【桃花開在周杰倫】The Peach Blossom named Jay Chou(English writing below)
我不是蔡依林的歌迷,但她這次為專輯的付出真的讓我刮目相看 - 回顧蔡依林出道至今的「黑歷史」MV《怪美》,邀請吳君如一起拍向80、90年代香港電影致敬的MV《腦公》,邀小S拍的MV《紅衣女孩》,以及今年榮獲台灣金曲獎年度歌曲獎的《玫瑰少年》等等。
2) 要賺錢,你速度要快。
錢如流水走很快不等人,你要懂得觀察局勢,學學那些Youtubers的掙錢速度及魄力。如果還是不會, 批八字看風水時,可請教你的師父如何迅速為自己增強桃花。
In my Youtube video last week, I talked about how Jay Chou cultivated his great Peach Blossoms in his past life and the correlation between your personal wealth and your Peach Blossoms.
On 11 September 2019 2300H, Jay Chou released his much-awaited new song "Won't Cry". His MV crossed 10 millions views within 48 hours on Youtube, setting a new record for Chinese music entertainment scene, and was the #1 trending MV in over 10 countries, including USA, Australia, Korea, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. His latest single also crashed Chinese music streaming site QQ music in less than a hour after its release.
In comparison, Jolin Tsai launched her new concept album end of last year, after a hiatus of 4 years. The album broke out of the conventional love ballads typical of Mandopop. 7 songs in this album were launched on Youtube with very creative and artsy music videos, which attracted much online discussion.
Yet the views on her MV cannot be compared with Jay Chou's latest MV.
While I am not a fan of Jolin Tsai, I applaud her effort for this album. The Ugly Beauty MV talks about the criticisms that Jolin Tsai had received since her debut. The Hubby MV was a salute to Hong Kong movies in the 80s & 90s, with Sandra Wu guest starring. Xiao S was also invited for her Lady in Red MV. The song Womxnly won the Song of the Year in this year's Golden Melody Awards, while this album won Album of the Year.
My personal favourite is the song Womxnly, which was inspired by the sensational story of Yeh Yung-chih, a secondary school Taiwanese student who had been long bullied for his perceived effeminate behaviour and thus, never dared to go to the school toilet at break times. One day, just five minutes before school ended, he was found dead in the school’s restroom in a pool of blood at the age of 15.
In May this year, Taiwan became the first Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage and Womxnly became even more symbolic.
Let's now take a look at Jay Chou's new single Won't Cry. If you also think that "Jay Chou is my youth", the many punchlines in this MV, the lyricist Vincent Fang and the mystery guest Ashin of Mayday will have you grinning in surprise.
To me, while this song is not bad and a continuation of Jay Chou's love ballad style, it does not carry as much creativity and positive energy as Jolin Tsai's Ugly Beauty album. Jay Chou's MV was also pretty similar to many of his past MVs. There was no breakthrough.
Yet, beneath all that we have seen till now, is the karma from many past lives.
My Root Guru, His Holiness Living Buddha expounded that in Jay Chou's past life, he practiced the Magnetization Sadhana of Varjayana, and had recited an astronomical number of the mantra of Love and Respect. As stated in his Bazi, his songwriting talent this lifetime is a reflection of his cultivated Peach Blossoms of Mass Appeal.
This is an extraordinary Peach Blossom, as it rewrote the judgment standard of Mandopop. The viewership of Jay Chou's Won't Cry MV and sales volume of the single are just as astounding. Within 24 hours of release, his new song sold 5.485 million copies online and raked in S$3.2million.
The entire physical appearance of Jolin Tsai spells of heavy Peach Blossom of mass appeal. However, with Jay Chou in the picture, both she and JJ Lin Junjie who released a new single The Right Time 3 weeks ago paled in comparison.
Some clever Youtubers quickly uploaded their own covers, in less than 24 hours of Jay Chou's new song release. There were cover songs, piano versions, and lyric version. This is a very smart way of leveraging on Jay Chou's Peach Blossom luck for FREE. Works best if the song and Jay Chou’s Bazi are compatible with their Bazi.
Through online searches and online entertainment channels who report about the covers, the Youtubers get to boost their subscriber volumes and viewership at a much faster rate.
These are the 3 points I wish to highlight to everyone after writing so much:
1) To my fellow Dharma brothers and sisters who are fortunate enough to receive our Root Guru's Dharma empowerment of Kurukullā and Rāgarāja, please cultivate this Sadhana diligently.
When you have Peach Blossom of Mass Appeal, your benefactors are prominent and everything that you do in life gets easily done, even earning money is faster for you. My personal experience is that if you practice this Sadhana with the Bodhicitta heart to benefit sentient beings, the effects will be incredible.
2) If you make money, you must be speedy.
Money waits for no man. You have to know how to observe the situations and learn the money-making speed and drive of those Youtubers. If you do not know how, seek the advise of your Chinese Metaphysics practitioner, when getting your Bazi analysed or Feng Shui audit done.
3)Move in the right direction with the right method, and you can change your life and others' too.
Regardless your Bazi has mass appeal affinity or not, to have money, to have charisma of Love and Respect, you must be diligent in forming mass positive affinities. Learn to give and accumulate your way through. For no matter how many mass affinities you have, they get expedited over time.
The celebrities and Youtubers I mentioned above are examples of diligence.
When your hard work brings you the ability to influence, you will be able to guide others to improve their luck, be it you are conscious of it or not. And that doubles up your merits.
Don't squander your youth by living aimlessly. Don't blindly give all your time to your family and be miserly in giving your time to others.
Constant giving requires thought, otherwise when your good fortune hits rock bottom, you and your family will face a dire drought of life resources.
"The smart one spends his effort in prevention and accumulation, while the fool puts his hope in salvaging. "
picture writing examples 在 Vocabno Facebook 的最讚貼文
知大家好鍾意用”not only..., but also”,今日講吓啦😂但開波講返聲”not only..., but also...”係formal context先用,informal嘅用”too”就算啦。👋🏼
Rule 1: “not only”同”but also” go immediately before the words or expressions they modify
所以就會好似Picture 2嗰3個examples咁,當抽曬”not only”/“but also”(橙色)同佢哋後面嘅phrase(紅色),淨低返嘅字(紫色)就可以同嗰兩個紅色部分組成返兩句獨立嘅句子。呢個亦係方便同學檢查自己組成嘅句子究竟啱唔啱意思,有時唔知係咪”not only”個”not”字影響大家,搞到大家寫返出嚟個意思調轉曬。👀 有同學問點解第二句”not only”行先,但唔係”was the bathroom flooded”,因為”not only..., but also”唔係淨係可以配inversion, 只會喺需要強調事情嘅時候先配inversion,咁因為”the bathroom”同”the rest of the house”都係”was flooded”(紫色部份)嘅subject, 所以喺佢哋兩個前面分別加大”not only”同”but also”。🤘🏼
咁假若你想再強調件事,你可以選擇用Picture 3 ”not only+auxiliary verb/modal verb/main verb “be”+subject...” (亦即係大家所講嘅inversion)。
而”but also”之後用返最基本SVO就可以啦。
咁如果要強調件事,冇auxiliary verb/modal verb/main verb “be”, 咁就會係Picture 4 “Not only+do/does/did+subject”,跟住跟返verb就可以,”but also”照返都係SVO。
諗咗成日點樣教先清晰(因為都有少少複雜),希望分咗3個cases,大家會真正識用”not only..., but also...”啦。👍🏼
Swan, M. (2016). Practical English Usage (fourth edition). OUP.
Cambridge University Press (2019). Cambridge dictionary. Retrieved from https://www.google.com.hk/amp/s/dictionary.cambridge.org/amp/british-grammar/word-order-and-focus/not-only-but-also.
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