🚀直播時間:10/6(三) 15:00-16:00
奧運是英雄誕生的地方,帕運是英雄匯集的地方!#我是創業系 這一次由真程旅行社創辦人林文攀,帶你深度了解亞洲帕拉跳遠紀錄保持人—楊川輝選手的生命故事,包含他前不久才在2020東京帕運代表臺灣參賽的經驗、於田徑賽場之外創立運動按摩工作室來實現理念的創業歷程,告訴你他如何克服自己的不完美,挑戰現實世界、展現對生命的熱愛,為自己的夢想一戰!
🎯來賓:楊川輝|國手之手-運動/視障按摩工作室 創辦人
●新創圓夢網、TSH新創基地 創業顧問
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#新創經驗 #身障者創業 #體育選手 #臺灣英雄
【Startup Adventure】《Dream Big and Make It Come True》Live Stream Event
🚀10/15(Wed) 15:00-16:00
Paralympic Games, like Olympic Games, is the battle field for athletes with a range of physical disabilities.
Chuan-Hui Yang, the long jump record holder of Asian Para Games, founded blind athlete workshop. Stepping out of track and field stadium, he is a passionate entrepreneur who enjoys taking on challenges.
🙋♂️ Peter Lin-Founder of Topology Travel
●Consultant of Taiwan Startup Hub
●Leading travelers discover attractions and create a unique scenery for each journey.
🙋♂️ Chuan-Hui Yang
●Long jumper of 2020 Tokyo Paralympic and won the 4th place medal
●President Educational Award winner of 2008, 2013
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「physical topology」的推薦目錄:
physical topology 在 Taipei Ethereum Meetup Facebook 的最佳貼文
📜 [專欄新文章] 隱私、區塊鏈與洋蔥路由
✍️ Juin Chiu
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自2008年區塊鏈以比特幣的面貌問世後,它便被視為 Web 3.0,並被期許能夠進一步為人類帶來金融與治理上的大躍進。區塊鏈或許會成為如同全球資訊網一般的基礎建設,如果我們已經開始注重個人於網路上的隱私,那麼我們更應該關心這項全新的技術是否能更好地保護它。
筆者將於本文中闡述隱私的重要性,接著進一步分析區塊鏈是否能夠保護用戶隱私,最後再簡介一個知名的匿名技術 — 洋蔥路由,並列舉幾個其用於改進區塊鏈(特別是以太坊)的相關提案。
特別感謝以太坊研究員 Chih-Cheng Liang 與民間高手敖烏協助校閱並給予回饋。
網際網路(Internet)無疑是 20 世紀末最偉大的發明,它催生了全新的商業模式,也使得資訊能以位元的形式進行光速傳播,更使人類得以進行前所未有的大規模協作。而自從 1990 年全球資訊網(World Wide Web)的問世以來,網路已和現代文明生活密不可分。經過近 30 年的發展,人類在網路上製造了巨量的資料,這些資料會揭露使用者的隱私。透過一個人的資料,企業或者政府能夠比你自己更了解你。這促使用戶對隱私的愈發重視 — 正如同你不會允許第三者監聽你的電話,你也不希望有第三者監看你的瀏覽器搜尋歷史。
既然沒什麼好隱瞞的,那請把你的 Email 帳號密碼給我,讓我揭露其中我認為有趣的部分。
Privacy vs Anonymity [5]
以當今的網路架構(TCP/IP 協定組)來說,匿名就是請求端(Requester)向響應端(Responder)請求資源時藏匿其本身的 IP 位址 — 響應端知道請求端在做什麼(索取的資源),但不知道是誰(IP 位置)在做。
IP 位置會揭露個人資訊。在台灣,只需透過 TWNIC 資料庫就可向台灣的網路服務供應商(Internet Service Provider, ISP),例如中華電信,取得某 IP 的註冊者身份及姓名/電話/地址之類的個資。
ISP 是網路基礎建設的部署者與營運者,理論上它能知道關於你在使用網路的所有資訊,只是這些資訊被法律保護起來,並透過公權力保證:政府只在必要時能夠取得這些資訊。萬一政府本身就是資訊的監控者呢?因此,我們需要有在 ISP 能窺知一切的情形下仍能維持匿名的方法。
區塊鏈除了其本身運作的上層應用協定之外,還包含了下層網路協定。因此,這個問題可以分為應用層與網路層兩個部分來看 。
應用層負責實作狀態機複製(State Machine Replication),每個節點收到由共識背書的交易後,便可將交易內容作為轉換函數(Transition Function)於本機執行狀態轉換(State Transition)。
雖然區塊鏈上的交易使用假名(Pseudonym),即地址(Address),但由於所有交易及狀態皆為明文,因此任何人都可以對所有假名進行分析並建構出用戶輪廓(User Profile)。更有研究[6]指出有些方法可以解析出假名與 IP 的映射關係(詳見下個段落),一旦 IP 與假名產生關聯,則用戶的每個行為都如同攤在陽光下一般赤裸。
區塊鏈的隱私問題很早便引起研究員的重視,因此目前已有諸多提供隱私保護的區塊鏈被提出,例如運用零知識證明(Zero-knowledge Proof)的 Zcash、運用環簽章(Ring Signature)的 Monero、 運用同態加密(Homomorphic Encryption)的 MimbleWimble 等等。區塊鏈隱私是一個大量涉及密碼學的艱澀主題,本文礙於篇幅不再深入探討,想深入鑽研的讀者不妨造訪台北以太坊社群專欄,其中有若干優質文章討論此一主題。
節點於應用層產生的共識訊息或交易訊息需透過網路層廣播(Broadcast)到其他節點。由於當今的主流區塊鏈節點皆未採取使網路維持匿名的技術,例如代理(Proxy)、虛擬私人網路(Virtual Private Network, VPN)或下文即將介紹的洋蔥路由(Onion Routing),因此區塊鏈無法使用戶維持匿名 — 因為對收到訊息的節點來說,它既知道廣播節點在做什麼(收到的訊息),也知道廣播節點是誰(訊息的 IP 位置)。
一個常見的問題是:使用假名難道不是匿名嗎?若能找到該假名與特定 IP 的映射關係的話就不是。一般來說,要找到與某假名對應的 IP 相當困難,幾可說是大海撈針,但是至少在下列兩種情況下可以找到對應關係:1. 該假名的用戶自願揭露真實 IP,例如在社群網站公開以太坊地址;2. 區塊鏈網路遭受去匿名化攻擊(Deanonymization Attack)[6]。
洩漏假名與 IP 的關聯會有什麼問題? 除了該 IP 的真實身份可能被揭露外,該區塊鏈節點亦可能遭受流量分析(Traffic Analysis)、服務阻斷(Denial of Service)或者審查(Censorship),可以說是有百害而無一利。
P2P Overlay Network [7]
區塊鏈是一個對等網路(Peer-to-peer, P2P),而對等網路是一種覆蓋網路(Overlay Network),需建構於實體網路(Physical Network)之上。
覆蓋網路有兩種常見的通訊模式:一種是基於中繼的(Relay-based)通訊,在此通訊模式下的訊息皆有明確的接收端,因而節點會將不屬於自己的訊息中繼(Relay)給下一個可能是接收端的節點,分散式雜湊表(Distributed Hash Table, DHT)就是一種基於中繼的對等網路;另一種是基於廣播的(Broadcast-based)通訊,在此通訊模式下的訊息會被廣播給所有節點,節點會接收所有訊息,並且再度廣播至其他節點,直到網路中所有節點都收到該訊息,區塊鏈網路層就是一種基於廣播的對等網路。
覆蓋網路旨在將實體網路的通訊模式抽象化並於其上組成另一個拓墣(Topology)與路由機制(Routing Mechanism)。然而實際上,實體網路的通訊仍需遵循 TCP/IP 協定組的規範。那麼,實體網路又是如何運作的呢?
OSI Model vs TCP/IP Model
實體網路即是網際網路,它的發明可以追朔至 Robert Kahn 和 Vinton Cerf 於1974 年共同發表的原型[12],該原型經過數年的迭代後演變成我們當今使用的 TCP/IP 協定組[8]。全球資訊網(WWW)的發明更進一步驅使各國的 ISP 建立基於 TCP/IP 協定組的網路基礎建設。網際網路在多個國家經過近 30 年的部署後逐漸發展成今日的規模,成為邏輯上全球最巨大的單一網路。
1984 年,國際標準化組織(ISO)也發表了 OSI 概念模型[9],雖然較 TCP/IP 協定組晚了 10 年,但是 OSI 模型為日後可能出現的新協定提供了良好的理論框架,並且與 TCP/IP 協定組四層協定之間有映射關係,能夠很好地描述既存的 TCP/IP 協定組。
TCP/IP 協定組的各層各有不同的協定,且各層之間的運作細節是抽象的,究竟這樣一個龐大複雜的系統是如何運作的呢?
Packet Traveling [10][11]
事實上,封包的傳送正如同寄送包裹。例如筆者從台北寄一箱書到舊金山,假設每個包裹只能放若干本書,這箱書將分成多個包裹寄送,每個包裹需註明寄件地址、收件地址、收件者。寄送流程從郵局開始,一路經過台北物流中心 → 北台灣物流中心 → 基隆港 → 洛杉磯港 → 北加州物流中心 → 舊金山物流中心 → 收件者住處,最後由收件者收取。
這如同從 IP 位於台北的設備連上 IP 位於舊金山的網站,資料將被切分成多個固定大小的封包(Packet)之後個別帶上請求端 IP、響應端 IP 及其他必要資訊,接著便從最近的路由器(Router)出發,一路送至位於舊金山的伺服器(Server)。
每個包裹上的收件地址也如同 IP 位置,是全球唯一的位置識別。包裹的收件地址中除了包含收件者的所在城市、街道,還包含了門號,每個門號後都住著不同的收件者。門號正如同封包中後綴於 IP 的連接埠(Port),而住在不同門號的收件者也如同使用不同連接埠的應用程式(Application),分別在等待屬於他們的包裹。實際上,特定的連接埠會被分配給特定的應用程式,例如 Email 使用連接埠 25、HTTPS 使用連接埠 443 等等。
雖然包裹的最終目的地是收件地址,但包裹在運送途中也會有數個短程目的地 — 也就是各地的物流中心。包裹在各個物流中心之間移動,例如從北部物流中心到基隆港,再從基隆港到洛杉磯港,雖然其短程目的地會不斷改變,但其最終目的地會保持不變。
封包的最終目的地稱為端點(End),短程目的地稱為轉跳(Hop) — 也就是路由器(Router)。路由器能將封包從一個網段送至另一個網段,直到封包抵達其端點 IP 所在的網段為止。封包使用兩種定址方法:以 IP 表示端點的位置,而以 MAC 表示路由器的位置。這種從轉跳至轉跳(From Hop to Hop)的通訊是屬於 TCP/IP 協定組第一層:網路存取層(Network Access Layer)的協定。
封包則使用路由器中的路由表(Routing Table)來決定下一個轉跳位置,有數種不同的路由協定,例如 RIP / IGRP 等,可以進行路由表的更新。從端點到端點(From End to End)的通訊正是屬於 TCP/IP 協定組第二層:網際層(Internet Layer)的協定。
橫跨多個封包的通訊是屬於 TCP/IP 協定組第三層:傳輸層(Transport Layer)的協定。這兩種策略也對應著傳輸層的兩個主要協定:TCP 與 UDP。TCP 注重穩定,它要求端點於傳送封包前必須先進行三向交握(Three-way Handshake),也就是確認彼此的確認,以建立穩固的連線,且端點在接收封包後也會回傳確認訊息,以確保沒有任何一個封包被遺失;反之,UDP 注重效率,它不要求端點在通訊前進行繁瑣的確認,而是直接傳送封包。
包裹本身亦可以裝載任何內容:這箱書可以是一套金庸全集,也可以是一年份的交換日記;同理,封包內的資料也可以是來自任何上層協定的內容,例如 HTTPS / SMTP / SSH / FTP 等等。這些上層協定都被歸類為 TCP/IP 協定組第四層:應用層(Application Layer)的協定。
區塊鏈仰賴於實體網路傳送訊息,欲使區塊鏈網路層維持匿名,則需使實體網路維持匿名。那麼實體網路如何匿名呢? 若以寄包裹的例子來看,維持匿名,也就是不要讓收件者知道寄件地址。
一個直覺的思路是:先將包裹寄給某個中介(Intermediary),再由中介寄給收件者。如此收件者看到的寄件地址將會是中介的地址,而非原寄件者的地址 — 這也就是代理(Proxy)以及 VPN 等匿名技術所採取的作法。
洋蔥路由與 Tor
洋蔥路由(Onion Routing)最初是為了保護美國政府情報通訊而開發的協定,後來卻因為其能幫助平民抵抗政府監控而變得世界聞名。
1997 年,Michael G. Reed、Paul F. Syverson 和 David M. Goldschlag 於美國海軍研究實驗室首先發明了洋蔥路由[13],而 Roger Dingledine 和 Nick Mathewson 於美國國防高等研究計劃署(DARPA)緊接著開始著手開發 Tor,第一版 Tor 於 2003 年釋出[14]。2004 年,美國海軍研究實驗室以自由軟體授權條款開放了 Tor 原始碼。此後,Tor 開始接受電子前哨基金會(Electronic Frontier Foundation)的資助;2006年,非營利組織「Tor 專案小組」(The Tor Project)成立,負責維護 Tor 直至今日。
Tor [15]是洋蔥路由的實作,它除了改進原始設計中的缺陷,例如線路(Circuit)的建立機制,也加入若干原始設計中沒有的部分,例如目錄伺服器(Directory Server)與洋蔥服務(Onion Service),使系統更強健且具有更高的匿名性。
Tor 自 2004 年上線至今已有超過 7000 個由志願者部署的節點,已然是一個強大的匿名工具。然而這也使其成為雙面刃:一方面它可以幫助吹哨者揭露不法、對抗監控;另一方面它也助長了販毒、走私等犯罪活動。但不論如何,其技術本身的精巧,才是本文所關注的重點。
Tor 的運作原理
Tor Overview [16]
Tor 是基於中繼的(Relay-based)覆蓋網路。Tor 的基本思路是:利用多個節點轉送封包,並且透過密碼學保證每個節點僅有局部資訊,沒有全局資訊,例如:每個節點皆無法同時得知請求端與響應端的 IP,也無法解析線路的完整組成。
Tor 節點也稱為洋蔥路由器(Onion Router),封包皆需透過由節點組成的線路(Circuit)傳送。要注意的是,Tor 線路僅是覆蓋網路中的路徑,並非實體網路的線路。每條線路皆由 3 個節點組成,請求端首先會與 3 個節點建立線路並分別與每個節點交換線路密鑰(Circuit Key)。
請求端會使用其擁有的 3 組線路密鑰對每個送出的封包進行 3 層加密,且最內層密文需用出口節點的密鑰、最外層密文需用入口節點的密鑰,如此才能確保線路上的節點都只能解開封包中屬於該節點的密文。被加密後的封包被稱為洋蔥,因其如洋蔥般可以被一層一層剝開,這就是洋蔥路由這個名稱的由來。
那麼,請求端該選擇哪些節點來組成線路呢?Tor 引入了目錄伺服器(Directory Server)此一設計。目錄伺服器會列出 Tor 網路中所有可用的節點[17],請求端可以透過目錄伺服器選擇可用的洋蔥路由器以建立線路。目前 Tor 網路中有 9 個分別由不同組織維護的目錄,中心化的程度相當高,這也成為 Tor 安全上的隱憂。
Tor 線路的建立機制
Tor Circuit Construction [18]
Tor 是如何建立線路的呢?如上圖所示,Tor 運用伸縮(Telescoping)的策略來建立線路,從第一個節點開始,逐次推進到第三個節點。首先,請求端與第一個節點進行交握(Handshake)並使用橢圓曲線迪菲 — 赫爾曼密鑰交換(Elliptic Curve Diffie–Hellman key Exchange, ECDH)協定來進行線路密鑰的交換。
為了維持匿名,請求端接著再透過第一個節點向第二個節點交握。與第二個節點交換密鑰後,請求端再透過第一、二個節點向第三個節點交握與交換密鑰,如此慢慢地延伸線路直至其完全建立。線路建立後,請求端便能透過線路與響應端進行 TCP 連線,若順利連接,便可以開始透過線路傳送封包。
Clearnet, Deepweb and Darknet [21]
洋蔥服務(Onion Service)/ 隱藏服務(Hidden Service)是暗網(Darknet)的一部分,是一種必須使用特殊軟體,例如 Tor,才能造訪的服務;與暗網相對的是明網(Clearnet),表示可以被搜尋引擎索引的各種服務;深網(Deep Web)則是指未被索引的服務,這些服務不需要特殊軟體也能造訪,與暗網不同。
當透過 Tor 使用洋蔥服務時,請求端與響應端都將不會知道彼此的 IP,只有被響應端選定的節點:介紹點(Introduction Point)會引領請求端至另一個節點:會面點(Rendezvous Point),兩端再分別與會面點建立線路以進行通訊。也就是說,請求端的封包必須經過 6 個節點的轉送才能送往響應端,而所有的資料也會採取端對端加密(End-to-end Encryption),安全強度非常高。
Mix Network Overview [22]
混合網路(Mix Network)早在 1981 年就由 David Chaum 發明出來了[23],可以說是匿名技術的始祖。
洋蔥路由的安全性奠基於「攻擊者無法獲得全局資訊」的假設[24],然而一旦有攻擊者具有監控多個 ISP 流量的能力,則攻擊者仍然可以獲知線路的組成,並對其進行流量分析;混合網路則不僅會混合線路節點,還會混合來自不同節點的訊息,就算攻擊者可以監控全球 ISP 的流量,混合網路也能保證維持匿名性。
Garlic Routing Overview [25]
混合網路啟發了洋蔥路由,洋蔥路由也啟發了大蒜路由。2003年上線的 I2P(Invisible Internet Project)便是基於大蒜路由(Garlic Routing)的開源軟體,可以視為是去中心化版的 Tor。幾乎所有大蒜路由中的組件,在洋蔥路由中都有對應的概念:例如大蒜路由的隧道(Tunnel)即是洋蔥路由的線路;I2P 的網路資料庫(NetDB)即是 Tor 的目錄;I2P中的匿名服務(Eepsite)即是 Tor 的洋蔥服務。
不過,大蒜路由也有其創新之處:它允許多個封包共用隧道以節省建立隧道的成本,且其使用的網路資料庫實際上是一個分散式雜湊表(DHT),這使 I2P 的運作徹底去中心化。若想進一步理解 DHT 的運作原理,可以參考筆者之前所撰寫的文章:
I2P 最大的詬病就是連線速度太慢,一個缺乏激勵的去中心化網路恐怕很難吸引足夠的節點願意持續貢獻頻寬與電費。
cMix:透過預先計算(Precomputation)以實現低延遲的混合網路[33],是混合網路發明者 David Chaum 近期的研究,值得期待。
Loki:結合 Monero 與 Tor/I2P 的區塊鏈 [34],並使用代幣激勵節點貢獻頻寬與電力,由其白皮書可以看出發明者對於匿名技術的熱愛與信仰。
閃電網路(Lightning Network):知名的比特幣第二層方案,將於其網路內實作洋蔥路由[27]。
Monero:使用環簽章保護用戶隱私的區塊鏈,將於其網路內實作大蒜路由,已開發出 Kovri[28] 並成為 I2P 官方認可的客戶端之一[29]。
2018 年 12 月,Mustafa Al-Bassam 於以太坊官方研究論壇提議利用洋蔥路由改進輕節點之資料可得性(Light Client Data Availability)[36]。若讀者想了解更多關於以太坊輕節點的研究,可以參考台北以太坊社群專欄的這篇文章。資料可得性是輕節點實現的關鍵,而這之中更關鍵的是:如何向第三方證明全節點的資料可得性?由於這個提案巧妙地運用了洋蔥路由的特性,因此在今年 7 月在另一則討論中,Vitalik 亦強烈建議應儘速使洋蔥路由成為以太坊的標準[35]。
在這個提案中,輕節點需建立洋蔥路由線路,然而線路節點並非由目錄中挑選,而是由前一個節點的可驗證隨機函數(Verifiable Random Function, VRF)決定。例如線路中的第二個節點需由第一個節點的 VRF 決定。線路建立後,出口節點便可以接著向全節點請求特定的可驗證資料。由於輕節點在過程中維持匿名,因此可以防止全節點對輕節點的審查(Censoring)。取得可驗證資料後,其便與 VRF 證明沿著原線路傳回輕節點,輕節點再將可驗證資料與 VRF 證明提交至合約由第三方驗證。若第三方驗證正確,則資料可得性得證。
[1] Jingwang Weishi, Wikipedia
[2] PRISM, Wikipedia
[3] privacytools.io
[4] Nothing-to-hide Argument, Wikipedia
[5] Anonymity vs Privacy vs Security
[6] Deanonymisation of Clients in Bitcoin P2P Network, Alex Biryukov, Dmitry Khovratovich, Ivan Pustogarov, 2014
[7] Example: P2P system topology
[8] Internet protocol suite, Wikipedia
[9] OSI model, Wikipedia
[10] Packet Traveling: OSI Model
[11] Packet Traveling — How Packets Move Through a Network
[12] A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication, VINTON G. CERF, ROBERT E. KAHN, 1974
[13] Anonymous Connections and Onion Routing, Michael G. Reed, Paul F. Syverson, and David M. Goldschlag, 1998
[14] Tor: The Second-Generation Onion Router, Roger Dingledine, Nick Mathewson, Paul Syverson, 2004
[15] Tor, Wikipedia
[16] What actually is the Darknet?
[17] Tor Network Status
[18] Inside Job: Applying Traffic Analysis to Measure Tor from Within, Rob Jansen, Marc Juarez, Rafa Galvez, Tariq Elahi, Claudia Diaz, 2018
[19] How Does Tor Really Work? The Definitive Visual Guide (2019)
[20] Tor Circuit Construction via Telescoping
[21] The DarkNet and its role in online piracy
[22] Mix network, Wikipedia
[23] Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms, David Chaum, 1981
[24] The differences between onion routing and mix networks
[25] Monitoring the I2P network, Juan Pablo Timpanaro, Isabelle Chrisment, Olivier Festor, 2011
[26] I2P Data Communication System, Bassam Zantout, Ramzi A. Haraty, 2002
[27] BOLT #4: Onion Routing Protocol
[28] Kovri
[29] Alternative I2P clients
[30] Bitcoin BIP-0156
[31] Dandelion++: Lightweight Cryptocurrency Networking with Formal Anonymity Guarantees, Giulia Fanti, Shaileshh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, Surya Bakshi, Bradley Denby, Shruti Bhargava, Andrew Miller, Pramod Viswanath, 2018
[32] The Dusk Network Whitepaper, Toghrul Maharramov, Dmitry Khovratovich, Emanuele Francioni, Fulvio Venturelli, 2019
[33] cMix: Mixing with Minimal Real-Time Asymmetric Cryptographic Operations, David Chaum, Debajyoti Das, Farid Javani, Aniket Kate, Anna Krasnova, Joeri De Ruiter, Alan T. Sherman, 2017
[34] Loki: Private transactions, decentralised communication, Kee Jefferys, Simon Harman, Johnathan Ross, Paul McLean, 2018
[35] Open Research Questions For Phases 0 to 2
[36] Towards on-chain non-interactive data availability proofs
隱私、區塊鏈與洋蔥路由 was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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physical topology 在 Lee388 Hi Fi 發燒專頁 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Alumine Five of Stenheim
Stenheim is a relatively late entrant to the high-end speaker field. It was founded in 2010 by a collective of mainly ex-Goldmund engineers, and its products have inherited an unmistakable aesthetic and, to a lesser extent, sonic DNA, although it was a significantly evolved character that was to emerge in the shape of the debut model, the compact, two-way Alumine Two. It’s a developmental divergence that has continued and, if anything, accelerated with the emergence of each subsequent product. The latest Stenheim speakers, developed under the auspices of new owner Jean-Pascal Panchard, definitely have their own, unambiguous identity, both visually and musically.
I’ve been seriously looking forward to the arrival of the Alumine Five. Previous experience with the brand has included impressive exposure to the various versions of the enormous and enormously impressive Ultime Reference models, as well as a brief but highly rewarding flirtation with the stand-mounted Alumine Two in my own system. The possibility of combining the sense of musical articulation, enthusiasm and communication I experienced from the Alumine Two, with more than a hint of the clarity, scale and authority so effortlessly delivered by the Reference models, all in a package that, if not exactly affordable, at least isn’t completely out of the question, makes the Alumine Five a distinctly interesting proposition.
Yet, confronted with the Alumine Five in the flesh, there’s little to hint at the extraordinary promise lurking within. Resolutely rectangular in true Stenheim style, the Five’s aluminum cabinet, with its plate-to-plate construction, stands just 48" tall, 15" deep and presents a broad 11" face to the world, dimensions based on golden-ratio numbers. The front baffle is split by a physical break between the upper midrange-treble enclosure and the lower bass cabinet, independently ported by the laminated full-width slots above and below, a physical separation that is mirrored by the contrasting inlaid strips that help visually break up the one-piece side panels. The regular lines, smooth surfaces, flawless matte finish and lack of visible fixings could easily result in a bland, almost featureless appearance. But those trim strips and the offset midrange and treble drivers do just enough to give the Five a subtle hint of individual style without resorting to the sort of gauche and ostentatious flourishes that so often pass as design.
The result is a refreshingly clean, classical appearance that will blend seamlessly with a range of different decors. Despite the lack of grilles (although they are available as an option, does anybody really spend this kind of money on a speaker and then compromise the performance by fitting covers?), the beautifully profiled baffle and absence of visible fixings makes for a genuinely neat, finished appearance that matches the superb surface finish on the cabinet. The end result just looks right, in a way that makes you wonder why you’d want grilles anyway.
The first hint of its potent sonic capabilities comes when you try to pick it up. Each comparatively compact cabinet tips the scales at 220 pounds. That’s a grunt-inducing, two-man lift. Now, take a look at the figures for bandwidth and sensitivity, and an in-room response that digs down as far as 28Hz combined with 94dB efficiency should raise your eyebrows, especially given the compact cabinet dimensions. Which brings us to the first experiential disconnect: boxes this size shouldn’t produce this much bass or do it so easily. Nor should they weigh so much -- although therein lies the clue to this particular conundrum. When it comes to bass extension, it’s not the external dimensions of the box that matter, but its internal volume. Just like the Crystal Cable Minissimo, a thin-wall cabinet makes for a much larger internal volume than the external dimensions might suggest -- especially if we apply the expectations of more conventional wood-based construction. Throw in the sheer weight of the aluminum panels and the combination of mass and physical dimensions would subconsciously suggest massively thick walls -- and a correspondingly limited internal volume. Instead, what we have here is a deceptively large volume, which, combined with the inertia of the heavy cabinet and the mechanical stability provided by the material, makes for an effective mechanical reference for driver movement, meaning that more of the energy your amplifier sticks into the speaker comes out as sound and (at least in theory) it will be more precisely rendered.
So far, not very much that’s new. It’s not like Stenheim (or Magico, or YG Acoustics) has exclusivity when it comes to aluminum cabinets. But what does make Stenheim different is the unique material they use in damping their cabinet panels. Of course, the separate enclosures and the internal baffles they demand make for an inherently heavily braced structure, but look inside a dismantled Alumine Five and you’ll find strategically placed pads stuck to the cabinet walls. These three-layer, self-adhesive pads combine a heavy damping layer (adjacent to the cabinet wall itself) with added foam and impervious layers, allowing the low-volume pads to influence both the mechanical behavior of the cabinet itself and the enclosed volume. It’s an interesting solution because it manages to overcome the weakness so often audible in simple, braced aluminum cabinets (the all-too-recognizable resonant signature of the material itself) while maximizing the benefits (large volume and rigidity) by obviating the need to stuff the internal space full of wadding or long-haired wool. In fact, if the Stenheims were stood behind a sonically transparent curtain, you’d be hard-pressed to recognize the music as emanating from an aluminum cabinet at all. The absence of the bleached, grainy or lean colorations, the lack of sterile, mechanistic reproduction, is one big half of the Stenheim story, living, breathing proof that it’s not what you use but how you use it that counts.
The other half is down to the drive units, and after the cabinets, those come as quite a surprise, both the lineup and the chosen materials. In stark contrast to the use of the latest, precision CNC techniques, complex damping pads and finishing options, the Alumine Five's drivers are as traditional as they come, with a coated silk-dome tweeter and pulp or laminated paper midrange and bass drivers. The cone drivers use textile double-roll surrounds and massive magnets more normally found in pro-audio applications, and while Stenheim doesn’t build its own drivers, the company works closely with its chosen supplier (PHL, definitely not one of the usual suspects) to specify the electrical parameters, mechanical characteristics and precise details of the surface coating.
The use of such lightweight cone materials and large motors aids the system efficiency, while a hybrid second-order/Linkwitz-Riley crossover, the result of extended listening and evolution, ensures phase coherence and excellent out-of-band attenuation and makes for easy non-reactive load characteristics, despite the three-way topology. The other aspect of the driver lineup that might be considered slightly unusual is the use of a large-diameter (6 1/2") midrange unit -- although less so since Vandersteen’s patent on the approach lapsed some years ago, resulting in a rash of companies suddenly exploring the possibilities of the topology.
Perhaps more important, in the case of the Alumine Five, it means that you are getting the tweeter and midrange drivers from the Ultime Reference series speakers, teamed here with a pair of 10" woofers but without the benefit of a super tweeter. Even so, Stenheim quotes bandwidth out to 35kHz, which should suffice for most purposes. The review speakers arrived with the optional second set of terminals installed, allowing for biwiring or, more significantly, biamping, an upgrade opportunity that makes this an option you should take. If, in the meantime, you are single-wiring the speakers, make sure you factor in a set of jumpers that match your speaker cables: the Alumine Five's overall sense of musical coherence makes the benefits especially obvious. Likewise, good wiring practice is essential, both in terms of cable dressing and diagonal connection (red to midrange/treble, black to bass, with jumpers arranged accordingly).
Aside from the speaker's substantial weight, the parallel sides and flat surfaces of the four-square cabinet make setting up the Fives an absolute joy. Precise, repeatable, angular adjustments are easily achieved, while changes in attitude are just as straightforward, helped by the beautifully profiled stainless-steel spiked feet and deeply cupped footers. Both the cones and their locking rings have nice, large ports to take the supplied pry bars, but it’s worth greasing the threads before installation. One other thing to watch out for: the spikes are seriously (refreshingly) sharp -- sharp enough to penetrate a thick rug and score the floor below, so be careful where you stand the speakers once the feet are installed. Final positioning disposed the speakers on a broad front with minimal toe-in. When it came to dialing in their considerable musical energy, the most critical factor proved to be height off the ground, with tiny adjustments of the spikes making profound differences to the weight and pace of the presentation. Likewise, equal weighting of the four spikes was crucial to a proper sense of grounded weight and dynamic authority.
Price: $60,000 per pair.
Warranty: Five years parts and labor.
(Source: The Audio Beat)