Made in China?—A Practice 《從身體出發-中國練習》2017
( 30min_5min tralier / work-in-progress presentation 此片段為創作第一階段的分享 )
“I found myself given something to practice, right when I flew across the Taiwan Strait, and right when I walked through immigration.
“As a native-born Taiwanese, the practice for me is a questioning about the tangled bloodlines inside my body, about the validity of news stories, about the history written by the powerful, about the value of the body; a helpless questioning about political control, as well as a questioning about being, about life, about love.
“Through real contact with China, I try to figure out if there is any difference between our bodies when we speak the same language, and if the condition of the body is changed by the political landscape. This is the first step to making a piece of art about China.”
Choreography by 周書毅 Chou Shu-Yi_編舞
Sound by Wang Yujun 王榆鈞 Yujun Wang_音樂
Lighting by Ray 曾睿琁 (Ray Tseng)_燈光協助
Film Editor by 林婉玉 (Jessica WanYu Lin)_影像紀錄剪輯
Rehearsal asSistant 李偉能 Joseph Lee_排練助理
* Premier : 27 August 2017年8月27日
* Sponsored by the National Culture and Arts Foundation
創作概念 :
透過實地走訪與了解,說著相同語言,身體是否有不同的樣貌,政治環境是否改變了身體狀態,這是中國練習創作的第一步找尋。 關於"矛盾"...