With tickets on sale tomorrow at 10am, we wanted to flag that the venue and ticketing company have some particular rules about the queuing system. We have no control over these rules.
The show will be all standing, though each ticket will be numbered and based on a first come first served basis. The number on your ticket will be the queueing order for entering the venue when doors open.
So basically, the earlier you buy your ticket, the quicker you'll likely get in to the venue. Once you're in, it's free standing so you can go where you like! We've discussed with the venue whether there is any way around the queuing system, though it is a crowd safety issue, so there is no option. Thanks for your attention and see you at the show!
明天早上十時便是 Belle And Sebastian 香港演出門票的開賣日,在這先跟大家說明一下快達票的售票規則。