ร้านยาร้านไหน เจอวัยรุ่นมาซื้อปรอททีละเยอะๆ บ่อยๆแปลกๆ อย่าปล่อยให้เขาซื้อไปเฉยๆ แจ้ง จนท ให้ไปตรวจสอบดว้ยเด้อออออ
เตือนภัย...ระวังภัยวิชาจากศาสตร์มืด !
. . .
สังคมไทยไม่ปลอดภัยอีกต่อไป ไป ไป ไป.
#อย่าหาทำ ! !
เรื่องนี้ต้องถึงหูเภสัชกรแน่ !!!
(ด้วยรัก จาก .... เภสัชกรเซเวอร์รัส สเนป)
ศาสตราจารย์สอนวิชาปรุงยา และ วิชาป้องกันตัวจากศาสตร์มืด โรงเรียนฮอกวอตส์
[อีคนคิดค้นนี่ก็เก่งเกิ้น นน ... เภสัชกรอย่างเรายัง งง ๆ ... ทำไปได้] _________________________________________
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วันนี้ ทางเพจของกระทรวงสาธารณสุข และ กรมการแพทย์ ออกมาระบุ เตือนภัย ถึงเรื่องการใช้ยาในทางที่ผิดนะครับ
Link ข่าว >>> https://www.facebook.com/127034180656279/posts/4655241157835536/
. . .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“ มีกลุ่มลูกค้า วัยรุ่นและ วัยทำงาน มาซื้อปรอท(แท่งแก้ว)วัดไข้ ไปทีละ มากๆ”
พวกเขาซื้อไปทำอะไรกันน่ะ ?????
::: เฉลย ย ย ::::: ซื้อไปทำสารเสพติด ::::
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
. . .
(แอบกระซิบหน่อย ซึ่งร้านผมก็เจอนะครับ ... แต่ผมไม่ขายให้ ผมเลือกที่จะไม่ขอมีส่วนร่วมครับผม)
เรารู้นะ ว่าคุณซื้อไปทำอะไร..... สารของเหลวสีเงินๆในแท่งแก้วปรอท มีความเป็นพิษ สูง หากรับเข้าไปในร่างกาย และ สะสม
ข้อมูลต่อไปนี้ ผมอ้างอิงมาจาก ศูนย์ข้อมูลพิษวิทยา กรมวิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์ กระทรวงสาธารณสุข นะครับ
>>> http://webdb.dmsc.moph.go.th/ifc_toxic/a_tx_1_001c.asp…
ประกอบกับข้อมูลจาก ศูนย์วิจัย และพัฒนาการป้องกันภัยพิบัติ นะครับ
Link >>> http://dpm.nida.ac.th/main/index.php/articles
สารปรอท หรือ Mercury เป็นอะตอมธาตุโลหะหนัก มีความเป็นพิษสูง เมื่อเข้าสู่ร่างกายมนุษย์
ทั้งนี้ก็ขึ้นอยู่กับ ปริมาณ และ ระยะเวลา ที่รับเข้าไปด้วยนะครับ
ด้วยคุณสมบัติของปรอท คือ
1.เป็นของเหลวที่อุณหภูมิปกติ (จุดหลอมเหลว -38.83°C) จุดเดือด ค่อนข้างสูง คือ 356.73°C ฉะนั้น เมืออุณภูมิสูงขึ้น ปรอทจะพองตัว และ ดันปริมาตรขึ้นไป ยัง ตัวชี้วัด
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ระวัง !
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ เพราะ ... ถ้ามันแตก
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* * * ลักษณะทางกายภาพของปรอท เป็นของเหลวสีเงินและสามารถระเหยกลายเป็นไอได้ที่อุณหภูมิปกติ * * *
* * * จุดนี้แหละ ที่เมือ ปรอทมันแตกแล้ว ปรอทที่เป็น
ของเหลว มันมักระเหย กลายเป็นไอ กลิ่นอาจจะจางจนไม่ได้กลิ่น* * *
* * * ฉะนั้น ถ้าปรอทแตก สิ่งแรกที่ต้องทำ คือ กลั้นหายใจ และ รีบเก็บ เช็ดล้างให้เรียบร้อยครับ !
ซึ่งถ้ารับปริมาณเพียงเล็กน้อย ก็อาจจะไม่ส่งผลกระทบอะไร มาก แต่ถ้าเรารับเข้าไปปริมาณมากๆ อาจจะส่งผลต่อระบบประสาทและ สมองส่วนกลาง ต้องรีบไป รพ. เพื่อเข้ารับการรักษา ถอนพิษจากปรอท
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* แต่ถ้าเรา จงใจ รับเข้าไปในร่างกายอย่างตั้งใจละ !
* ก็อย่างที่ออกมาเตือนนั่นละครับ พวกวัยรุ่น และ วัยทำงาน มีการใช้ปรอทในทางที่พิษ คือ เอา สารของเหลวในปรอท ไปผสมกับสารเสพติด และ เครื่องดื่มบางประเภท เพื่อ หวังผล ให้เกิดอาการมึน เมา และ เพ้อ . . . สมองส่วนกลาง ถูกทำลาย และ อาจจะส่งผลในระยะยาวได้
ส่วนในระยะสั้น ปรอท อาจจะส่งผลเสีย ดังนี้ ครับ
1.หากรับเข้าโดยการกิน อาเจียน ปากพอง แดงไหม้ อักเสบและเนื้อเยื่ออาจหลุดออกมาเป็นชิ้นๆ (แต่ถ้ารับเข้าไปน้อยๆ จะเห็นแคริมฝีปากไหม้ๆดำๆคลำๆ)
2.เลือดออกที่กระเพาะอาหาร ทำให้ปวดท้องอย่างแรง,อาการท้องร่วงอย่างแรง อุจจาระเป็นเลือด เนื่องจากปรอทกัดระบบทางเดินอาหาร
3.เป็นลม สลบเนื่องจากร่างกายเสียเลือดมาก
4.เมื่อเข้าสู่ระบบหมุนเวียนโลหิต ปรอทจะไปทำลายไต ทำให้ปัสสาวะไม่ออกหรือปัสสาวะเป็นเลือด
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ผมเข้าใจว่า พวกวัยุร่น ที่ซื้อไป เอาไปผสม ในปริมาณเล็กน้อย และมีกรรมวิธีการผสม เพื่อหวังผลให้ มึน เมา ความรุนแรง จะไม่มาก แต่ จะค่อยๆสะสม ปริมาณไว้ในร่างกาย และ อาจจะส่งผลเสีย ต่อเซลล์สมองในระยะยาวได้ ทำให้ วัยรุ่นที่เติบโตขึ้นมา เป็นคนแก่ อาจจะป่วยด้วยโรคทางสมอง และ ระบบประสาทในอนาคตได้ครับ ...... หลักๆเลย คือ สมอง และไขสันหลัง ทำให้เสียการควบคุมเกี่ยวกับการเคลื่อนไหวของแขน ขา การพูด และยังทำให้ระบบประสาทรับความรู้สึกเสียไป เช่น การได้ยิน การมองเห็น ซึ่งอันตรายเหล่านี้ เมื่อเป็นแล้วไม่สามารถรักษาให้กลับดีดังเดิมได้
* * * ย้ำครับ เมื่อเป็นแล้ว ก็ไม่สามารถรักษาให้กลับมาเป็นเหมือนเดิมได้ * * *
ส่วนอาการที่เป็นพิษมากเกิดจากการหายใจ ปอดอักเสบ มีอาการเจ็บหน้าอก มีไข้ แน่นหน้าอก หายใจไม่ออกและตายได้ในที่สุด
______Trick แนวคิดส่วนตัวของผมนนะครับ_______
รู้ป่าวครับ ...จริงๆแล้วเนี้ยยยย ทุกๆวัน เราเจอพวกธาตุโลหะหนักพวกนี้อยู่ตลอดนะ
สารปรอทเอ๋ย, พวกตะกั่วเอ๋ย, เคดเมียมเอ๋ย ,
ส่วนใหญ่พวกมันจะปนเปื้อนตาม อากาศ, น้ำดื่ม , หรือในดิน ยิ่งในเมืองใหญ่ๆ หรือ เมืองอุตสาหกรรม มีการตรวจพบนะว่า มีสารพวกนี้ปนเปื้อนอยู่ . . . . เรารับพวกมันเข้ามาโดยไม่รู้ตัว เพราะ ปริมาณที่รับเข้ามา มันน้อย ย ย ย ย น้อยจน แทบไม่ทำให้เกิดความผิดปกติอะไรในระยะสั้นได้ และร่างกายเอง ก็ค่อยๆกำจัดออกไป. . . แต่ถ้าเรายังคงรับเข้ามาเรื่อยๆ อันนี้อันตรายแน่ๆ. . . . . .. . . .. ฉะนั้น นะครับ .. . .. . .. .. .. .. หากมีโอกาส ลองหาพวกสารต่อต้านอนุมูลอิสระ
(Vitamin เอ๋ย, แร่ธาตุเอ๋ย, อาหารเสริมใดใด เอ๋ย) มารับประทานบ้าง จะเป็น ยี่ห้อไหน รูปแบบไหนก็ได้ ...
((ปรึกษาเภสัชกรใกล้บ้านท่านได้นะ..หรือ จะปรึกษาผมก็ได้นะครับ. แต่ก็อย่างที่ออกตัวไว้ก่อนนะครับ ว่า อาจจะตอบช้าหน่อย ^^ ))
กินเข้าไปเพื่อไปสู้กันระดับเซลล์ไปเลย.....แต่อย่างที่บอก ปรึกษาเภสัชกรใกล้บ้านท่านก่อนนะ เพราะ ถ้าหากมีโรคประจำตัว หรือ ยาที่กินประจำๆ ก็อาจจะกินไม่ได้นะครับ
มีสารพิษที่อยู่ในสิ่งแวดล้อมปะปนอยู่ >>>> เราไปรับเข้ามา ไม่ว่าจะ กิน/สูดดม/ปะทา/สัมผัสโดน
ไม่ว่ามันจะอยู่ในดิน, ในน้ำ, ในอากาศที่หายใจ , ในพืชผักผลไม้อาหารที่เรากิน
พอกินเข้าไปนานๆ และ สะสม อาจจะส่งผลเสียได้
ผมเองก็ไม่อาจจะบอกได้หมดว่าสารพิษพวกนี้ มันทำอะไรได้บ้าง
ผมได้แต่ตั้งข้อสังเกตนะครับ ว่า .......
“ทำไม ผู้คนยุคนี้ เจ็บป่วย หรือ หนักสุดคือเป็นมะเร็ง กันเร็วจัง”
อายุน้อยๆ ก็เป็นโรคความดันซะละ
อายุน้อยๆ ก็เป็นมะเร็งแล้ว
อายุน้อยๆ ก็เป็นภูมิแพ้ อ่อนแอได้ง่ายซะแล้ว
. . .
เพราะปัจจัยพวกโลหะพวกนี้ หรือป่าวนะ ที่ปนเปื้อนอยู่ในสิ่งแวดล้อม มันเพิ่มปริมาณขึ้น ? ? ? ?
ผมเองก็ได้แต่สงสัยอะครับ ?
( ^ _____ ^ )
รู้ป่าว ?
ในน้ำก็มีโลหะหนักนะ .... เอ้า ?! งง อะดิ .... มีได้ไงวะนั่น ????
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จากเรือเดินสมุทรไง , เรือสินค้า , และ อุตสาหกรรมทางทะเล ไงครับ
เครื่องจักรกลพวกนี้แหละที่สร้าง มลพิษทางทะเล และ พวกสัตว์ทะเล ก็มากินเศษซาก โลหะหนัก ที่ พวกเรือพวกนี้ปล่อยทิ้งในทะเล . . . .. . .. . .. ฉะนั้นนะครับ สิ่งที่จะเกี่ยวข้องกับ เรา คือ “น้ำมันปลา”, หรือ อะไรก็ตามที่มาจากท้องทะเล . . . . เราต้องเลือกกินนิดนึงนะ .... ว่าตัวผลิตภัณฑ์เอง ระบุ หรือป่าว ว่าปลอดสารโลหะหนัก หรือ มีการทดสอบหาสารพิษมาแล้ว
(((ที่บอกเพราะ ผมเอง ก็กินน้ำมันปลาอยู่ ก็ต้องเลือกดีๆ เหมือนกัน .... เช่นเดิมนะครับ คุณจะกินยี่ห้อไหนก็ได้ เพียงแต่ คุณต้อง เลือกกินให้ดีครับ ปราศจากโลหะหนัก .... สอบถามข้อมูลเหล่านี้ได้ที่เภสัชกรใกล้บ้านนะครับ)))
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สุดท้าย แต่ ไม่ท้าย สุด
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ฝากเตือนนะครับ ... โปรดสังเกตบุตรหลานของท่านนะครับ ว่า ไปซื้อปรอทวัดไข้มาเยอะๆ หรือป่าว
ท่านสามารถสอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ ...
สายด่วนยาเสพติด 1165
สถาบันบำบัดรักษาและฟื้นฟูผู้ติดยาเสพติดแห่งชาติบรมราชชนนี กรมการแพทย์จังหวัดปทุมธานี
โรงพยาบาลธัญญารักษ์ในส่วนภูมิภาคทั้ง 6 แห่ง ได้แก่
-โรงพยาบาลธัญญารักษ์เชียงใหม่ แม่ฮ่องสอน ขอนแก่น อุดรธานี สงขลา และปัตตานี สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ www.pmindat.go.th
#สถาบันบำบัดรักษาและฟื้นฟูผู้ติดยาเสพติดแห่งชาติบรมราชชนนี #สบยช. #กรมการแพทย์ #ยาเสพติด
ด้วยความปรารถนาดีจาก ... หมอยาแมวดำ (ของแท้ต้องมีสระอานะครับ -า)
Warning... Beware of Dark Arts!
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Thai society is not safe anymore. Go go go.
#อย่าหาทำ ! !
This must be cuddle pharmacy's ears!!!
(With love from.... Pharmacist cuddle Sever Russ Snape)
Hogwarts school professor and defensive subjects from dark science, Hogwarts school
[The inventor is also very good... Pharmacy cuddle Fighting for me. I'm still confused... I can do it] _________________________________________
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It's like this.
Today, the page of Ministry of Health and Medical Department has come out to identify the warning of drug abuse in the wrong way.
News Link >>> https://www.facebook.com/127034180656279/posts/4655241157835536/
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I conclude the point
′′ There is a group of teenagers and working age customers who come to buy Mercury (glass sticks). Take a lot of fever at a time
What are they buying?????
::: answer ::::: buy it to make an addiction ::::
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(I secretly whisper at my shop... but I don't sell. I choose not to participate.)
We know what you bought..... Silver liquid substance in mercury glass is highly toxic if you get into your body and accumulate.
The following information, I am referred to from the toxicology, department of medical science, ministry of health.
>>> http://webdb.dmsc.moph.go.th/ifc_toxic/a_tx_1_001c.asp?info_id=79
Assembled with information from the research and development center for disaster prevention.
Link >>> http://dpm.nida.ac.th/main/index.php/articles
Let me tell you easily.
Mercury or Mercury is an atom. Heavy metal is highly toxic when entering the human body.
This depends on the amount and duration that you accept.
With the qualities of mercury are
1. is liquid at normal temperature (melting point-38.83°C). The boiling point is 356.73°C. Therefore, when the temperature is higher, mercury will inflate and push volume up to the indicator.
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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Watch out!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ because... if it breaks
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* * * physical appearance of mercury is silver liquid and can evaporate into coughing at normal temperature * * *
* * * * This is where mercury is broken. Mercury is
The liquid is often evaporated. The smell may fade until it doesn't smell * * *
* * * so if mercury breaks, the first thing to do is hold your breath and clean it up!
If you take small amounts, it may not affect much. But if we take it, it may affect the central nervous system and brain. We need to go to hospital. To be treated by mercury detox
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* but if we deliberately take it into the body!
* As I warn you, cuddle baht drama. Teenagers and working age are using mercury in a poisonous way. Mixed with mercury liquid and some types of beverages to result in dizzy, drunk and raving. ... The central brain is damaged and can result in long term.
In short term, Mercury may result as follows.
Poisonous symptoms caused by mercury
1. Get in by throwing up, blistering lips, inflamed and tissue may fall out in pieces. (If you take it, you will see the dark, dark, dark lips)
2. Stomach bleeding causes severe abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, blood feces as mercury bites the digestive tract.
3. fainted because my body lost a lot of blood.
4. When you log into circulation, Mercury will destroy kidney, urine urine won't go out or urine in blood.
_ _ _ _ _
I understand that the ages who buy to mix in small quantities and mix to altruistic dizzy. Violence won't be much, but will gradually accumulate the amount in the body and may negatively affect the brain cells in the long term. Growing up to be an old man. You may be sick with brain and neurological disease in the future...... Mainly, brain and spinal cord lose control of movement of arms, legs, speaking and nerve system. Such as hearing these dangerous sights when I can't keep it back to the same old cuddle
* * * repeat, when it is, you can't keep it back to be the same * * * *
As for the very toxic symptoms, caused by breathing, lung inflammation, chest pain, fever, chest fever, can't breath and finally die.
______ Trick the personal concept of Pamon _______
You know... Actually, every single day, we always see these heavy metal elements.
Mercury, O lead, Cadmium,
Most of them are contaminated by air, drinking water, or soil in large cities or industrialities. These substances are detected. ... . We take them in without knowing because the amount received. It's so low that it can't cause any short term abnormality and the body is slowly eliminating. ... But if we keep getting in, this is definitely dangerous. ... ..... ... so... ... .......... If you have a chance, try to find antioxidants.
(Vitamin, mineral, which supplement). Let's take it. Any brand, any form...
((consult with cuddle pharmacists near your house.. or consult with me. But as I started, I might reply slowly ^^)))
Take it to fight cellular level..... but as I said, consult with cuddle pharmacists near your house. Because if you have congenital disease or medicines that you take regularly, you may not be able to eat.
There are toxic things in the environment. >>>> We take it. Whether it's eating / inhale / inhale / apply / feel it.
Whether it's in soil, in water, in air breath, in vegetables, fruits, foods we eat.
It's enough to eat for a long time and accumulate. It can be bad.
I can't tell what these toxins can do.
I only notice that.......
′′ Why are people in this generation sick or the worst? They have cancer so fast
Young age has blood pressure.
Younger age has cancer
Young age can be allergic to weak easily.
. . .
Because of these metal factors, are they contaminated in the environment, it increases the volume? ??? ??
I can only wonder?
( ^ _____ ^ )
Do you know?
There is heavy metal in the water.... Oh?! Confused.... How can it be? That's it????
. . .
From the ocean boat, cargo boat, and marine industry.
These machines pollute marine and sea creatures eat the heavy metal debris they leave at sea. ..... ... .. So, what will involve us is ′′ fish oil ", or anything from the sea. ... . We have to choose to eat a little bit.... whether the product has been specified whether it's free of heavy metals or toxins tested.
(((I said because I drink fish oil. I have to choose well too.... as before. You can eat any brand. You have to choose to eat well without heavy metal.... Ask for information at the pharmacy. Sor. cuddle Chokkorn near home))))
. . .
. . .
. . .
Last but not last
. . .
Please remind me... Please notice your children if you bought Mercury and have a lot of fever.
It may be like this case.
You can ask for more information at...
Drug Hotline 1165
... or...
Royal National Institute of Medicine, Medical Department, Pathum Thani Provincial Medicine
... and...
Thanyarak hospital in the 6 provinces include:
- Thanyarak Hospital, Chiang Mai, Mae Hong Son, Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Songkhla and Pattani Pattani. For more information, please contact www.pmindat.go.th
#สถาบันบำบัดรักษาและฟื้นฟูผู้ติดยาเสพติดแห่งชาติบรมราชชนนี #สบยช. #กรมการแพทย์ #ยาเสพติด
Best wishes from... Doctor Ya, Black cat (Genuine item must have a pool)Translated
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referred pain back 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
“But let the brother in humble circumstances glory in his high position; and the rich, in that he is made humble, because like the flower in the grass, he will pass away. For the sun arises with the scorching wind, and withers the grass, and the flower in it falls, and the beauty of its appearance perishes. So also will the rich man fade away in his pursuits. Blessed is the man who endures temptation, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to those who love him. Let no man say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God,” for God can’t be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed. Then the lust, when it has conceived, bears sin; and the sin, when it is full grown, produces death. Don’t be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, nor turning shadow.” (James 1:9-17 WEB)
It is traditionally believed that James, the brother of our Lord Jesus, wrote this letter to the Jews.
For the Jewish believers who had lost everything, James reminds them that in Christ they have a glorious inheritance and rewards that far exceed what they lost.
For the rich Jewish believers, James instructs them not to boast in their riches or pursue them but to humbly serve Christ.
In Israel there was a type of grass that grew out in the morning and died shortly after being scorched by the afternoon sun.
James referred to this type of grass to illustrate the unstable and transient nature of worldly riches.
In the circumstances of poverty and rejection, the Jewish believers may have been tempted to steal or turn back to Judaism to gain relief from the suffering and persecution.
There are eternal rewards for enduring temptation and James reminds them of this.
In tough times, we may wonder, “Is God behind my sufferings? Is He purposely tempting me?” If God is the one doing it then there is no hope for man.
James assures believers that God tempts no one to sin and He also cannot be tempted.
God is behind all good things—everything evil is not from Him.
When we are tempted, it is our own flesh being attracted to sin.
If you let that temptation remain long enough in your heart, it tends to conceive and bear sin—acting upon one’s fleshly thoughts and desires.
If one stubbornly continues in that sin, it eventually results in the ultimate end: physical death.
Take the example of drug addiction. First it lures you in with curiosity and the false promises of relief from pain or sorrow.
As you do drugs, light doses don’t satisfy the flesh anymore and the flesh keeps craving heavier doses more frequently.
Eventually, many end up dying from drug overdose.
The opposite is also true, with faith. When you keep receiving God’s word in your heart, it conceives and bears good fruit.
As you keep feeding that promise of God, it will continue to manifest in a greater measure—thirty, sixty, until hundredfold.
At this link you can read more Christ-centered Bible Studies, devotionals, sermon notes and find ways to partner with our ministry to help us reach even more people with the Gospel ===> https://smart.bio/miltongohblog
#Jesus #Savior
referred pain back 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答
I have a Bazi client, who has been a social escort for over a decade.
She didn't tell me the truth at the start. In fact, she "challenged" me to use my 6th sense and offered her Bazi.
I do not need your Bazi to read you inside out. Also, Bazi analysis is a highly methodological and scientific method to understand a person's past, present and future Destiny. I'm no medium. There is no 6th sense needed.
Over the many short messages before our meeting, she expressed her shock that I could read so much from merely her words.
I didn't have her birth details at that time, nor had I seen a single photo of hers.
With the internet era, a competent Metaphysics practitioner must have the ability to dissect a person's true character and intention, even from a simple "Hi".
Impossible? Too judgmental? You just haven't met a seasoned human scanner in real life. Or you don't know the true you well enough to see the rock hard truth in our words.
While messaging me questions about a (legitimate) business of hers, I replied with a verse written by my Grandmaster, Living Buddha Lian Sheng:
(While wealth is covetable, a gentleman makes his wealth through just and ethical means.
Ill gotten wealth, though in your hands, will elicit endless troubles pouring your way.)
She was astounded and asked, "Do you actually know what my job is? This is shocking..."
I guess I passed her challenge with flying colours.
She wasn't a sex worker, due to harsh circumstances like severe poverty or mountains of heavy medical bills for her family.
A drunk gang rape incident in her uni days changed her views on men and she wanted to take revenge on men. She lived a life of drugs and alcohol in between her lectures.
The way I see it, is her obsession for money that caused her downfall.
On one hot summer day in 2006, she answered a social escort advertisement. She was barely 21 and was influenced by what she read online.
The "Mama-san" who looked her over told her she needed to put on weight.
She was surprised. Wasn't it easier to earn money with a slim figure?
The Mama-san snapped, "Nonsense. Most men dislike a woman who is too slim. They prefer those with some flesh."
She silently made a promise to herself to swallow more burgers.
Her first client was an Arabic businessman. She was paid US500 for one hour.
That virgin taste of easy money lured her deeper and deeper into the abyss.
Clients of powerful backgrounds, Singapore and overseas, single and married, private and government sectors...one-on-one, multiple players, mass orgies...
She lived like a bird freed from her cage. Suddenly she could buy anything she desired, just by sweet talking and giving lusty men access to her nubile body. She was in and out of hotels, as frequently as 5 times a day.
The carefree lifestyle, the freedom of not answering to any boss and those money that poured from the sky was her drug.
In her own words, she was "the woman that all wives curse and fear".
She referred to herself as the woman the wife will loathe to find traces of existence, when the wife checks her husband's handphone with trembling hands.
It was as if she took pride in that.
How did her cause of seeking revenge on men become a twisted path of demolishing other women's marriages?
It didn't take her long to accumulate 6-figures in her bank account.
The more money she had, however, the more insecure she became.
She worried about losing it all. She deeply craved the warmth of love to complete her soul.
She was only 22. The client was manly, handsome and charming. He gave her $20K for her company.
She badly wanted him for her own. To be his wife.
With $100,000 withdrawn, she gave it all to her 2nd Mama-san. She decided she would use black magic to lock his heart. And soul.
But it was a fraud. The Mama-san started exhorting from her.
She was desperate and down to her last $2. She began stealing from her family and lying to feed the incessant demands and threats from her Mama-san.
She gradually realised this was her retribution of selling her body for quick money.
However, this new realisation didn't change her a bit.
She met a new client, Dave. He was a married man. It was love at first sight for her.
The initial joy she had from the money and attention he showered her blinded her wisdom to the extramarital affair.
She stayed in one of Hong Kong's expensive apartments at a prime district. But it soon became an soulless shell of loneliness that prompted her suicide attempts.
Dave coldly dumped her like a hot potato, as he didn't wish to handle an emotionally volatile woman.
Ken told her she bore an uncanny resemblance to his first love. She fell hard for his sweet words and gentle demeanour.
He weaved a forlorn tale of an emotionally abusive and lonely marriage, and how it was impossible for him not to to be attracted to her.
They travelled greatly and dined at expensive restaurants.
To have a married man giving his heart to her, was like tasting the forbidden apple. That first juicy bite satiated her craving to be desired. And to win another woman.
This time, she decided she would use black magic again to break up his marriage. She coveted that role of his wife. A permanent and lasting relationship, finally.
Black magic uses the dark forces of ghosts to carry out the client's wishes. She paid a good US$10,000 for a famous sorcerer and another US$4000 for her Thai amulet and mud puppet.
Did she capture Ken in the end?
They got into physical fights crazily. The amulet that controlled the ghosts backfired, and her sanity was devoured by the ghosts.
Her craziness drove her to swallow 200 sleeping pills and cut her wrists. ANYTHING to have him stay with her. Ken was horrified and visited her daily at the hospital. She felt triumphant. Finally, he was at her beck and call.
The happiness was short-lived. After her discharge, he broke up with her when he was on an overseas stint.
She went absolutely berserk and grabbed a knife to her throat. It felt that the ghosts wielded full control of her mind and body. Her mum kept yelling at her.
The realisation of truth came too late for her: A man, who lied to his wife and had an affair, will never be honest with her. Once a liar, always a liar.
She was warded into the high-dependancy unit at the mental hospital. Everyday, she was surrounded by suicidal and high-risk patients. They were bounded at their feet and hands. It was a petrifying sight. Was this the end of her life? She wasn't even 28. How did she allowed a man to destroy her prime years?
She sought to understand love and karma. She delved into Buddhist books, wanting to know what caused her to lose her mind. She started to have deep regret about taking short cuts in life and her laziness in earning money the ethical way. She saw, on her hands, the fresh blood of people's happiness that she had killed.
But the greed and anxiety in her couldn't be satisfied with a regular job. Or a single man who doesn't make enough to provide for her.
She was needy, attention-seeking and quarrelsome. I had called her a yoyo. I had spent many hours over a few months, replying to her messages.
Every day, she fought hard against the temptation to take up another escort job
I lost count how many Masters she sought advice from before she found me online.
She read my posts and was amazed by my tenacity to take failures.
She watched my video on suicide and became aware of the Hell that all suicide victims go to. To repeat that act of killing themselves every day at the same time they died.
Among the many things I said at our consultation, I could tell her the age range she sold herself and that it was a elder lady who gave her the chance. She was surprised at my accuracy.
I told her the only way out was to sincerely repent for her past misdeeds. Blind listening to Buddhist chants and sutras would do nothing to change her fate. That is passive. Being active is to recite it and abide by the precepts.
I instructed her to write out her story in as much details as possible, to lead other sex workers, or wannabes, suicidal people and men with affairs to the Right Path.
This was one of the fastest ways I know that can change a disastrous life around.
All the Thai amulets, crystals and pendants she stashed in her room MUST go. She spoke of their decreasing power over time, and it seemed like a never-ending black hole as she kept on buying more and more to help her legitimate business.
She asked whether she would be able to get a publisher to buy her story.
I told her to forget about making money from her book. Give it for free. Post it online. Somehow, somewhere, everywhere. Get the story out. Fast.
When her boyfriend left her a sum of money, I insisted that she returned it. Don't take money that you didn't earn it rightfully. She said that was her breakup fee. I put my feet down, and said it was a proper relationship between two singles, and she caused the breakup. Why would she need money for loving a man who had loved her?
She promised she would write her story.
But she lied to me. Just like how she lied of making the $49 donation the next day, before seeking a Bazi consultation with me.
She went to the Guan Yin Temple at Waterloo Street, and sought a divination stick. It was her favourite activity whenever she was troubled or at a dilemma.
Right after she left the temple, she messaged and questioned why she received a 下簽 (bad lot) for my recommendation.
I asked for the number of the divination lot and the actual question she posed.
"I want to write a story about my life to encourage women not to sell their bodies and for married men not to have affairs. I may be hurt or sabotaged by people, so please protect me."
That didn't sound like a question. But the Bodhisattva had a way in teaching sentient beings.
I was dumbfounded at the Bodhisattva's omnipresent accuracy and foresight, when I saw the divination number.
It was a bad lot indeed, but not because of the solution I gave to my client.
Zhuangzi was a famous and well-respected Chinese philosopher of the Warring States Period.
One day at the mountains, he walked past a new grave and saw a woman kneeling over the freshly turned soil, hurriedly fanning it.
Not understanding the woman's behaviour, Zhuangzi asked for her intention.
The woman replied, that her husband lied beneath the soil. Before he died, he had said she could only remarry, when the soil of his grave dried. It was the rainy season at that time, hence her fervent fanning, so that she could quickly seek a new man.
Zhuangzi shook his head, when he heard of her heartlessness.
Unknown to many, Zhuangzi was an accomplished Taoist practitioner. With his supernatural powers, he helped the woman to dry the soil almost immediately. Thrilled at the dried grave, the widow gave her fan to Zhuangzi and hurried down the mountain.
Zhuangzi returned home, singing and waving the fan. His wife, Tian, questioned where he got the fan from. When she heard of the widow, Tian was so angry that she tore the fan into pieces and called the widow shameless.
Zhuangzi pacified his wife and said he had faith in her chastity.
A few days later, he fell very sick and died. Tian was saddened at her husband's sudden death and wept in sorrow
At his funeral, a very handsome young man showed up with his old servant. He said he was Zhuangzi's student, and a son of an important government official.
He wanted to perform the rites of a dutiful student, and helped in his teacher's funeral, by watching vigil for three years.
His good looks caught the eye of the newly minted widow, Tian. She sought to know more his eligibility from the old servant.
Within 20 days, they got married.
On the night of their wedding, the young man was struck with an ear-shattering migraine. Tian anxiously asked the old servant for help. The old servant said his young master had this strange illness since birth. The only cure was to consume the brain of a human. Back in his hometown, the father would take the brain from the prisoners sentenced for death for his son.
But in this remote countryside, where could they find a human brain as medicine?
Tian thought of her dead husband. She promptly took an axe and hacked open his coffin.
Zhuangzi leapt out from the coffin and mused this now-famous Chinese verse, "青竹蛇兒口,黃蜂尾上針,兩者皆不毒,最毒婦人心。"
Tian proclaimed that she heard noises in her coffin and wanted to see if Zhuangzi was alive.
Zhuangzi questioned the red finery on her and the red decor in the house. Tian argued that she wanted to welcome him. So she donned on the wedding finery to get married with him again.
The young man and his servant walked in. They were actually manifestations of Zhuangzi's supernatural powers.
Tian was so ashamed of her heartless and deciteful act that she eventually hung herself.
Every divination lot comes with a poem and a background story. This was the background story on my client's divination lot.
The poem states:
因名喪德如何事 卻恐吉中變化凶
酒醉不知何處去 青松影里夢朦朧
Virtues are destroyed in pursuit of self gain. Fear that the auspicious will morph into bad.
The drunkard knows nowhere to go. In the green forest a shadow lingers in a dreamy haze.
It is common to encounter clients that lack faith in my recommendations.
Some will ask many questions after our session, wanting to know why my solutions will help them or how I derive my solutions. There are also emotional clients who would flare up and lose all their manners, when they can't get an answer that they like from me.
I don't ask my doctor what ingredient goes into the making of my cough syrup and how it works scientifically in my body.
I take action by drinking it as prescribed. Because based on past experience, I trust that his medicine will work to help my predicament. I don't drink, I continue to be sick, I don't see results.
My suggestions don't require my clients to consume unknown medical liquids into their bodies. Yet few clients take action, when it comes to their Destiny.
Despite me being recommended by their friend who experienced positive results with my help, and have genuine testimonials to justify my fees.
That divination lot was Bodhisattva telling me: My client will not write her story, for she does not sincerely regret her past acts.
It was also a grave reprimand to her to mend her ways before it was too late.
But she didn't see the divination lot in the same manner as I did.
Not only does she lack faith in my words, she distrusted the holy words of the Bodhisattva too.
Give money, buy love, buy fame, buy business, buy wealth and buy that. No need hard work.
Such is the sexy appeal of many ghostly amulets. They appeal to people who want many things in life but refuse to follow the Law of Karma, to sow seeds the right way.
I see one client bidded for a Thai amulet from a Facebook Live. Another wanted to buy a multi-coloured bracelet, because "so pretty! Got power some more!" Luckily, his Wife who had learned some Buddhism from me stopped him.
In March 2017, this client sent me a message:
"Hi Ji Qian, hope you are well. Good luck for your Home Fengshui For A Happy Marriage tomorrow.
I was looking thru our past convos where we first started speaking online. Yes, Im a spoilt brat and Im a yoyo porcupine. I look at a sentence that is poignant - "the day you stop relying on men is the day you become prosperous". I wonder if that day will ever come. I I finally understand that my Facebook Adverts getting disabled is due to my past karma. And I haven't finished writing the repentance story which u instructed me to write in August. I think I know that I'm half-hearted in repentance, that's why I can't bring myself to finish the story. I'm just wondering if I am supposed to survive on my savings till my Facebook Advert Account get reactivated.
I haven't been able to find any new product to sell since XXX (sales also failing miserably). I am weak-willed and too reliant on men. The only thing keeping me from committing suicide is my mum and because I'm reminded by Shifu's words that a suicide victim is doomed to repeat the same act."
Last year, I had casually asked if I could share her story. She promptly gave me the permission.
Yesterday, one client called me unempathetic towards him. The way he wrote suddenly jolted my memory of this client. I had taken too long to write her story.
I told her to write in English and Chinese, and she did part of it.
The account you read of her past was adapted from her written work. Though there are many grammar and structural mistakes, she does write very well.
The poison in our hearts will eventually consume our souls if we do not purge it out. What joy is there when we resort to brutal force to keep a man by our side? Should he chooses to leave, that does not discount the value of our self worth. A man who isn't interested in you for the right reason isn't attractive.
The same goes for men who cheat or pay for sex. You are ruining another woman's life when you satisfy your lust.
When you inflict suffering on another being, in return, you get pain and suffering on yourself. So don't sow the seed in the first place. Repentance done right over a period of time can prevent your past bad seeds from germinating, and reduce your suffering.
If there is any merit in sharing her story here, I dedicate all of it to my client.
May she have the inner wisdom and stability to lead a virtuous life.
May she always be surrounded by good teachers to show her the way.
May her vile affinities be broken and replaced by good ones.
May her greed and hatred be subdued.
May she repent for her past transgressions in time.
No matter how long it may take, one step forward into the Light is one step away from Darkness.
Om Ma Ni Peh Me Hom