. Shared iPad device. tvOS Fal...
#65. Payload - Kaspersky IT Encyclopedia
In the world of malware, the term payload is used to describe what a virus, worm or Trojan is designed to do on a victim's computer. For example, payload of ...
#66. What is a "Payload"? e.g XML Payload - Stack Overflow
The wikipedia definition makes perfect sense to me, as the "non payload" XML in these examples is completely uninteresting. The XML outside is the wrapping, ...
#67. Payload definition - Progress Documentation
The monitor payload is the vital data that is being passed within a packet or other transmission unit. A monitor payload can include data such as the event ...
#68. What Exactly is Payload Capacity? - The Drive
Payload capacity refers to the gross load weight a truck is capable of safely sustaining and operating within. Put plainly, payload capacity ...
#69. Calculating Your Truck's Maximum Payload and Towing ...
What Does GVWR Mean? The GVWR, gross vehicle weight rating, is one metric you will need to calculate to ensure you don't cause long-lasting ...
#70. What Is Payload? | Cars.com
Payload is how much weight a vehicle can carry in passengers and cargo. Many view payload only in terms of how much cargo a vehicle can carry, ...
#71. payload (US DoD Definition) - Military Factory
Official definition of the United States Department of the term payload . ... payload. (*) 1. The sum of the weight of passengers and cargo that an aircraft ...
#72. Understanding Drone Payloads - Coptrz
Payload : The Definition. In short, the payload is the weight a drone or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can carry.
#73. Payload Delivery: Engineering Immune Cells to Disrupt ... - NCBI
Payload Delivery: Engineering Immune Cells to Disrupt the Tumour ... of a tumor microenvironment defined by therapeutic resistance. Mol.
#74. Satellite Payload Market Size, Trends, Data, Growth 2022-2030
Satellite payload is defined as modules carried on satellites with the ability ... To enable delivery of satellite communication services, payload includes ...
#75. How much weight can a van carry? A guide to payloads
The payload of your vehicle is the total weight of your load, ... Many of our vehicles also comply with Euro 6 guidelines, meaning that you ...
#76. ADC payloads - ProteoGenix
ADC payloads · Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are an emerging class of pharmaceuticals designed to deliver highly toxic cargoes (payloads) to ...
#77. What Is A Payload, And How Do You Calculate It?
If a three-door Ford Fiesta has a GVWR of 1,620 kg, and a curb weight of 1,136 kg, then the payload of that car is 484 kg. This means that ...
#78. Payload - The Project Definition
Payload is 1) he maximum load weight of people or goods for the transportation; 2) the explosive that a missile carries.
#79. payload - Glossary | CSRC
Definition (s):. Consists of the information passed down from the previous layer. ... The input data to the CCM generation-encryption process that is both ...
#80. 代码参数里的payload 是什么意思??? - 切磋琢磨_FE - 简书
在计算机科学与电信领域,负载(英语:Payload)是数据传输中所欲传输的实际信息,通常也被称作实际数据或者数据体。信头与元数据,或称为开销数据,仅用 ...
The mean of the payloads shall not exceed the Field Rated Payload.” — The rated capacity of the tires should always be considered in any evaluation.
#82. 3 Synonyms & Antonyms for PAYLOAD - Thesaurus.com
Find 3 ways to say PAYLOAD, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, ... See definition of payload on Dictionary.com.
#83. Defining the payload fields | Adobe Journey Orchestration
The payload definition allows you to choose the information the system expects to receive from the event in your journey and the key to ...
#84. Vehicle weights explained | tare, kerb, GVM, payload and ...
There are many terms when it comes to towing, but what do they all mean? ... Tare Mass? GVM? Kerb Mass? GCM? These terms and acronyms can be found on your ...
#85. Payload in Computer Networks - GeeksforGeeks
IPv4 : Length of entire IP Packet (including IP header and IP Payload). IP packet encapsulates the data unit received from the network layer ...
#86. What is a malicious payload? | Cloudflare
A malicious payload is the component of a cyber attack which causes harm. ... some malicious payloads are designed to 'brick' smartphones, meaning they can ...
#87. English definition of Payload - Gymglish
Definition : Payload - with Gymglish, online personalized daily English lessons for all levels. Free test.
#88. Suggested improvements to the payload definition | Community
Hello,Right now our typeform survey makes good use of the webhooks to send each response payload through our ETL backend for processing and ...
The Life Sciences Payload Definition and Integration Study was originally funded as the. Space Biology Payload Definition Study and was to cover all four ...
#90. Payload, GVM, Kerb Weight - What do they all mean?
Payload – payload is the carrying capacity of the vehicle after the vehicle weight, and any additional accessories have been accounted for.
#91. Payload and Mission Definition in Space Sciences
Buy Payload and Mission Definition in Space Sciences on Amazon.com ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders.
#92. Payload (Java(TM) EE 7 Specification APIs)
Payload type that can be attached to a given constraint declaration. Payloads are typically used to carry on metadata information consumed by a validation ...
#93. Definition of bucket payload and boundaries. - ResearchGate
Download Table | Definition of bucket payload and boundaries. from publication: Bucket Overloading Ratio of Mining Size Wheel Loaders and Load Distribution ...
#94. Configuring the point/payload definition for publish type topics
Procedure From the POINT/PAYLOAD Definition tab, click the Add Topic Data - Tree icon. From the Topic ID list, select the topic ID that you ...
#95. Payload Definition of Payload By the Jobs, Employment - Indeed
396 Payload Definition of Payload By the jobs available on Indeed.com. Apply to Document Specialist, System Engineer, Pilot and more!
#96. Drug Payloads - Precision NanoSystems
mRNA payloads have been clinically validated as a therapeutic. When delivered to the body as a drug payload, mRNA can express healthy genes, ...
#97. payload mass - Wikidata
cantidad de masa que puede transportar un vehículo. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined. Chinese. 有效载荷质量.
payload meaning 在 What does the term "Payload" mean in programming 的推薦與評價
The term 'payload' is used to distinguish between the 'interesting' information in a chunk of data or similar, and the overhead to support ... ... <看更多>