Hmm. Tính sơ sơ là nhà có khoảng 54 con rat cả to cả bé -_- đàn này xuất đc r nhé anh em. Mình chỉ bán bọn tầm 1 tháng tuổi. Ví dụ 1 tháng 2 tuần trở đi là ko bán nữa :)))))
Giá chỉ 100-150-200 1 cháu :v thông minh như chó. Biết làm trò và quấn người vl
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rat tricks 在 Step Up English Facebook 的最佳解答
Tổng hợp 100 IDIOMS thường dùng
1. CATS AND DOGS: rain heavily (Mưa nặng hạt)
--> It's raining cats and dogs = It's raining heavily
2. CHALK AND CHEESE: very different from each other (rất khác nhau)
--> I don't have anything in common with my brother. We're like chalk and cheese.
3. HERE AND THERE: everywhere
--> I have been searching here and there for the gift I bought for my girlfriend.
4. A HOT POTATO: something that is difficulut or dangerous to deal with ( vấn đề nan giải )
--> The abortion issue is a hot potato in the US
5. AT THE DROP OF A HAT: immediately, instantly
--> If you need me, just call me. I can come at the drop of a hat.
6. BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD: time to start from the beginning; it is time to to plan something over again (bắt đầu lại)
--> My plans to create a tiny car made of glasses were unsuccessful, so I guess it's back to the drawing board for me.
7. BEAT ABOUT THE BUSH: avoiding the main topic, not speaking directly about the issue (nói vòng vo, lạc đề)
--> Stop beating about the bush and answer my question.
8. BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD: a good invention or innovation, a good idea or plan
--> Portable phones are marketed as the best thing since sliced bread; people think they are extremely good.
9. BURN THE MIDNIGHT OIL: to stay up working, especially studying late at night (thức khuya làm việc, học bài)
--> I will have a big exam tomorrow so I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight.
10. CAUGHT BETWEEN TWO STOOLS: when someone finds it difficult to choose between two alternatives (tiến thoái lưỡng nan)
11. BREAK A LEG : good luck! ( thường dùng để chúc may mắn )
--> I have heard that you'r gonna take a test tomorrow, break a leg, dude!!! (sounds funny hah???) :))
12. HIT THE BOOKS : to study (học)
--> I can't go out tonight. I've got to hit the books. I'm having an exam tomorrow.
13. WHEN PIGS FLY : something will never happen (điều vô tưởng, không thể xảy ra, nhớ là "pigs" đừng nhầm với con vật khác nhé)
14. SCRATCH SOMEONE'S BACK: help someone out with the assumption that they will return the favor in the future (giúp đỡ người khác với hy vọng họ sẽ giúp lại mình)
--> "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours later," the customer said when we talked about the new sales contact.
15. HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD : do or say something exactly right (nói chính xác, làm chính xác)
--> Mike hit the nail on the head when he said most people can use a computer without knowing how it works.
--> One of the problems with relationships is that after a while you begin to take each other for granted!!
17. TAKE SOMETHING INTO ACCOUNT/ CONSIDERATION: to remember to consider something (tính đến cái gì, xem xét việc gì)
--> We will take your long year of service into account when we make our final decision.
18. PUT SOMEONE/SOMETHING AT SOMEONE'S DISPOSAL: to make someone or something available to someone (có sẵn theo ý muốn của ai)
--> I'd be glad to help you if you need me. I put myself at your disposal.
19. SPLITTING HEADACHE: a severe headache (đau đầu như búa bổ) (khi ra thi sẽ hỏi từ "Splitting")
--> I've got a splitting headache. I'm going upstairs for a nap.
20. ON THE HOUSE: không phải trả tiền
--> I went to a restaurant last night. I was the ten thousandth customer, so my dinner was on the house.
21. HIT THE ROOF = GO THROUGH THE ROOF = HIT THE CEILING: to suddenly become angry (giận dữ)
--> I''m afraid he will hit the roof when he finds out our vacation is canceled
22. MAKE SOMEONE'S BLOOD BOIL: làm ai sôi máu, giận dữ
23. BRING DOWN THE HOUSE: làm cho cả khán phòng vỗ tay nhiệt liệt
--> G-Dragon brought the house down. He really brought down the house with his fantastic song.
24. PAY THROUGH THE NOSE: to pay too much for something (trả giá quá đắt)
--> If you want a decent wine in a restaurant , you to have to pay through the nose for it.
25. BY THE SKIN OF ONE'S TEETH: sát sao, rất sát
--> I got through calculus math by the skin of my teeth.
--> I got to the airport a few minutes late and missed the plane by the skin of my teeth.
26. PULL SOMEONE'S LEG: chọc ai
--> You don't mean that. You're just pulling my leg.
--> It strikes as a strange to me that he failed the exam because he is so smart and diligent a student.
28. TAKE IT AMISS: to understand as wrong or insulting, or misunderstand (hiểu lầm)
--> Would you take it amiss if I told you I thought you look lovely? I was afraid you'd take it the wrong way.
29. HIGH AND LOW = HERE AND THERE: everywhere
--> I have been searching high and low for the gift I bought for my girlfriend.
30. THE MORE, THE MERRIER: càng đông càng vui
--> Can I bring some friends with me?Yeah sure, the more, the merrier.
31. SPICK AND SPAN: ngăn nắp gọn gàng
32. EVERY NOW AND THEN: sometimes
33. PART AND PARCEL: integral, crucial ( thiết yếu, quan trọng)
34. GO TO ONE'S HEAD: khiến ai kiêu ngạo
--> Too much success will go to her head.
35. ONCE IN A BLUE MOON: rất hiếm (rare)
--> Once in a blue moon, I stop thinking about her. If only she knew how much I loved her.
36. FEW AND FAR BETWEEN : rare (hiếm gặp)
--> Go and tell her that you love her! That kind of girl is really few and far between
37. ON THE SPOT:(1) immediately (ngay lập tức)
--> I expect you to be on the post when and where trouble arises
(2): in trouble; in a difficult situation (gặp rắc rối)
--> I hate to be on the spot when it's not my fault
--> Unless we take measures to protect tigers, they will be on the verge of extinction. (lưu ý: take measures: đưa ra biện pháp)
39. IT NEVER RAINS BUT IT POURS: good or bad things do not just happen a few at a time, but in large numbers all at once (họa vô đơn chí)
40. BE ON THE WAGON: kiêng rượu
--> Bob's old drinking buddies complained that he was no fun when he went on the wagon
41. LED SOMEBODY BY THE NOSE: to control someone and make them do exactly what you want them to do (nắm đầu, dắt mũi ai)
--> They simply didn't know what they were doing and they were led by the nose by a manipulative government
42. AT THE ELEVENTH HOUR: vào phút chót
--> She always turned her term paper in at the eleventh hour.
42. SELL/GO LIKE HOT CAKES: bán đắt như tôn tươi
--> During the days when the temperature dropped under 10C, electric heaters sold/went like hot cakes in the Northern cities of Vietnam.
43. FIND FAULT WITH: chỉ trích, kiếm chuyện, bắt lỗi
--> It is very easy to find fault with the work others.
44. OFF AND ON/ ON AND OFF: không đều đặn, thỉnh thoảng
--> We don't often go there- just off and on.
45. MAKE BELIEVE: giả bộ, giả vờ
--> I tried to make believe she was happy, but knew deep down it was not true.
46. MAKE GOOD TIME: di chuyển nhanh, đi nhanh.
--> We made good time and were at the hotel by lunch time.
47. LOOK DAGGERS AT SOMEONE: giận giữ nhìn ai đó
--> Their relationship is not free and easy but at least he is no longer looking daggers at her.
48. BE OUT OF THE QUESTION: không thể được
--> You cannot get married until you are 18, it's out of the question.
49. ALL AT ONCE = suddenly: bất thình lình
--> All at once, there was a loud banging on the door.
50. BLOW ONE'S TRUMPET: bốc phét, khoác lác
--> Anyone will tell you she's one of the best journalist we've got, although she'd never blow her trumpet.
51. SLEEP ON IT: suy nghĩ thêm về điều gì đó.
--> You don't have to give me your decision now. Sleep on it, and let me know tomorrow.
52. FIGHT TOOTH AND CLAW/NAIL: đánh nhau dữ dội, cấu xé nhau
--> We fought tooth and claw to retain our share of business.
53. PLAY TRICKS/JOKES ON: chọc phá, trêu ghẹo, chơi khăm
54. DOWN THE DRAIN: đổ sông đổ biển (công sức, tiền bạc)
--> It's just money down the drain.
55. SMELL A RAT: hoài nghi, linh cảm chuyện không ổn
--> The minute I came in, I smelled a rat.
56. THE LAST STRAW: giọt nước tràn ly
--> When she showed up late a third time, that was the last straw. We had to fire her.
57. GET THE HAND OF SOMETHING: nắm bắt được, sử dụng được
--> After three weeks of using this computer, I think I've finally got the hand of it.
58. HARD OF HEARING: lãng tai, nặng tai
--> Tom is hard of hearing. Therefore, we have to speak loudly so that he can hear us.
59. KEEP AN EYE ON: coi chừng, ngó chừng
--> Please keep an eye on my baby while I'm out for a while.
60. HAVE A BEE IN ONE'S BONNET (ABOUT SOMETHING): đặt nặng chuyện gì, chấp nhất chuyện gì
--> She has a bee in her bonnet about going to America.
61. GET/HAVE COLD FEET: mất hết can đảm, chùn bước
--> I'm worried my members in this page may be getting cold feet about the university entrance exam. Therefore, I will try my best to help them overcome this severe exam. ^O^ *tặng mem*
62. ON SECOND THOUGHTS: suy nghĩ kĩ
--> On second thoughts, it was a dumb movie.
63. IN VAIN: uổng công, vô ích
--> Government agents tried in vain kidnap him.
64. CHIP IN: khuyên góp, góp tiền
--> If everyone chips in, we will be able to buy her a nice present.
65. OFF ONE'S HEAD: điên, loạn trí
--> The old man has been off his head for at least a year.
66. RUN AN ERRAND: làm việc vặt
--> I've got to run an errand. I'll be back in a minute.
67. JUMP THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS: vượt đèn đỏ
--> They ignore people who jumps the traffic lights.
68. FLY OFF THE HANDLE: dễ nổi giận, phát cáu
--> No one will fly off the handle for no reason.
69. THE APPLE OF ONE'S EYES: đồ quý giá của ai
--> You are the apple of my eyes ^O^
70. BUCKET DOWN: mưa xối xả, mưa to
--> It's been bucketing down all day.
71. CLOSE SHAVE = NARROW ESCAPE: thoát chết trong gang tấc
--> Phew, that was a close shave. I was so lucky.
72. DROP A BRICK : lỡ lời, lỡ miệng
--> I dropped a brick when talking with my best friend, and now she doesn't want to talk to me.
73. GET BUTTERFLIES IN ONE'S STOMACH: cảm thấy bồn chồn
--> I always get butterflies in my stomach when it comes to taking test
74. OFF THE RECORD: không chính thức, không được công bố
--> What the president said is not to be printed. It's off the record
75. ONE'S CUP OF TEA: thứ mà ta thích
--> SNSD is my cup of tea. They are so beautiful and talented. Especially Seohyun, she looks so cute
76. CUT IT FINE: đến sát giờ
--> Only allowing half an hour to get from the station to the airport is cutting it fine, isn't it?
77. GOLDEN HANDSHAKE: món tiền hậu hĩnh dành cho người sắp nghỉ việc
--> The manager got early retirement and a 600,000$ golden handshake when the company was restructed.
78. PUT ON AN ACT: giả bộ, làm bộ
--> We've known you are a good swimmer - stop putting on an act.
79. COME TO LIGHT: được biết đến, được phát hiện, được đưa ra ánh sáng.
--> Four soldiers have faced charges since the scandal came to light last fall
80. TAKE THINGS TO PIECES: tháo ra từng mảnh
--> Men like to take things to pieces and put them together.
81. PUT ONE'S FOOT IN IT: gây nhầm lẫn, bối rối, phạm một sai lầm gây bối rối
--> I really put my foot in it when I asked her about her job. I didn't know she'd just been fired.
82. PULL ONE'S WEIGHT: nỗ lực, làm tròn trách nhiệm
--> The rest of the team complained that Sarah wasn't pulling her weight.
83. MAKE ENDS MEET: xoay sở để kiếm sống
--> I have to work at two jobs to make ends meet.
--> I think I must explain to her that she got hold of the wrong end of the stick again.
85. CUT AND DRIED: cuối cùng, không thể thay đổi, rõ ràng, dễ hiểu
--> Although a deal has been agreed, it is not yet cut-and-dried.
--> The human rights issue is by no means cut-and-dried.
86. STAY/KEEP ON ONE'S TOE: cảnh giác, thận trọng
--> We had better keep on our toes while we're walking along the dark portions of this street.
87. SEE EYE TO EYE: đồng tình
--> I'm glad that they see eye to eye on the matter of the conference location.
88. HAVE IN MIND: đang suy tính, cân nhắc
--> I don't want to see a movie now, I have in mind going to the park.
89. A LOST CAUSE: hết hy vọng, không thay đổi được gì
--> It seems that Charles will give it up. I suppose he is a lost cause.
90. TO BE BOUND TO: chắc chắn
--> You're bound to be late if you don't hurry.
91. AT HEART: thực chất, cơ bản (basically, fundamentally)
--> James sometimes seems quite unfriendly but at heart he's a good person.
92. TO KNOW BY SIGHT: nhận ra (recognize)
--> The woman said that she would know the thief by sight if she ever saw him again.
93. NOW AND THEN = NOW AND AGAIN = AT TIMES = FROM TIME TO TIME = OFF AND ON = ONCE IN A WHILE = EVERY SO OFTEN : sometimes (thỉnh thoảng, không thường xuyên)
94. TO TAKE PAINS: làm việc cẩn thận và tận tâm
--> She takes pains to do everything well.
95. TO MAKE DO: xoay sở, đương đầu (to manage, to cope)
--> During difficult economic times, many people have to make do with less.
96. CLOSE CALL = CLOSE SHAVE = NARROW ESCAPE: thoát được nguy hiểm trong gang tấc, mém chết!
97. SELL SOMEONE SHORT: đánh giá thấp
98. FACE THE MUSIC: chịu trận
--> Mary broke a dining-room window and had to face the music when her father got home.
99. LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG: để lộ bí mật
100. ON PROBATION: trong thời gian quản chế
--> While Anne was on probation, she reported to the police regularly.
--> John was on probation for a year.
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