《我好希望whatsapp 可以新增一個「孟婆茶button」,唔只「收返我剛才嘅言論」,仲要對家永遠唔記得我有講過》
「呢條女勁過我老婆個妹」whatsapp 圖,尋日我喺唔同嘅whatsapp group 都收到,大家都話「好假囉」,我覺得係真架,因為whatsapp 真係好易出事,我試過同人講緊生日蛋糕訂邊個,send send 下send 咗俾生日個條友。
有D 野,講咗就收唔返.....
網上有好多「如何拆解『「呢條女勁過我老婆個妹』whatsapp 攻略」,其實「一切都回不去了,鄭家真係從此不一樣」。男人睇到呢個圖,都會代入姐夫個角色,諗點拆解。我會代入呀妹嘅角色,我覺得如果真有其事,「家姐以後都唔會再對我咁好架啦,姐夫咸濕無錯,咸濕得來又唔小心個下仆街」!
我覺得whatsapp 極其量只可以加「收返message」button,對家睇過,whatsapp 再勁都幫唔到你洗走對家嘅memory。公司有recall email button,可以召喚返send 錯嘅emaiil 返來,但收個條友已經睇過,recall 來有咩用?有時會收到同事send 個email 來話「Please ignore the previous email」,你就知佢又柒咗。
或者Whatsapp 應該加個「嚴重警告你function」,喺你send message 俾某D 人之前,pop up 「嚴重警告你」畫面,要入password 先可proceed,咁可能會有另一番景象。
please ignore the previous email 在 how to apologize for a mistake in a file 的推薦與評價
please disregard previous quotation sent 01/01/2018, there was an error. Please find attached the correct quote. My apologies for any ... ... <看更多>
please ignore the previous email 在 Stagecraft - Spam email To anyone who received the below... 的推薦與評價
Spam email To anyone who received the below email please ignore and delete. A spam email has been sent under the stagecraft name. This email is NOT... ... <看更多>