When the writer met writer:
Tonight the University of Iowa Visiting Professor and writer CLAUDIA RANKINE
She was reading: CITIZEN: AN AMERICAN LYRIC, She mention about (black) skin, even with a black president does not remove fear "black ! "
one of the blue black boy photo I was very impressed.
I hug Rankine , while her signature to me: please with hope!!!
Your body running off undesired desired encounter ...... that she is beautiful .She is.he says, beautiful and black, like you.
今晚愛荷華大學來了詩人(心裡稱為年輕版的童妮.莫里森)CLAUDIA RANKINE(克勞帝亞,蘭金)朗讀:CITIZEN:AN AMERICAN LYRIC朗讀前,她說了靈感來源(多元藝術),她並談及(黑)皮膚,即使有了黑人總統並沒有除去人害怕「黑」色!其中的blue black boy.讓我印象深刻,有幾首好感人……此書獲美國國家書卷獎,會場擠滿年輕學生,國際作家互問,你在你的國家有這麼紅嗎?來的人有這麼多嗎?(我拍的僅會場一半,因站在中間)。我本想說來的可能只有四分之一,但大家都說很多時,我就也吹牛了一下說,在我自己的國家來的讀者雖沒這場面,但也有一半……說時自己都臉紅了!
Your body running off undesired desired encounter……that she is beautiful .She is.he says,beautiful and black,like you.