同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅ezManager,也在其Youtube影片中提到,什麼是“行為反饋”?具體又該如何應用? 分享美國VT理工大學給校長、學術領導者的管理包,讓你掌握這七大關鍵就高效。美國透過研究「行為反饋behavior feedback」並做成一套系統知識,應用範圍大到對人、對事、對產品,用在領導管理、教育、感情、人際、健康、產品開發...etc. :: 本集會聚...
「responsible company」的推薦目錄:
- 關於responsible company 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於responsible company 在 通勤十分鐘 On The Way To Work Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於responsible company 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於responsible company 在 ezManager Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於responsible company 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於responsible company 在 Coco哥 Youtube 的最讚貼文
responsible company 在 通勤十分鐘 On The Way To Work Facebook 的最佳貼文
responsible company 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
今天, 應該是最炫最酷的一家公司, Robinhood, 上市的一天. 它獲利了嗎? 我想沒有多少投資人會care. 最關心的, 應該是它的營收成長率, 還有股價.
在我們一直追逐科技成長股, 被他們的高營收成長率, 潛在的高報酬昏眩的時候, 會不會忘記他們醜得要命的財務報表?
而在今年, 大家追逐的這些趨勢股表現不佳的時候, 是不是也給了我們一些省思?
其實美股中, 還有很多財務報表漂亮, 但聽起來一點也不有趣(甚至很無聊)的公司, 但他們股價穩定, 長期下來, 也給了投資人很大的回報. 像之前介紹過的POOL, 過去幾年也是平均一年翻一倍的漲幅.
而在IPO中, 也有這類的好公司.
Carrier Global(CARR), 2020年4月上市的IPO, 算是工業類股, 漲了快5倍. 有在獲利. (開利冷氣應該有聽過?就是這家公司)
Academy Sports and Outdoors (ASO), 民生消費股, 也有獲利, 2020年10月上市的IPO, 目前也漲了3倍.
下面這篇文章挺好. 與大家分享. 就像文章作者所提的, 龜兔賽跑, 穩(漲)的烏龜, 不一定會輸.
也祝福大家找到&培養自己的能力圈, 穩穩獲利.
Jim Cramer: The Biggest Thing That Happened Thursday Was the Boring Stuff
No, it wasn't Robinhood or the mega-cap tech companies, it was names we depend on like Carrier Global.
By JIM CRAMER Jul 29, 2021 | 03:38 PM EDT
Stocks quotes in this article: HOOD, FB, PYPL, CARR, RTX, NUE, AGCO, ZM, ALGN, AAPL, EBAY, AMD, XLNX
One of the most glorious things I have seen involving the stock market in ages happened today.
Was it Vlad Tenev ringing the opening bell for his breakthrough, disruptive Robinhood (HOOD) , representing 22 million mostly young new investors? Was it the free-for-all decline in the stock of the "F" in FAANG, Facebook (FB) ? Or the clobbering that Paypal (PYPL) took after what looked to be a good quarter?
Nah. I was bumping into Dave Gitlin, CEO of Carrier Global (CARR) , and his charming daughter, a college student at the University of Wisconsin. They were calmly waiting for me to finish "Squawk on the Street" to say, "Hi," and I couldn't be more thrilled. Because unlike the much ballyhooed Robinhood deal, which seems like a bust, Carrier Global came public back in April 2020 at $12 and today, after tremendous earnings, not sales, but earnings, it made an all-time high at $53, after reporting a terrific number with tremendous HVAC sales, up 31%, and an earnings surprise of 55 cents vs. the 30 cents that Wall Street was expecting.
Carrier, which was spun off when United Technologies merged with Raytheon (RTX) had some tailwinds, like the need to have clean air inside, because of the pandemic and clear air outside because office buildings are responsible for 40% of carbon emissions. But the huge upside surprise and the gigantic buyback belonged to Dave and his team and I that's what I told his daughter. I made sure she knew how proud she should be about how this man made so much money for people. Twelve to 53 in 15 months time is the name of the game.
Look, I am not trying to take away from anything that Robinhood and its co-founder and CEO Vlad Tenev have created. Far from it. They have created billions for themselves and are now letting people participate in their great sales growth. You got a chance to pay a fortune per share and many Robinhoodies did, as tons of stock was allocated to the 22 million people who joined Robinhood, because of a bang up app that every young person seems to know.
I am simply saying that HVAC, yep heating, ventilation and air conditioning is one of the most boring businesses on earth and at times like today, with all of the hoopla of Robinhood it is easy to forget is how lots of money can be made being boring, and I like that. The most exciting thing that happened this year is Carrier helped provide refrigeration for vaccines. That's just fine with me.
Unlike Robinhood, Carrier hasn't brought anyone into the stock market. It's more laser-like focus on air conditioning once spun off from Raytheon means nothing to people. Just Wall Street gibberish. But you have probably walked by a Carrier machine thousands of times and never thought anything of it. Yet, you could have bought it for a song at six times earnings instead of 25 times sales.
The Carriers, with CEOs who pay themselves lavishly but perhaps not excessively, or the Nucor's (NUE) the steel company that's also well managed and sells at six times earnings, represent valuable properties, especially when the U.S. government is about to agree on a trillion dollar infrastructure bill and the country has more than 6% GDP. We don't know why they are re-opening trades or closing trades, delta-variant trades or building and bridge investments. Forgive me, though for comparing the company of Robinhood, with something that may stay special for a while vs. companies that get described as venerable, solid and built to last.
These companies are not rarities. You know people have to eat, right? You know that there would be famine without farming. So why not buy the stock of Agco (AGCO) , No. 2 farm equipment, which went from $40 to $130 in a year and a half without ever being expensive. Combines too boring? Again fine with me. Now that the masks are off -- or at least in some places, although Zoom (ZM) is still crushing it -- I, like many others, including my daughter, didn't like how her teeth looked even as, to me, they were perfect. Dentists tell you to get Align (ALGN) . I wanted them on "Mad Money" but the show was just too darned jammed. The stock's up the most in the S&P 500, with a product that, again, like the Purloined Letter, is right in front of you.
I love tech. Created the term FANG, added the "A" when it was clear that Apple (AAPL) had to take the acronymic stage between another "A" and an "N." I am proud that those who bet against me on Twitter, the legion, are betting against FAANG. I wrote obituaries for a goodly time in my career as a reporter but I never wrote as many as have been penned to talk about the group has already made the ultimate measure on behalf of shareholders.
Oh and it's not like I don't like tech or fin tech. I felt the slings and arrows of Facebook and PayPal today. Facebook's management once again lowered the boom on its future talking about real deceleration in growth. I thought it was too dire. PayPal's Dan Schulman talked about how the separation with its former partner, eBay (EBAY) gets done now and earnings will be hurt. This was one of the least revelatory surprises ever. I think both are practicing UPOD, Underpromising to Overdeliver, and, sure this time might be different, but it's sure been the way they have handled it in the past.
Far better to be in the straight out blow outs like Advance Micro (AMD) which had still one more banner day, this time because the company it is buying, the dowdy Xilinx (XLNX) , a sleepy semiconductor company, had tremendous earnings. The two together could be unassailable and even as AMD is now richly valued it is deservingly so.
I can't wait to hear Vlad Tenev's reflection on Robinhood's debut as a public company and about the novel offering that gave millions of shares to his clients. Vlad's not so much a rags to riches American story. He's a poor Bulgarian to insanely rich American because of his on ingenuity. That's a story with celebrating in itself.
I am simply pointing out that unlike Vlad, whom you would have had invested with when you weren't allowed or able to, Dave Gitlin sure didn't keep you out of the better bet, the stock of HVAC king Carrier.
You did.
responsible company 在 ezManager Youtube 的最佳貼文
什麼是“行為反饋”?具體又該如何應用? 分享美國VT理工大學給校長、學術領導者的管理包,讓你掌握這七大關鍵就高效。美國透過研究「行為反饋behavior
:: 本集會聚焦在職場上的應用,也是領導管理學的必要管理包裡必備工具喔!
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#國外商管類 讀書會,Great Managers are made, not born.
★ 本集導讀書籍:the making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you
★ 亞馬遜去年最佳商業書第一名、華爾街日報暢銷書。原文書 9折購 https://lihi1.cc/dnwIH
作者:Facebook 產品設計副總 Julie Zhuo 的十年管理心法。
★ 本集私語:雜音問題已找出,是主持人音色自帶雜音😅
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2. 團隊管理類|帶人疑難雜症經驗轉換給助力
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6. podcast新手入門諮詢
1.同樂禮: 除99以外的 ezManager五種超值方案(見上方說明),享限時首月7折優惠!讓自己職場更勝利!
2.凡參加五種超值方案者(任一), 均可參加抽書活動 , 共抽兩名, 就是我們讀書會這本 "the making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you" 可選原文或中文譯本乙本, 均全新實體書(價值NT$420~$910),讓自己不斷成長!
★ 本集重點摘錄:
1. 在開始時設定明確的期望
2. 盡可能頻繁地提供針對特定任務的反饋
3. 周到而有規律地分享行為反饋(==本集談)
4. 收集 360 度反饋以獲得最大的客觀性
作者表示 特定任務的”行為反饋”很有用,當您提供行為反饋時,您是在陳述 您對那個人的看法,因此您的說的話 用字遣詞, 需要經過深思熟慮,
★ 本集分點章節:
(00:00:24) 活動公告&感謝聽友Felix
(00:03:05) 本集讀書會開始
(00:09:25) 一分鐘商用英文 One min Business English (feat. Zach) Individual contributor
(00:11:43) 行為反饋面談_掌握這七大關鍵
★ 本集補充資料
::Behavioral Feedback (EN) https://reurl.cc/EnYvyk by 美國VT大學
A key contributor關鍵貢獻者, 是稱呼 對公司有實質正面影響的任何員工。
Z: A key contributor is a designation for any employee that positively impacted
the company in a substantial way.
This is a great compliment to give to your direct report or supervisor if they
did a great job on a specific project.
例句: “Jim was a key contributor to the company presentation. He was responsible
for the majority of the content that was presented today.”
★ 本集提到過往單集
Ep30. 四種激勵人改變的方法
Ep12. 04:00 打造健康的互評會議
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responsible company 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最讚貼文
哈佛知識分享: 做生意,七大困難選擇!
七條策略問題 Seven Strategy Question《第二: 核心價值 - 公司股東、顧客、員工,誰優先? 》
Business is about making tough choices. 上一集就講咗 Who is your primary customer? 誰是你首要顧客?
今集我會同你探討第二個策略問題: 核心價值 - 你是把公司股東、顧客、或員工利益行先?
How do your core values prioritize company shareholders, emoloyees and cuatomers? Who come FIRST? 當有衝突,邊個利益行先?
根據哈佛教授 Bob Simons 呢本書 Seven Strategy Questions,冇話對唔與錯。 但搞唔清楚就一定錯。三選其一,你揀邊個行先?
(1) 公司/股東 (Shareholders) 行先? 李嘉誠就最出名股東行先。佢退休前最後一次主持長和系股東會,被問及一個出色的企業家最重要是什麼,李嘉誠話:「最重要忠誠為股東爭取正常收入,為股東設想,投資有前途項目,派息要合理,將股東利益排第一。」 我諗你咁多年都聽唔少佢講話股東利益排第一。 因此,好多人都話同長實做生意唔簡單, 甚至乎有時畀人感覺 (no offense) 賺到盡, 一蚊一毫都同你計,why? 因為股東利益行先,佢又啱喎。 但做善事? 李嘉誠本人捐幾十幾百億佢就好疏爽,因為唔關股東事。
Core value (核心價值)係股東行先,即係公司利益行先,成日話為公司著想,即係等於話為公司股東著想。 因此好多上市公司, 甚至乎初創企業,都會有 employee stock option,希望員工同公司利益一致。 希望佢哋由朝到晚都諗住 Creating Shareholder Value,為公司 = 為自己增值。
根據呢本 Seven Strategy Questions, AIG (AIA 母公司)、Citigroup、Pfizer 輝瑞藥業都係出名 shareholders 行先的公司,也是好成功的公司。做生意就係先講賺錢, 天公地道。
(2) 有啲公司嘅 Core Value 就係顧客行先 Customers First。例如,Johnson & Johnson 強生,係1943年就 craft 咗呢個 Credo (教義) :
We believe our first responsibility is to the patients, doctors and nurses, to mothers and fathers and all others who use our products and services....
We are responsible to our employees who work with us throughout the world.
We are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the world community as well....
Our final responsibility is to our stockholders. Business must make a sound profit....
When we operate according to these principles, the stockholders should realize a fair return.
Johnson & Johnson 的核心價值 core value 係顧客行先、員工第二、community 社群圈子第三、股東利益排第四。
我相信好多公司都係「話」顧客行先, 但有冇寫到好似強生咁清楚呢? 當然我相信更加多嘅公司,就係口講一套,做另一套。 口講顧客行先, 實質上遇到任何金錢利益,就縮數,公司/股東利益行先。
例如你開間茶餐廳, 有啲食材就嚟到期, 喺掉同唔掉的邊緣, 又唔會食死人,但又未必係最靚料,咁你會點? Be honest! ..... 公司賺少啲都揼?你就係顧客行先。 側側膊,唔多覺照用,慳番啲成本? 你就係公司行先。 無話對與錯, 最緊要搞清楚。你知啫,但係全公司同事知唔知? 能唔能夠全部人都言行一致?
(3) 如果我問你,有 covid 肺炎前, 某航空公司嘅股價喺呢道, 現在估計應該係邊? 如果我同你講仲高過肺炎之前,你會唔會信? 肺炎前係每股USD57,依家? USD62,高咗近10%。 佢就係美國西南航空 Southwest Airlines, 記住呢個係全球最多人染病嘅美國喎,有排都未走出疫情。佢就係出晒名 Employee First 嘅公司。Yes! The airline puts employee happiness above customet satisfaction. 員工開心,更重要過顧客滿意程度。
Southwest ranks employees first, customers second, and shareholders third. 員工第一、顧客第二、公司/股東第三。
你有無坐過Southwest Airlines 嘅飛機? 搭飛機通常最悶嘅就係一開始嘅 Safety Annoucement 安全提示。 但如果喺 Southwest? 你會聽有人講 jokes .... 有人 Rap!
呢啲講笑、唱歌、跳舞冇得迫。 員工開心,佢哋就自然會做。 你上網睇到會更多更多其他搞笑例子。
Southwest company blog says: "We believe that if we treat our employees right, they will treat our customers right, and in turn that results in increased business and profits that make everyone happy."
Employees come first 嘅理念,令到Southwest Airlines 每兩秒鐘就收到一份 job application, 每100個人申請,只有兩個人能夠成功獲取錄。2% acceptance rate, 好多傳媒都話去 Southwest 返工仲難過入哈佛! 有好嘅人才,就自然有好嘅服務,有好嘅業績。 亦都因為咁Southest Airlines 一間公司嘅市值,曾經係等於美國所有其他航空公司(American Airlines, Delta, Continental, UA etc)加埋嘅總和,都唔夠佢一間公司值錢。
你唔好以為Southwest Airlines 淨係員工開心喎,根據權威市場研究公司 J.D.Power 2020 survey,Southwest Airlines 嘅顧客滿意程度 customer satisfaction 都係全美國最高,both long and short-haul. 長短途都贏曬!
但老實說,坊間有幾多間公司會大聲講話員工行先? 間間都話顧客行先? 但諗真啲,係唔係真呢? 轉一轉個優先次序, 會唔會有另一番景象呢?
公司/股東、顧客、員工, 係你嘅核心價值邊個行先? 冇話對與錯。 但最緊要搞清楚, 萬一互相有衝突,你會揀邊個先? 係咪全公司上下同事、顧客、股東、合作伙伴都知? 你是否言行一致?
因為錄呢條片,我都問咗自己好多問題。我自己盛滙商舖基金係邊個行先? 我老婆答案即刻答我: 「你梗係員工行先啦! 因為嗰次點點點.... 」
Yes. 我自己商舖基金係員工行先 Employee First 嘅公司。因為我成日都同同事們講:
「錢賺唔晒,最緊要大家 happy!」...
「我哋人少少,賺多啲,遠遠好過人多多,個個賺少啲! 大家都想養家活兒,搵到、洗到、身體好!」
我相信只要能夠建立一個好嘅 culture 企業文化, 大家同事們自然會作出個啱嘅決定,買舖賣舖,有條好嘅 team,真係好難輸。 因此,老實說,如果有邊個客唔妥我嘅員工,我通常都會「唔妥」返佢 - 當然呢個要建基於你哋員工嘅信任。
To me ....「顧客不是永遠對的!」 選擇適當的顧客,長遠回報會更佳, 對你選擇嗰班顧客回報都會更佳。我係道都好幸運地同你講,我商舖基金由2016年成立以來加入的同事們,公司基本上係冇人走過。Turnover 近乎零! 你對人點,人就自然對你點! As said ... 錢賺唔晒,最緊要大家同事們Happy! 人客/公司自然賺錢。
你呢? Who comes first in your business? Company/Shareholders, Customers, Employees? 你公司嘅核心價值,邊個是優先? 無論你揀邊個都好,係唔會同你選擇嘅Primary Customers (首要顧客)有衝突, 只會更加強化你服務佢哋嘅能力及提升你競爭力。 最緊要搞清楚 WHO COMES FIRST!
有興趣聽多啲,就來我五月份星期六嘅早餐會啦! 呢兩集同你講咗 Who is your primary customer? 同埋 Who comes first? Company/Shareholders, Customers or Employees?
下一集同你,What Critical Performance Variables Are You Tracking? 追數? 你應該最追幾條數?
五月份早餐分享會 Topic: The Seven Strategy Questions by Harvard Professor Robert Simons
哈佛分享: 七條做生意策略問題
2012至2014間,我連續三年在哈佛上了 Robert Simons 的堂,畢生受用。我自己成間商舖基金公司都是建基於這本書。
有興趣 sign up la ? 每次限四位 (包括我)。 人多傾唔到計。
對象: 管理層/生意經營者/創業者,連我限4位。
有興趣參加的話,請 whatsapp 你的名片給 Suki (我助手) (+852) 5566 1335。
我唔係靠呢行搵食,免費,我請食早餐 ? Be friends ..... 有機會到時見你。李根興 Edwin
聯絡李根興 whatsapp (+852) 90361143
購買李根興的【李根興的生意哲學】(最新2020年6月出版 - 定價$198),或【買舖 要買得 PRO】(定價$198),連親筆簽名,可 whatsapp Suki (+852) 5566 1335。各大書局也有售。

responsible company 在 Coco哥 Youtube 的最讚貼文
撳我呢條Link下載Landlord Go即時送你100萬金幣!
仲可以享有一折課金買coin pack嘅優惠!
開game頭七日Empire value最高嗰位觀眾,仲可以額外得到$100 giftcard!
記得喺Facebook、Instagram tag返我
仲有hashtag #LandlordGO 喇!
BNO VISA?? 申請失敗? 一個月後搞成點?
▶ 加入我們的patreon|https://www.patreon.com/cocogor
【如果喜歡這條影片,記得給我Like & 訂閲我的頻道 】
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄⭐️ 精選影片⭐️ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
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?科興疫苗?你懂的?2021年必賺?復甦股?你一定要知道! biontech 掂曬
Detail of the competition for the audience:
The Competition is organized by the Reality Games, run by Reality Games (London) Ltd, located at Office 212, 15 Ingestre Place, Soho, London W1F 0JH, Great Britain, tax ID: GB199678519, company number: 08983817. („Organizer").
The Organizer declares that the Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed, managed, or associated with the entities managing or owning the Youtube.com social network through which the Competition can participate. These entities do not bear the news in time to listen to the Competition on the claims of course participants for the position of the regulations.
Employees of the Organizer and other entities directly involved in the preparation and conduct of the Competition at the request of the Organizer, as well as members of the immediate families of these persons, cannot participate in the Competition. By members of the immediate family, it is understood: ascendants, descendants, siblings, spouses, siblings, parents, relatives, and relatives of the second degree as well as persons in the relationship of adoption.
A person who entered the Competition in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations becomes a participant of the Competition (hereinafter: Participant).
The competition runs from 21st of March 2021 to 4th of March 2021 until 23:59. The competition will be adjudicated on 5th April 2021.
By entering the competition, you accept these Regulations.
1. The goal is to achieve the highest empire value possible in two weeks' time.
2. Every player must write a phrase “teamcoco” in their in-game name.
Ex. playername_teamcoco
3. The First rule is to download Landlord Go through the affiliate link. (Player will get 1M cash if they download the game through the link).
4. The minimum empire value is 10M. Below this level players won’t be taken into consideration.
5. The competition will last 2 weeks
6. Day after the competition ends is on the 5th of March 2021, we will select the winner with the highest empire value and check whether she/he has met the necessary condition, which is to obtain a minimum 10M empire value.
7. The influencers will announce the results of the competition in the IG story after 2 weeks after the release of the contest announcement video. It is on the 5th of March.
8. The competition is only for the players who register in the game from the 21st of March 2021
9. If two players at the end of the competition get the same highest empire value the winner is the person who gets that value in a shorter time.
10. The reward will be sent at the Organiser's expense to the address indicated by the Participant within 30 working days from the end of the competition.
11. Influencer will announce the results of the competition on the 5th of April on his Instagram.
11. The Organizer is not responsible for the inability to transfer the prize for reasons attributable to the Participant, and in particular in the case of: failure to provide address data, providing incorrect, outdated, or incomplete address data.
12. The reward for the winner will be getting USD100 cash.
13. The reward for second place will be getting a package of 6500 coins in Landlord GO which is worth 50 $ in real life.
14. All complaints regarding the manner of conducting the Competition should be submitted by the Participants to the Organizer in writing.
A written complaint should include the name and full address of the Participant, as well as a detailed description and the reason for the complaint. Complaints will be considered immediately, but not later than within 14 days from the date of their receipt by the Organiser.