(English writing below)
我一位近20年的朋友Celine Lay,父親胃嚴重漲風,沒有胃口。某天暈倒在家,好友送他入院,醫生做了核磁共振成像(MRI),發現體內都是黑漆漆的。那時才知是肺癌,癌細胞已擴散到體內所有的器官。醫生說,祇剩三個月的壽命,化療也沒救了。
If you have been coughing for a long time, you should seek an examination from the doctor.
The earlier stages of lung cancer are not obvious. Coughing is one symptom. However, both the doctor and the patient can mistake it as a normal cough.
That was what happened to my Uncle in the past one year.
After drinking the cough medication, he would be fine for a while but the cough would return. This persisted for about a year until one da, he coughed out blood. After an X-ray ordered by the doctor, irregularities were discovered in his lungs.
When my Uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer end of last year, the doctor said it was at the terminal stage and was incurable. The cancer cells had spread from his lungs to his lymph nodes. He was often out of breath. On the 8th day of CNY, my Uncle suddenly fainted at home.
Some years back, my Mother-in-law had a chronic cough that lasted for a year. But she was too stubborn to see the doctor. Whenever we wish to bring her to consult the doctor, she would reject us. When she finally did see the doctor, her cough was treated as a normal cough. After the condition worsened 2 weeks later, the doctor arranged for an X-ray and my Mother-in-law was diagnosed with bronchiectasis. The airway in the lungs were injured and permanently enlarged. Her immune system became weakened.
Once when my Father-in-Law was warded, she stayed in the hospital with him and got a lung infection, coughing out blood. She ended up being warded herself. Now, whenever she overworked, her cough would intensified and she would go on antibiotics. My Husband did heed Shifu's Bazi advice and brought her to see TCM. The medication were effective in strengthening her body. But alas, her stubbornness caused her to skip her medication. When we reminded her, we would all get the "roll eye" treatment.
The father of my long-time friend, Celine, had severe bloating in his stomach and little appetite. One day, he too fainted at home. When sent to the hospital, the doctor ran a MRI on him and discovered that his inners were all black. It was then diagnosed as lung cancer and the cancer cells had already invaded all his organs. The doctor said he was left with 3 months and even chemotherapy would be futile.
He only lived for another 1.5 month.
When I was in Taiwan in February, I helped my Uncle to take refuge in my Grandmaster, His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-Sheng.
Last Sunday, I handed the refuge certificate to my Uncle. He knew very little about the Dharma, much less to have faith in it. In a half joking manner, I told him it was like having gang protection in this mortal world and not being afraid of bullies. When you take refuge, you have the protection of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and need not fear being bullied by other ghosts.
My Husband gifted him a few virtuous books from my Grandmaster. However, Uncle had low education. We would still need to use skilful means to explain Dharma to him.
I wrote down the Buddha's name to Uncle. He always said he prayed to deities. I knew he wouldn't recite the Buddha's name but the planting of a Dharma seed must still be sown.
There are many illnessness that can be discovered early, but many patients choose to be the ostrich.
There are many Dharma teachings that should be learnt early, but many people mistakingly think that one should not think so much when alive, and just be happy.
But when there is life, there will surely be death. Also, how many people are truly happy?
When we seek to change our destinies, we are not doing it to fulfil our desires for materialism.
That is a superficial and short-sighted view of life.
What we truly want to achieve it to have a say over our deaths.
If you cannot exert control over your death, you remain a spirit that has no freedom.
Why should we allow ourselves to lead a life of poor fate and be hapless over our deaths?
A human life is something that can vanish in a split second.
Only the teachings from Buddha can help us to face Death with no fear and eradicate the various illusions that arise.
I seek the blessings of my Grandmaster, the receiving of my Root Deity and the protection of my Dharma Protector. May I be able to help my family, as my Uncle runs the final lap of his life.