【 #搞乜郊野 】郊公主題樂園狂想曲
財政預算案預留5億係郊野公園增設 #樹頂歷奇 同搞 #豪華露營(glamping)等,另撥5500萬比旅遊事務署升級 十條熱門行山徑。消息一出,「行山界」劣評如潮,擔心政府又搞亂檔。
呢5億5千萬撥款,唔單止「搞亂檔」咁簡單,仲意味政府或已調整「搞郊野公園」嘅方法-由明刀明槍開發邊陲地帶,轉為低調「私有化」及「旅遊化」郊野公園,先淘空同破壞郊野公園本身嘅根基,再打開開發郊野公園嘅 #潘多拉盒子。
▍「私有化」、「豪華化」 破壞郊野公園公共性
雖然政府無提供進一步資料,但合理推斷豪華營地及樹頂歷奇屬商業營運收費設施,本質上與樸實及免費設施格格不入。郊野公園40多年歷史中未曾出現過類似豪華設施,若成事將顛覆郊野公園嘅 #公共性,將其變成一件可被私人開發嘅資源,後患無窮。
《郊野公園條例》通過時,麥理浩曾經講過:「沙灘同山丘(指郊野公園)屬於大眾,遊艇、哥爾夫球場呢啲豪華設施,係小眾玩意。」(...the beaches and the mountains are for the many what the yacht and golf course are for the few.) 【註1】。呢個大眾免費享用所有設施嘅精神亦體現喺郊野公園策劃同管理上。翻查一份關於郊野公園康樂目標嘅解密文件【註2】,政府不應以成本或時限限制市民進入郊野公園享用設施(there are no restriction on entry into the Country Park in terms of time or cost),所以係郊野公園範圍內搞豪華露營,基層朋友將無法負擔,破壞郊野公園向大眾開放嘅根基,亦係「#私有化」郊野公園嘅第一步。
過往亦試過有財團對郊野公園虎視眈眈。今日極受歡迎嘅野餐露營地點-#西貢昂平高原,40年前差點成為哥爾夫球度假村,除咗有球場外、仲有野生動物園(safari park),仲有纜車接駁(昂平纜車?)。呢個瘋狂計劃,最終因為政府唔信發展商能夠以相宜價錢開放比公眾使用而被否決【註3】,昂平高原亦得以倖存,足以體現郊野公園嘅免費原則。
▍豪華娛樂設施 唔應該「踩過界」入郊公
翻查奠基郊野公園文件 "The Countryside and the People" 【註4】,政府將郊外康樂設施分為兩類:
Þ #公營普及康樂設施(General recreational facilities): 基本且適合大眾使用嘅康樂設施,例如燒烤爐、郊遊徑,費用全免;
Þ #私營特殊康樂設施(Specialized recreational facilities):有特定受眾嘅特殊設施,例如歷奇營、宿舍,甚或乎係豪華康樂設施,可以收費。
文件清楚指出,郊野公園及周邊地區嘅康樂設施策劃上,必須是「#先普及、#後特殊」(private organizations...should not be given undue preference in the allocation of land to the prejudice of the community in general) 。而私營特殊康樂設施通常環境足印較大,策劃時要小心考慮對周邊景觀(having regard to the likely detraction from scenic amenity),所以呢類康樂設施都係郊野公園門口,例如大網仔、北潭涌,而非郊野公園核心。今次「升級」營地,即代表係郊野公園內現存營地落手,違反初衷。
▍郊野公園 旅遊化、「打卡化」打開開發缺口
郊野公園並唔係主題樂園。解密檔案提到,郊野公園嘅成立有 #四大目標,包括「保育,康樂,資訊及教育」【註2】。而呢四大目標當中,保育被視為係重中之重(Conservation is one of the main theme that runs through all the park planning work),郊公入面嘅設施不得違背其精神。即係話,同保育無直接或間接關係嘅活動,例如樹頂歷奇同住豪華營地(同住酒店差唔多)呢啲主題式樂園活動,就只應該留返係郊野公園以外。
香港歷史檔案編號 HKRS 1075-4-87 Sai Kung Country Park
香港歷史檔案編號 HKRS 684-3-24 Recreational Development and Nature Conservation Advisory Committee (NT) (General)
【註1】HONG KONG LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL — 8th October 1975 Official Records of Proceedings https://www.legco.gov.hk/yr75-76/english/lc_sitg/hansard/h751008.pdf
【註2】Country Parks Board Planning and Management Committee- Country Parks Planning an Introduction; Working Paper CPB/PMO/3/88. March 1988.
【註3】【馬鞍山郊野公園成立之初 已有地產商「睺住」】https://www.facebook.com/localresearch/photos/3665203243575722
【註4】The Countryside and the People- Report of the Provisional Council for the Use and Conservation of the Countryside. June 1968.
▍研究到底 參與小額月捐支持
「recreational land use」的推薦目錄:
- 關於recreational land use 在 本土研究社 Liber Research Community Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於recreational land use 在 姚松炎 Edward Yiu Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於recreational land use 在 林建甫 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於recreational land use 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於recreational land use 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於recreational land use 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於recreational land use 在 RECREATIONAL LAND: 5 Benefits That May Surprise You 的評價
recreational land use 在 姚松炎 Edward Yiu Facebook 的最佳解答
【大嶼填海 為誰而建】
【漠視民意 事倍功半】
(Please scroll down for English Version)
陳彥璘 蔣偉騏 黎可頴 林穎茵 陳潔華
林芷筠 柳凱瑩 關兆倫 鄭炳鴻 敖鋅琦
黎永鋒 黃智鈞 司馬文 陳元敬 高嘉雲
劉紹禧 汪整樂 陳堯坤 雷雯
【Lantau Tomorrow - Who is it for ?】
In the 2018 Policy Address, Chief Executive Mrs. Carrie Lam announced the “Lantau Tomorrow Vision” which targets to construct artificial islands with a total area of about 1700 hectares through massive land reclamation. As Election Committee members of the Architectural, Surveying, Planning and Landscape Subsector, we have reservations on the objective, scale and procedures of the proposal:
【Oversupply of land, who is it for ?】
According to the projection of the Census and Statistics Department, population of Hong Kong will reach its peak at 2043 which means there will be an increase of 880,000 people compared to the current population. Population will then decrease gradually. If we disregard the current land and housing development and vacant residential units, the proposed artificial islands alone can accommodate 1,100,000 people. Why do we have to create more supply than demand?
Important information like planning visions and land use plan was not announced, justification of reclamation scale and site selection was also absent. This is unusual and far from satisfaction for such a massive development proposal. The CE claimed that the proposal is for “making Lantau a “Double Gateway” to the world and other Greater Bay Area cities.” This makes people speculate whether the land created will be for solving housing problem in Hong Kong?
【Public Opinion Ignored】
The public consultation on land supply has just completed and the Task Force on Land Supply has not concluded the public opinions. During the consultation process, a lot of ideas were discussed and submitted. The feasible land supply options include: brownfield sites, military sites, sites under private recreational leases, vacant government land and near-shore reclamation. Surprisingly, the CE announced the massive reclamation proposal before the report of the Land Supply Taskforce, without paying respect to the consultation and all public opinions collected. Moreover, comparing to massive reclamation, the options raised in the consultation process cost less, face less technical difficulties and have less impact to the environment. Professional knowledge is apparently not thoroughly considered in the proposal.
【Not Cost Efficient】
The CE mentioned the cost of reclamation will be “roughly 4-5 hundred billions”. However, engineering experts estimated that, including all the connecting roads and railways with consideration of recent trend of infrastructure over budget, the cost of constructing the artificial islands will be at least a thousand billions ---- this will be equivalent to half of Hong Kong’s foreign currency reserve. If unforeseen conditions were encountered during construction, such as drifting of artificial island in the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge construction, the cost will be further soared. When we assess whether a project is cost efficient, we will try to see whether there is any lower cost alternatives that can achieve the same objective. The one-thousand-billion artificial islands are obviously not cost efficient as there are other options that cost a lot less such as developing the Fanling golf course and developing brownfield sites in the N.T.
【Balanced Resources Allocation】
Land and housing problems need to be solved in 3 stages: short-term, medium-term and long-term. Resources have to be allocated appropriately to all stages in order to have a coherent result. If a thousand billions were invested in a single long-term project, the resources for short-term and medium-term solutions will inevitably be limited. Such resource imbalance cannot create the desired social return.
【Living with Natural Harmony】
Our memory is fresh with the destruction of Typhoon Mangkhut which we experience the consequence of global warming. Massive reclamation is a bad response to climate change. It will spend massive energy, vast amount of carbon emission and it will bring irreversible impact to the ecosystem. Although our CE claimed that “climate risks can be mitigated”, natural force is nothing human being can be compared. In addition, this scale of massive reclamation will need incredible amount of marine sand. It will bring forth ecological disaster to the reclamation area as well as the marine sand mining area. For sustainable development, land supply shall adopt methods that are harmonious with the environment and design that balance between human habitat and nature. Just following the “New Town Development” mode that was used a century ago is not going to be a good solution. Even reclamation is inevitable, progressive reclamation along the coast shall be considered first which is more friendly to the marine ecology and less impactful to climate change.
As Architects, Surveyors, Planners and Landscape Architects, we are deeply concerned with the land and housing problems in Hong Kong. We also understand this is an urgent issue that we have to face and tackle immediately. However, we doubt whether the “Lantau Tomorrow Vision” can solve the problem, indeed, we worry that it will even bring us irreversible impacts.
In the past 5 months during the public land consultation, the official land task force and many civil research groups have proposed many feasible solutions for land supply. We urge the CE, for the sake of sustainable development in Hong Kong and for our generations to come, suspend the “Lantau Tomorrow Vision” proposal. Let’s work together with the people for a better Hong Kong and bring hopes to our future.
Chan Yin Lun Jeremy, Tseung Wai Ki, Lai Ho Wing, Lam Wing Yan, Chan Kit Wah Eva, Lam Tsz Kwan, Lau Hoi Ying, Kwan Siu Lun, Chang Ping Hung, Ngo Tsz Kei, Lai Wing Fung, Wong Chi Kwan, Paul Zimmerman, Chan Yuen King Paul, Gavin Coates, Lau Siu Hay Derek, Wong Ching Lok Christopher, Chan Yiu Kwan, Lui Man
recreational land use 在 林建甫 Facebook 的最佳貼文
下午移師 Council of government room,有桌子, 比較好做筆記。一個大場次,討論:Tourism and Environmental Protection。 晚上到海邊的一個餐廳吃飯繼續討論。 今天討論的議體有:What are the existing land use rights and what could be done for a more appropriate use of land, especially in coastal areas and island territories? Are there competing land use rights impacting sustainable and responsible tourism?
The development of eco-construction and eco-buildings for tourism. How would “smart buildings” be promoted (lower energy consumption, integrated sewage, reuse of water, SWAC) to the lower the environmental impact on the most sensitive areas?
Given global climate change models and potential impact on island nations and sea-level tourism destinations, what can be done to develop resiliency strategies for sustainable tourism? What are risks to tourism-centric economies if this natural features and access points are threatened by sea level rise?
How should we manage clean transportation in coastal and/or recreational sites?
recreational land use 在 RECREATIONAL LAND: 5 Benefits That May Surprise You 的推薦與評價
Are you looking to purchase land for hunting, fishing or camping?Do you already own recreational land ?While you may be taking full advantage ... ... <看更多>