翻轉視界 18 Changing Perspective
There's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in front of you, and then the next one, and a few years down the track, they will seem like massive achievements.
文章來自於New Humans of Australia (有取得授權)
I didn’t meet my father until I was 6 years old. My parents had a comfortable, middle-class life in Shanghai, or as close as you could get under communism. But they always wanted to live overseas, and just before I was born, my dad came to Sydney to set things up. I don’t know why, but in the end, my mother and I didn’t join him until I was 6.
•a middle-class life 中產階級生活
•set things up 打點一切
•live overseas 往海外生活
•in the end 最後 (表達在經過一段時間或一連串事件之後的結果)
Unfortunately, half a year after we arrived, he left us. That was a huge shock. Our transition had already been quite difficult, as we both didn't speak English. Also, as Shanghai was such a big bustling city, Sydney felt a bit like the countryside, especially on the weekends, as no shops were open back then!
•shock 令人震驚的事件(或經歷);驚愕,震驚 (come as a great shock 讓人倍感震驚)
•transition 轉變;過渡
•a bustling city 繁華都會
We were very much reliant on my dad, not only financially, but also as a conduit into the wider community. So to have that broken was quite distressing. I remember Mum crying a lot. As we had become socially isolated, we didn’t find out anything about Centrelink, so we survived on her savings for a while, and then got some help from her family back in China.
•be reliant on… 依賴...
•a conduit into 進入...的渠道
•distressing (adj.) 令人苦惱的,令人擔憂的
•become socially isolated 變得孤立於社會
•survive on her savings 僅靠的她積蓄過日子
我們相當依賴我父親,不僅是經濟,他也是我們進入更廣泛社區的渠道。因此,當局面被打破時令人相當痛苦,我還記得母親時常哭泣。由於我們孤立於社會,所以我們並不知道澳洲社會福利聯絡中心 (Centrelink)的任何資訊,僅靠母親的積蓄支撐了一段時間,然後從母親在中國的娘家得到一些幫助。
Eventually, Mum moved us down to Melbourne, where we were able to make some new networks and family friendships. But I was bullied a bit at school about things like my food and clothing! Whenever someone bullied me, I would defend myself, but because I didn’t have the language skills to explain to the teacher why, I got in trouble quite a bit. I ended up having to move school 3 times before I came to Balwyn Primary School, which was relatively multicultural.
•be able to 能夠
•make new networks 建立新的人脈,關係網
•be bullied 被霸凌
•language skills 語言能力
•get in trouble 惹上麻煩
•end up 最後處於;最後成爲;以…告終
•relatively 相對地
•multicultural 多元文化的
最後,母親帶著我搬遷到墨爾本,在那我們能夠建立起新的網絡與家庭情誼。然而。我在學校飽受霸凌,例如我的食物及衣物。每當有人霸凌我,我會自我防衛,但我的語言技巧不足以向老師解釋事發原因,因此常常陷入麻煩。後來我不得不再三轉學,直到就讀相對多元文化的博文小學(Balwyn Primary School)。
After that, I did alright. Music featured very prominently in my life. I had started learning the violin from the age of 2.5 years old and even with all the troubles that were going on in my life, had somehow still kept up with it. As a result, I got a music scholarship to Trinity Grammar School. But even there I used to get into quite a lot of mischief, and would often skip school to go to the movies.
•do alight 過得不錯,做的不錯
•feature (v.) 以…為特色;給…以顯著的地位
•prominently 重要地;著名地;突出地,顯眼地
之後,我便過得不錯。音樂在我生活中佔有重要的一席之地,我從兩歲半開始學習小提琴,儘管生活中事事不如意,我依然堅持不輟。因此,我獲得三一文法學校( Trinity Grammar School)的音樂獎學金。但即使在那,我也常惡作劇、逃學看電影。
By the end of year 11, I was told I would have to either repeat the year, or consider going to another school, which was quite humiliating for my mum. I decided to move school and surprisingly, I ended up doing quite well in year 12! As a result, I ended up getting into a double degree in Law and Music at Monash.
•repeat the year 留級 ; 重唸一年
•humiliating 令人感到恥辱的,丟臉的
When I started, my first thought was that I didn’t belong because I had done so badly in school up to year 11 and everyone else seemed so smart. But I put my head down, got through it, and ended up getting a job in the legal department of a major manufacturing company, which was a different approach to what most law students do.
•do not belong 不屬於這
•put my head down 埋頭苦幹
•the legal department of ...的法律部門
•a different approach 不同途徑
•approach (思考問題的)方式,方法,態度
I really enjoyed it. It was hard work, but I learned a lot of foundational business, legal and corporate communication skills. After that I worked in corporate governance in RMIT, then started to moonlight as a lecturer in the Law Faculty. Eventually, they asked me if I wanted to do a PhD and I blindly said yes! I next worked at Swinburne University, and then was head-hunted to lead the corporate legal team at the Commercial Passenger Vehicles Commission.
•foundational 基礎的
•communication skills 溝通技巧
•corporate governance
•moonlight (v.) (尤指瞞著僱主)從事第二職業,兼職
•headhunt (v.) 物色(人才); 挖角
•legal team 法律團隊
我非常喜歡這份工作,這是份辛苦的工作,但我學習了很多基礎商業、法律以及公司溝通技巧。之後我在皇家墨爾本理工大學( RMIT)從事公司治理工作,並開始兼職擔任法律系講師。後來他們問我是否想要讀博士,我便盲目地答應了。接下來,我在斯威本大學(Swinburne University)工作,再被挖角到商用小客車委員會領導法律團隊。
I had a good life, but after a while, I realised I wanted a different kind of job. I could see my seniors were making a lot of money but that their family life was not that good. And looking at my own upbringing, I wanted to be the kind of father who could be present in my own kids’ lives. So I decided on dentistry. It would not only allow me to use the hand skills that I had developed from playing the violin, but also the analytical and reasoning skills that I'd developed in law. Plus it would be flexible, and offer me a stable income and the chance to meet different people every day!
•upbringing 教養
•decide on sth 決定某事或東西
•analytical and reasoning skills 分析和推理能力
•offer a stable income 提供穩定收入
My now fiancée, who was my girlfriend at the time, was also applying for further study, and coincidentally we both got into university in South Australia, so we moved to Adelaide together a few years ago.
•fiancée 未婚妻
•at the time 當時
•apply for 申請
•further study 繼續教育,進修;進一步研究;深造
•coincidentally 碰巧地;巧合地
我的未婚妻,當時的女友,也申請繼續深造,巧的是我們都考上南澳大學(University of South Australia),所以幾年前一起搬到阿得雷德( Adelaide)。
I was lucky to get a university job at Flinders University. Initially, I started out as a casual lecturer in the law school, but I’ve since transitioned into teaching health law and research, and I’m currently writing a few books on the intersection between law and medicine. And also, obviously, trying to finish my dentistry degree!
•start out as… 起初擔任...
•transition into… 轉變到...
我很幸運的在福林德斯大學(Flinders University)找到工作,起初我在法學院擔任臨時講師,但我後來轉換到醫事法教學及研究。目前我正撰寫幾本關於法律與醫學相接的書籍,並努力完成我的牙醫學位。
Mum eventually retrained as a Chinese high school teacher, and she’s still teaching to this day. Like most first generation migrants, she struggled quite a lot, and invested heavily in my success. After we’re married, my fiancée and I are planning to have children, and I’m sure they will have it much easier than I did.
•retrain 重新培養;再培訓;再訓練
•to this day 至今
•first generation migrants 第一代移民
•struggle a lot 掙扎奮鬥許久
•have it much easier 過的比較輕鬆
Still, a lot of the failures that I’ve had in my life have really informed a lot of my successes. Looking back, I wouldn't really want to change that to have a smoother life.
•inform [正式] 影響某人的態度或意見
•have a smoother life 有一個更順遂的人生
Over the years, I've learned that perseverance is very important. I hope that through telling my story, I can be an example to others who might be in a similar position as I was: to show that there's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in front of you, and then the next one, and a few years down the track, they will seem like massive achievements.
•over the years 多年來
•perseverance 不屈不撓,堅持不懈
•be an example 成為榜樣
•be in a similar position 處於相似的處境
•down the road/line/track 將來(的路)
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Photographer: Paul Heinrich instagram.com/paulfheinrich
文章與圖片出處: https://bit.ly/2XJsciq
翻轉視界: http://bit.ly/3fPvKUs
批判性思考問題大全: http://bit.ly/34rdtJ7
同時也有31部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅Porknuckle Gaming,也在其Youtube影片中提到,7/30將於電影院特別上映的 『Fate/Grand Order -終局特異點 冠位時間神殿所羅門-』將與 文化放送超A&G上每週五直播的 『FGO 迦勒底廣播局Plus』合作演出啦! 廣播主持人 大久保瑠美、田中美海 來賓 川澄綾子、鈴村健一、高橋李依 ------------------...
plus up 中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🌻台灣仍在居家隔離期. 台灣居住空間較小, 居家隔離難度較高. 尤其這次面對的病毒也比較凶猛. 祝大家平安. 在此提供一些當時我居家隔離時所做的一些事情, 供大家參考:
--對家人睜一隻眼, 閉一隻眼. 一家人天天在一起難免會有不順的時候, 不過能夠在一起很珍貴.
--買香料公司已經調好的香料包做料理. 這樣省時間, 也可以不用傷腦筋, 也讓煮飯多了點變化(可參考這網站: https://www.mccormick.com/spices-and-flavors/recipe-mixes/mccormick-one)
--看書, 看劇, 在線上與股友聊天, 看年報, 整理財報內容
--研究園藝, 在家裡養了很多綠色植物
--整理家裡, 做收納, 移動家具
--晚上喝點小酒, 解壓助眠(不過要注意有可能會胡言亂語😅)
🌻Docusign(DOCU), Crowdstrike(CRWD)的電話會議內容已整理好. 有興趣的讀者可以到部落格那邊去看:
🌻U.S. 10-Year Treasury Yield Slips Below 1.5%
🌻俄亥俄州 躍全球太陽能重鎮
顧問公司Wood Mackenzie統計,去年美國太陽能新增發電量創新高,且2030年前將再增加三倍。First Solar表示,俄亥俄州太陽能面板園區未來主要供應美國市場。近年太陽能產業多數零件來自中國,尤其在去年疫情爆發後,美國重大產業過度依賴海外供應鏈的風險激增,令拜登政府誓言重振美國製造業,並大力推動綠能產業發展。
"其中一個受益者是CardFree Inc.,該公司為餐飲經營者設計和運營線上和移動點餐系統。CardFree的首席執行官Jon Squire稱,該公司的應用軟體讓餐館能夠更好地預測和管理收到的訂單,以優化人員和產能調配。"
🌻現金太多 美銀行業者向企業喊話:別來存款
最近花了不少時間看報紙, 發現報紙還真好看, 除了學到不少財經知識外, 華爾街日報(WSJ)有些文章都挺有深度的. 有時候還一邊看一邊畫重點.
Anyway. 發現這個中文網站, 會翻譯一些WSJ的好文章. 值得書籤(bookmark)起來:
🌻去年很多EV方面的新公司或是小公司. 這篇文章的觀點挺好, 說做EV, 要能夠scale(規模化地拓展)也很重要: https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-electric-vehicle-stocks-are-stuck-in-reverse-11622709998
"Still, the classic Silicon Valley disruption story isn’t playing out in the auto industry as once expected. With their big batteries, EVs are shaping up to be an industrial product that benefits from the kind of industrial scale 20th century manufacturers are good at. This advantage may not persist as other, software-based automotive technologies take off—in-vehicle internet and ultimately automated driving. But these are probably questions for another year."
Lordstown Motors的預警凸顯電動汽車初創公司的資金難題
這兩天看了一部電影and一本書的評論, 發現觸及的主題是一樣的: 信任.
電影是Disney Plus上面的"巡龍使者: 拉雅". 書是一本新書"The Power of Giving Away Power".
我發現一個團體要把事情做好, 重要的不是每個人的能力有多強, 而是彼此能否信任. 當大家都有共識(英文有個片語是, "on the same page"), 有同樣的目標的時候, 事情會好辦很多. 但這其實不容易做到(就像電影中的Raya一樣, 還必須先犧牲自己, 才能說服夥伴.)
Anyway. 覺得這題材挺有趣的, 也是生活中常碰到的事情. 分享給大家.
"巡龍使者: 拉雅"影評: https://movie1314.pixnet.net/coblog/post/353485640
"The Power of Giving Away Power"書評:
Pictures: 網路, Amazon, earningswhispers.com
plus up 中文 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【今期《art plus》我的專欄】
去年,我接任《搶耳音樂廠牌計劃》的創意總監崗位,參與其第四屆/2020至 2021年度項目。經過兩度延期後,隨著兩場《搶耳音樂節2021》早前在3月10、11號於西九文化區Freespace的大盒舉行,《搶耳音樂廠牌計劃 2020/2021》也終告圓滿結束,各組搶耳音樂單位都「畢業」了。
過去我曾為《搶耳音樂廠牌計劃》擔任過評審、講者、主持,就像一個客串的小角色。而今次我才全盤投入這個incubation program。不計最初的籌備階段,從首次遇上大家的遴選面試,到作為finale演出的《搶耳音樂節2021》舉行,歷時九個月,見證到十二強搶耳音樂單位在這大半年間發生的演進。
我對音樂所把持的興趣,其中一件事項,就是不要停留在comfort zone,要令到自己走出舒適區。所以我喜歡發掘新的聲音、認識新的音樂單位,尤其是年輕新生代的音樂單位。
尤其是在過去一年,疫情下live music scene一籌莫展,所看過的「實體」現場演出實在寥寥可數得可憐。親身觀看這一眾搶耳音樂單位的表演,正可填補了我的空虛。
《搶耳音樂節2021》的「搶耳觀眾獎」及「搶耳大賞」雙料得主TAOTAO & flat550是今屆最驚豔的名字。這位在洛杉磯主修主曲及聲樂的R&B / urban唱作女生帶同她的伴奏樂團,從遴選時的五人樂隊,到音樂節上帶來共十位表演者陣容,他們不獨是要做到人多勢眾的大樂團,更重要他們的音樂編制都在不斷改良中(主打歌〈Ain't No 24/7 Happiness〉在當晚便玩出了一個編曲截然不同的版本),甚至她的作品由英文歌演變成中文歌,每次看到他們都會有驚喜與新鮮感。
又例如wongguyshawn & sumj.chan這個由低音結他手與鼓手所組成的二人project(他們強調二人不是一支樂隊),奏出是跨越post-rock / nu-jazz / electronica / folk的器樂搖滾,但由於其非典型形式的現場演出,他們在遴選時發生了意外而只夠時間玩到一首曲目作面試,但我好清楚他們想做甚麼。在首次showcase他們又試圖挑戰自己,將現場彈奏來做loop,於是在台上忙得不可開交,演奏得一額汗。然後,二人將其表演方式化繁為簡,今次在《搶耳音樂節2021》上配合現場VJ的演出,是wongguyshawn & sumj.chan玩奏得最流麗流暢的一次。
再看全女班樂隊WHIZZ,這是我所看過她們玩得最好一次的現場演出,在緊湊groovy以外,〈Sorrowful〉亦表現出她們的深邃一面並加上一段outro器樂演奏;Andy is Typing…之前的演出全然彰顯出他們血脈僨張能量,但今次則以〈從何時變得不可能〉這首ballad來表現出其溫婉的一面。Elly C的alternative R&B歌曲是如斯縈繞心頭、淒美銷魂,起初她只是帶著一台laptop來遴選,然後配合鼓手和鍵琴手來組成她的現場演出樂隊,今次再加上一名結他手,又呈現出另一番味道。
Noisy Charlie是我在2017年我為「蒲窩全港青少年樂隊比賽」擔任評審已認識到的學生組冠軍樂隊,在《搶耳音樂廠牌計劃》再遇上他們,他們由一隊結他主導的另類搖滾樂隊,而嘗試加上很多synth的運用,然後又再省卻舞台上的合成器而換來一位敲擊手;現已加盟主流唱片廠牌華納的張蔓姿,初時只有以鋼琴/結他/鼓的三人演奏(結他手是CHOR鍾楚翹),然後加入電音樂手(hirsk),換上新鼓手(「假日貞操」的Step),她現場演出的電幻風格才成形,今次其伴奏樂隊The Game Guys還加入了小提琴手和低音結他手,還有視頻上的哲學意味文字,也昂然進入另一層次。
今屆《搶耳音樂廠牌計劃》的一個bonus,是因為資源調動而衍生出《Ear Up Mixtape 2021》這套合輯出來。結集十二強搶耳音樂單位的作品,所獻上是通過導師嚮導計劃的新作,抑或是新錄音或重新製作的曲目,作品多元地混雜著不同的音樂風格而想到以”Mixtape”命名;又得悉很多年輕樂迷不但沒有卡式機,就連CD drive也沒有,那不如直接給大家高質音檔,所以合輯的實體format是一盒收錄WAV音檔的「仿卡式帶」USB。即使這只是一盒「仿卡式帶」的USB,但我卻以真卡式帶的形式來編排曲目,虛擬有A、B兩面,所以鋪排出來的flow也做出劃分成A、B面那種起承轉合。畢竟選輯合輯、設計整體曲目鋪排與流程,也是我個人的一大專長與興趣。
plus up 中文 在 Porknuckle Gaming Youtube 的最佳解答
『Fate/Grand Order -終局特異點 冠位時間神殿所羅門-』將與
『FGO 迦勒底廣播局Plus』合作演出啦!
0:00:00 節目開始
0:15:00 週年禮裝短片(卡蜜拉、教授、麻雀)
0:16:06 迦勒底廣播局Plus
0:23:19 來賓聊天
0:40:12 電影相關聊天
0:58:40 工商情報
1:04:44 節目尾聲
1:12:30 週年禮裝短片(楊貴妃、梅芙、鶴小姐)
7/27(二)晚上7:45 - 川澄開場生放送、瑪修視點的異聞帶1-5回顧朗讀劇、音樂會
7/28(三)晚上8:00 - 聲優們的談話節目
7/29(四)晚上8:00 - FGO知識王,也都是聲優出席
7/30(五)晚上8:00 - 終局特異點(聲優出席)與廣播局的合作直播
7/31(六)中午12:00 - 位階認定考
下午4:00 - 世界的FGO比比看、製作團隊談話、音樂會
8/1(日)下午4:00 - 6週年SP生放送、坂本演唱會
※【VTuber NAYA】
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#FGO生放送 #生放送中文口譯 #6週年

plus up 中文 在 笑波子 Youtube 的精選貼文
Computer list:
RTX3080 IGAME GeForce Vulcan OC 10G GDDR6一鍵超頻/附熒幕即時監控
Intel Core i9-10900K (20M Cache, up to 5.30 GHz)
Corsair iCUE 4000X RGB Tempered Glass Mid-Tower ATX Case
Samsung 970 EVO Plus M.2 1T NVMe SSD
Toshiba Enterprise 8TB MG06ACA800E SATA3 /256MB HDD
Noctua NF-A12x15 PWM 12CM
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#2021 #新電腦開箱 #實測遊戲最高清全開
Check out #笑波子 's
◎Instagram: http://instagram.com/smilingboris#
◎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smilingboris
◎Email: smilingboris@vs-media.com
旅遊好食好玩挑戰特別篇: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOOHaug3F2YxRMqN-FPOT3dZSc58sR7SB
波子放毒(試食)系列: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOOHaug3F2YxU_ashPrtf54SrU3mldA2e
喜劇台/波子棟篤「笑」: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOOHaug3F2Yz5ofHXiPo8TrXo25JSgAQ2
MUFFIN/Brownie麥Brown物語: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOOHaug3F2YxcMrEcM49xN5iHV2QcJ-r5
波子淘寶試伏系列: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOOHaug3F2YzEnxW3ovggVvGjEzqdvAzZ
聽波子唱歌: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOOHaug3F2Yz2AGSvZ2WnGk0EmR-IQfYn
Mr. President: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl76zIp1lcQ&list=PLOOHaug3F2Yy3AvADS4XhqG9gvrMXUgEE
病橋模擬器: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84KSwmXmaHs
MOGEKO古堡: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIccKXTB-us
「Cat Mario惡搞遊戲」 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVMfOdBj1cU
「Happy wheels系列」:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V9ACyKlH0M
「Goat Simulator模擬山羊」:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxXrCtiuzqQ
Subtitle Help: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c=UCDpK1rg5I9Zc3ToY13vbR3w

plus up 中文 在 Lukas Engström Youtube 的最讚貼文
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Do you want to see MORE videos like this one? Please consider supporting me on Patreon as all my income will go directly back into the channel and cover either future travels or other resources: https://www.patreon.com/LukasEngstrom
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/LukasTaiwan
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ATT: Lukas
RM. 2, 6F., NO.201, FUHE RD.,
Business inquiries:
創作者經紀人/Contact person: - Maggie
Line ID: @redi
Email: contact@lukasengstrom.com
All music from Epidemic Sound: http://share.epidemicsound.com/DlqDP
The following is the gear I’m using when making my videos. I’m part of Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which means that I will get a small commission if you purchase anything via my links. Any commission I’ll be getting will go straight back into buying new gear for my future videos, so any sort of support is highly appreciated!
Insta360: https://www.insta360.com/sal/onex_real_estate_kit?insrc=INR0P5F
Camera: Canon EOS R: https://amzn.to/2CAybbh
Lens: Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM: https://amzn.to/34RDy1V
Insta360 One X: https://amzn.to/2KfwBjd
Tripod: JOBY GorillaPod 5K Kit: https://amzn.to/36VxMhy
Microphone: RØDE VideoMic Pro+: https://amzn.to/2Tg9mbx
Drone: DJI Mavic 2 Zoom: https://amzn.to/2Sak4CX
Mavic 2 Fly More Kit: https://amzn.to/2TlpLLT
Gimbal: DJI Ronin-S Handheld 3-Axis: https://amzn.to/2NG4L20
2x SanDisk Extreme Pro Memory Card (128GB): https://amzn.to/2Oi0CQX
Bag: Lowepro ProTactic BP 450 AW II:https://amzn.to/2NDbCsN
Camera: Canon M50: https://amzn.to/2Tf998r
Lens: Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM: https://amzn.to/2O0a62Y
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM https://amzn.to/2O5DJA0
Lens: Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM: https://amzn.to/2X88oR7
Canon EOS M Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2O1jH9I
Canon EF-EOS R Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2NDak0V
JOBY Gorillapod 3K: https://amzn.to/2S3GQfR
ADATA SD600Q SSD (240GB): https://amzn.to/2Wp28Tf
ADATA D8000L LED Power Bank: https://amzn.to/34MrlLY
Transcend ESD240C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/2X5L7xW
Transcend ESD350C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/32LBzeg
Transcend StoreJet 25MC HDD (1TB): https://amzn.to/2KekmUd
Transcend 128GB microSD: https://amzn.to/2tCkOmw
MacBook Pro 15” - TouchBar: https://amzn.to/2p7rSsy
Asus VP28UQG 28" 4K/UHD monitor: https://amzn.to/2CE5eeI
Special thanks to STC for helping me out with filters:
STC website:https://stcoptics.com/en/
STC Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/STCOptics/

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