今天還是聊 phonics。很多家長可能不太了解 phonics 是什麼,有的趕早送小孩去學,有的跟著公立小學慢慢學,但到後來發現,小考段考以為過關了,實際孩子學完就忘了,其實不會用,船過水無痕。最擔心的是過程中折損了孩子對英文的好感。
先說一句,我那年代學校是國中才教英文,我小學四年級(30 多年前!)在兒童美語班學英文,就是學 phonics,同時學 KK 音標。現在回想起來,當時課程的設計是用 KK 音標+模仿老師學發音、背鵝媽媽童謠學語調、phonics 學拼讀,加上每次下課前錄音回家聽,每次上課默寫、背書、考聽寫,高強度聽說讀寫齊頭並進。我到現在都還記得上課的時候老師邊唱 "Phonics, phonics, phonics~" 要我們拿課本出來,也記得回家作業第一條永遠是 "recite and memorize..." XD
以多年 phonics 使用者的經驗,參考國外母語孩子學 phonics 的歷程資料,試著說清楚 phonics 到底是什麼,怎麼學怎麼練,不足的地方在哪裡。希望對大家有幫助。
以 cat 這個字來舉例。為了說明方便,聲音我用 IPA / KK 音標表示,臺灣小學階段大部分不用音標。
cat 有「形」-「音」-「義」三個組成部分
形=拼字 spelling:C-A-T
音=發音 pronunciation:[kæt]
義=涵義 meaning (實物、圖片或中文翻譯):🐈
上次貼文裡提到過了,phonics 處理的是「形」-「音」對應,在聽、說、讀、寫四項能力中:
看到 C-A-T,可以唸出 [kæt] :讀的基礎技能
聽到 [kæt] ,可以拼出 C-A-T:寫的基礎技能
*Phonics 促進的是讀寫能力。(不要再被「自然發音」四個字誤導了!)
這樣一看就很清楚,不應該在沒有聽說能力前先學 phonics。
外語孩子不太可能像母語人士一樣,上小學前已經有數千字的聽力詞彙,邊學 phonics 邊學新單字的情況很多。
小孩看著 🐈 圖卡,唸出 [kæt],拼出 C-A-T,
這時小孩是正確運用了 phonics 規則,由讀音拼出 C-A-T,
還是走了捷徑,看著圖片直接拼出 C-A-T 的?--如果直接由「義」連結到「形」,那就沒有練習到 phonics 技巧。
要能看著 C-A-T 讀出 [kæt],或是聽到 [kæt] 拼出 C-A-T ,孩子需要先具備哪些能力?
1. 認識字母並熟記相應字母音
現在流行的字母音 chants,常是 "A, A, A, /æ/, /æ/, /æ/, apple, apple, apple..." 這類型的。
英文有 26 個字母,但有 44 個音素,不是一一對應的,所以有 phonics 規則來輔助判斷單字如何發音。
2. 聽到 [kæt] ,可分解為 /k/ - /æ/ - /t/ 三個音素
-之前分享過資料,母語孩子大約 6 歲可以有這個能力
3. 聽到 /k/ - /æ/ - /t/ 可以連著讀出 [kæt]
-同上,母語孩子 6 歲的能力
4. 運用 phonics 規則解碼-讀:
(1) 看到 C-A-T,判斷為 CVC (子音-母音-子音) 結構
(2) CVC 結構,判斷 "A" 讀短音 /æ/
(3) "C" 在 "A" 前面,判斷 "C" 讀 /k/ ("C" 在 "E", "I" 前面讀 /s/,其他字母前讀 /k/)
(4) 三個字母分別對應字母音:/k/ - /æ/ - /t/
(5) 運用 3. 的 blending 能力,讀出 [kæt]
5. 運用 phonics 規則編碼-寫:
(1) 聽到 [kæt],分解為 /k/ - /æ/ - /t/ (上述 2. 的能力)
(2) 辨認 /æ/ 為短母音 "A" (上述 1. 的能力)
(3) 判斷 /k/ 在 "A" 前面應為 "C"
(4) 寫出 C-A-T
上面第 5. 項聽音拼字的過程,如果聽力不夠好:
(1) 把 /æ/ 聽成 /ɛ/,就會拼出 K-E-T
(2) 把 /æ/ 聽成 /eɪ/,就會拼出 C-A-T-E
不穩固的意思是,可能要你特別把 cat, KET, Cate 三個字放在一起唸,還可以分得清楚
但是三個分開在不同句子裡面的時候,難保不會把 cat 唸成 Cate,把 Cate 唸成 KET。
現在看過 phonics 規則運用全過程,你就知道發音不標準,不是要聽的人「自己憑上下文判斷就好、不要吹毛求疵」那麼簡單的問題,
而是會連帶影響拼寫,考試會扣分喔!這樣發音是不是很重要 XD
1. 發音準確是使用 phonics 規則的必要前提。在小孩能正確發出 44 個音素之前,都不需要心急先學 phonics 規則。
2. Phonics 規則對小小孩來說太抽象,如果你覺得你家三、四歲小孩都學會了,那他要不是天才,就是你看到假象。
3. 小孩 phonics 學很久都還不熟,請不要怪他,真的不是像廣告裡說的那麼輕鬆愉快。
4. 108 課綱之後不知道小學教材有沒有重編過,之前 phonics 分為一個單元一個單元,前面學過考過,後面不會再出現,可能小孩快畢業了你才發現之前幾年學的都船過水無痕...
5. Phonics 規則就算學會了,要大量反覆練習才能精熟,學校的教材練習量只夠應付段考,真正要運用自如,那絕對是不夠的。
6. Phonics 只能讓孩子看到單字唸出聲音,沒辦法讓孩子知道他發出的聲音是什麼意思,並沒有辦法讓孩子像學會注音之後享受自主閱讀,孩子覺得很煩、沒興趣是很正常的。
7. Phonics 只能讓孩子學會閱讀,沒辦法讓孩子愛上閱讀-這才是最重要的事,對吧?
發音超級重要。Phonics 不能教你發音,但你如果發音不準,phonics 就跟著完蛋。
recite 意思 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答
【萬善之頭】The Origin of Virtuousness
不要小看報父母恩咒,因為這是釋迦牟尼佛所傳的。所以各位大德,千萬要記得這一點 - 一定要教您的孩子和您一起唸報父母恩咒!👧🏻👦🏻
Nan Mo Mi Li Duo Duo Po Yi Soha
報父母恩咒49遍: https://youtu.be/a9XbKo6_L6E
Today is the 5th day of the 7th Lunar month, and also my fifth day of reciting the Mantra of Repaying the Debt of Gratitude to Parents this year.
I have been reciting this mantra for fifteen years.
I read many comments from my viewers, that they started reciting this mantra this year after watching my Lives. I am so glad for your parents. 😄
In our Chinese society, generally speaking, the most basic forms of filial piety include:
1) making a honest living to give pocket money to our parents
2) being pleasant towards our parents
3) not breaking the law
4) carrying on the family lineage
5) not doing any shameful act
However, in the eyes of the Dharma, these are merely small acts of filial piety.
Going by this definition, I am definitely an unfilial daughter. Because there were many years when I got into debt from doing business and was unable to give my parents a single cent. I could not bring myself to tell them the truth and could only say I was broke.
Okay, if you are more capable than me congratulations on your big-time success in doing business! So you return to your homeland in triumphant victory and see your parents + ancestors of the past 18 generations grinning from teeth to teeth.
That is just the medium level of filial piety.
The biggest form of filial piety is spiritual cultivation. For you can help your parents to break free from the six realms of reincarnation and all of you will no longer have to undergo the sufferings of birth and death.
Hence, when Shakyamuni Buddha attained Buddhahood, his deceased mother, Queen Maya, ascended to Trayastrimsas Heaven to enjoy heavenly pleasures.
When you start reciting one Buddha’s name, or one Buddhist mantra, you have already taken your first step onto the path of Buddhist cultivation.
Do not belittle the Mantra of Repaying Debt of Gratitude to Parents, for it was expounded by Shakyamuni Buddha.
So to all my noble audience, please remember this very important point - you must teach your children to recite this mantra together with you! 👧🏻👦🏻
As parents, we should all be astute investors. Filial piety is the most important of all virtues. When a child knows how to be filial from a young age, he/she already has the most basic conscience as a human, and that will sow the seeds for fields of great blessedness.
Come one day when you can no longer be by your child’s side, your child will definitely meet many benefactors in the life path and not have a wretched destiny, because they are filial from young.
Moreover, if anything untoward happen to you and you fail miserably in your spritual cultivation, at least you still have a descendant to help you.
Should you miss the lotus train to the Buddha’s Pureland, to be a celestial being in the Heaven far surpasses the fate of being squeezed like sardines in a urn placed in the columbarium. 👻
Nan Mo Mi Li Duo Duo Po Yi Soha
(I practices the True Buddha Tantric Dharma, thus I follow my Root Guru’s recitation sounds and recite “soha” at the end of this mantra. This represents perfection and accomplishment.)
Mantra to Repay Debt of Gratitude to Parents x 49: https://youtu.be/a9XbKo6_L6E
Merits of this mantra:https://youtu.be/x-7GPmbq5nw
recite 意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文
(English writing below)
To become a monk or a nun, is to seek Buddhahood and transform all sentient beings. It is to leave the secular home, research and study the Dharma with a single intent. After which, with the heart of Four Immeasurables, requite the fourfold kindness from above, and relieve the suffering of the three life-paths below.
It is very noble and esteemed to become a monk or a nun.
The 19th day of the 9th Lunar month (17 Oct 2019) is the Renunciation Day of the Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara (Chenrezig) Bodhisattva. His name is Chenrezig, because He looks with unwavering eyes at the sounds emitted by all the sentient beings and will know the calls for help by the suffering sentient beings.
This is : Prayers depart from a thousand hearts; in a thousand hearts He answers. Sailing the sea of suffering, He constantly takes people across. When you can get a mere drop of the pure water from the Bodhisattva's willows, you will be purified.
If you are already aware of your wrongs, on the Renunciation Day of this noble and extraordinary Bodhisattva, take a shower and go on a vegetarian diet. Put on clean clothes, and offer a cup of clean water and fruits to the Bodhisattva. Put your palms together, and recite: Namo Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, for 108 times. Repent to the Bodhisattva for your misdeeds in your body, speech and mind.
Please remember, your good fortune increases when your negative karma is eradicated.
Let us wish the Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva a Happy Renunciation Day. May Buddhism flourish and all sentient beings receive deliverance.
recite 意思 在 Poetry Out Loud: Recitation by Anita Norman - YouTube 的推薦與評價
2014 Poetry Out Loud National Champion Anita Norman from Arlington High School in Arlington, Tennessee reciting "Let The Light Enter" by ... ... <看更多>
recite 意思 在 格蘭英語斗六本校Douliu 的推薦與評價
GRAM ENGLISH RECITE 聽格蘭兒童說英語,就是最療癒的ASMR! ... 只要假以時日的練習,即便不曉得英文字的中文 意思 ,也能見字嘗試發音,聽音嘗試拼 ... ... <看更多>